~Into the Spirit World~

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Note: Hello! First chapter of this story and hopefully it's better than the first attempt at writing this story. Lol. COMMENT AND SUBCRIBE PLEASE! 




A young girl with long blonde hair panted as she ran, her arm bleeding heavily. She gripped onto her shoulder tightly with one one hand, the other grasping a bow. A giant fireball flew past her head, passing just inches away from her face. She looked around the forest, her eyes narrowing when she caught movement in the trees. With fierce determination, she picked up the pace and ran faster until she finally reached the clearing.


    She breathed a sigh of relief when she reached the edge of the river. If she managed to cross the river, she be able to escape her impending death. Any demon that tried, would be purified and killed. It was only a couple paces more…she was so close. The dark presence behind her seemed to be gaining on her, coming up faster than she expected. Just as she was about to cross over, she felt a sharp pain radiate down her back. A gasp managed to escape her lips as she came to a stop. “Why? Why are you doing this?!” She spun around, her eyes clouded with tears.


“You foolish mortal...did you actually believe I would turn human for you? Don’t be ridiculous! The Demon Princess has given me power...it’s all I need.”


“You traitor!”


“I’ve heard enough! Now DIE!”


SPLASH! Blood splattered onto the grass as the girl stood there, gasping open and her eyes wide. Her face had flushed pale as she trembled slightly. Looking down, she realized she’d been impaled by the boy’s hand. A tear fell from her eye as she looked back up at her killer. “How...how could you?” As he withdrew his hand, the girl fell to the ground, blood pooling around her body.


The boy’s mind finally cleared and his jaw fell. The scent of the girl’s blood filled his nostrils, bringing back his human heart. “S-Sandara…”


He fell to his knees in front of the bloody corpse and scooped her up in his arms, cradling her. His entire body shook as he sobbed. “SANDARA!”




500 years later…

    “Shh…don’t wake her yet…” An old woman whispered to her husband and grandson. The boy carried a simple chocolate birthday cake with eighteen candles lining up along the edges and one large pink candle in the middle.


    The girl sleeping on the bed smirked a little upon hearing their “whispers”. What they didn’t know was that she’d been awake from the moment they stepped into the room, yet she played along. She heard them take in a large breath and jumped up. “GOOD MORNING!”


    “GAH! Hey, you were awake this entire time, weren’t you?!” Sanghyun, her younger brother exclaimed.


    “You guys aren’t the most quiet people, you know?”


    Her brother pouted and showed her the cake. Their grandparents chuckled. Her grandmother sat on the bed. “Good morning, Dara. How did you sleep?”


    “Pretty good, I guess. Is that cake for me?” She smiled brightly.


    “We were going to surprise you with it but you just HAD to wake up and ruin it. No fun. Anyway, happy birthday, Noona!”


    “Thanks, Sanghyun.”


    Dara smiled and ruffled her brother’s hair before taking the cake from him. She dipped her finger into the pink frosting and it, happily. Her grandmother stood up from the bed. Dara arched a brow when she saw her grandmother reach into her pocket for something. She caught a glimpse of something silver. “What’s that?”


    “Your birthday present. It’s not every day that you turn eighteen. This is for you,” Her grandmother placed a pendant around Dara’s neck and smiled, warmly. “This pendant will protect you”


    “Protect me? From what?”


    Her grandfather cleared his throat and placed a hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Now, Eun Joo, I don’t think now’s the time. Sanghyun, why don’t you go downstairs and feed the cat.”


    “Sure thing.”


    Sanghyun quickly left the room, leaving his grandparents alone with his sister. Dara stared at the pendant in her hand, completely mesmerized with its beauty. A circle of sterling silver served as a frame for the outside silver wire wrapped around it and branched off toward the inside to form a tree. The intricate branches curled around a brilliant Moonstone, a beautiful translucent light blue and purple.


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Crystalic607 #1
Chapter 9: Noo continue intagible!! Its not ty attt allll trust me its awesomeee soo looking forward to the next chapter!:)
Chapter 8: please don't continue... hiatus maybe.. your story would be wasted, especially that it has a lot of potential.. T_T i'm sure your readers including me, would be waiting for you..
its would be difficult for others to take over your stories especially that its your idea.. i believe you're the only one who can finish it..
take the time you need, will be here waiting for your return..^^
minseokistic #3
Chapter 8: Noooo. Unniedon't discontinue Intangible. I love it. Please don't delete this awesome story unnie.
Chapter 8: But authornim!!! This story is wonderful. You just cant abandon this story. Its not cliche and i've never read smth like this before. Pls continue :(
Jynroe #5
Chapter 8: pls do continue this fic...
this is one of the fics that i patiently wait for updates...
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 8: No! I love this fic.. I'll wait til u recover and update again :-) fighting!!
Chapter 5: Anyeong new reader here^^ I really in love with Inuyasha, so when I found this story I'm in love again !!
its so sad to see Jiyong can't hold Dara T^T
And and Chanyeol is here too !!! Kyaaaaa <3<3<3
Update more authornim~
minseokistic #8
Chapter 4: There's a difference between fate and destiny right? Because if there is... Damn it's a fine line. So cool. Dara doing archery. I did archery a few days ago. And I kind of . 5 bulls eyes out of 25 arrows.
mihyun84 #9
Chapter 3: What is the difference between fate and destiny, if there is one? This is better than the one before, there is progress in every chapter. Though its cute to see Ji and dee banter :-)
Jynroe #10
Chapter 3: oh...you totally changed the previous one...
it was better...congrats for a job well done