The Journey

30 Days with the Prince

Miyori was trying so hard to not cry when she bid goodbye to the people she love. It was the first time she will be somewhere without them, especially her faithful servant. She had never left the kingdom before. She felt so lonely and afraid. But when she turned back and looked at her faithful guard who was staring at her, she smiled in happiness and secure feel.

“At least, you still be with me, Yongguk-shi.” The said person only gave a nod to her.




The journey was so long, and it made her bored. So she tried to make conversation inside the carriage. She stared at the advisor of Busan kingdom.

“May I know your name, Advisor?” Her voice made everyone in that carriage turned to her.

“My name is Yoo Youngjae, Princess. I am sorry for not introducing myself earlier.” Miyori nod in amusement. The advisor was so polite. She wanted to ask again. She tapped her head with her forefinger, thinking.

“What is the prince’s name?” The advisor furrowed his brows in confused.

“You do not know it yet?” Miyori shook her head. She already knew the system of the contest from her mom, but she had no idea about the prince’s name. She forgot to ask about it.

“Jung Daehyun, Prince Daehyun.” He said firmly. Miyori’s mouth formed an ‘O’ shape.

“How many princess who participate?”


“Am I the first princess who practices this 30 Days with the Prince contest?” She asked this question because she never heard about this contest before.

“No. Actually you are the last, Princess.” She tilted up her head in confuse.

“Why should I be the last?” This time, the advisor looked uneasy. He cleared his throat. The last time he got that question was from the ninth princess. And he got the anger from that princess. He hated being in argument with princesses. Many of them were selfish.

“It is because your picture that had sent to us was considered as the last on pretty, Princess.” He said hesitantly. But her response was beyond of his expectation. She nodded weakly.

“So I am the ugliest then.” She said weakly. “The other princesses must be so pretty. I think I have no chance.” She whispered softly. Only her faithful guard who sat next to her that could hear her. She sighed before pouting, felt defeated. That was the last question for the advisor. She didn’t have any enthusiasm to talk anymore.



She had no idea how long the journey had been. She got sleepy. She yawned before resting her head on her guard’s broad shoulder, and asleep. But the sudden stop of the carriage interrupted her dream.

“WE’RE UNDER ATTACK!” The four people inside the carriage could hear that shouted clearly. It came from the front of carriage. Before she could understand the situation, her faithful guard had hopped out fast. The advisor and his guard followed after him. She worried the other people, especially her guard. So, she hopped out too.

She saw the intruders. There were six strange men. They all wore black, looked scarier with the sword on their hand. The advisor, two Busan guards and the coachman was raising their swords with a shield on the other hand. Meanwhile, her trustworthy guard was holding his sword in the side of his body. His face was stiff. She looked at him in worry. Then his guard turned to her and their eyes met. For a second, his cold stare changed into the warm before looking back to the intruders. On her life, she used to see that stare, the stare that convincing her that she would be all right. And she always believed it. She knew that he would always protect her. But still, she didn’t want him to get hurt, moreover in the way of protecting her. So when she realized that she was the only one who didn’t hold any weapon, she looked down and took a big stone with her hands. She held it as she watched the fighting carefully.


Out of them, her trustworthy guard was the only one who had two opponents, but she could see that his opponents didn’t able to touch him. He was so fast. He moved his sword fast and certainly. In a minute, one of his opponents fell down in hurt. She smiled in relief. She was so sure that her guard could knock down the other opponent easily.


She looked to the other side. The advisor was having hard time in fight. He then fell down with the wound in his left arm. Before his opponent could hurt him more, involuntarily Miyori ran toward him and hit the back of his opponent hardly with her stone. It made the opponent fell down. She threw the stone before helping the advisor to his feet and escorted him to their carriage carefully. She tore off her gown just enough to make it as a bandage before wrapping it on the left arm of the advisor.



“This will stop the bleeding.” She said softly.

“Thank you very much, Princess.” The advisor managed himself to smile sincerely in the middle of his pain. Then suddenly her sturdy guard came. He didn’t get any injuries. Miyori sighed in relief.

“Are you ok, Princess?” She could hear his deep voice yet his voice was too slow. She nodded to him. She knew that he was really worrying her.

A second later, one of Busan guard hopped in. He got light injuries on his body. Miyori was about to tear off her gown again before the advisor stopping her.

“His wound is not as serious as mine. You do not need to tear off your beautiful gown anymore, Princess.”

“Yes I don’t need it, Princess. I used to get injuries like these. But thank you.” He bowed firmly.

“How about the other guys? Is the coachman all right?” She asked them.

“Actually his left arm get injuries. So Changsun will replace him.” The Busan guard said.

“Is Changsun ok?” She asked again.

“Yes, but he can’t drive well, so the journey will be longer.” Right after the Busan guard  finished his words, Miyori’s guard hopped out.

“I will replace him, Princess.” He said with his husky voice before heading to the front of carriage. A minute later, the other Busan guard who named Changsun came and bowed to Miyori. He hopped in before sitting next to her. Then the carriage started moving. It was so much faster than before yet the swaying was still bearable for her. Except Miyori, the people in carriage looked amazed by the speed. They grip tightly on the door frame in terrify. Miyori looked so calm. She felt secure because she believed on Yongguk’s riding skill. She never doubted him.  






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Chapter 2: OMG!!! So interesting!!!
Chapter 1: Ohhh GREAT !!! Update Soon **