Go to Busan?

30 Days with the Prince

“PRINCESS MIYORI, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” Hana shouted loudly as she saw the princess whom she looking for on those last hours, was riding her beloved horse happily. In response, the said person just furrowed his brows as she palmed her both ears.

“Why are you always shouting like that? I’m not child anymore.” The princess made a pout by her lips. She sighed in worry. She couldn’t imagine how this princess, who had been along with her since they both were child and never be separated, could live by herself in other kingdom for 30 days.  She had known the princess out and in. She knew that even though the childish princess seemed strong outside, she was actually fragile inside. She wanted always be with her wherever she was just to make sure that the princess was all right. But this time she had to let her go for the next 30 days. Because of that, instead of the pressure from the advisor of Busan Kingdom who didn’t want to wait any longer (she didn’t care with that talkative advisor though), she was frustrating because the princess was not there with her before she goes to Busan. She regretted for not following the princess go to forest this morning. She felt envy to princess’s loyal guard who could spend more time with princess.

“YA! Bang Yongguk! You should bring the princess earlier.” She let out her envies by scolding the handsome guy who sat on his black horse. Both the guy and his horse were looked tough and dangerous. She already knew that Yongguk never ordered the princess, but still, she felt really envy for him. Moreover, he was the one who could accompany princess to Busan.


“Hana, you don’t have to be angry with him. It’s my fault for having ride until this late of evening. But, haven’t I done all my homework yesterday? So why are you angry?” Miyori get off of her horse in one hop smoothly. Her loyal guard did the same and pulled the horses to the stable not too far from there.

“You will go to Busan.” Hana hugged her princess tightly. Miyori’s eyes widened. She tried to understand Hana’s words.

“Busan? For what?” The younger of the two asked in confuse. She broke the hug to look clearly at her servant whom she had considered as a sister.

“For the 30 days with the prince contest.” The elder said in sorrow. But the childish princess just let out a loud laugh.

“What a weird name. I have never heard about it before.” She stopped her laugh suddenly as she looked a serious face of her faithful servant.

“Me too. I think there are only King, Queen and Prince Baekhyun who know this. And Princess, you shouldn’t be this happy because you have to live in Busan for 30 days… without me.” Hana looked down in desperate feel.

“Then I don’t want to go. Why should I go there anyway? What is this 30 Days with the Prince contest mean? I don’t understand.” She scratched her head in confuse, didn’t care that her act could ruin her ponytail hair.

“I don’t know myself. I just was told to bring you to main castle because the advisor from Busan kingdom has come to you to Busan.” Remembering her task, she pulled princess’s wrist abruptly. “We have to go fast before it getting dark for your journey.” The confuse princess just following after her panic servant.



“What?” Miyori’s mouth gaped after listening to her mom.

“You do not know yet? I thought your old brother had told you about this.” The queen of Busan watching her daughter stoned. She shook her head slowly. “That immature boy. He still considers Miyori as his own. How a brother complex.” She murmured to herself as she rubbed her temple. She looked at her daughter again. Her daughter remained stoning. “You will be okay, Princess. This is really mean to our kingdom. Even though you can not win the contest and marry their prince, you still can learn much from there. We need to improve our small kingdom. You must be having known that from all the kingdoms in Korea, our kingdom was the smallest yet we know that our people are always happy.”


Miyori knew that her mother was right. She was a princess. She had a responsibility to help her kingdom. This was a big chance to help her kingdom, her people. Even though she hated the idea of arranged marriage to death, she had to face this. She realized that soon or later, as a princess she should face this kind of thing. And she knew that the Mokpo people loved her as much as she did. She wanted to be useful for the people who loved her.


“Ok, I’ll do it, your majesty. Hana and Yongguk come with me right?” The princess managed to make a smile to sweep away the worry look of her mom. The happiness suddenly came to the queen of Mokpo. She felt so proud for her childish daughter. Even though she acted like a child, her thought was more mature than his brother’s who looked mature outside. The queen couldn’t believe that her son and daughter had those odd characters, but she really proud for them. “Yongguk will be there with you like always he does, but Hana will be staying here.” She said calmly and once again watching her beloved daughter stoned. “Let’s go! The night journey wouldn’t be safe. We don’t have much time”



Yoo Youngjae felt really dejected. He had been waiting for four hours. The only thing that could comfort him was the fact that his task on the contest that had been created by himself would end soon. This time he was waiting for the tenth princess. The last participant. On the journey to this castle, he had seen that the kingdom was far below his kingdom. He could leave and considered that the Mokpo Kingdom had seen low on Busan Kingdom for making him waiting this long. Besides, the Mokpo kingdom’s power was smaller. But he wanted to finish his program well, if not he would loss a bit of his credibility. So that’s why he had chosen to wait. He wondered that the princess was spending this so much time just to make over herself. He thought that it would be useless regarding the look from the painting. But when the queen entered the room while holding a beautiful girl with her, he felt so confuse. Who is that beautiful girl? He thought.

“Sorry for making you wait this long.” The beautiful girl who was standing in front of him bowed. He could see the nervousness in her face. Her sincere apology was succeeds throwing his dejected away.

“Are you the princess?” He couldn’t believe it because the girl in front of him looked so different from the paint. He wondered that the princess could change so much in nine month.

“Of course she is.” A pretty guy whom he already knew was a prince said coldly. Youngjae rolled his eyes. He had received that cold stare since the first time he introduced his self.

“Can we go now, Princess?” He ordered politely. The princess smiled bitterly. She sighed before bowing to the queen, king and that cold prince who seemed like he didn’t want to let her go, but he should regarding the sharp stare from the queen’s eyes.






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Chapter 2: OMG!!! So interesting!!!
Chapter 1: Ohhh GREAT !!! Update Soon **