
Better Than Our Dreams

We went away. Some place where us holding hands or giving kisses to each other did not look weird or wrong. Some place where we could be free.

We struggled. But we faced those struggles together. I don't think I would have ever made it without her by my side.

Tiffany squeezed my hand and I looked at her. She had a content smile on her face, her eyes closed as the cool breeze of the sea hit our faces. I couldn't help but smile too. We always came to sit on the beach on a Sunday, just to watch the sunset. I guess it worked as a replacement for our Saturday nights together.

She was so beautiful. My life was now beautiful because of her. I had no worries at all. Our life was perfect.

We lived together in a small apartment in a small town hundreds of miles away from our home city. We didn't go to university, despite the yells and growls we got from our parents, we managed to get everything together and build a stable life in this town. We both went to work and even though we were still young as ever, we were doing good. I could easily remember the few months of suffering and waiting until we both were eighteen so we would be able move out. And that's exactly what we did. After graduation we decided to tell our parents about us. Coming out to them and telling them that we've been hiding it all this time.

I think Tiffany suffered the most, she loved her parents dearly and they were unsupportive from the very beginning. And knowing that the girl she had fallen in love with was her neighbor really ticked them off. Apparently they had her whole life planned, getting married to a nice wealthy guy and have a family with him. And I didn't really qualify in any of their standards, obviously.

My parents were shocked too but we still stay in contact and they seem to worry about me. Tiffany's parents said horrible things to us, they were angry but that didn't stop us. We went against them, fought back until the end. But I was very glad to put all that in the past and focus on Tiffany and our life only.

''I got a day off tomorrow~'' Tiffany said and opened her eyes, slightly squinting them because of the sun.

''You told me that already. You've been telling me that ever since we woke up this morning''

Tiffany pursed her lips to hold back her smile. ''Because I am excited''

I smiled at her and inhaled deeply, ''Excited about going to that town barbeque so we can eat?''

''And get fat'' Tiffany added and we laughed.

''I'm jealous you don't even gain a freaking ounce of extra weight when we eat a lot'' she said and poked my arm.

''Because I use A LOT of my energy to love you''

''Oh my god Tae. No. Stop right there. Not with that cheesy stuff okay?'' Tiffany pushed me and I almost fell off the rock we were sitting on.

I laughed and smacked my lips at her. ''You love it. You wouldn't be with me if you didn't''

Tiffany blushed and turned her head away in attempt to hide it.

''Ugh you tease...'' she muttered and I smirked, watching the sun slowly set behind the horizon.

She held my hand again and we continued to sit there until the sky turned dark.

We walked back to our apartment, still holding hands. The people didn't seem to be bothered at all, they didn't gawk at us or anything. They treated us like we belonged there. They treated us like anyone else that were in love.

That night, Tiffany and I laid in our bed with our hands intertwined, staring at each other after expressing our love towards each other.

''I love you'' Tiffany whispered and nudged her nose against mine, with a tired smile on her lips. I smiled back, giggling to myself seeing her hair so messy and the exhausted look on her face, knowing I was mainly the reason for her tiredness.

I tilted my head and softly pecked her lips before I whispered, ''I love you too''

There was nothing that could break us apart.


Okay I swear this is the real ending XD

I decided to do this since I felt like you wanted to know what happened after. So thats why is so short ._.

You guys asked why was the whole story short and I didnt make it into a on going fic, well because this was what I had planned. And I like the way it turned out to be. I have other stories to complete as well and I need to study...Im a huge procrastinator when it comes to studying so this story is the result of my procrastination aka avoiding studying XD

I love you all, your comments really made me smile like an idiot lol. Im glad you liked this story and I honestly loved writing this story.

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Editing this story (grammar and blah blah) and trying to make a PDF file for this!


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 6: Young and brave thooo
Respect !
Chapter 6: Thanks for the pdf file! This is gold! Really worth reading! ;)
Chapter 5: I'm glad they had the courage to tell their parents about them and that is not easy to do.
And they are still together! :)
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/686824/4'>Chapter Four.</a></span>
Oh, young love! :)
To second chances! 🥂
Chapter 3: That was so heartbreaking. 😞
Chapter 2: I knew it! When you are just starting to feel all warm and fuzzy, then come the angst!
Chapter 1: Yeah, your writing is good, I wish I discovered wour works earlie. :)
Chapter 5: Well forgive me for reading this 3 years after T.T
I love this, reminds me doing the silly sneaking things, u got me there author nim, thank you, but mine didnt end well kkk.
Chapter 5: Yeyyyy happiness!!! Woohoo~ LOL. I'm glad they both had the courage to fight for their love. Usually in fics, they end up doing this years after, like when they're already working and all, so I'm happy in this fic, they did it even when they were still young. Huhu ok thank you for this story HAHAHAHA