Chapter Two.

Better Than Our Dreams

Songs I listened to while writing this chapter:


GD - Butterfly

VIXX - Someday, Superhero

BTS - Just one day

MR. MR - Do you feel me

Holidays were coming up and I was excited. Maybe we could spend every night in her bedroom. I knew I wouldn't get any sleep but I didn't care. I was willing to sacrifice it for Tiffany.

But my hopes were crushed right away when she announced that they were going somewhere for the week. I was bummed but who was I to do anything about it? I was glad we still had Saturday night together since she was leaving on Monday.

We didn't do anything. We didn't eat, we just sat there. Staring at the wall and I watched how the clock ticked, counting the minutes I was spending with her. I was so used to seeing her everyday at school so a week without her kind of scared me.

I moved my gaze down and saw our feet touching since we sat to close to each other. My baby blue pajama pants and her pink heart-patterned pajama pants. I smiled, and Tiffany noticed that.

''What?'' she whispered.

''Our pants'' I said. ''Blue and pink''

I looked at her and her lips curved into a smile as well.

''Yeah. You're the guy'' she said and wiggled her brows at me.

I rolled my eyes and turned my back at her, crossing my arms. I felt her hands on my shoulder and she peeked over, bringing her face real close to mine.

''Boo'' she said, pursing her lips out. ''I was just kidding''

''I know'' I said and turned back around, forcing her hands to fall down on her lap.

''Sooo, what are you planning to do next week?'' she asked.

''Nothing really. Sleep, I guess'' I answered and shrugged my shoulders.

''Always sleeping'' she mocked. ''Don't you ever get tired of sleeping?''

I snorted. ''Was that supposed to be a pun?''

She shrugged, biting back a smile. ''Maybe''

''No but seriously. Sleep is just...weird. Dreams are weird. Atleast mine are. They don't make any sense. I think I would give up sleep if I didn't need it to survive''

''What could you possibly do every night if you're not sleeping?'' I asked, baffled.

''This'' she said. ''Spend time with you''

The way she was looking at me with those eyes of hers made my stomach tingle like crazy.

''That's just a few hours more'' I said, trying to hide my shyness. I was very glad that it was dark or she would have noticed my red cheeks.

''Still. It holds more value to me than sleep'' she said and looked right into my eyes. I began to feel uncomfortable, my hands were shaking so I clasped them together on my lap.

I didn't say anything, but she smiled.

It was those 'I'm making you nervous and your heartbeat go all over the place, and I'm doing it on purpose' smiles. She knew what she was doing to me.

''Have you heard that quote 'you know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams'?'' she asked.

''Yeah'' I answered, looking at her.

''I think I'm in love''


That week was the most horrible week ever. I missed her. Every second.

I didn't even feel like doing anything at all. It kind of made sense now, I didn't want to sleep at all if I could spend that time with Tiffany, and her only. She didn't know, but my time with her held more value to me than anything else in this whole world.

I wish I could say that she would be with me, around me forever. Because that's all I wanted, even though it was way too early for me to think about stuff like that. But being apart from her gave me a lot of time to think, including how badly I was falling for her.

When I saw her waiting for me downstairs on Monday morning, I was all smiles the whole day. And so was she.


''Looks like you missed me'' Tiffany said as we were slowly walking back home from school. ''Well, atleast I missed you''

I laughed a little. ''Yeah, I missed you''

''So did you sleep all week?''

''Yeah, what else would have I done since you weren't here?'' I said. My cheeks burned as I realized how straightforward I was. But Tiffany smiled like she was truly content after hearing that.

''Actually I slept most of the time too'' she admitted. ''I really had nothing to do''

''Where exactly did you even go?'' I asked.

''We have a cottage outside the city, boring place. Would have been less boring if I had someone there with me''

I smirked at her, ''too bad''

''Ugh, whatever Taeyeon. I'll make you pay this Saturday'' Tiffany said and stuck her tongue out at me.

''Make me pay? For what?'' I asked with my brows raised.

''For not being with me for the week'' she said and I snorted.

''Excuse me. Which one of us was the one that LEFT, huh?''

''Me. But I'm still going to make you pay because I missed you too much'' she said, skipping ahead of me.

I rolled my eyes at her weird logic. But the truth was, I was so looking forward to Saturday.



I was impatient. I had never waited for a text message so eagerly as I did tonight. It was twenty minutes past twelve and I had already made sure my parents were asleep.

My phone vibrated in my hand and a smile crept on my lips.


They are asleep, come by in two minutes...!


I launched off my bed and as quietly as possible, I went in the hallway, stuffing my phone and keys in my pockets. I stood by her door and soon I was invited inside. I didn't really need her to guide me in the dark anymore because I knew exactly where her room was at, but she still held my hand until we arrived in her room.

''Guess what I got'' Tiffany whispered, grinning from ear to ear excitingly.

''What?'' I asked.

''SOUR CANDIES'' she said and did a weird dance while shoving a piece in my mouth. I cringed and made the biggest derp face ever.

''Oh my god, what are these'' I asked in horror. Tiffany couldn't contain her laughter and accidentally let out a loud squeal. We both panicked and stayed in place in case that woke her parents up. She held a hand over her chest and sighed.

''I swear my heart just skipped a beat'' she said. I scrunched up my nose and munched the sour taste away.

''But anyway, your expression is the reason I bought them'' Tiffany then said, giggling like a little devil.

I rolled my eyes. ''Meanie''

''Your expressions are so funny I swear Tae''

''Well try to eat that crap without making any faces, I dare you''

She shoved a piece in and tried her best to keep a neutral expression until she too ended up derping, just like me.

''Okay okay, I admit. These are WAAY to sour'' Tiffany said, swallowing the candy and glared at me for laughing at her.

''Alright, what's the plan for this all nighter?'' I asked.

''I don't know. Let's just talk or something'' she said with a shrug. We sat down on the floor and leaned against her bed.

''Do you think we will be doing this forever?'' I asked her.

''Hmm...haven't really put much thought into that'' Tiffany replied.

''Will our friendship last that long?'' she then asked.

I gulped, I felt nervous.

''I hope so''

''Me too. I'll hold on to it with my dear life''

I looked at her and she smiled. That calmed me down a bit, but I wasn't still convinced.

I felt like Tiffany was unusually dressed up with her pink satin pajama pants and a black lace tank top. Not to mention her hair was in a perfect ponytail, rather than in a messy bun that she always had. And once my eyes were completely adjusted to the darkness, I could see she was wearing make up. Just a little bit though. And that perfume, it smelled so good when I sat next to her like that. It was literally intoxicating me.

It was already past three when we didn't talk anymore. I would have expected Tiffany to fall asleep by then but there she was, fully awake and fiddling with her own fingers. I thought about what Tiffany had told me during our last endevour in her room a week ago. I wanted to tell her that too. I was more than certain about it.

''I think I'm in love too'' I blurted out. Tiffany snapped her head up and looked at me, her lips parted and she just stared at me for what seemed to be the longest thirty seconds of my life.

She grabbed my cheek and pulled me into a kiss. A quick peck, but it was enough to drive me crazy. We stared at each other and then she straddled me. Grabbing both of my cheeks with her hands, she her lips before she kissed me again. Our lips moved in sync, but she was the dominant one in that moment. Everything she did, I happily surrendered myself for her and each time I was rewarded with more of her sweet kisses.

We kissed and kissed, until the sun rose and I had to go back, but at her door step, I kept going back to her to give that last kiss. I think I ended up giving her atleast ten 'last kisses' before she pushed me away roughly, glancing behind her.

''You're going to get me killed!'' she hissed at me, but couldn't stop herself from smiling.

''I already died and went to heaven'' I told her as I went over to my door and quietly opened it.

''Ugh! Bye you tease!'' she mehronged and closed the door.

I ended up falling asleep with the biggest smile on my face, tasting Tiffany's strawberry lip gloss on my lips.



The following days, I was afraid things would be awkward between Tiffany and I, but that was not the case. And luckily Tiffany wasn't acting any strange either. I got butterflies in my stomach everytime I was around her, which was the whole day at school plus our trips to school and back home. I had totally fallen head over heels in love with her. And there was  no reason for me to deny that.

Before we departed in front of our doors, she pecked my lips quickly before she went in. I stood there for a moment, just smiling to myself like an idiot.
Everything was just perfect.

I couldn't stop thinking about Tiffany. Not for a second did I think of something else than her. I was just beyond happy, all the time.

She was my source of happiness.


I hopped down the staircase as fast as I could, smiling the whole time but my smile died pretty quickly when I didn't see Tiffany waiting for me by the front door. I blinked and went out, catching a glimpse of her walking in a distance.

''Tiffany!'' I ran towards her and she stopped in her tracks.

''Why didn't you wait for me?'' I asked, pushing away the loose strands of hair off my face. Tiffany stared at the ground and sighed.

''You're late'' she said and continued to walk. I checked the time on my wristwatch and bit my lip, I was just two minutes late.

''Sorry'' I simply said, quickly doing aegyo in hopes to stop being upset with me.


I frowned. She wasn't being herself at all. Normally she would have smacked my arm or threatened me with something, but now she was just...quiet. I followed her, walking beside her, hoping that maybe she would open up to me later in school.


''Taeyeon,'' Tiffany called out to me when I was about to leave the classroom after the bell rang.

''Hmm?'' I turned around to wait for her.

''I told my parents'' she said as we slowly made our way amongst the others in the hallway. I raised a brow at her and she sighed.

I swallowed nervously, her expression and behaviour indicated that it didn't really go that well.

''I assume things went wrong'' I said.

She nodded and averted my eyes. ''We can't hang out anymore''

I felt a sting of pain in my heart. I knew this would have happened sooner or later, but I wasn't expecting it to some that soon.

''Why? What exactly did you tell them?'' I asked. I began to panic, not wanting to hear what she would say next.

Tiffany ran her hand through her hair. ''More than I should have...''

''We will see in school. But I don't know if I can walk to school with you anymore. Or walk back home'' she then said and tried to smile for me after seeing my expression, which must have looked beyond sad.

''Oh..'' I replied meekly.

''I'm sorry Taeyeon'' she said quietly and bit down her lips together tightly and walked away from me. I stood there in front of the school gates, watching her walk away all by herself. All the other people started to pile up in front of me but I still managed to see her through the gaps.
I picked up my pace, I was walking right behind her. Her hands were in her pockets and her head was lowered down.

Soon I found my own gaze on the ground, I wanted to cry but I wasn't going to do that outside in front of people. How was I going to survive without her? I was beginning to sound like a lunatic that was about to lose the love of her life. I guess this is how being in love feels like...

I looked up and I didn't see Tiffany anywhere. For a moment I worried, but then I assumed she must have gone somewhere or changed her route. Maybe she spotted me tailing behind her?

I could only sigh and keep the smiling image of her in my mind.


Each day it felt worse than the previous day. Each day I was more hurt to find myself walking to school alone and spend time in school alone. She did well in avoiding me at school and that just added more pain for me. I thought she would atleast try to keep in touch when we were in school, but it seemed that she was purposely treating me like air.

It was Friday and I cringed at the thought of the weekend starting. There was nothing for me to wait or anticipate except sleeping late, but I doubted I could do that forever. I just wanted to escape the awful feeling I had.

I tried my best to avoid everything that reminded me of Tiffany, but in the end everything seemed to be a constant reminder of her and what we used to do.
I tucked my hair behind my hair as I opened the front door to our apartment building and I stopped right in my tracks when I saw Tiffany leaning against the wall, holding her schoolbag against her chest. Our gazes met and a smile crept on her face. I stood there, the distance between us was so little but to me it felt like she was thousands of miles away from me, out of my reach.

''Hi'' she said.

I gulped.

It was the first time I heard her voice in days.

''Hi'' I replied awkwardly. I couldn't look into her eyes so I just stared at when it moved as she spoke.

''I was waiting for you'' she said. ''You take a long time to walk''

She laughed a little.

I knew she was just trying to ease the tension between us but I couldn't respond the way she was probably expecting me to.

''Why?'' I asked.

''Why was I waiting for you?''


''Because. Do I need a reason for that?'' she asked. I rolled my eyes at her, she was being herself again.

''I guess not. Stalker'' I said and we both laughed.

''Let's go'' she said and lunged off the wall, heading to the staircase. I follow her up and we stood again between our apartment doors.

She opened the door to hers and turned around to look at me.

''Wait for me here in thirty minutes,'' she said in a quiet voice. ''and don't ask any questions''


Even though I was confused, I tried not to question anything because I was too happy to see her and talk to her again. I didn't want to ask any questions, I didn't want to waste time asking her all the reasons. At that moment, it felt unnecessary.

I stood by her door, taking a few deep breaths to calm my mind. The door opened and Tiffany gestured me to come in.

''They went away. For an hour I think'' she said.

We sat down on her bed, I looked around and realized how much I had actually missed her room.

''So'' I began but I didn't quite know what to say.

''So'' Tiffany repeated and laughed a little. I felt like there were so many things that I wanted to tell Tiffany but I couldn't get the words out. I genuinely felt so nervous.

''I invited you here to talk but...I really don't know what to say'' she stated, shifting in her spot uncomfortably.

''Hmm'' I chewed on my lip and nodded slightly. I wanted to ask her so many things but again my anxiety held me back. I knew things were still going the wrong way but I didn't know how to change the course.

''How are you?'' Tiffany asked. I felt like pushing her off the bed for asking that question. We never asked that question because we always knew how we were. So I just gave her a small glare before I sighed.

''Fine. I guess'' I replied. ''You?''


''Cool'' I said sarcastically. I think she noticed that because she was looking at me with a sad expression. I hated it.

I looked at the time and we had spent this valuable time together just sitting on her bed and staring at the floor, asking 'how are you's and being so damn alienated.

''I guess I should go before your parents come back'' I said as I stood up. Tiffany had a worried look on her face but she decided to fake a smile in order to hide it.

''Okay'' she said and walked me to the door. I opened it and stepped out in the hallway, my heart slowly shattering into pieces as I began to realize things would probably never be the same again.

I turned around and she was clutching onto the door handle so tight her knuckles were turning white, her lips bitten together as she looked at me with glistening eyes.

I hated that so much!

I grabbed her cheeks and planted a soft kiss on her lips before I hurried to my door to open it. I knew she was crying because before she slammed the door shut, I could hear her quiet sobs.

Love is bad.


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Editing this story (grammar and blah blah) and trying to make a PDF file for this!


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 6: Young and brave thooo
Respect !
Chapter 6: Thanks for the pdf file! This is gold! Really worth reading! ;)
Chapter 5: I'm glad they had the courage to tell their parents about them and that is not easy to do.
And they are still together! :)
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/686824/4'>Chapter Four.</a></span>
Oh, young love! :)
To second chances! 🥂
Chapter 3: That was so heartbreaking. 😞
Chapter 2: I knew it! When you are just starting to feel all warm and fuzzy, then come the angst!
Chapter 1: Yeah, your writing is good, I wish I discovered wour works earlie. :)
Chapter 5: Well forgive me for reading this 3 years after T.T
I love this, reminds me doing the silly sneaking things, u got me there author nim, thank you, but mine didnt end well kkk.
Chapter 5: Yeyyyy happiness!!! Woohoo~ LOL. I'm glad they both had the courage to fight for their love. Usually in fics, they end up doing this years after, like when they're already working and all, so I'm happy in this fic, they did it even when they were still young. Huhu ok thank you for this story HAHAHAHA