Chapter One.

Better Than Our Dreams

I arrived home from school and saw a truck parked in front of our apartment building. Men carrying furniture and stuff inside, someone was moving in. I assumed it was that vacant apartment next to ours, it had been empty for a few weeks now.

I skipped up the stairs, yearning to go eat that yummy pudding I bought yesterday from the store. I dug out my keys and looked to my right and saw the door was open to that apartment. Then a blackhaired girl walked out, and our gazes met.

I froze.

She just flashed a friendly smile at me and hopped down the stairs. Saying she was really pretty was an understatement. She was beyond beautiful.

Finally I regained consciousness after being blown away by this stranger next door and went inside my apartment. I was greeted by my mom who was cooking dinner in the kitchen.

Instead of eating that pudding that I had thought of all day at school, I was now thinking about that girl.

Would I ever get to talk to her?



I don't know how we became friends. I have no clear memory of that, we just...started talking at school. And after we started to hang out in school, we also started to walk to school together. Tiffany always waited for me downstairs.

We had known each other for a few months now but it felt longer than that to me. And even though we lived like six feet away from each other, we never hung out outside of school.

Until one day, she texted me on a Saturday night, telling me to meet her in front of her apartment.

I snuck out, my parents fell asleep a while ago but I still worried if they heard the door being closed. I nervously stood between the distance of our apartment doors, in my polka dot pajama pants and a regular white t-shirt. After a while, I heard Tiffany's door open and I saw her head peek out.

She grinned and motioned me to come inside.

''Don't say anything, okay? My parents are asleep but what I'm doing is SO risky'' Tiffany whispered as she quietly closed the door. I nodded and followed her in the darkness, her hand grasped onto mine and she lead me to her bedroom.

''Why did you invite me here at midnight?'' I asked once she closed her bedroom door, heaving a relieved sigh.

''Because I can't sleep and I'm bored'' she said with a shrug and sat down on the bed. ''Sit down''

I obeyed and my eyes wandered around her room, it was quite small but it felt cozy. She had a huge bed by the window, a study desk and a small tv hanged on the wall. It was so different from my room.

''Wait, are you hungry?'' she asked me. I raised a brow at her.

''Hungry?'' I muffled a laugh. ''It's past midnight Tiffany''

She rolled her eyes. ''I was going to make some milk chocolate and get a bag of chips''

''You don't have to for my sake'' I told her.

''Shut up. Come on, you have to help me'' she walked up to the door.

''What about your mom and dad?!'' I asked.

''Shhh...and don't worry, they're asleep. We just have to be quiet'' she said and opened the door, and I walked towards her.

We carefully tiptoed, me behind her and she held my hand again, leading me. I wondered how could she see so well in the dark. She took the milk carton from the fridge, and I kept a lookout. I helped her to mix the drinks in two large glasses, when I heard footsteps. She quickly pulled me behind the counter and we crouched.

''Oh MY GOD'' she mouthed the words to me. I must have looked quite shocked with my wide eyes because she had to press both of her hands over to stop herself from laughing.

''It's my dad'' she mouthed again, while taking a look over my head.

I held the two glasses of chocolate milk tightly in my hands, I was surprised they didn't break down and shatter. I was that nervous.

She gave me a nod and got up, helping me as well and grabbed the bag of chips from the closet. She lead me back to her room and once she closed the door, we both let out a relieved sigh.

''That was like from a freaking spy movie'' I told her and set the glasses on her desk.

''My dad was so oblivious of the stuff on the kitchen counter. I guess he was half asleep'' Tiffany said. ''That was scary though''

I gave her a you-don't-say look and she just rolled her eyes at me. She carefully opened the bag of chips and we took the glasses before sitting down on the fluffy carpet by her bed.

''Are we just going to eat and get fat here?'' I asked.

''Mhm'' she replied. ''Do you have a better idea?''

''Sleep?'' I suggested and laughed.

''Nope. We are going to eat and get fat, Taeyeon'' she said and smiled.

''Alright then'' I said and stuffed a handful of chips in my mouth.

''Thanks for coming though'' Tiffany said and sipped her choco drink.

''No problem, even though it was a weird time to invite me to come over'' I quietly laughed. I couldn't help but wonder why she didn't invite me during daytime.

Tiffany wiggled her toes and smiled. ''I have my reasons''

''And I suppose you won't tell me?''

''That is correct'' she kept smiling.

''Hmm'' I nodded.

So we just sat there, side by side, munching chips like two fat asses and sipping on milk chocolate. The clock hit three and I was beginning to doze off as Tiffany was telling me something about a guy from our school.

''Yah,'' Tiffany pushed my shoulder. ''Wake up sleepyhead''

''I'm really tired Tiffany'' I yawned and leaned back against her bed.

''I'm keeping you here until I get tired too'' she gave me a smug look. ''And I'm far from being tired''

''Ughh'' I silently groaned and closed my eyes for a brief second. I was worried my parents would wake up and somehow check if I was sleeping in my room, even though they very rarely did that. But being like this with Tiffany felt great. Spending time, just the two of us, doing absolutely nothing.

Silence fell on us again and Tiffany suddenly hugged my side, placing her head on my shoulder.

''That perfume you always wear is awesome'' she whispered, her voice gave me goosebumps all over my body.

I faced her and she had her eyes closed.

''And someone told me I wasn't allowed to sleep'' I retorted sarcastically, but she didn't respond.

I blinked and waited her to say something back, but she didn't. Her arms around me loosened and her head felt heavier on my shoulder.

I looked at the clock and it was almost four, and I was dying to go to sleep, but I was scared to fall asleep here. So I waited. Waited and stared at the clock, letting Tiffany have her sleep. The clock hit six and I was so tempted to throw her off of me and go back home, get in my bed and sleep. But I couldn't. It felt too good to have her arms around me, cuddling me like that.

I removed her arms and tried to get up but she didn't let me go. She opened her eyes, her brows were furrowed and she looked angrily at me.

''Let me sleep'' she mumbled.

''Tiffany, I have to go'' I told her and placed my hand on her arm.

''Stay'' she said but I shook my head.

''I have to go. It's already past six'' I said. Suddenly a wave of fear came over me, thinking about if her parents were awake and how would I be able to get out without being seen.

''You can sleep here'' she said. ''come on''

She stumbled on to her bed and pulled me in.

''No seriously Tiffany!'' I hissed. ''I have to go, NOW''

I heard some movements behind her door and I panicked. Tiffany had dozed off already, gripping onto my hand. I pulled away and ran behind her door, leaning against the wall. The door opened and I held my breath.

It seemed like forever as Tiffany's mom or dad was checking on her. They must have heard us  talking.

The door slowly closed and I looked over at Tiffany's desk; the two glasses and the empty bag of chips laying on her carpet. I gulped, Tiffany was probably going to be in trouble if they noticed those.

After I was convinced that they were gone, I went over to Tiffany and shook her body, ready to put my hand over in case she would speak too loud.

''Wake up, Tiffany! We have a problem''

''Ugh, wha—'' I placed my hand over because of her loud voice and she widened her eyes at me.

''Shhh!'' I said and removed my hand.

''What are you doing?'' she asked, keeping her voice as quiet as possible.

''Your mom or dad came to check on you, I had to hide! You need to get me out of here'' I said, glancing over at the clock again - it was nearing the time my parents usually wake up.

''Ugh fine'' she got up and held onto me to balance herself. ''Wait here, I'm going to check if they're there''

I stood in her room as she went out, I was nervous but at the same time it was kind of exciting. Tiffany came and and motioned me to come out.

''My dad is in the kitchen, I'll just say I heard a knock on the door and checked if someone was there once you get out'' Tiffany told me her plan. It wasn't so good, but it was the best option we had.

Tiffany quickly opened the door and I went out, skipping to my door and using my key to open it when I heard Tiffany's dad say something. Tiffany gave me a small smile before she closed the door. I gulped and as quietly as possible, went in and tiptoed to my room.

I was thankful my parents were still asleep. I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I was so ready to sleep but I just couldn't.

My mind was on Tiffany.



After that 'sleepover' we had, Tiffany decided that we should do it again the next weekend. And the weekend after. She was taking a big risk, even though we weren't really doing anything forbidden, she just snuck me over their home at midnight. Yeah, nothing wrong with that.
Tiffany's parents knew me, I was the neighbor girl who Tiffany went to school with, but since I had never visited them in daytime, I doubt they knew me that well to acknowledge me as 'Tiffany's friend'.

My parents were aware that I hung out with Tiffany at school because I had mentioned her a couple of times, but they didn't know that much about her either.

I wasn't sure if what was between me and Tiffany was actually a friendship, because if it was, it was very strange and abnormal. But in a way, it was special.

I just didn't understand why we couldn't declare our friendship to her parents.

Tiffany was someone that could make my heart flutter like crazy. Looking at her was something I could do forever. In my eyes she was amazing, inside and out. I was slowly developing some kind of feelings for her. But I still wasn't quite sure what it was.

One day was peculiar. A sunday afternoon, Tiffany texted me and asked me to come over. I was quite shocked that she actually asked me to come over during daytime. So I told my parents I would go over Tiffany's, and they were okay with it since she lived right next to us. I hesitatingly knocked on the door and it opened only a few seconds later, revealing an eyesmiling Tiffany.

She welcomed me in and I was expecting to see her parents, but it turned out that we were alone.

''My parents are away the whole day,'' Tiffany explained as I looked around her home now that I was able to see better. ''it's just the two of us''

I was frowning inside as I began to overthink again. Why couldn't her parents see me?

''We can do whateeeeever we want'' she smiled and jumped around like a ballerina.

''Tiffany, why is it that I can never visit you when your parents are here, only when they're asleep or away like now?'' I asked. Tiffany came down from her high and heaved a sigh.

''I have my reasons'' she said.


''Fine...Well, I did something in the past and my parent's don't allow me to have any of my friends come over'' Tiffany said. I furrowed my brows at that, wondering what could have she done.

''You're the only friend I have here though, so I'm taking the risk because of it'' she continued. I was surprised to hear that, but at the same time, I was selfishly happy that I had the privilege to be friends with her.

''What did you do?'' I asked.

''Before we moved here, we lived in a house. A big one. They were away for one weekend and my threw a party. I got drunk and people literally destroyed our house because I was too wasted to stop them, let alone understand what was going on''

''For real?''

She nodded and sighed. ''Anyway, I learnt from that mistake but they're still mad about that. I'm kind of grounded... I was surrounded with people that were bad. But I'm wiser now, and you're not a bad person''

''But maybe we should let them see I'm not like that'' I suggested but she shook her head.

''That's one thing I can't risk. If they don't warm up to it, they will know that we are friends and then they will know who you are and forbid me from seeing you'' she explained.

''That's ridiculous'' I said quietly.

''I know right!'' Tiffany exclaimed.

''They don't even know me...''

''Can we just forget about this now and do something? I invited you here so we can hang out. And we don't have to be quiet and all cautious about everything'' she said.

I agreed with a nod. ''So what did you have in mind?''

She clapped her hands together and grinned. ''Let's watch a movie and eat!''

I rolled my eyes at that.

''In other words, watch a movie and get fat'' I said.

''Mhmmm'' she said and I followed her to the kitchen. ''Now, you can choose. Pizza or fries?''

''Up to you, I don't really know'' I said with a shrug.

''Pizza'' she answered and opened the freezer to get the frozen pizza.

I leaned against the counter and watched her prepare our meal. She had her hair tied up in a messy bun, the loose strands falling over cheeks and her fringe slightly covering her eyes. She looked amazing, still wearing her pink pajamas and a black tanktop, no make up on. Whereas I wore skinny jeans and a stripe shirt, but she still managed to look more beautiful than me.

I was too caught up staring at her when she straightened her back and smiled at me.

''Okay, pizza is in the oven. What do you wanna drink?''

''Anything is fine'' I said and she pouted.

''You're no fun. I ask you a question and you make me decide everything''

I rolled my eyes. ''Fine. Soda then, if you have any''

''That's the spirit!'' she said and grabbed a bottle of coke from the fridge.  ''And now the movie...''

I laughed, ''I have to decide that too?''

She nodded and placed her hands on my shoulders. ''Now, go to my room and pick any movie you want from the shelf beside my tv''

She pushed me out of the kitchen and I navigated myself to her bedroom.

I cringed.

I stood there looking around, I had never seen her room with lights on. The fluffy carpet near her bed was pink. Her bed covers were pink. The clock on her wall was pink. Pink this, pink that.

I shook my head and walked over to the shelf and went through the dvd's she had. Most of them were american romance movies, or romantic comedy movies. She had a quite a collection but very few of them were korean.

''Did you pick yet?'' Tiffany asked as she came up to me. I shook my head.

''I haven't seen any of these'' I admitted, lowering my head.

''I guess I need to give you a lesson about american movies'' she teased.

''Shut up. I'm not that familiar with them as I am with korean movies'' I defended myself.

''Alright, let's watch... this'' she took a dvd and presented it in front of my face. I nodded in agreement, even though I had no idea what the movie name was.

''They're in korean subs so don't worry'' she said and put the disc in the dvd player.

''I'll go get the drinks and the pizza'' she said.

''I'll help you'' I said but she pushed me down to sit on her bed.

''No, you can sit here and wait for me, ok?'' she pointed at me before she went out of her room. I heaved a sigh and did as I was told.


''Yeah?'' I yelled back.

''Do you wanna eat with utensils or with your hands?''

''With my hands, or is that too gross?''

''Nope. I was going to eat with my hands too'' Tiffany laughed.

I smiled to myself, this girl could say or do anything to make me smile. She arrived with her hands full, her expression was literally begging me to help her.

''You should have asked for my help'' I said as I helped her to put everything on her desk.

''I told you I didn't need any'' she said stubbornly.

I backed away and stared at her. ''Oh really? So you looking like this,'' I imitated her with derpy expressions and weird hand movements, ''didn't mean you needed any help?''

She laughed and smacked my arm. ''Whatever Taeyeon''

''It was funny though'' I said and took bite from my slice of pizza.

''OOOKAY, enough now. Let's watch this movie'' Tiffany pretended to be annoyed with me but I knew she was just trying to hold back her smiles.

So we sat down on the fluffy carpet once again, like before, Tiffany sitting on my right side and our skins touching whenever either of us moved a little. The movie wasn't really catching my attention at all, since Tiffany seemed to be fully concentrated on it, I just...stared at her.

Her shocked expressions, her random gasps whenever something unexpected happened, and whenever she laughed, I laughed.

It wasn't until late in the evening I left, after cleaning every evidence of someone else besides Tiffany being in their apartment.

I didn't know why I had this urge to be close to her all the time or why I had that urge in the first place. I thought about how supposedly I was her only friend. Was it just luck because we happened to live next to each other?

Or could it be that I was the lucky one when she moved into that empty apartment?

The next days, we only hung out at school. Everything went back to how they were before I spent that day with Tiffany in her home. Nothing had actually changed anyway, except the amount of time I spent thinking of her only increased.

''So, are we pulling an all nighter at yours this weekend again?'' I decided to ask Tiffany as we ate together during lunch break.

''I was thinking you should sneak me in your apartment for once'' Tiffany replied and I widened my eyes.

She laughed, ''Just kidding. I don't trust your sneaking-someone-in-your-home skill, besides I have already mastered that so it's no problem''

I pretended to stick my chopsticks into her forehead. ''Right. You know, my parents are already wondering why am I so sleep deprived every Sunday''

Tiffany giggled, her eyes disappearing as she grinned. ''Same here. Especially like two weeks ago we had to go somewhere in the morning and I kept dozing off in the car''

''Really...? You're the one that always falls asleep and I have to panic if your parents come in your room'' I said.

''Ooops, sorry'' she did a quick buing buing at me.

''Wait, you don't like doing that anymore?'' she then asked.

''No, I do. It''' I said and smiled.

''I think it's fun too. It's like our thing now, sneaking you in my home at night''

''Like I'm your boyfriend your parents hate or something'' I joked.

''Well aren't you?'' she asked.

''Excuse me? Since when I looked like a boy?'' I pretended to be hurt.

''Since now'' she said. ''and what you said makes sense''

''Keep wishing Tiffany Hwang, you can never get this'' I said, flipping my hair back all fabolous.

''Please, I already caught you ages ago'' Tiffany retorted. ''You just aren't aware of that yet''

She winked at me and I was speechless. I knew we were just playing around but what she said was true.

She had caught me.



Okay so you might think this chapter is all over the place but theres a reason why I put the long line after a certain part. And in this story Tae and Tiffany are both in high school so they're about 17 years old.

So this story already got 2 votes when I logged in earlier today and I was like...wat

XD I love you all! Seriously. Im glad people like my writing...and its my pleasure to write these even though they may not be perfect.

Hope you enjoy this chapter~


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Editing this story (grammar and blah blah) and trying to make a PDF file for this!


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 6: Young and brave thooo
Respect !
Chapter 6: Thanks for the pdf file! This is gold! Really worth reading! ;)
Chapter 5: I'm glad they had the courage to tell their parents about them and that is not easy to do.
And they are still together! :)
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/686824/4'>Chapter Four.</a></span>
Oh, young love! :)
To second chances! 🥂
Chapter 3: That was so heartbreaking. 😞
Chapter 2: I knew it! When you are just starting to feel all warm and fuzzy, then come the angst!
Chapter 1: Yeah, your writing is good, I wish I discovered wour works earlie. :)
Chapter 5: Well forgive me for reading this 3 years after T.T
I love this, reminds me doing the silly sneaking things, u got me there author nim, thank you, but mine didnt end well kkk.
Chapter 5: Yeyyyy happiness!!! Woohoo~ LOL. I'm glad they both had the courage to fight for their love. Usually in fics, they end up doing this years after, like when they're already working and all, so I'm happy in this fic, they did it even when they were still young. Huhu ok thank you for this story HAHAHAHA