His side of the story (sequel to Existence)

“so?” you urge Kris to say something after a few minutes of silence

“I’m sorry”

“for what?”

“for lying and cheating on you”

“you cheated on me? With who?” your voice was cold as ice. Kris shivered

“with Amber.”

“since when?”

“since the last 5 months of our relationship”


“I was weak. I blame myself, not you.”

“okay.” You slowly stand up

“but I still love you” Kris holds your wrist urging you to sit back down “every single day, I lived with regret for not choosing you. For leaving you behind. For choosing Amber instead of you”

You slowly remove his hold from you “Kris, it’s too late. You should have just told me the truth and spared me from the pain I was through the past months. It would have been a cleaner break-up and closure”

“I was afraid. I didn’t want to break your heart. That was the last thing on my mind” Kris was starting to cry

“but you still did” you turned your back to Kris “I don’t know if I could still believe you.”


“what are they talking about?” Tao asks

“shhh! Shut it Tao!” Baekhyun says

“everybody quiet!” Suho shuts them up

“but I still love you” they hear Kris say

“every single day, I lived with regret for not choosing you. For leaving you behind. For choosing Amber instead of you” then they hear Kris’ sniffles

“Kris, it’s too late” they hear you say

It became awfully quiet.

Then they almost jumped when they heard a knock “Suho, please open the door. Kris and I have finished talking” Suho hears you say

“should we let them out?” Luhan asks Suho

“open the doors” Suho says

You immediately walk past them. They see Kris kneeling with his hands on his knees. Kris was crying. They had never seen Kris that vulnerable.

Tao and Sehun immediately catch up to you “noona, what happened?”

“it’s over”

“what?” Sehun says

“we’re over. We’re through. We’ll never be together again” you say and let your tears fall.

“shhh, noona. Calm down” Sehun and Tao hug you

“at lease now you know the story” Tao says as he cups your hair

“is there really no chance on fixing this relationship?” Sehun whispers

“no. there isn’t”



“Kris what happened?” Suho asks as he pats Kris’ back

“she doesn’t want me anymore” Kris hiccups “she forgave me but she doesn’t want me back anymore” Kris wipes his tears

“you told her everything?” Lay asks

“yes. I had to be honest with her.”

“so, it’s really over?” Baekhyun says. Kris just nods.

Baekhyun immediately hugs Kris “hyung, maybe she just needs more time”

“it’s not easy for her. And I know it’s not easy for you too. Time will heal the wounds” Suho says

“is she really not coming back?” Chen whispers

“I don’t know.” Kris whispers back

“time will fix the mistakes. If the two of you are meant to be with each other, fate will lead the two of you back together. Just believe.” Luhan says and hugs Kris.

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Chapter 7: One more sequel?... I want them to be together....
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 7: Ahh.. I need more
thank you for making this
idontknowwhomybiasis #3
Chapter 2: LOL. we are the same. amber is also the only girl i like in SM. >< KEKE.
Please let them be together!!! Continue this story when you have time author-nim :)
mybebabe #5
Chapter 7: Omo authornim please make them together...
I'm begging you..please
Chapter 5: Get well soon authornim and I hope your sister is okay.
Chapter 4: yeay! another chapter! thank u..now,off to read :)
Chapter 3: update soon again!!
Chapter 3: I was still left hanging.. But I love the update, looking forward to the next chapter. I wish Kris would be mine again though. XD