Scenario 8: When you bring home a pet

Bigbang scenario 8 

BigBang Scenario 8: when you bring home a pet (by pet I mean cat or dog, because I didn’t want to scare our babies ;3 )



You were walking down the street toward the house you and your boyfriend lived in when a sudden downpour started.

"Ah, my hair!"

You quickly covered yourself with your hood and started running quickly toward the house when you heard a soft mewing that urged you to stop. Looking around you found a small cardboard ramen box abandoned by the street with inside a very small and wet kitten. It looked up at you with eyes covered almost completely by wet fur and softly mewed.

"Well, I can’t just leave you here…"

You quickly grabbed the box by it’s edges and tried to your best to protect the kitten from the rain hile running towards your home. When you arrived you unlocked the door in haste and threw off your shoes.

"I’m home!"

You gently placed the soggy ramen box on the ground and watched the hungry kitten suspiciously waddle around. You heard steps from the staircase and looked up to see your boyfriend thundering his way down.

"My jagi has finally arrived, I was waiting for y- WHAT IS THAT?!"

He slipped on the last step and stumbled to a stop in front of the kitten, who sniffed his toes. You smiled at it and Daesung looked at you with a confused face. You headed toward the kitchen in order to find something healthy for the cat and explained apologetically.

"I saw it abandoned by the road and just had to bring it home, it won’t be for long. I’m sorry, jagi~"

Your boyfriend groaned and backhugged you.

"You’re wet…. that explains why the kitten is soaked… Mm.. But ____-ah, you know I don’t want a pet…"

He buried his face in your hair and you turned around to pat his cheek.

"Yeah, but don’t you like cats? Like Doraemon! Isn’t he a cat?"

"Yah, you know very well that I’m over Doraemon. I’m a big boy now."

You laughed at his cute pout and he sighed. He cautiously stepped toward the little kitten, who had found it’s place on a wet towel lying on the ground. When Daesung slowly reached out to touch it’s head, it lightly rubbed his palm while purring, thankful for the warmth. Daesung’s scared face slowly melted into a small smile as he tickled the cat. You were watching this scene from the kitchen and smirked. You put a bowl full of food on the ground near the towel and the kitten immediately abandoned Dae’s hand for the bowl.
You crouched down next to your boyfriend, grasping his hand, and watched the kitten eat together.

"You know, the reason I felt like I had to bring this cat home was that it reminded me so much of you. The way it mews, its precious face, the way it looks at me. I fell in love with it…"

He looked sideways at you and softly kissed your cheek.

"Well, I can’t let my lover be unhappy. I guess D will stay."


"Yeah, I want to call him D."

You smiled and leaned on his shoulder.

"Yah, wouldn’t it be cute if we had three cats, one called D, the second called Rai and the last one To? D-Raito! (D-lite)"

When you saw your boyfriend speechless face you laughed out loud, making the kitty lift its head from its food-snorfing and look at you two.

"I’m just joking!"



You sat down on the couch, looking awkwardly at your stony-faced boyfriend. He was staring at the dog sleeping at your feet. You had accepted a dog-sitting job without telling him and he strongly disapproved, which suprised you. You knew he wasn’t a 100% animal lover, but you had thought he was ok with dogs. He suddenly stood up, waking the dog, who immediately climbed up into your lap. You blushed and lightly scratched its forehead. Top leaned in close to your face, gazing straight into your eyes. You looked down. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"How long will the dog be here?"

You blinked at the sudden question and answered after a slight pause.

"Three days."

Your boyfriend glared at the dog fiercely and the dog, sensing the hostility, glared back. They seemed to be having a staring contest until Top tilted his head and the dog blinked. He sat down next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder. He leaned close to your ear and whispered.

"Three days huh? I have to give this dog three precious days with you.. Out of my precious days with you.."

You smiled softly in order to hide a snort and his forehead, adjusting a few stray hairs.

"You’re jealous of a dog?"

He leaned in closer to kiss your cheek and nod, tickling your face with his hair.

"A very lucky dog."

He was about to kiss your lips when the back of his hand hit the dogs back. The dog growled and pushed Seunghyun off of you with his front legs. Laughing, you gently slid away
from underneath the dog and helped the sprawled Seunghyun up.

"I swear, I’m going to do something to that dog…"



You slowly opened the door and stepped into the darkness of your house. You had just arrived from a business trip and it was well past midnight. Your boyfriend had arrived a few days ago and you had given him a task to do while you were gone. He had to take care of the your niece’s kitten. He wasn’t very interested in cats and you smirked as you thought of his scrunched face and how he had asked why your cousin couldn’t have a panda. Or at least a goldfish. You weren’t that worried about the kitten, Seunghyun was the kind of man that kept his promises, doing his best. You were sure that it had had enough food and water as well as freedom, but you didn’t know if he would have been able to become friends with the cat. The cat hadn’t taken to him very well… 
With these worries running through your head you put your luggage down in your study and sneaked toward the bedroom you and Seungri shared. You peeked around the hallway but didn’t find the kitty.

"D.. Did it escape?!"

You whispered anxiously to yourself and heard from inside the bedroom a light groan. The door slightly creaked as you slipped into the room. Seunghyun opened his eyes a slit to see you and whispered in a cracked voice.

"Welcome back, jagi."

You smiled at him and stepped next to the bed. He was sleeping on his side with only his legs covered by the blanket. You were about to pull the blanket up over him when he gently stopped your arm by pressing his hand against your wrist. When he saw your questioning expression he postitioned his legs in a more comfortable expression and his lips.

"The kitten is down there… On the blanket.. Sleeping… I can’t move.."

You your phone for light and finally noticed the small ball pf fur that was the curled-up kitten. You slowly smiled and sighed. When you gently it’s head the kitten’s ears twitched and it covered it’s head with it’s two front paws. You lay down on the large bed next to Seungri, avoiding the small animal. You your boyfriend’s jaw and he moaned lightly, closing tight his eyes.

"It’s a good thing that you came, jagi… I don’t think I can take this uncomfortable position anymore.."

You giggled softly and kissed his nose.


G-Dragon :

"Yong-ah!! Look at this!"

He looked up from his computer and slipped off his headphones.

"What’s wrong, _____?"

You happily held up Popcorn, your new kitten. When Jiyong lifted an eyebrow you sighed.

"Can’t you see? Her hair’s fluffier than usual! She’s so cute!~"

Jiyong put his headphones back on and swiveled his chair away from you.


He smirked and looked back at you.

”____-ah, you know I’m more of a dog person.”

You pouted and put Popcorn back on the ground. She quickly bounced away, her mission complete.

"Yah, but, you know, I think you’re much cuter than Popcorn."

You blushed and tried to hid it, turning your head around. He grinned and got up from his chair. He looked around and then bit his lower lip. Leaning toward you, he whispered.

"My kitten is the cutest, with the fluffiest hair and the most sparkling eyes…."

He your hot cheek and adjusted his beanie before pulling you into a hug. He pushed out his lips, closing his eyes and you smiled and kissed him back. When you parted he opened his eyes and gazed at you.

"And she’s the best at kissing~"

You shouted and tried to push him away jokingly as he laughed and covered you with light kisses.



You opened the door, dead tired. You had just came back from your first walk with your boyfriend’s new dog that he had bought today. The dog was overflowing with pure energy and enjoyed bouncing around haphazardly. As soon as you let go of his leash he raced toward the first person in sight, which just happene to be Youngbae, knocking the breath out of him. Your boyfriend laughed, nuzzling his new dog.

"He’s really energetic! "

You shot him a look and replied with a dark voice.

"I know."

Youngbae laughed awkwardly and hugged you. You loosened up and smiled. The dog bounded onto Youngbae’s back, knocking him over once again.

"I think… We’re going to need a larger garden.. Oof!"

After a few minutes of man-to-dog wrestling a sweaty Youngbae stood up and blinked a few times. He wiped the sweat off his face and flashed an eye smile at you.

"I’ve got an idea of how to burn off this excess energy!"

You sat down on a kitchen chair, too tired to answer. You were starting to prepare some ice coffee for the two of you when you heard some music playing. Turning around, you burst out laughing. Youngbae was teaching the dog how to dance. The dog was on his rear legs and chasing after Bae’s quick dance steps. When the song became slower, Youngbae grabbed the dog’s front paws and started to do some strange type of waltz. They danced over to you and Youngbae took a bow as you clapped enthusiastically. He looked up at you and smiled.

"Care to join?"

As you gave him your hand he smoothly lead you back to the middle of the room, followed by his dog. As the song came to a finish, he kissed you lightly and you laughed.

"You smell like your last dance partner!"

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