SONG SCENARIO 3: A Man In Love & Joah

Bigbang Song Scenario 3 

Bigbang Song Scenario 3: Man in Love & Joah

G - Dragon:

He turned around, swiping off a bead of sweat. The room seemed adequently decorated, nothing too fancy, how you liked it. He smiled, satisfied. Checking the time, he slipped off his casual clothes and ran to prepare. Half an hour later he was drying his hair while questioning the clothes he had chosen.

"What was I thinking? Ah, I gotta change this.. Maybe this?… Aish, I don’t know!"

He frowned, pursing his lips. He had to look his best. Suddenly, Gaho jumped onto the bed where Jiyong had spread out his clothes and settled on top of an all-black suit. Jiyong looked at him and smirked.


Gaho yawned. Jiyong shook his head and picked up the suit next to it.

"I think that today calls for something a bit more special…"

He scratched Gaho on his head and then started changing. 
You stepped into the room, thanking Jiyong for holding the door open. The classy dining room was lit by candles placed strategically on the tables and by the windows. You smiled at the small flower placed on your plate and gently sat down on the chair that he pulled out for you.

"You didn’t have to prepare this much, I would have been fine with anything."

He smiled at you and started pouring some wine into your glass.

"I know, which is why I made this as simple as possible for you."

Halfway into the meal, Jiyong set down his silver utensils and sighed. You looked up from your food, surprised. He looked into your eyes and smiled softly.

"I must really be going crazy…"

You frowned and he rose up from his seat and walked toward you.

"This is the first time I’ve thought that someone could be this beautiful while eating chicken."

You laughed and then blushed when you understood what he was hinting. He softly touched your cheek and leaned in toward you.

"So, what do you say, gorgeous? Would you make me the happiest man alive?"

You looked at him, blushing, and nodded. As he closed off the distance between your lips and his, you closed your eyes and lost yourself to him.



He glanced at your laughing face and happy clapping from your side and tapped his fingers nervously. The time he had reserved the karaoke room was reaching an end and he hadn’t confessed yet. This time he really wanted to spill out everything but he continued to lose the right moment like the other times.

"Come on, Kang Daesung! This is your last chance!"

He encouraged himself in a low voice and took a deep breath before offering to sing the next song. You looked at him and smiled warmly, making his heart skip a beat. He smiled back awkwardly and prepared himself as the song he had chosen started to play. You and his friends started to clap to the beat and you burst into a grin as you realized what song it was.

"Oh Baby,
I like you so much that it’s driving me crazy,
Even if i just think of you, i feel good, i feel good, i feel good,”

He stepped in front of you and you smiled even more. He knew how you much you loved Jay Park.

"This feeling,
The feeling that only you can give me,
I want to feel it until the day i pass away,
Stay by my side, I can treat you well, I can treat you well,
I look only at you whenever, without knowing i let out a laugh-“

He looked straight into your eyes and pulled you up, close to him.

"I want to shout out loud,"

"I like you, I like everything about you, from your head to your toes, up until you little habits, one by one."

You blushed and Daesung smiled softly. He wrapped his warm arms around you and everyone applauded loudly.



"Ah, what a great day!"

He stretched out his arms and playfully put one around your shoulder. Laughing, you slipped out and stuck your tounge at him. He smiled softly and glanced at the ground. You were going on a walk together with your best guy friend because lately he had seemed a bit anxious. You looked around and started running toward a pair of swings you had spotted.

"Ah, let’s play over there!"

He laughed and walked up to you, patting your head.

"My baby wants to play? You’re still a child at heart, huh?"

You blushed awkwardly, this was a bit.. too close.. but it didn’t feel as weird or wrong as you expected so you let it be and hopped onto the swing. He pushed you for a while and you closed your eyes, feeling the cool breeze on your face. You opened them again when you felt the swing slowing down and turned to Seunghyun.

"Why’d you stop?"

He smiled and gestured for you to get off. You slid down and he reached for your hand.

”____-ah, I’m sorry that I’ve been acting a bit strange lately.”

You shook your head and glanced at his hand still holding yours. He looked up into your eyes.

"I’ve been.. Thinking a lot.. And I’ve come to a conclusion. I like you."

He tilted up your chin with one hand and you felt something cool slide onto your finger. You looked back at your hand and felt a rush of emotions. Suprise. Shyness. Confusion. And happiness. You raised up your hand and rotated it slowly, staring at the sparkling silver band on your ring finger.

"You like it, right?"

He looked so anxious and you smiled widely and wrapped your arms around his neck, suprising him.

"I love it."

He sighed happily and hung his arm around your waist.

"I love you. And now I can finally say it as much as I want."



The door swung shut behind you and you let out a breath as the mall’s air-conditioned freshness hit you. Your friend grabbed your arm and started pulling you into one of the many stores she had wanted to go to.

"Ah, ____, isn’t this adorable? I think this would look so good on you!"

You let your friend use you as a mannequin and tried on numerous outfits.

"This! This is perfect! "

You looked at your reflection in the mirror and shrugged. A small movement in the reflection of the room attracted your attention and you focused on it. A very well-dressed man was picking through the outfits on the rack your friend had just passed through. You turned around and watched him. What did he want? As you inspected him more closely you noticed he was wearing sunglasses under his hat.

"Yah, isn’t that-"

At the sound of your friend’s voice the man carelessly looked up and you recognized him immediately.


He froze and then straightened up. He frantically looked around and then awkwardly walked to another rack.

"Uh.. No!"

You smirked and he glanced back at you, blushing. Your friend laughed loudly and pulled him over.

"Whatcha looking for, Taeyang? A present for a girl?"

He shot a glare at her and she smirked. You watched the two of them curiously. Your friend obviously knew something you didn’t. He stepped a bit backwards and your friend went back to picking out clothes for you. At a certain point Youngbae completely forgot about looking through clothes and just stared at you. You felt a light tap on your shoulder and turned your head to see your friend.

“Yah, you know who the clothes Youngbae’s looking at are going to be gifted too?”

You shook your head frowning. So he really did have a girlfriend? Your friend smirked and glanced at Youngbae before pulling you closer.


You spun around, startled. He was standing right in front of you and when you turned around he move to the side, suprised. Your friend tripped on a fallen clothes hanger and fell on you.


You found yourself lying on top of a bright red Youngbae. He quickly slid out from underneath you and helped you up. Your friend pouted.

"Aish, this was the perfect chance, you babo!"

Youngbae stared at her, frustrated, before glancing back at you and sighing deeply. You watched him tighten his fists. He turned to you again, this time completely.


Your friend laughed at the awkward tension and Youngbae sighed.

"I… I…"

You looked at him, confused.

"I… Think you look really good with that outfit!"

You smiled shyly and tried to thank him when he raised a hand, gesturing for you to stop.

"No.. Ahh… _____-ah… I meant to say.. that.. I…"

"Oh just say it already, I’m dying over here!"

Your friend piped up, exhasperated. Youngbae sighed one last time and then spit out a long sentence quickly without breathing.

"I really like you and want you to be my girlfriend so I wanted to give you a dress as a present but I didn’t know what to choose so-"

He stopped as you pulled him into a hug, laughing. He awkwardly your head and broke into a smile.

"Finally! God! Look, I’ll just go buy this already."

You both ignored your friend and stayed like that, savouring the first of many sweet moments to come.



You checked your phone and smiled. Today’s message had arrived.

"I thought of you today 
As well, my dear
My heart feels like bursting
Today I have something to say
Only to you, so special.
Please check your laptop.”

You flipped open your laptop and waited for something to arrive. It had been over a month since the anonymous messages had started arriving. At first you had been scared, but since your friends reassured you that they knew who your admirier was, you had taken a little liking to the sweet texts. You refreshed the page and smiled as the email appeared. Inside of it were some pictures.
The first was a small photo of two hands holding a small, pink piece of paper with a single line of writing on it.

"Have you guessed who I am?"

Smiling, you clicked the next one. This time the hands were covered by thick black gloves with studs on them.

"Do you want to know?"

You nodded to yourself and opened the third and last photo.

"Turn around, sweetheart."

You spun around and jumped as you noticed someone standing at the door. The person was wearing a large hoodie to hide their face and were holding another piece of paper.

"Love you, like always. 
-Your not-so-secret admirer.”

Suprised, you got up from your desk and the person pulled off his hoodie to reveal his smirking face.

"S..Seunghyun oppa!"

He stepped inside the room and flipped around the paper.

"Will you accept me?"

You smiled brightly and ran to him. The man you had always crushed on from afar had just confessed to you..


He smiled and opened his mouth, giving a voice to all of the messages he had sent you. His deep tone rang through your ears as he spoke.

"I’ve waited for you, jagi."


Both of these song are among my favs of each artist~ They also have the same sweet love story feel so I decided to put them together because I thought it would be a bit repetitive if not… On the other hand, I made Taeyang’s (who usually has the shortest) longer~ Anyway, thanks to the anons that requested~ *hugs tightly*

P.s. did anyone spot Top’s secret message?~

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