Bigbang Song Scenario~

Bigbang Song Scenarios: A Good Man


"What am I going to do…"

He sat down on a bench in the park, hunched over. He hid his face in his hands and sighed. The deep breath rattled his empty chest. Rubbing his eyes, he lifted up his head and looked at the dark evening sky. It was Tuesday, the day you passed by that little bench occupied at the moment by him in the lonely park on your way home. He waited for you, motionless. 
The wind grew harder and the trees shook off their rustling leaves. He looked toward the end of the path and saw a dark silhouette slowly trodding his way. He stood up and placed himself in the middle of the way. He stared at you as you got closer. You were wearing your favourite thick jacket and leggings, and Seungri’s heart ached as he remembered all the dates you had shown up at with those clothes. You had recognized him immediately and didn’t run. When you arrived in front of him, you tried to sidestep him, but he stopped you by catching your hand and pulling you back. His hold on you lingered for a second and then he quickly pulled it back, with eyes closed tightly. You looked up at him blankly and he opened his eyes. They were heavy with pain and sorrow. You looked down at the leaves fallen on the ground.


His voice was dry and lacked the stubborn confidence it always had. He called your name once more, like a plea. You slowly shook your head. He could beg all he wanted, it was over, you had erased him, erased everything he had ever done to you. He knew that. He couldn’t stop you any longer.

He finally dropped his gaze and stepped to the side, letting you go. As you walked pass him he tried to say something else, but bit his lips. His heart broke to send you off, but you weren’t even his to send off anymore. He looked back at the sight of you leaving and regretted it. That view was burnt into his heart. From that day on, it would be like you never knew each other.



He opened his eyes and wiped his face with a finger. It was wet with tears. He sighed. Sitting up, he pushed his fingers through his tangled hair and looked to his right. The clock on the wall read 2 am. He couldn’t sleep. He walked toward the window and looked outside. The darkness was total and nothing could be heard. After pushing it open he reached for the couple phone you had bought for the two of you only a few months ago. Were you still using yours?
He carefully turned it on and looked at the all of his calls you hadn’t picked up. Sighing, he started to put it down when he suddenly froze. You wouldn’t be awake at this time of night, obviously, but… with trembling fingers he digited in your number. He slowly raised the phone to his ear and waited.
He closed his eyes, his heart racing. You wouldn’t pick up, would you? And even if you did, what could he possibly say? His eyes flashed open when with a click his call was picked up.

"Mmm.. Yoboseyeo? Who is it?"

The sound of your sleepy voice pierced him. For a second it seemed as if nothing had ever gone wrong between you two.

"Ah… It’s you."

His heart sunk as it returned to reailty.

"What do you want?"

"….______-ah… please…"

His voice quivered with pain as he was answered with silence.

"I’m.. I’m so sorry.. I feel like I’m dying… if I ever made you feel like this, I’m so.. so.. sorry. I.. just can’t without you… please.. forgive me.. come back to me… _____-ah…."

His tears started dripping as you put down the call. Would you be happy without him? Would you be able to find a better man than him? He lay back down on his bed and cried himself to sleep.



"What would you like to order?"

He blinked quickly and slowly asked for the menu. He hadn’t really thought about food for the past days. You shook your head and Youngbae got up to pay for his drink inside the shop. When he opened his wallet a small photo fell out. He sighed as it fluttered down, your smiling face reflecting the soft glow of the LED lights above you.
When he returned he softly put down the cup and looked at you. You stared straight in front of you, trying to ignore him. He sat down in a painted white chair, trying to finish drinking the coffee he had half-heartedly ordered. But it was so hard to swallow, so hard to pretend that this wasn’t the last time he would be seeing you, so hard to enjoy your last moments together. He set down his cup, resigning, and looked down at his trembling hands. He had managed to get one last date with you, but what could he do? You were already far out of reach, lost in a cold and foggy shadow in front of his eyes.

"Mm.. Ah.. I…."

You looked at him blankly. He sighed and reached for the bag next to his chair. He carefully pulled out a bouquet of beautiful red flowers. Holding it out in front of him, he smiled weakly, gesturing for you to take it.

"I hope you like them."

You blinked and then hestitantly took them.

"Thank you. They’re beautiful."

He tried to laugh but inside wanted to cry. You hadn’t even smiled. Those were your favourite flowers that he had always bought you on the most important occasions. They were his last chance. You slowly pushed back your chair and stood up.

"I’ll be going then."

He nodded and weakly got up.





He gently closed the door and put his bag down. In the dark, he imagined you running towards him, smiling, welcoming him back. As he reluctantly the lights, his image of you disappeared and the room seemed darker than it was before. He dropped the keys on the kitchen table along with his jacket and head for his room. It was clean, as always. He sat down at his desk and covered his mouth with two entwined hands. His slow breathing rintuonated in the room and he kept his eyes only half open, keeping his gaze on the little heart ingraved onto the upper right corner of the wooden desk, with inside your initials. Sighing, he pulled a piece of paper out of a folder and a pen from his pocket. After a slight pause, his pen tip touched the paper and the sound of its scratching filled the room.

"To my eternal love _____."

He stared at that first phrase for a while and then continued.

"It seems as if I have so many things to tell you, my dear. My times with you, my memories, they hold on to me and don’t let me sleep at night. It feels as it’s raining inside my heart, and although I clutch it strongly so it won’t fall into pieces, it still aches for you so badly…
I guess that my stubborn pride has coldly transformed into tears now, right? I haven’t been able to forgive myself yet, but I’m sure that more than that, I’m worried about how you will think of me. My last love, how are you?”

His hands came to a stop as a wet tear stained the paper. He sighed shakily and re-read the short letter. His eyes darkened and he roughly slashed out all the lines with thick streaks. He let go of the pen and reached for the phone weighing down his right jacket pocket. He turned it on and its glow softly lit up the dimmly-lit room. Trying not to get his hopes up, he checked his messages. A few from the members, one from a friend. He pursed his lips and lowered his eyes, letting his arms hang loosely by his side. 
Nothing from you. 
He looked up at the dark ceiling and sighed.


Gdragon :

He groaned, randomly waving around his arm until he managed to turn off his alarm. He sat up and tried to stretch his aching muscles. He had practiced all night in order to perfect his performance… and to forget you. He massaged his shoulder and looked out the window. The day was already bright and he reluctantly got out of bed and wobbled toward his bathroom. He opened the creaking door and grabbed with both hands the bathroom sink. Sighing, he looked up at his reflection in the cold glass. He looked about as tired as he felt, and his eyes were worse. They were completely empty. As he looked into them, they seemed to ask him,

"What do you want me to do?"

He rubbed his face with one hand and then splashed a bit of water on his neck before washing his face, as always. As he opened an eye to reach for his toothbrush he clumsily knocked over a green tube of toothpaste hidden behind the small pile of soap bars. He stared at it. It was your favourite toothpaste, the one you had always stubbornly claimed was the best. He wondered how you could have possibly left it at his house. Had you been in that much of a hurry to leave? He bit his lip and picked it up. It was a waste to just leave it there. As he started to brush his teeth he grimaced. The taste wasn’t any better than how he remembered. How could you have possibly liked it? When he realized that all his thoughts led up to you, he paused and rinsed out his mouth. Letting out a heavy sigh, he dried off his face.

What were you doing?
Would you be able to get up everyday?
Were you okay?
Were you still hurting?
Had you been eating enough?
Was the person you were next to taking care of you? Loving you enough? 
Were they able to make you your favourte breakfast like he had?
Were they able to make you smile?

He threw the towel back on its rack and spun away from the mirror, turning off the lights on his way out. With time, all of his worries would be erased, right? You would somehow be forgotten, right? He paused and looked back at your toothpaste tube.

"Sorry… I’m not as good a person as you thought I was, ____… I’ll find some way to forget you…"

Requested by korellana, thank you^^ i’m not very good at writing sad things yet but i hope you like it~ I think that this song can be understood in a variety of different ways so I wrote something from a slightly different point of view for each member. I think Jiyong’s matches most closely the main concept, right? And aish, why is Taeyang’s so choppy?! And Top’s letter sounded so cool in korean in my head but it was a bit bleh in english..ack!

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RainDrop124 #1
Chapter 19:
JBL511 #2
Chapter 2: Still like Seungri part :) ( when they yell at you)
JBL511 #3
Chapter 1: I like Seungri part it funny (when you lose your job)
topwife #4
Chapter 5: good!keep it up! but i wish the scenarios can be a little bit longer.