Scenario 10: When you go walking/shopping in the streets

Bigbang Scenario 10: When you go walking/shopping in the streets

Bigbang Scenario 10 : When you go walking/shopping in the streets

*___* = in english


"You think this is okay?"

You pursed your lips and pulled his scarf over his nose a bit more. Seunghyun stared back at you, and even though simple, black sunglasses were covering his eyes, they still managed to pierce you. You sighed and he smirked.

"They’re going to find you out anyway sooner or later, let’s just hurry."

You held hands tightly and found your way to the busy streets of Myeongdong. The night life certainy attracted many people and the stores were bursting with lively, chattering people. You felt Seunghyun’s hold on you tighten and you turned to him. He had a longing look in his eyes and you grinned as you traced it to a ddokbokki stand. If Choi Seunghyun wanted something to eat, Choi Seunghyun would get it, so you walked with him over to the small stand to look what else was there.

"What a cute couple. What would you like, sir?"

He pointed at the ddokbokki and raised a finger.

"One large portion of-"

You nudged him and gave him a warning look. He stared at you, confused, and then shook his head with an amused look. He turned back to the stand owner and cleared his throat before repeating the order in a higher, almost squeaky tone. The woman looked at him in a weird way before scooping up the mouth-watering rice cakes and handing them over. He paid and carefully took the food before continuing your walk. He softly blew on a small piece and held it out for you.

"Eat well, jagiya."

You smiled and pulled it off his wooden toothpick. You chewed slowly, savouring the taste as you scanned the stores. You suddenly flung out an arm wildly, scaring Seunghyun and making him drop his paper cup full of ddokbokki.


He pouted and stared at the spillt food. You winced and apologized.

"I just.. saw the store I like and… I’m sorry.."

He sighed and looked back at you.

"Then you have to buy me more!"

You shrugged, laughing and he leaned in for a kiss. He your lips lightly as he stepped back.

"Never mind, your lips taste better."

You giggled and covered your ears.

"Ah, goosebumps! You’re so cheesy!! I bet you had that all planned in your mind!"

He laughed and pulled you into a hug, pressing your head to his shoulder with one hand.

"So what if I did?"



”______-ah, where do you want to go?”

You shrugged and smiled at Daesung’s excited expression.

"Do you have somewhere you want to go, jagi?"

He nodded intensely, closing his eyes tight.

"Let me guess- the lego store, right?"


You laughed and raced him to the store. When you arrived, he started passionately going on about how amazing the newest product in the window was. You pulled him inside and watched him plop down at the lego-making corner in the kids section. He smiled brightly when a little boy proudly held up a lego car he had finished and gently pat his head. You smiled and he turned to you.

"Don’t you want to join us? *Come on~*!!"

He squinted and waved you over. Smiling, you climbed onto the little yellow bench and sat next to him. You watched him concentrate on building a little tower and tried to copy him.

"Yah, don’t copy! Legos are unique and original and releash your imagination!! "

"Ah, molla, what is that building anyway?"

He glanced at you and smiled shyly. Pushing the last piece into place, he answered in a playful voice.

"Our future home, jagi."

"But it’s so big!"

He winked at you and kissed your cheek.

"All of our children will have to fit, after all."



You hummed softly and Seungri slid an arm around your waist, pulling you toward him and slightly lifting his head so you could rest your head on his shoulder. You were on a work trip to Japan and had made the best of the occasion to visit your very busy lover. He halted and you lifted your head.

"Oh, _____, look at that!"

You looked at where he was pointing and widened your eyes in surpise at the enormous poster of his advertisement stuck onto the side of a skyscraper.

"To have my handsome, well-known face on their building, the owner must be very thankful."

You smirked and nudged him. He waved his hand in the air in an exaggerated way and put on his MC voice.

"Eh?~ You don’t think so??"

You laughed and looked back at the poster.

"You’re really photogenic."

"Ah, take a picture! I can post it on Twiter."

He handed you his phone and adjusted his jacket before striking a cool pose. You took a picture and then gestured for him to change pose. He tilted his head up and looked toward the sky, a thoughtful look on his face. You snorted and he turned back to you, laughing.

"Do something more like you."

"Like… this?"

He lifted one bent leg backwards and made finger guns pointing at the camera, with an aegyo filled expression. You snapped the shot and grinned, reviewing it.

"I’m keeping this one."



Jiyong crumpled his nose in disgust and tossed the clothes back on the rack.

"Jagiya, I know a better store, let’s go there."

You ignored him and continued searching.

"Your stores are always too expensive, Yong-ah."

He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck.


You sighed and put down the clothes. He smiled and pulled you away. The store you arrived at had neon lighting and soft, hip hop music playing in the background. You watched in a corner awkwardly as Jiyong high-fived the cashier and started chatting happily. He turned to you and laughed.

"Ya, don’t be scared. Take a look around."

You cautiously looked through the shelves. There were some really pretty accessories and a pair of shorts caught your attention. You pulled them out and turned it around.

"Found something you like, sweetie?"

Jiyong stuck his head out from behind you and looked at the pants.

"Oh, those are nice."

You shook your head and put them back in place. He pouted and pulled them back out.

"Yah, why did you do that?"

"I don’t want to see the price."

He smirked and held up the price tag so you could see it. You groaned and covered your face with a hand.

"You could buy me a wedding ring with that money, Yong-ah."

He shrugged and inspected it more closely.

"It’s not that much."

He looked back at you and smiled.

"You’re worth it."



He excitedly bounced around the house while you prepared your bag and turned off the lights.

"Are you ready yet, jagi??"

He popped his head into your room and you smiled, waving him off. The special summer market of your town was opening today and he had really wanted to go. You checked if you had everything and then followed him out the door.


"This is great!"

Youngbae couldn’t stop smiling, and stopped at every stand he passed.

"Bae, I’ll be over here!"

You left the child playing with some old discs and went to check out a large souvenir stand. Most of the merchandise were couple items and you smile softly as you saw a few teenagers buying scarfs and t-shirts.


You turned around and bumped into a couple passing by. You apologized and searched for Youngbae.

"Are you okay?"

He lightly tapped your shoulder and you turned toward him, sighing in relief. Smiling, he handed you one of the two ice cream cones in his hands and looked at the stand you were at. 
He blushed lightly and conspiciously looked around at all the other couples. He looked at you and cleared his throat.

"Uh, do you want to… buy.. something?"

You blushed and looked down, your ice cream. You were about to respond when Youngbae called the attention of the stall owner.

"Excuse me? Can I have those bracelets?"

You looked up, startled, and Youngbae shyly glanced at you.

"Would you like to have names carved in?"

Youngbae nudged you, and you nodded thoughtlessly.

"Thank you, please carve… Dong Youngbae and ___ ______."

You felt him entwine his fingers through yours and smiled. He may be charismatic and firey on stage, but he always should his softest side to you. He took the carved bracelets and handed the one with his name to you. You laughed and accepted it.

"Keep mine with you, so you will always remember you have a girlfriend!"

He smiled softly and leaned in for an unexpected kiss before whispering.

"It will remind me that this isn’t all a dream. That I really am yours."

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RainDrop124 #1
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