Busy Day For The Festival.

Dream On!

[Whoops, sorry for the hiatus. Summer was being a bum and it's been rough. :c /]

"Wow, today seems to be pretty busy since the festival is just around the corner. Look at them working like dogs out there." Kumi leaned near the window scanning and watching the students stacking up their sets. Murasaki was sitting on the floor next to Kumi's leg, reading some set of manga books as she was eating pocky, minding her own business. Kumi pouted knowing that she wasn't listening to her. Suddenly she snatched away Murasaki's pocky, munching away all her pocky. "My pocky...."  Pocky! My pocky! Kumi, Pocky! No, my pocky! She was fidgeting, moving side to side as she continues to watch Kumi eating her pocky. Then Kumi stopped and looked back at Murasaki who was still staring at her with what seems to be her worried face. Couldn't even tell if she was worried or not since her face doesn't show much expression, but her eyes seems to be getting bigger. That's when she stopped, handing back her pocky. Murasaki eyes seemed to shine more like a little girl when she gotten it back. Kumi slightly smiled and chuckled. She's actually cute. 

"Hey, you guys, what are you two doing here? Is your class doing anything." Natalie was approaching them with a gentle smile and a soft voice. Natalie is a model who is really known but because of that, she was being picked on due to jealousy from other students. Murasaki and Kumi helped her during the time when she was getting attacked by Mami and her posse that was following her like dogs. 

"Sup, Natalie? Well, they're doing something. A food stand? I don't know. A buffet? What ever it is, it's going to have food. Ahahah.  We're just chilling around here since we don't want to work. Too much going on here." Kumi explained. "What about you? It looks like your class is doing some type of cosplay?

"Oh, yes. They decided on a cafe where we dress up as maids, also the guys."  

"I want to go see during the festival. I'm going to take pictures while I'm at it." Murasaki exclaimed. "But first, food. I like food. I want food. Food." Kumi agreed with her nodding.

Around the corner, there were girls gathering around the middle of the hallway, screaming, shoving each others faces to the wall, and chatting nonstop. They were around the top North High's students. The girls were clinging on to the guys arms with their face shoving close to theirs. 

How pathetic. Murasaki was getting annoyed by the noises. She hates them with a passion. She got up, walking away from the noise. Ryuu took notice of her and his eyes were following her every moment. She felt that she was being watched but didn't want to turn around because it'll be too awkward, feeling uncomfortable.

"Wait, Murasaki! Where are you going all of a sudden?" Kumi grabbed Natalie's wrist so they could catch up with her. 

She thought to herself that she didn't want to be involved with those people anymore. It'll just be a pain to be around those kind of people. 

"Ryuu? What are you looking at?" Haru was waving his hands in front of him. Ryuu came back from his deep thoughts and told him that it was nothing. Haru pouted, shaking it off. As if it was nothing. He mumbled. 

Ryuu pushed the girls out of the way, then started running away from them. "RYUU?! Wait, where are you going!?" Haru panicked, trying to get out of the crowd but the girls were holding on to Haru tightly. "Wait, Haru senpai, you're not thinking of leaving us right? Stay and play with us!" Haru struggled but they wouldn't let him go. What the hell is he doing now? 

Ryuu was breathing hard and laying down to rest in the school's back garden. Finally, some peace and quiet. tch. I'm so bored. 

"Hey, I'm going to go somewhere. I need some fresh air at the moment. I don't feel like being in here." Murasaki told Kumi and Natalie to wait for her in the class first with Takashi who was helping setting up stands and making signs. They looked confused but told her okay

Kumi and Natalie walked in to the class where Takashi was. "Well, isn't it Kumi? Right? What are you doing here? I thought you weren't going to help and where's Murasaki?" He was searching around to see if she was around but looked disappointed. "If she's not here, then there's nothing for me to talk with you guys."

"That's not of your filthy business. Isn't that just rude? Tch. This is my class also and I don't need to help if I wanted to. I have to watch the stand during the festival either way!

Kumi and Takashi sure don't get along. I wonder why? Natalie thought to herself. 

Murasaki walked to the back garden since it was quiet, suddenly she stepped on something. 

"Ahh, what the hell? Watch where - - - " A sudden gasped came from the person's mouth. 

She looked down as her eyes met with Ryuu's. His eyes was wide as if he saw a ghost, which she thought was funny. 

"Whoops, sorry." She said in a monotone voice. Ryuu didn't say anything but instead he was still staring at her. 

What the hell is his problem? 

Ryuu couldn't take his eyes off of her. It was the girl from the library, he thought. As their eyes met, his heart suddenly felt warm and his heart was beating uncontrollably. He didn't know what the feeling was, but he liked it and he didn't know what to do. He thought he was sick, but isn't it how people think when they never experience "love"? Well, sometimes. 

"Oh, sorry. I was just tired being in the school. I just wanted some peace and quiet." Ryuu said, trying to break the silence. 

I didn't ask why you were here. Murasaki thought to herself. She wanted to say that but she didn't want to bother. All she said was, "Oh, okay? Then I'm leaving." He was surprised by her response, grabbing her hand trying to stop her because he wanted to talk to her more. He was shocked by his actions, letting it go quickly. "Ah, sorry." His ears turned red. What am I doing? I'm such an idiot! He thought to himself. She was confused, swiftly backing away more. "It's okay?"  

She waved goodbye to him, walking further away from him. Ryuu was disappointed because even though he has the same class as her, he wants her to notice him more or he thought he was acting dumb and was being annoying. Why am I such an idiot? He sighs, running through his hair back, then sees Haru running towards him with his clothes ripped half open. "What happened to you?" Haru was breathing hard, grabbing Ryuu's shirt collar. "Don't. Ever. Leave. Me. AGAIN!" Haru lost his calm and drags Ryuu back inside the school. "I don't want to go back inside. It's annoying."

Murasaki sees Kumi and Natalie sitting next to each other in a set of tables. When she was about to walk in, Takashi heart was racing with excitement and ran up to her giving her a hug. "Murasaki! I miss you! I thought you weren't going to be here and I was getting lonely." He playfully pouted even though she knew he wasn't lonely since he was hanging around with a group of girls while stacking up some items to impress them, then Kumi rolled her eyes approaching him, kicking him on the side, flicking him off, then grabs Murasaki and walked back to the table where she and Natalie were sitting.

Takashi smile turned into a scowl. What the hell? I'm not going to let you get in the way of my love life with Murasaki. He glared at Kumi as she was glaring back at him. You think I'm going to give Murasaki up to you, you dirty playboy? Touch her again, I will beat you until death approaches. 

Kumi and Takashi was having a stare down that was intense. "Um, Kumi?" Natalie can see the dark thundering aura around the two. It looked like they were battling each others mind. Murasaki wasn't paying attention, as always. She was dazing off thinking about the festival that will be filled with food. She just wasn't excited about how it'll be crowded.



[ Sorry, this chapter didn't seem much exciting since I haven't been focusing with this story. I had a hard time trying to think of ideas for this chapter. oml.]

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MagicalMistt #1
Chapter 5: Hai Lena c:
Chapter 6: this is really different from what i usually read! i cant wait for more!!
Maddle #3
Chapter 6: I sense jealousy on the way.... Hehe..... This is getting interesting!
Chapter 5: Kyaaa!~ So cute!!~
Maddle #5
Chapter 5: Yay!!!... An update at last...
Loved this chapter.... Haha.... I think a lot of intresting things are going to happen.... Can't wait for the festival!!!
Thank you so much for writing this story!
Maddle #6
Chapter 3: Aiee..... I can't wait for the next Chapter!!!... *Crossing fingers*
Chapter 1: I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! :)