Flutter Hearts

Dream On!


Murasaki was filing papers in the library. She was bored with nothing else to do, but she didn't have a choice. Afterall, it was a punishment from the fight. She was organizing books, papers, and monitoring the school's library. Kumi was with Mami, picking up trash outside of the school's ground. Murasaki wondering how that's going, because those two are like fire and ice. Natalie is helping with the school nurse, which was good, because she didn't have to be around those two other dogs. The other two were mopping around the school's hallways. This school is too big and fustrating. 

How boring. 

Murasaki was done filing the papers, now all she could do was just sit and read manga which she found from the library bookshelf.

"Exscuse me...helloooo....exscu..."


Murasaki sighed and looked up with an annoyed face. She was too focused on the manga that she didn't even realize that there were students in the library. 

"Yes, can I help you? Do you need anything?"

These guys, I've seen....ah....Mami's guy friends from that time...I think I'm in the same class as them...I don't remember their faces though.  

It was the guy who stopped the fight and his other friend who was perhaps Mami's lover. Murasaki thought to herself, but there were other few other good looking guys with them. She kept staring at them until the guy who'd name was, Haru, started to speak. "We're sorry if we're bothering you, but is it okay if we study here?" She tilt her head in confusion, then quietly spoke, "Ah, yes, go ahead. There's nobody here anyways. Take your time.

The guy smiled and thanked her. They walked towards a table in front of her front desk. She went back to her reading, but she felt like somebody was watching. She slightly look up to see a guy who was just looking at her. She quickly look down, trying to pretend she was reading her manga. 

That guy is Mami's lover right? What was his name again? Ryuk? Ro? Kangaroo? Or was it Ryuunosuke...

"Ryuu, pay attention!"  

"I am."

Ah, I was right. 

"Psssttt, Murasaki~" Murasaki looked around to see who it was, but she couldn't find anybody. She thought she was hallucinating.

"Pssssssssssssstttttttttt, MORE-RAH-SAH-KEE!" His voice boomed which caught the guys attention. It was Takashi, who peeked up from the front desk. 

"Be quiet, this is a library sir. What are you doing here anyways? If you came to play, then---"

"No, no. I just wanted to see you." He smiled and then looked back to the group of guys, waving at them as they waved back at him awkwardly and confused. Then he turned around and moved his face close to hers. "Takashi, seriously, what do you want?"  

"Aww, don't be like that Murasaki. I need to talk to you about the upcoming festival." Murasaki didn't know there was a festival going on, but she doesn't seem to be interested in it. "Plus, once we're done with the festival. The money we saved up, we're using it for our class field trip."

"And you're telling me this, why?

"Think about it? If we go the beach as the field trip, hot babes everwhere and I get to see you in a swim---"

SMACK!  Murasaki hitted Takashi's arm with the manga. 

"Hehe, I like it when you're rough."

"Shut up, you masochist. Go to where ever you need to go." She whispered to him.

"Fine, fine, but don't forget about the festival that the South High are planning. You're going to be involved in this since it's your first time in a Japanese festival, Ms.America." He give her a big grin and slowly walked out. 

Just when Murasaki was about to be engrossed in her manga, Ryuu walked up to her and placed a book on the desk. 

"I want to check this book out."

She looked up at him and then back to the book. "I need your school ID, please." She said calmly. 

Ryuu couldn't keep his eyes off of her because she was really beautiful, but she showed no emotion so he couldn't tell what she was thinking. Murasaki is truly eye catching, but she doesn't even realize herself since she was the type that was hard to approach. Ryuu was astonished, but he didn't think of her like that. He just only thought she was beautiful or so he thought he did. He remember when he assigned for a new class. He planned on skipping but Haru has stopped him from doing so. As they walk into their new class, the first thing that caught his eyes was her. She was quiet, looking out the window with no care in the world. Beside her was the guy from earlier who was trying to get her attention and in front of her was a girl who seemed to look annoyed and bothered by the guy. "Where are you looking? Those girls? You heard about them? They were the ones that fought Mami and her girls. Those two may be pretty, but they're scary."  

"Uhm, do you have your ID?" She was getting uncomfortable and impatient. 

"Oh, yeah, sorry." He started to rummage through his pockets and then handed her his ID.  

"Thank you." Murasaki sighed again and slid his card in the machine and typed more information on the computer. She stamp the book's bookmark and handed the book to him. "By the way, this book is good. I read this book before." She said in a soft voice. Ryuu didn't know what to say but only said, okay, and walked back to his group.

"Oooohhh, what was that? You were staring at her like you were gonna jump on her. Like a lion preying on a deer." One of Ryuu's friend teased.

"Get off of me, it's not like that." He turned away embarrased. 

"What's this? North's High Ice Prince is being shy?" His other friend teased and pokes his cheek. 

"How cute." Haru slightly laughed at him. 

"I only spoke to her once, just to check out my book. Don't get ahead of yourselves, idiots."

"Dream on, that girl is impossible. That girl is a really hard catch, ya'know." His leaned  back and took a peek to see if Murasaki was listening but she didn't pay attention at least one bit. "I mean, seriously, that girl is a beauty, but I heard that no guy could ever approach her. Maybe because of that personality of hers."

"What personality?" The guy quietly laughed.

"I don't think her personality is that bad." Ryuu mumbled. His friends turned to look at him and they all evily grinned at him. 

"You know, the festival is coming up." Haru said looking up from his book. 


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MagicalMistt #1
Chapter 5: Hai Lena c:
Chapter 6: this is really different from what i usually read! i cant wait for more!!
Maddle #3
Chapter 6: I sense jealousy on the way.... Hehe..... This is getting interesting!
Chapter 5: Kyaaa!~ So cute!!~
Maddle #5
Chapter 5: Yay!!!... An update at last...
Loved this chapter.... Haha.... I think a lot of intresting things are going to happen.... Can't wait for the festival!!!
Thank you so much for writing this story!
Maddle #6
Chapter 3: Aiee..... I can't wait for the next Chapter!!!... *Crossing fingers*
Chapter 1: I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! :)