I'm not a blocker?!


Chapter 2:


Sitting on the toilet floor, barfing out breakfast was the second worse thing Jongin never wanted to experience again. His legs stretched out in front of him with the toilet bowl in between them and his forehead placed on the cool plastic seat after regurgitating. Jongin was exhausted. With barely enough sleep from the itch (Which was now gone thankfully) and a new churning sensation in his stomach, he contemplated to sleep in this position after rinsing his mouth. Except at this very moment, he could hear his mother calling for him.


Groaning, Jongin caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. A clammy pale boy with his fringe plastered against the forehead covered in cold sweat stared back at Jongin. Pulling his hood over, he stepped out of the toilet.


“There you are, Jongin. Are you alright? There's something we need to discuss in the living room.” Mrs Kim tried to reached out, studying his head but Jongin jerked back and reassured everything was okay. There was no need to worry his mother anymore after the doctor's visit yesterday. Jongin followed his mother down the stairs towards the living room, step by step, hand on the railings, down the stairs. Mrs Kim was engaged in a serious conversation with her husband and a bright eyed suit-wearing man in his early twenties by the time Jongin reached. Judging from the fact that his father was called home during work and the presence of a government officer, something big happened. All three adults stopped talking when they heard Jongin clear his throat.


“Jongin, this is Mr Kim Junmyeon. He's from the Supervision of Gift Manipulation department for youths.” Mr Kim introduces the stranger.


Junmyeon stretches out his hand and smiles at Jongin. “You can call Suho, its a pleasure to meet you Jongin.”


What does he want? Jongin thought as he eyed Suho's hand warily before accepting the handshake.


Suho gestured for Jongin to sit. “From what your parents have told me and government reports, you've been living the past four years of your life as a blocker. However that changes now because you, Kim Jongin, have a gift.”


Huh? Wait, what? Jongin was confused. Is-is this some kind of joke? Looking his parents serious expressions, he could tell, it was definitely not a prank. But how? How can I suddenly have a gift? Have the heavens finally answered my prayers?


“I can tell you are probably have a lot of questions to ask. So I'll just go over the obvious few. No, this is not a mean joke the government is playing. Neither is this a dream. You, Jongin have a gift like everyone else. The department's radar went off yesterday, sounding an alert that an unregistered user was using his/her gift. Satellite pictures had come up with a picture of a teenage boy sitting on the roof of the observatory roof of Namsan Tower at 12.00pm and disappearing into thin air at 12.03pm.” Suho placed two A4 size pictures in front of the Kims. Both pictures depicted N. tower's observatory roof except one had a tanned boy on the roof. The said boy in the first picture was definitely Jongin in his track pants and bare foot glory. “I was also present when this happen, so I can ensure you that it happen. Based on the provided sources, the government concluded that your gift is teleportation. The gift to travel from place to place in an instant. Class R.”


“What about his skin problems he has been experiencing?” Mrs Kim spoke up.


“It's a side effect of his body quickly adapting to suit his gift. It should be gone after a day. The puking would be the after effect of teleporting since your body is not used to it yet.” Suho gave Jongin a knowing look.




“Er, its nothing Dad. Then Mr Suho, why did it take me 4 years to get my gift?” Jongin quickly diverted the conversation.


“There's no conclusive answer right now. Our scientists are still working out a reason for this occurrence. One theory is that the gene responsible for the activation mutated to the form of delaying the process instead of blocking it.”


Jongin slumped back against the sofa, dumbstruck. His dream was finally turning into reality, after 4 years. He was not a blocker. He had a gift, a gift of teleportation.


“Therefore, it would be best to have you enroll in school to you learn to control your gift all the subject that you were previously exempted from. These subject are important in understanding the laws and properties behind your gift. Through some connections, SM High is willing to open a seat for you. I have already spoken to your parents about this and have given their consent. All that's left is your decision. So what do you say? Are you up for it?”


Jongin recalled the crowded noisy hallways filled with people his age, the neat rows of tables and chairs in classroom with a black board in front. Hanging out with friends, chatting and laughing, attending assembly and school sports and arts events. Listening to teachers droning on and on. He really missed those moments.


Nodding, he replied. “I want to enroll.”


The next few minutes flew by in a blur, Suho turned back to his parents addressing the enrollment procedures with them and the changes in Jongin's birth records in the government system.


“Thank you for your time, Mr and Mrs Kim, Jongin.” Suho bowed formally once everything was wrapped up.


“No, thank you Suho. This is really great new you brought to us.” Mr Kim thanked Suho as he showed him out.


Its the best news I heard in the past 4 years.




Jongin spent the rest of the week, preparing for his first day back to school after 4 years. He had all his textbooks and stationary prepared, a brand new school bag and shoes were waiting to be used. When monday rolled by, he was officially a SM High student, all he need to do was to attend his classes. The rest of his family members were equally excited about it. His father tried to give him a pep talk before he went off for work and his mother made him a hearty breakfast. Seohyun and Yuri were fussing over him throughout the whole morning and now, in the car along the way to SM High.


“Button your shirt up! Don't crinkle your shirt! Tuck it in! Why's your hair in a mess again? I just combed it! ” Yuri smoothed down Jongin's hair again.


“Remember not to chew with your mouth open, you don't want to scare away potential friends. Speaking about friends, make sure you do make friends! Be friendly, smile more, don't go snapping around at everyone alright? The emo teenage boy card is not going to help you.” Seohyun grabbed Jongin's shoulders and bored her eyes into his.


“Ok ok, stop getting into my mind Seo Noona! I'll the friendliest prick in school. Yu Noona, I'll be changing into my uniform once I get it later. I'll just wear my beanie to cover my hair if its messy.”


“NO!!!!!” Both of them shouted at Jongin. “You're going to look like a hobo! You need to look presentable and handsome on your first day in school. People outside are not as forgiving as us. Now, SMOOTH down your shirt!”


“Mum, are you going to let them continue?” Jongin whined.


“Sorry, Jongin. I agree with the girls.”




“Too bad Jongin, She's on our side.”


“Don't you guys have school?”


“My first course starts at 2.00pm today and Seohyun's school starts later than yours.” Yuri smirked.


Before Jongin could find a comeback. The car stopped at the tall intimidating black school gates. The School's named was affixed onto the arch above the gates.


Jongin got out of the car, waving at his family and walking off.



“Jongin!” His mother called out, “have a good day at school.”


“Thanks, I will.” Jongin smiled.


Squaring his shoulders, Jongin took a deep breath and stepped through the gates.




A large cobblestoned courtyard greeted him. Th courtyard was lined with extremely well maintained rectangular bushes that would his mother would die for. In the middle of it, clear glistening water sprayed out of a marble fountain. Intricate carvings decorated the whole structure from the spout to the walls of the small pool surrounding it. Behind the fountain, he could see steps leading to the glass doors of the main school building. The classroom blocks extended from both sides of the main building. Groups of students were strolling across the yard towards their first class, talking. A few had their books and bags levitating in the air, trailing after them. Some were sitting at the fountain summoning up tiny streams of water to playfully flick at their friends. One student in particular managed to shape a fistful of water into a fish which was now swimming dangerously above his friends heads. To Jongin's right, there was a girl around his age whom he noticed that with every bush she past, a white rose bloomed. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but he thought he saw a boy glowing.




Jongin stood in awe, taking in the amazing sight that laid before him. It was only when someone bumped into him, did Jongin snapped out of his trance. Shifting his bag on his shoulder he made his way to the main building, making sure to avoid getting run over by those gifted with super speed or those with the gift of flight landing in the school. He especially made sure to scoot away from this dangerous looking elf boy snapping his fingers, creating the biggest flame Jongin ever seen, at his finger tips.


After a few wrong turns, Jongin found his way to the principal's office.


“Nice to meet you Jongin, I am your principal Mr Lee and I would just like to say that SM High is very happy to have you here.” A man in his mid forties greeted him. “The teachers and I have been informed of your, er, situation. Here at SM High, every single one of our teachers here strive to aid every student in their educational journey to the best of their abilites. So don't be shy to ask them anything you don't understand.”


Jongin winced at the last sentence the principal said. He did not like the way the principal emphasized on the word, situation.


“As for your schedule and uniform, you can collect them at the front desk. A student is- Ah, just in time, Jongin. This is Do Kyungsoo, your senior in SM High, one of our finest students here, he will be giving your a tour around the school for today, if you have any inquiries, feel free to ask him.” Mr Kim gestured to a wide eyed boy who was quietly standing at the door.


When did he come in? I didn't even hear the door opening.


“Good morning Mr Lee.” Kyungsoo bowed respectfully before turning to wave at Jongin.


“Well, that is all, enjoy yourselves boys.” Jongin quickly got up and left the office with Kyungsoo, not wanting to spend more time in the office.



Kyungsoo was a very enthusiastic guide, Jongin noticed. The boy pointed out each and every facility the school offered. Adding interesting side notes that kept Jongin interested throughout the tour. He was thankful to have someone friendly to take him around school, it made Jongin feel comfortable in this unfamiliar place.


“To your left, is the arched walkway connected to SM middle school. High schoolers are not allowed to enter the school without permission. Vice versa. But people still try to do it cause the food there is way better than ours. Especially their lunchbox sets, though I wouldn't recommend sneaking over if you don't look like an innocent 13 year old.” Kyungsoo laughed. Jongin also noticed that his mouth formed a heart-shape whenever he smiled or laughed. “That yellow building, over there is the art block, art classes are held on the first two levels. The art club have their meetings in studio 3 every wednesday. The band room is located on the next level, and right on top is the dance studio. Er, is something wrong?”


Jongin had changed out of his clothes into the school uniform. It was a crisp white shirt under a grey blazer with black ts and grey slacks. His name tag was pinned above the school badge on the pocket. Since it was the first time Jongin was wearing a uniform, he was tugging his tie loose to make it less stifling when Kyungsoo stopped and looked at Jongin curiously.


“Don't you feel stifled wearing all these layers?” Jongin wondered how can the gentle boy in front of him dressed in full uniform, blazer button and tie tight around his neck without a single drop of sweat on him.


“Hehe, you'll get use to it after wearing the same uniform for 4 years. What was your previous school uniform like?”


“I didn't g-” Jongin hesitated. I can't tell Kyungsoo I was home-schooled, that's pretty the universal lingo for telling someone you're a blocker. He's going to pity me and I don't want that. “I mean, my previous school didn't have a school uniform.”


“Lucky, it'll be great if we even had a day where we could dress down. Oh, I forgot to ask, what's your gift? You seem like a super speed, then again I could be wrong.”


“It's teleportation.”


“Wow! That's a Class R! I'm a dual user, earth and super strength.”


“Super strength? But you're so...” Jongin gaped. He would have pegged Kyungsoo as someone strong physically, he just looks so soft and squishy.


“Small? Yeah, I get that a lot. But I assure you that despite my height, I can easily take you down.”


“I'll keep that in mind.”


Kyungsoo smirked. “Come on, Mr confidence. Let's get you to class. Based on your schedule, your history class has already started. But that's okay, since its your first day here. Now, there's a total of 3 classroom blocks in the school compound. Block A is where your class, 1-Mars is located at. As you can tell, our classes are named after planets from Mercury to Neptune. The first half is located in block A for all levels and the rest are located in block B. Block A is located on the right side of the courtyard and block B is on the left. Jongin?”


“Erm, I'm coming.” Jongin had stopped in his tracks when they encountered a staircase in which he had to walk down.


Calm down. Take a deep breath. I have a stronger body now, I'm no longer a blocker. Kyungsoo's getting suspicious. And true it was, Kyungsoo was staring at Jongin weirdly by the time he arrived on the last step.


“So......where's the last classroom block?”


“Oh, right. The last classroom block is located behind block A, its the smallest building in school since it only contains 1 classroom.”


Jongin could tell that there was more to this block b but he decided not to press on. They arrived at a wooden door with a sign reading: 1-MARS above it.


“Well, its the end of the tour by Do Kyungsoo. How was it?”


“It was great. It helped me familiarize myself.”


“Thank you. It's the first time I showed a new student around.” Kyungsoo smiled “ I guess I'll see you around. I'm in 2-Venus, come visit me any time.”




Jongin watched the wide eyed boy turning around the corner before entering the classroom.




He could everyone's gaze on him as he walked into class causing him to feel shy. Jongin was unused to getting so much attention. The stare from the boy sitting at the back was especially unnerving.


“There's a seat at the back next to the windows, it will be your seat until the next reassignment of seats.” His teacher, Miss Jung told him after introducing him to the class. It was the seat next to the scary looking boy who made Jongin uneasy.


Oh damn.



Jongin sat through class without incident. It was different from what he was used too, sitting in his room and being taught by his mother, having all the attention focused on him as he did his work, answering all the questions his mother asks. Sitting in a room with twenty other youths, teachers droning on and on while everyone else just copy notes non-stop. Soon it was lunch break. The students rushed out the minute the bell rang, huddling off into their own cliques, chattering excitedly. Following the crowd, Jongin walked into the canteen. It was a large rectangle room on the ground level filled with benches and tables. Snake like queues were already forming at the counter, stretching from one end to another. It seemed like everyone, senior, junior and freshman were having the same break time. By the time Jongin got his food, most of the tables were already filled. Feeling lost, Jongin craned his head to feel some empty space so that he could at least put his tray down. However, every time he find a place it would have been 'reserved' for someone of that particular group of friends, this of course made all of the feelings of loneliness rush back to Jongin. Here he was in a large crowded canteen filled with people who had a platoon of friends, with no place to sit.


The thought of eating in the toilet seemed attractive to Jongin now as he got rejected again, when Kyungsoo came up to him carrying his own tray of food.


“Need a place to sit?” Kyungsoo smiled knowingly.


“Yes! Er yeah I guess so.” Jongin shouted a little bit too enthusiastically at the sight of his savior.


“Follow me.”


“Thanks Hyung.” Jongin followed the shorter male to a table at the far right corner of the canteen occupied by three other boys.


“Everyone, this is Jongin. He just transferred here today so be nice.” Kyungsoo introduced. “Jongin these are my friends, Jongdae (he pointed to the brown haired boy with upturned lips and sharp cheekbones) , Chanyeol ( the giant sitting next Jongdae with large ears that stuck out. Jongin had recognized him as the fire guy earlier this morning.) and lastly-”


“Byun Baekhyun.” The last boy spoke up before Kyungsoo could. He had droopy eyes and small pale pink lips. He also had a confidant drawl to his voice. “Before you're allowed to sit, answer this question. What's your gift?”


“T-teleportation.” Jongin stuttered. Nobody told him he had to answer a question to get a seat. Was this some unspoken high school lunch time rite of passage?


If it is, I hope I pass, my food is getting cold.


“Teleportation?! That's a class R! Gosh, you're so lucky!” The giant elf, Chanyeol boomed, leaning forward from his seat to get a closer look at Jongin. An action that not only shocked but creeped Jongin out as well.


“Chanyeol, stop smiling like that, you're scaring him.” Kyungsoo scolded. “And Baekhyun, can't you interrogate him after we eat?”


“Nope, we agreed interrogation first, eating later.” Baekhyun crossed his arms. “So then, teleporter where have you travelled to?”


“Namsam Tower? But it-”


“N. Tower?!” Chanyeol whistled. “Come on Baek, you have got to let him sit here. It's not everyday we get to meet a class R!”


Jongin held his breath as Baekhyun narrowed his eyes. His ticket to a seat depended on him.


“Fine, you may sit. But it's only because I deemed you worthy of joining us with your skill.”


“Actually me teleporting to Namsam Tower was an a-”


“How's it like to teleport? I heard every teleporter has their own style of traveling.” The seniors looked expectantly that the new kid, waiting for an answer. Especially Beakhyun.


Thus began the start of Jongin's lies mixed in together with the truths to form an exciting new twist to the Namsam Tower incident. Jongin did not want to lie to his new found friends or soon to be friends of course but the interest sparkling from their eyes made it so difficult for Jongin to tell the truth. He did not want to share the story of a sickly itchy teenager screaming at the top of his lungs when he miraculously teleported to N.Tower. Neither did he want them to find out his blocker past for fear of them leaving so he told them this instead:


“Pretty cool, I did was picture the tower in my head and imagine myself there. I could actually feel the wind rushing past me and the cool metal surface. When I opened my eyes, I was standing on top of the observatory roof, seeing couples and tourist walking around. The view was awesome too, I could see for miles away on top.”


“Woah, you must have had a lot of practice.”


“P-practice? Er yeah, I've been doing it for ages. You know teleporting to school, to malls, many places....” Jongin trailed off, trying to play it cool. He could see that they believed everything he said, any mistake now and he'll get caught. Something he did not want in his new life.


Thankfully, Jongin was spared from anymore questions as the conversation shifted to another topic. Something about an upcoming school event but Jongin wasn't really paying attention. He busy thanking his lucky stars that he wasn't found out. By the time the bell rang signaling the end of break, Jongin was well acquainted with the seniors. Even Baekhyun was easy to get along with once the 'interrogation' ended. Chanyeol and Jongdae were playing pranks on each other and cracking jokes throughout the whole converstion with Baekhyun adding sarcastic remarks at the side and Kyungsoo's laughter made Jongin's first school meal much more enjoyable.


“I should get going. Thanks hyungs for letting me sit here.”


“No worries, you can sit with us anytime. Right Baekhyun?” Kyungsoo looked pointedly at Baekhyun.


“I suppose so.”


Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. “Do you need any help getting around?”


“Nah, I got it. Block A Level 1, third classroom from the left.”


“Hehe, yup. I'll see you around then.”


Waving goodbye to Kyungsoo and the rest, Jongin got up and left for his next class, smiling. It had been such a long time since Jongin sat together with a group of friends just fooling around and having fun. As a picture of hurt and betrayed faces flash across his mind, his smile flickered.


It wasn't totally made out of lies.A voice in Jongin's head spoke up.


But it wasn't totally the truth either. A second voice countered.



Jongin's last lesson of the day was gym. The class usually did rounds around the track or games in the field during it however today, they were scheduled for the monthly gift manipulation evaluation which was held in the simulations rooms underground. Jongin remembered Kyungsoo mentioning the rooms during the tour on how there was a row of rooms built for practicing and examining the gifts. Students were only allowed to use the rooms under a teacher's supervision. “It's really cool! All you have to do is compute in your stats and gifts and it will create an obstacle course specially for you to challenge. Platforms, moats, barricades, mazes, lasers...the works.” The elder gushed.


The class was lead by their gym teacher, Mr Shim to the first simulation room. Thick glass windows allowed the students to peer in to look at their fellow classmate's evaluation as they waited for their turn. All of the were dressed in white cotton t-shirts with the school's badge embroidered on and a pair of grey track pants.


Jongin watched in awe at each of his classmate's skills just like how he had always watched his family's gift in action. Majority of them were able to pass each obstacle effortlessly, be it, racing through a maze, creating rain or lifting massive weights. It had not occurred to Jongin that he had to teleport in front of his whole class until it was almost his turn. His nerves were not help by the fact that Kyungsoo's class had just arrived for the evaluation too, using the room right next to his. And of course, it just so happened that Chanyeol, Jongdae and Baekhyun were in the same class as Kyungsoo too. Now, Jongin had to perform in front of not only his class but his friends too. His friends that he lied too about his super awesome skills as a hot shot teleporter, that teleporting was simply second nature to him.


The term 'fml' seems very apt at this point.


Jongin was panicking. He was not sure of he could pull of the same trick again. Teleporting to N. Tower was an accident! How would he be able to teleport through an obstacle course with mazes, barricades and lasers? Jongin smiled weakly when Kyungsoo spotted him. He was going to disappoint him so badly.


“Kim Jongin.” Mr Shim called out.


Wiping his sweaty hands on his pants, he walked into the room.


“Show them what you got, Jongin!” He heard Chanyeol or was it Jongdae? Hollering before the door closed behind him. A shudder ran through his body.


The inside of the room was completely white that it hurt staring at the walls too much. There was a computer and complicated controls fixed onto a table, next to the door, which his gym teacher stood by already keying in his statistics. Other than that, the room was empty.


“I heard about your situation from the principal.” Mr Shim smiled reassuringly. “So how bout we start from the basics, all you have to do is teleport from a to b.”


As he was talking a panel on a wall slid open and a platform was pushed out, at 2 meters above the floor. LED lights on the platform lighted up forming the letter 'B'. The large square tile under Jogin's feet slowly began rising, lifting him 3 meters above. The letter 'A' lighted up under his feet too.


“You can start whenever you are ready.”


Gulping, Jongin tried to calm his nerves by ignoring the curious stares from his classmates at the window and the horrible thought that Kyungsoo and the rest were also watching, expecting their dongsaeng to perform to the best just like he said he could.


Just picture yourself standing at point b.


Jongin closed his eyes and concentrated hard. His nose scrunching up too. Jongin was almost certain he felt his ears popped from the change in pressure just like they did when he teleported to the tower. Sadly, when he opened his eyes, the letter 'A' was staring back at him. Jongin had not moved even a hairs breath from his spot.


Looking up, he saw Mr Shim motioning him to continue, encouraging him to try again. The hairs on the back of his neck were prickling from being watched. He could imagine their confused expressions, thinking hadn't he moved yet.


Abandoning his previous tactic, he tried focusing on point b till his eyes stung with tears. Believing that if he stared long enough he would end up there. Sweat dotted his forehead and back as time passed.


Come on, come on.....please let it work!


But to no avail, he remained at the same spot. Hence, with panic and embarrassment clouding his better judgement, Jongin decided to leap off his platform in hopes that maybe, just maybe he could reach the other platform.


I'm going to break my bones. Was Jongin's last thought as he fell, hands stretched out in a useless attempt to grab platform b before he shut his eyes.




“ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!” Jongin had crashed into something soft and bony. The first thing Jongin registered was Baekhyun's furious face swimming before his eyes. His head felt light and his stomach churned. The second thing Jongin registered was his lunch all over Baekhyun's white cotton shirt.


That day, Baekhyun's shrieks of horror could be heard throughout the school.








A/n: Hi guys, here's chapter 2! Jongin's not a blocker! But I guess you already figured that out from the summary. He's even attending school now! Whoo~ This is where the story kind of starts with him meeting Kyunsoo, Chanyeol, Jongdae and Baekhyun. Btw, please excuse Beakhyun in this chapter, he's a nice boy I swear. He just has a larger than life attitude. T^T


Some of the terms like class R will be explained in the later chapters.


Once again thank you for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it.

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Catalina390 #1
Chapter 2: update soon please~ I want to read more~