

In a world where having a superpower is the norm, the birthday of a 12 year old child is celebrated grandly. It is on this day that the children receive their powers as a right of passage to adulthood. Parents watch their kids with adoring looks as their little boy or girl's face lights up with excitement and fascination as they discover their new found power. The shrieks of joy and sound of laughter could be heard as kids explore and test their gifts of course under the watchful eyes of the parents, ready to stop them from setting trees on fire, creating craters on their lawn or breaking everything they touch.


The Kims were equally excited when their youngest child, little Kim jongin's 12th birthday arrived. On the morning of his birthday, Jongin was bubbling with excitement, barely able to eat his birthday breakfast his mother made for him without bursting into giggles. Earning a judging look from his sisters. Normally, he would have snapped back at them but there was so many any thoughts were rushing through his mind. I wonder what power I have? I hope its cool like super strength! Or super speed like Dad! I hope its not flying or anything like that, I'm scared of heights. Oh please don't let it be flight! Jongin squeezed his eyes shut and wished.


“So how's the birthday boy? Do you feel anything yet? A tickle in the tummy or an itch behind your ear?” Mr Kim plopped down beside his son and ruffled Jongin's hair.


“Nuh-uh, not yet. But I'm sure I feel it soon! Right dad?” Jongin looked uncertainly at his father, searching for confirmation.


“Of course Jongin, you'll feel it. It took me until first period to gain my power.” Mr Kim smile reassuringly.


“first period? But but that's too long to wait for!” Jongin eyes widened in shock.


“But you get to show off in front of your friends during first period.”


“No one is going to show off their powers to anybody especially without supervision.” Mrs Kim whacked her husband with the kitchen towel when she saw the mischievous twinkle both of their eyes. “Don't put give Jongin any weird ideas.”


“Technically his teacher will be there since its first period.”


“Honey.” Mrs Kim's voice dipped dangerously soft. A sign that she's close to melting his mouth shut.


“Your mum speaks wise words son, follow her instructions.” Mr Kim said seriously, only to drop to a whisper once Mrs Kim wasn't close by. “I'll see you tonight, knock the socks of those classmates of yours , they'll all be jealous of you. Happy birthday Jongin.” With a hug and a kiss to Jongin, his daughters and a reluctant Mrs Kim, he was off like the wind.


First period, I hope I gain my power fast.


Yet, first period arrived and left, without Jongin feeling any tickle in the stomach or itch behind his ear. In fact, the whole afternoon passed without Jongin getting some form of signal of his power arriving, causing him to panic.


“It suppose to be this long?” He asked his friend Taemin during lunch.


“I don't know, there's still 6 more months till mine.”


“Urgh, Why is it taking so long?!” Jongin threw his hands up in frustration.


“Maybe it'll come after you eat cake?”


“Really. That's what you came up with? That I'm suppose to eat cake to get my power.”


“What else am I suppose to say? That you could be-” Taemin looks around to check if anyone is near before leaning in to whisper, “-a blocker.”


A shiver ran down both their backs.


“T-there's no way, I'll be a blocker.” Jongin stammered. “Everyone in my family got powers, so I'll have one too.”


A blocker is the term for someone who doesn't have a superpower. Children at the age of 12th, going through the early stages of puberty will experience a genetic change in their bodies that activates their power and at the same time their muscles and bones will grow and slowly adapt to support their power. Such as, the bones of children with the power of flight are lighter and hollow but strong with criss-crossed struts and trusses whereas a child with super strength has stronger and larger muscles. However, in rare cases (fewer than 3 children out of 100,000) , a child is able to block this genetic change from happening thus preventing them from gaining a power. Scientists have discovered this occurrence to be due to a genetic mutation in the child when it was still am embryo. Therefore, the child ends up going through a 'normal' puberty. Both Taemin and Jongin learnt of this in their final year science class and as you can see, neither of them ever want to be a blocker especially when there were so many disadvantages. Not only do you not get a cool superpower, you have a weaker body, immunity, slower healing processes, the works. In a nutshell, Blockers have a higher chance of dying from a fall down a fight of stairs than a non-blocker.


“Yeah, besides becoming a blocker is a one in a million chance.”


I hope I'm not that one. Jongin prays silently.


As the hours ticked by, Jongin's prayers became even more desperate. There was still no sign of his power awakening when it was time for Jongin's birthday celebration. The living room was decorated with balloons and streamers, a huge chocolate cake was placed in the middle of the coffee table. He tried to preoccupy his mind by playing and talking to his friends that he invited to the party but anxiousness was constantly nagging at him.


“Alright Kids, gather around. Its time cut the cake!” Mrs Kim called out as she placed a huge chocolate cake with a total of 12 lighted candles in the middle of the coffee table, in front of Jongin.


“Don't forget your special hat, J!” One of his sister exclaimed as the other pulled a beanie on top of his head. “A present from both of us, don't want to show that bed head of yours in the pictures later.”


“Thanks sis.” he smiled at both of them.


As his family and friends gathered around to sing the birthday song, Jongin squeezed his eyes shut again and wished with all his might. Please don't let me be a blocker. Please, please, please! Once the song ended, he blew out all the candles with gusto. Please let this wish come through.


“So you feel anything yet?” Taemin sidled up to him later in the party.


“Well, I'm eating cake now, so I should be feeling something soon.”


“I hope so too, mate.”


Mr Kim walked up to them, carrying something in his hands. “Sorry Taemin, do you mind if I borrow Jongin for a bit?”


“He's all yours Kr Kim.” Taemin waved at Jongin before walking off.


“Here you go Jongin, your mother's and my gift to you.”


It was a picture book. Not one of those children story books you'll usually find in the preschool's section in book stores. It was filled with photographs of scenery around the world from mountains and forests to busy streets and metropolitan cities. Under each photo, the name of the place and the country its in would be listed.


“Its wonderful! Thank you Dad!” Jongin gave his father a big hug.


“I'm glad you like it.” Mr Kim smiled warmly as he returned the hug. “Remember to thank your mother too.”


“I will!”


Jongin ran towards his mother who was clearing up the dishes in the sink at the kitchen and gave her a hug too. “Thank you Mum for the present. I'll treasure it forever.”


“Your welcome dear, now go enjoy the party with your friends.” Mrs Kim bent down to kiss her son on the cheeks.


She watched her son run back to the living room, before sighing.


“Something wrong?”


She jerked her head up, startled to find her husband next to her.


“I hope you didn't knock over anyone when you 'speed-walked' over here.”


“I might have jumped over a few...Ow!” Mr Kim yelped as Mrs Kim pinched him in the arm.


“Jongin seems stressed.” Mrs Kim said. “Is it because-”


“-he has not gained his power yet? I think so. He's been waiting for this day to come.”


“But it's so late already, the latest a kid takes to gain their power is lunch time. What if he does not gain it by the end of today? He'll be devastated.” Mrs Kim's voice wavered.


Wrapping his arms around his wife, he brought her into a hug, her hair softly, comforting her. “We'll be there to support him if the time comes, me, you, the girls. All of us.”



By the time the party ended, it was 10.30p.m. All his friends had gone home and he was left with nothing else to preoccupy his mind. His sisters had took down most of the balloons and streamers and had cleared all the food and plates, on the account that he was the birthday boy so he was spared from cleaning up.There was nothing else left to do but sleep. However, Jongin didn't feel like sleeping. What if he fell asleep when his power awakened? Then he wouldn't be able to experience the exhilaration of experimenting his powers, so instead he took to lying on his bed waiting for the time to come. His eyes concentrating on the clock above his bedroom door.




“Jongin?” His mother stood by the door way.




“Can I come in?”




Jongin watched as his mother walked into the room and sat at the side of the bed, before blurting out.


“I don't want to be a blocker”


“I know dear, but sometimes we have do not power to choose what we want to be.”


“But there's still an hour left, so its not for certain that I'll be a blocker right?”


“Jongin.....I....I just want you to know that whatever the outcome of today, your father and I still and will always love you.”


“There's still an hour more before midnight.”


Looking at Jongin's determined face and stubborn reply, Mrs Kim sighed as she got up and kissed his forehead.


“Goodnight Jongin.”


“Goodnight Mum.”


Taking one last look at Jongin, Mrs Kim walked out of the room, closing the door quietly.



The minutes ticked by.


Dear power within me please awaken, I don't mind what kind of power you are, I'll thank the heavens even if you are the power of flight. Just please awake.






….....12.00a.m, 15 january.


Nothing. No tickle, no itch.



I'm a blocker.


And the tears began streaming continuously down his cheeks


A/N: Hey guys, I'm back with a new fic. YAY! ^^ This time with EXO. I was having a trouble creating the back ground info (all the science and stuff, thank god I took Biology in school T-T) for this fic so yeah there may be discrepancies in this story. This is just the prologue so there isn't much stuff going on with the rest of the exo members. In fact, Kai's parents have more of an active role in the chapter... I hope you are okay with that. T-T


Please enjoy~

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Catalina390 #1
Chapter 2: update soon please~ I want to read more~