
Happy Birthday, Love


After about 10 minutes of passionate kissing, both of them pulled away gently from the kiss, blushing from the eye contact with each other.

"Do you need to clean all this up rite now?"

She blushed at her boyfriend’s question of the night. She understood what he meant but little did she know what’s on his mind actually.

"No, I already arranged some people to take care of all this once we’re done."

"I'm glad you did. Come on baby, I have something planned now."

"What is it, Yunho?" her heart raced.

"Bimil (secret)"~ he pulled her out of the swimming pool area and head towards the elevator descending the apartment. 


“Where are we going?”

“Shut up~ You are not allowed to say anything ahjumma.” He repeated to her the exact words she said to him previously.


“You are a copy cat you know? You copy me.”

“Where are you kidnapping me, JUNG Yunho???!!!”

“Haha~ shh.. Bimilaeyo ahjumma(its a secret, old lady~).”

“Lets get out for a while shall we?” He smiled at her pouting figure in front of him.

He called someone on while driving his Audi R8 in his own style. She looked at his every move while he drives. The way he held the steering wheels, the way he turns it.

Hot.. Jung Yunho you make me go crazy.


“Hey, Min. Remember bout the thing we discussed earlier? I had made my decision now. Be at the address I text you in half an hour with the thing.”

“Yahh!!! @#$%^)*&^%^&*”

“I owe you one and I love you Minnie ah~”


“Yeah. Ok, bye.” He immediately hung up one he heard the younger man screaming at him.

“Why did I hear Changmin oppa screaming at you?”

“He’s sleepy that’s all.”

Yunho mentally face-palmed at his wrong timing.

Changmin screamed at him not because he was sleepy but he was getting busy with his girlfriend, YooSuk and he called him at the wrong moment.

He could only pray Changmin will understand how important this is for Yunho and will show up at the address he texted him a while ago.

After about 20 minutes of silent drive, Yunho noticed that the previously-alert Jieun was now softly snoring on her seat. Her head turned towards him sleeping.

I guess you are tired but baby bear with me for some time. I’m sure this is going to be great.

To : Min

Are you there?

To: Annoying Hyung

Yup. You better hurry up!!!


“Jieun ah. We’re here. Wake up baby.”

“Where are we?”

“Back at my apartment.”

“Weren’t we going somewhere?” Her voice was still thick in her sleep.

“Yeah I got what I wanted and now we’re back. I didn’t wake you up because you were tired.”

“Ok..” The unsuspecting girl just held onto Yunho’s awaiting hand and went into he elevator to his apartment.

Entering Yunho’s house, Jieun was tackled by the tall figure of her boyfriend as he carried her to his room.

“Baby you got some sleep on the way, now could you afford to give all your attention to me? I need my love on my birthday.” He whispered slowly into her ears seductively letting her stand upright.

“Are you for real Yunho? seriously?”

He flashed his set of pearly white teeth, “Yes love. I need you now and don’t tell me you didn’t expect some Yunho time after you’ve done so much for me.”

He left a wet kiss on her lips against the wall by the entrance to his room.

“All you did for me tonight I need to repay don’t I?” Pulling her into his room he closed the door and continued where he left off.


Bright rays of sunlight streamed into the room where 2 bodies were cuddling close to each other. The white sheets covering half of their body. Yunho opened his sleepy eyes slowly, frowning a little when his face was right where the sunlight streams in.

Upon waking, he remembered what happened last night. And when he looked around, his apartment was totally trashed; result of their activity from last night. He smiled holding his love to him tightly and after some time, he stood up leaving her alone on the bed with something on his mind.

Headed towards the pants he tossed last night in hurry, he picked it up and put his hand into his pocket looking for the thing he got from his dongsaeng.

“I want you to treasure this like it’s yours Min ah~ Jieun goes and comes to my house as she likes so I don’t wanna risk her seeing it till I come up with my plan.”

“Yes hyung. You have told that exact thing for about 20 times already. Now shussh~ I know what to do and don’t worry about it at all.”

All the trouble he undergoes with Changmin for his love.


Jieun woke up with sleepy eyes groaning slightly as she felt her body aching from the previous night activity.

“You’re lucky it’s your birthday Jung Yunho. I am all sore now thanks to you.” She murmured to herself, slowly making her way to his shirt that was lying on the floor, buttoning it up her petite body.

“No you are lucky that you are even walking today. You don’t know how much I really wanted you last night. But I’m saving you for tonight.” *smirk*

She was jolted back to reality when she heard his voice. “Whatever, CEO Jung.”

“I have a request on my birthday.”

“What is it?”

Before she could comprehend what was going on, he tackled her onto their shared bed once again and held her body tightly against his above him.

He kissed her neck, moving towards her jaw and lips.

“I.. uhh.. knew you’d… aaahhhh~ do this.”

“After all this time, you should know what I do and what I don’t, shouldn’t you, my love?”

Pulling away looking into her eyes, looking at the lust that was beginning to form in his love’s eyes he leaned to her give a breathtaking kiss, melting her already wavering protest.

He could feel her once pushing arms were pulling him closer to her now as he deepens the kiss. Rolling over the bed he bought her under him as he held her trapped between his arms on both her sides.

“What are you thinking Yunho? Let me go now.”

“Really? Do you really want me to stop it or are you just saying for the sake of challenging me?” Smirking at the figure below him, he asked.

Her flushed face, turned even redder at his remark. Half of what he said was true after all. She didn’t want him to stop and she just said it as a automatic response.

“Its my birthday right? So the birthday boy gets whatever he wants, doesn’t he?”

ing the shirt she had on, he left smooth gentle kisses on her revealing creamy skin, brushing the skin lightly with his lips and not to mention the deep breaths he left on her, leaving her breathless at the same moment.

When he had successfully removed the shirt from her body, he looked at her to welcome the sight he loved so much. The sight of his love under him, turned into a cute red tomato, her eyes was looking anywhere but his eyes.

“Look at me.” He nudged her cheeks with his nose lovingly.

He took her fingers in his hand before kissing them lightly and still staring into her eyes lovingly.



. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

“Will you marry me?”


She nodded at the question but he knew she was not exactly aware of it.

-1 second passed-

-2 seconds passed-

-3 seconds passed-


He literally saw the blood from her face draining and flushed again harder at once. Her eyes opened widely staring at him for any sign that he might be joking. She definitely was not expecting to be proposed while she is under him totally and lust-filled.

“I was planning to propose to you during our anniversary but I just can’t wait anymore. You are my future and I want to explore our future together with you. I can’t live without you, I can’t sleep unless you are tucked in my embrace, I don’t feel complete till I kiss you good morning. I am not complete till you are with me, belong to me.”

“I know this might sound so rushed, but will you give me the honor to spend my every day and night with you? I promise to love you every single day of forever and cherish you as my precious treasure till the last breath of mine. Marry me, please?”



I dont like leaving my updates hanging just like that but i felt like it today.. Im gonna let you guys imagine the answer she gave him. Imagine you are at her place and imagine what will be your answer. and hopefully you'll comment down there on your way of saying yes/no to him.. im thrilled to know your imaginations too~!!! so dont feel shy and comment down there ok?? 

this will be the end of this short fic. thanks for those who subscribed, upvoted and my sis, UknowMi for commenting!!!

have a nice day guys!! thank you subscribing and commenting!!! 

p/s : I promise to love you every single day of forever is taken from Stephanie Meyer's Twilight : Breaking Dawn book and movie too. My favourite book and movie.

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Chapter 3: and no need to thank me, i really love your story, ur writing style.. so hwaiting!! ^-^

sorry if i flood ur comment box with my comments, toinks XDXD
Chapter 3: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa finally the bimil was revealed, lol at changmin he's so cute XDXD

and yunho is so sweet and as always, but i love how he loves his wife and now he proposes and this time they'll start once again as a married couple full of love, towards each other.. and i imagine everything, as if its me... of course i'd say yes, i mean why would i not, its jung yunho the love of my life, hahahaha XDXD

thank you so much for this, you are truly the best, love ya sis and this story ^-^

looking forward for more stories from you and hwaiting!!! ^-^
Chapter 2: P.S no i know what bimil means, HAHAHAHA XDXD
Chapter 2: love the second ending ^-^

sweet, romantic and yunho is so cute as always, lucky to have his wife and im so sad im slow on reading... but im making it up now XDXD

i'll re-read this again, my oh so beloved awesome sis hehehe XDXD

thanks for sharing ur great story ^-^
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry for being late, i super damn love this story, tears in my eyes *smacks sis back* uknow i seriously believe yun's ex purposely did that, but im glad things are clear and jieun came back, now their gonna start a new life together, sis i really love ur story, ur writing makes it feel it was me, though hope on ur next story its my name *smacks* hahaha XDXD

i salute ur greatness sis *hugs*.. off for the next one even though i dont know what bimil means lol XDXD