
sudden death


"Ming, stop looking, you won't be able to find it," I tried to tell him.

"What are you talking about? I will find it, if it's the last thing i'll do. Nothing matters to me more than that, got it?" Mingming said immediately and without hesitation, begun to search through his entire locker again.

"You know what he's talking about?" Doyoon nudged me and whispered. Soonyoung seemed a little freaked out and for once, kept his mouth shut. I could have kept my big mouth shut too, and left the ring in my pocket until i went back home and put it there at Mingmings doorstep, but all i could think of was how Mingming would react if he saw that i had 'found' his ring for him. Either way, i had taken something very precious from him, and there was no way he was going to rest until he found it.

"Stop looking, it's with me, I found it last time-" before i could finish my sentence, Mingming had already snatched the ring out of my palm and examine it carefully. His jaw tightened as he turned to glare at me.

"What is this doing with you?" he said in a voice almost as low as a whisper. The type of voice your parents spoke to you in when you were in big trouble.

"I was looking at it the other day in your house, and i forgot to put it back. I was wondering a lot too, i mean, i saw your drawings that you drew. Oh, of course you drew them.. Um, and i was wondering too, who was that girl in the polaroid.. the one in your sketches too," I started to blabber as everything i had kept inside of me started to come out of my mouth as if there was no end. Word after word, Mingming's expression darkened.

"Stop," Mingming fianlly said. "You looked through all my stuff?"

"I just happened to see it, it was all lying on the table. I'm sorry, it won't happen again, okay?" i tried looking at Doyoon and Soonyoung for help but they seemed just as shocked as Mingming about what i had just said. Mingming let out a deep sigh, and i thought he was finally going to start shouting. 

But he didnt.

All he did was say,"You know what? Chan told me id be coming here to meet his nice girlfriend. Right now, I have no idea what he's talking about. We should probably stop talking now." With that, he grabbed his backpack and disappeared into another hallway. It felt as if someone had just ripped out my heart and left me to bleed to death. Mingming's words hurt deep inside, because of the constant reminder that i was barely talking to Chan anymore, and also because i had lost a valuable friend and partner.


"I'm such an idiot," I ranted to the boys for the 10th time in that minute. I was not one to cry much, but the incident that afternoon had left me with swollen, red eyes and 3 used packs of tissues. Jia pat me on the back awkwardly as she glared at Hansol sitting beside her, probably going to yell at him later for making her console me as none of the other guys knew how to 'handle a girl'.

"I mean, you shouldn't have looked," JIhoon shrugged.

"I KNOOOOWW, GOD DAMN IT JIHOON I DONT NEED A REMINDER WHY I LOST MINGMING TODAY," I wailed as Jia handed me another pack of tissues. Jishoon mumbled a barely audible 'sorry' and turned to face somewhere else. I was behaving like such a brat right now, shouting at everyone that got on my nerves. I had to calm down before somebody else lost their temper on me again.

"I'm sorry too, it's just that, yeah. Now that i've seen everything, will anyone tell me what is going on with Mingming and that girl? Kim Hyo Sung?" I dried the last of my tears. All the boys glanced at one another, trying to promt the other into starting a conversation. Obviously, they knew what happened, but no one was willing to add oil to the fire.

"You know what, that's okay, i'm just going to the toilet for a while," I left the table and i could hear Hansol telling Jia,"Go after her."

"You talk a lot, young man, why dont you go after her yourself?" Jia answered.

"Because then you'll be jealous, im kidding, IM KIDDING. Go after her please, go do the girl talk with her or somthing," Hansol tried to convince Jia yet again.

"Chwe Hansol, you are so going to get hell from me when i return," I heard Jia's chair slide back and her footsteps following behind me quickly.

"THANKS BABE," he called.


It was kind of embarrassing, but right now, i envied Hansol's and Jia's relationship more than anything in the world.


''So," Jia tried to break the ice with me in the toilet. It was probably the first time the two of us were ever left alone. "Guess that guy means a lot to you."

"Which one?" I tried to crack a joke, but Jia seemed like she was not in the mood for laughs. "Okay, yeah. Ming was pretty special to me, i mean he kind of helped me to forget Chan's absense for a period of time. I think we became great friends, but i ruined it."

"Look, i'm not the right person to ask advice from, I dont have any friends. But all I can say is that, if you think the friendship you two shared was real, then go the hell up to him  and make up, its not going to help anyone right now, the state you two are in." At that moment, Jia seemed so heroric, so impressive and powerful. I wanted to be just like her.

"I can see why Hansol fell for you now," I smiled.

"That fool? I hate him already," Jia rolled her eyes, but i caught a glimpse of a small smile that emerged from her face.

"You should get together with him, you know he's already all over you."

"He sent me to talk to you about that boy. I don't know how this conversation turned into the highly impossible chance of me getting together with that idiot, but i guess it means you're fine and we can leave now," Jia ended all possible conversations about her and Hansol as she turned to leave the washroom. 

Hansol was definitely lovesick for this girl. 


"Our moves still aren't as matched, all we need is more practice, Jia focused intensely on the dance they had finally finshed choreographing. Hansol was a little different. He wasn't observing practice, he was observing how pretty Jia looked when she was working hard on something. Instantly, he felt his heart race and quickly forced himself to look elsewhere. Just then, the practice room door opened and in came HyoJoon dragging Mingming in by the wrist. Mingming looked at Hansol for a moment, then turned to concentrate on his dance.

Hansol had to admit, Mingming was a great dancer. HyoJoon could probably be a good dancer too, but anyone could see she was in this competition not to win it, but to win Mingming's heart. It , seeing only one partner put in 100% for the dance. At the end of their routine, Mingming's face came into close contact with HyoJoon's, and he could only deduce that they were going to kiss in the real performace. 

"You ready to practice a little more?" Jia shook him from his thoughts.

"You really don't rest, do you?" Hansol joked, and judging from her serious face, she probably was not going to. 

"Okay, we'll take a rest," her expression softened. It was the first time she had given in to him.

"Thank you, master," Hansol slung an arm around her shoulder playfully. "You must be tired to give  me a break too."

"You're sweaty, get off me," she walked off in the confident stride she carried with her everywhere.

Oh, how Hansol was in love with that girl.


That day, after i came home from school, i found a small note on my door. It was from Mingming. I read it exciedly, only to find out it said this.


I'll still be bringing dinnner to your mum. Don't thank me. That's probably the only contact we should have with it other.



I wanted to break down. There was no way i could bring Mingming back into my life. All i wanted to do was to talk to Chan, then everything would be alright.


Contact name: Chan<3

Status: Last seen 2 days ago, 7am K.S.T











A/N: I updated 2 days in a row this is a miracle. Goodnight!





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HansolsGirlfriend #1
Chapter 12: No update yet? ㅠ ㅠ
I love this fic and its been forever sinc an update
Hope you're well author-nim, Hwaiting! 바이팅!