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" Oppa, why do you like me so much? I'm not the prettiest nor the ugliest. I'm just an average teen girl like everyone. There are more pretty girls out there, why me? What's so special about me?"




I walked around the street and saw different kind of girls. They were all smirking and judging me. " I wear these type of dresses. Thigh lenghted and a pair of high heels. I shine brighter than you.", that's what they had in their head. I looked down my clothes and compared ut to them. Long-sleeved shirt, jeans, coat... What they had was something i could never pull off.


Mini skirt, tights, dresses, top crops.. I never had those before. It's because my family couldn't buy me due to our situation. I am well-borned, educated but not spoiled. Never used any dazzling accessories, bot even once. What was i compared to them? If i sat next to them, i'd look like a beggar.


I entered a coffee shop and saw him playing with his phone. Looking obviously stunning, that was my boyfriend.. Oh Sehun. We have been together for 2 years. It's kinda funny how he still loves me despite my situation, my look, the way i dress... I looked around the shop and every girl had ocuppied all the seats. They were drooling at my boyfriend. I took another and their attention went to me. When they saw me nearing his table, they all snickered at me.


" She doesn't have a chance with him."

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