

At first, all Zhou Mi can think is that he has no idea what to think. There is no precedent for a situation like this- and even if there was, who is to say what the correct reaction is? For his part, none of his books about Korean language and etiquette ever explained the proper response to an ex-member of your company texting you at 10:37 PM to ask if you wanted to go for a drink.



Warning- this story holds some personal opinions. If you don’t agree with what I write, let me make it clear right now; I’M NOT HERE TO FIGHT WITH ANY OF YOU. We all have our stances and we all need to respect each other.  


Hallelujah and huzzah, the dry spell is lifted!! BREAK OUT THE MARCHING BAND, BISHES!!!

Ugh, I’ve spent weeks trying to write something, and FYI- it isn’t going well -___- *sobs* this isn’t what I was supposed to write at all!!! But…it’s the first story I’ve written that I truly, 100% liked in a long time, and maybe it will finally crack the ever dreadful writer’s block. (LOL DOUBTFUL BECAUSE I LIKE TO TROLL MYSELF LIKE THAT).

In other news! This…was very out of the blue, but it does have a fascinating story behind it.

I was herp derping around on tumblr one day (my new favorite hobby) when I came across a GIF of Zhou Mi looking very y and pretty, as usual. But this time I found myself thinking, ‘Damn, he’s almost as pretty as Jaejoong!’ And then I thought to myself, “Imagine if Jaejoong and Zhou Mi had kids together- what would that baby look like?”

And then I had to stop, because thinking of Zhou Mi and Jaejoong’s beautiful bi-racial babies nearly made my head implode. And then, voila! I had the urge to write fanfiction about the two of them. 


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Chapter 1: /SHRIEKS/
JAEMI.i love the name. oh my goodness.
asldfkahalskdfh thiswasperfect ;AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA;
oh my goodness
/showers you in puppies, glitter, cupcakes, unicorns, rainbows/ ugh i loved this /sobs/
Chapter 1: i love this so much!
really enjoyable!
I loved this so much. You've added two of my favorite singers into one fanfic, so I must say, I'm happy^^
I would love to be able to write a JaeMi fic, but honestly I don't think I'm that good of an author, and plus I'm going through a horrible writer's block. Not just writing but with anything creative. It's been that way for months, so I'm feeling a bit hopeless at the moment :(
Anyways, great fic. I enjoyed every second of it <3
suzetteisblue #4
....I just realised that you promised to fly over here if I wrote you JaeMi... I EXPECT YOU TO FULFIL THIS PROMISE!!!
Axiela #5
I'm a YunJae fan, but most of all I'm a Jae fan. And this is too cute for words!!!!!<br />
Thanks for sharing your excellent work!!
suzetteisblue #6
I would write you JaeMi but I at writing . I can give it a shot for you I guess ... but you're not allowed to laugh!<br />
<br />
Awesome fic btw :D <br />
<br />
I love the last two scenes ^_^
Thanks for sharing this story with us.
ingetviktigt #8
write more ): <br />
It was really good :3
i totally enjoyed reading this..have never read this pairing but i like it and can't wait to read more when u write some more XD
okay, I want JaeMi