

Park Chanyeol


Baekhyun stirred in his sleep. I was sitting on the chair beside the hospital bed. I was tired, but there was no way I could fall asleep after what we had to go through last night. After the ambulance had taken us to the hospital yesterday, Baekhyun was immediately given a check up. He was still unconcious at the time, but the doctor (what did he say his name was? Wufan?) said he just fainted out of fright and it was nothing to be worried about. But he still had a few cuts on his forehead and arms, so he had to stay the night at the hospital. And of course, I couldn't leave him there alone could I? 

I didn't realize I was staring at Baekhyun's face until he blinked his eyes open. I quickly flickered my eyes away so he wouldn't know I was watching him in his sleep. "Chanyeol?" he murmered. 

"It's me." I gave him a feeble smile. 

"You look terrible." 


"No, that's not how I meant it!" he said hurriedly. "Just that you look really tired...what time is it?"

"It's almost midnight." 

"Chanyeol?" he whispered. "I'm really sorry." 

I gripped his hand between my own. "Sorry for what? There's no need to be sorry." 

"I mean, I should've helped you deal with those two guys. I really wasn't much help huh? I probably weighed you down. But thank you for saving me anyway. I probably would have left you there and ran if I was in your shoes." 

I laughed. "I believe you." Suddenly, I remembered something. "Baekhyun, who's Jongdae?" 

His face turned chalk-white. "What?" he whispered. 


Just then the door banged open, saving him from having to respond to my question. Into the room burst a wide-eyed Kyungsoo, followed by a pale-faced Luhan and a bored Sehun. The room felt crowded all of a sudden. 

"What happened?" shouted Kyungsoo. "We get a call at eleven at night saying you two are in the hospital. The roads are blocked for god's sake! How do you get into such a big mess? You only went to the damn store!" 

Baekhyun starts to respond, "Well actually--" 

Kyungsoo turns back to him. "Shut up! Do you know how worried we were? You could have died! Not to mention how long it took for us to get here in the snow!" 

"Yeah. You two were supposed to bring back groceries. We were ing starving." Sehun said. 

Luhan smacked his arm ("Ouch!"). "Do you want to explain why we're in the ing hospital at midnight?"

Seeing as Baekhyun was staring out the window, I started to reply. "Well, we went to the store. And then these two guys decided to mug us." 

"Mug you?"

I nodded. "But we managed to fight them off. At least until the amblulance got there. But the food we bought is probably buried in the snow by now." I didn't tell them how  Baekhyun passed out. 

Just then, Jongin burst into the room balancing trays of food on his arms. "Man, this hospital has a really good variety of food." 

Sehun immediately jumped up, grabbed a tray and began eating. Kyungsoo took a second tray of food from him and passed it to Baekhyun, who refused it. "I'm not hungry." 

"Baekhyun, don't make me feed you!" 


As the two of them argued, I couldn't help but smile when I realized Baekhyun was still holding my hand. 

"Chanyeol? Is that you?" 

Baekhyun walked up and took a seat on the grassy ground beside me. "What are you doing here? It's late." 

I smiled and leaned back against the tree. "I like coming here." 

"To do what?" 

"Nothing, I guess. To think." 

I loved the month of November. Despite the chilly days, it was one of the most beautiful months of the year. Greens transforming to yellows and reds and browns. Colors make me happy. 

To be honest, I didn't really remember coming down to the park so late at night. Baekhyun had left the hospital with Jongin and Kyungsoo that fateful day, and I really needed some time to reflect on how so many things had changed. Three weeks had gone by since the day at the hospital, and not a word had been exchanged between the two of us. Until now. 

The park was empty today, except for the two of us. Nothing else could be heard except for the rumble of the Seoul traffic in the distance. 

I didn't understand what this feeling was. Sure, Baekhyun was practically a trouble magnet, but I liked that. I was freaked out of my wits but still. It was thrilling and adventurous. I'd never had so much fun (or so many sore muscles) until I met Baekhyun. We'd never actually talked about anything deep between us, but talking about things like that would make things more awkward than they already were. 

But there was a question that had been nagging me since then.

"Baekhyun, I hope I'm not being too forward anything because I don't want to make you uncomfortable because I know we haven't really talked in a while but I felt like we should because it's been bugging me and I know we're not that close but I think that I can be trusted you know? So I was thinking--but obviously if you don't want to say anything you don't have to because I know I can be really awkward so--"

"Chanyeol, just spit it out."

"Who's Jongdae?" 

A long silence followed. "I mean, you don't have to say anything. Sorry. That's probably private." I said quietly. "I should...probably get going."

"Yeah. You should," he muttered. 

I stood up and walked away in the other direction. Once I was far enough, I looked back. Baekhyun hadn't moved from his position. But this time I could see the moonlight reflecting off the tears slipping down his face even from the distance between us. The distance that I had just widened. 

I thought about going back again, but he probably didn't want to see me. 

Brilliant Chanyeol. You've really screwed up this time. 





Hello again :) Now that it's summer, I hope updates can come faster. So I'll leave this chapter off here, but the resolution to this little situation may come next chapter. Or the next next chapter. That angst at the end was really not expected, so I'll try to put in some extra fluff in the next update.

Saranghaeyo to all my 43 subscribers and upvoters <3 Thank you!

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Chapter 3: Aw so cute i swear Baekkie why are u so cute! X) and ur welcome i like the story a lot since it has Kaisoo and BaekYeollie xD can't wait :3
OMG I'm so glad ur continuing this fic! Keep going author nim! ;)
good job chanyeol. -cries-
but, Baekhyun needs to let Jongdae gooooooooo omg. He's totally going to break Chanyeol's heart sooner or later when he finds out ):
Chapter 7: Oh no .....poor baek...thanks for updating
bdz357998 #5
Chapter 7: Omg poor baek why did they want baek and oh cgphannie so brave please update soon
Waaaah ~ the poster is so cute!! ^^
at first I was a little confused ,when did I subscribe to fic called cute? then I saw the chapters titles and I was like aren't they for other story then I read your note and I was like ohhhhh, hehe nice update!! fighting
Chapter 5: I heart this are a great writer ....I heart the plot too ,not cliche ya :)