It's Too Cold Outside






I was the first one to wake up. As I glanced around the room, I saw everyone passed out on the floor.

Luhan, Sehun, Jongin, and Kyungsoo were tanged up in a large mound of their own body parts and limbs on top of the Twister mat. Baekhyun was half hanging off the other side of the couch across from me. His mouth was wide open, and he was drooling onto the floor. Smiling slightly, I picked him up and laid him down in a less awkward position on the sofa. He sighed and mumbled something in his sleep. It sounded like he was saying Jongdae over and over. But who was Jongdae?

I didn't know. Maybe that was his cat or something.

Not thinking much more on the subject, I yawned and headed towards upstairs towards the bathroom to freshen up. As I walked by the window in the hall, I realized that it was raining much harder than last night. It was hailing chuncks of ice the size of golf balls, on top of the fact that the streets were all covered in frost. Shivering a bit, I headed into the bathroom.


After my morning routine, I went back into the living room where everyone was still asleep. Not wanting to disturb Baekhyun and the guests, I walked over to where Sehun was passed out on the floor. "Sehun!" I whispered, poking his cheek.

He groaned but made no move to get up. I poked him again. "Sehun, get up!"

No response. Giving up, I pinched his nose shut and covered his mouth with my hand. A few seconds later, a slight twitch. Then he jumped up with a shout. "Yah! Were you trying to kill me?!" His face was red from lack of oxygen.

"Shhh!" I glanced around, making sure everyone else was still sleeping. They were.

He glared at me, and in a reduced tone hissed, "Why didn't you just shake me or something? I could have died!"

"If I shook you, you wouldn't have gotten up."

"So you tried to suffocate me?"

"I wouldn't have let you die. Anyway, we have to make breakfast before they get up. The roads are frozen so they won't be able to go home yet. Baekhyun said they didn't live that close by."

Sehun grinned. "Why? Did you want to impress your boyfriend?"

"Sehun, are you going to help me or not?"

"Fine, fine. But you're expecting too much from me."

"You can't be any worse than me though, can you? C'mon, let's cook!"

Saying so, I pulled him into the kitchen. I peeked into the cuboards and the refrigerator, finding absolutely no food. Well, except for a platter of burnt pancakes shoved into the back of the fridge.

I turned to Sehun, who was leaning against the wall. "When was the last time you went grocery shopping?"

"I was supposed to buy groceries?"

"Sehuuun! We have no food in the house and we have five people to feed!"

"Relax, we'll just go buy some before they wake up. The store isn't that far."

I flashed him a desperate look and ran back into the living room to grab my car keys off the coffee table. I had to impress Baekhyun. But when I ran in, all of the others were awake. Baekhyun was stretching, and his shirt lifted up a bit so that a sliver of pale skin could be visible on his waist. I caught myself staring and quickly looked away. "Good morning, Chanyeol," he called out.

"Uh... morning."

He smiled at me. God, why was I so awkward around him?

Turning away so he couldn't see my pink face, I found Luhan. "There's no food in the house! What are we supposed to eat?" I hissed. 

He frowned. "The roads will be closing soon. You should hurry to the store."

Just then, Baekhyn burst in. "The store? I'll go with you, Chanyeol."

"Uhh... okay."

Awkward silence.

Breaking the quiet, Luhan said, "Well then, you two should bundle up." I sped to the closet and found two huge fur coats that should keep out the cold air. 

Crossing over to where Baekhyun was standing, I helped him put on his jacket before putting mine on. He gave me another smile. Embarrasedly turning away, I grabbed my wallet. "Ready? To the store we go!"



"Chanyeol, next time you should make sure you have gas in the car!" Baekhyun yelled through the fierce wind. Ehem, someone--I have no idea who--had forgotten to fill up the tank. So here we were, trudging through the frosted sidewalk on foot to get to the damn grocery store. 

"I'm sorry! I thought we had food in the house!"

"If you did, we would be sitting at the table eating and not out in the cold."

"I said sorry!"

He laughed. "I'm kidding. I don't mind taking a short walk." A blast of wind sent the pouring rain splattering into his face. "But I do mind the rain." He grimaced.

Seeing the store's neon sign coming into view in the near distance, we jogged harder to escape the terrible weather. We ran inside. I exhaled loudly. "Well that was fun."

"Totally." He huffed. "We have to find food now. Come on!" He dragged me over and pulled me into an isle. "Okay, so we need some milk. Maybe some instant pancake mix... and sausage. What else? Oooh, cookies! Perfect. Hmmm, maybe we can get some candy while we're at it too. And who doesn't like candy? Not me, I love candy. We should get some cereal, I love the cinnamon kind and-- wait." He frowned. "Did you bring enough money?"

"Just grab everything. I brought Sehun's wallet instead of mine."

He gave me a brilliant grin and reached up to pinch my cheek. "Chanyeol, so naughty. CUTE!" 

He turned back to the food and started tossing everything into the grocery basket. I touched my cheek where he pinched me. "Yeah."







This chapter ended up being longer than I expected. My usual length per chapter is around 1100 words, and this is right around there. So then the next chapter will have the action that I promised. ;)


Also, I will be changing the foreword and (possibly) the title of the story. I'll let you guys know through the story feed if I decide to change the title though. Don't worry, you don't have to reread the foreword. Its the same, but a few things are different. 


Thanks so much for sticking with me! Even when I don't update when I say I will!


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Chapter 3: Aw so cute i swear Baekkie why are u so cute! X) and ur welcome i like the story a lot since it has Kaisoo and BaekYeollie xD can't wait :3
OMG I'm so glad ur continuing this fic! Keep going author nim! ;)
good job chanyeol. -cries-
but, Baekhyun needs to let Jongdae gooooooooo omg. He's totally going to break Chanyeol's heart sooner or later when he finds out ):
Chapter 7: Oh no .....poor baek...thanks for updating
bdz357998 #5
Chapter 7: Omg poor baek why did they want baek and oh cgphannie so brave please update soon
Waaaah ~ the poster is so cute!! ^^
at first I was a little confused ,when did I subscribe to fic called cute? then I saw the chapters titles and I was like aren't they for other story then I read your note and I was like ohhhhh, hehe nice update!! fighting
Chapter 5: I heart this are a great writer ....I heart the plot too ,not cliche ya :)