••Chapter 2••

When Love Starts To Bloom Again



The ceremony starts and the principal I don't even know what he is talking about cause I'm not paying attention to him. As for Haneul, she kept glancing around or doing her little dance or just jump around or making weird noises, she just can't stay still. Aigooo. Shaking my head, I started to talk to her, in English of course, "Hey Haneul. Don't you get bored?" She pouts. Awww! "Of course I am, but I got a little friend to play with!" She smiles innocently. I raised my eyebrow, meaning to ask her who, "It's this little new friend of mine" While showing a candy in front of my face. Is she's crazy? Like seriously who would want to play with a candy. "Are you okay Haneul? Did you forget something like....your pills?" I asked worriedly while placing my palm on her forehead. She just blinks like a child would. I sighed when I know that she's not running a fever or sick. "Did you somehow ate something or knocked on something that made you like this Haneul?" She shook her head. "I'm always on my own world when I'm bored, you can join too if you want to!" She stated excitedly.  I shook my head vigorously,  "No no no no thanks!" I chuckled. I saw that her face showed some disappointments but then turned into the normal Haneul. This girl is sure weird.


~after the ceremony ended~

We both exited the hall with a loud sighs. "Like finally... after lots of waiting for him to lay eggs... he finally did" That was what I heard Haneul mumbles beside me after taking out my iPhone, because I felt it vibrated few times when we were in the hall. 'Mum <3' called me 5 time already. I was about to call her but, Haneul interrupts me. "Oh hey! I forgot to ask for your number! Should we exchange numbers? You know, I kinda trust you.... no really, I trust you a lot." She smiled. I softened at her sight smiling so happily and forget my intention on calling my mum back. Well, I can call her anytime right? Back to Haneul who was waiting for me to give me herphone patiently with a small smile on her face. How can she's happy all the time? I envy her. She has a lot of things to be happy for. My mind was interrupted by Haneul who just waved her hand in front of my face "Hellooooo come back here~ back to earth missy!" She crossed her arms. I just chuckled lightly and gave her my phone and she gave me hers. She's using the latest model of Samsung, Samsung Galaxy Note 3. I saw her wallpaper on her phone is a picture of her and other 7 good-looking boys. But somehow one of them looked like him. No, it's not him for sure. He's not here no way he is. I gave Haneul her phone back and took mine too.


"Amanda!" Haneul called me, so I look up and heard a clicking sound. *click* I blink couple times before fully processing what had happened. "Awww you're so cute in this." I groaned "aww please delete that Haneul-ah" I begged her and do aegyo. Hey, I can do aegyo too. Hmmph! But she's not buying it, I pouted more. "Awwww~ Oh, Amanda, I'm sorry but i really really have to go to the toilet, you can go to the class first." But I dont know where the class is. And she is the only classmate that I knew. "Sorry!" She shouted as she sped off to the toilet leaving me dumbfounded in this cold weather. Lmaoo. So, I walk to the school building and luckily saw a prefect on her duty. I walked towards her, "ermmm heyy... eh no.. Annyeonghaseyo" I bowed. She just bowed back and nod her head telling me to continue what I want to ask. She's very pretty, but if you look more carefully rather than just glances eh no, even just taking glances at her, everyone knows that it is makeup covering her ugly face. Eh, it's not good to judge people too early. She has that light brown hair almost ro blonde. I wondered does this school allows students to dyed their hair especially prefects? "May I know where is this class located at? 1A-1" I asked her nicely. "1A-7? Mm I think it's at the other building." She checks her notebook onnce more. "Yes, the next building it is!" She smiled. I looked back on my paper. Did she said 1A-7? Cause I was asking for 1A-1? Or is this number supposed to be 7? "Hey are y---" I looked up to see she is nowhere to be seen. I just shrugged and went to the next building.


5 minutes after the bell rang, I still can't find my class. I pouted slightly. I went to the building the prefect told me but I think this is a senior building. I bowed and walk with my head low. This is so embarrassing!  Arghh! I ruffled my hair not knowing someone saw me in the hallways tho. "Are..you.....okay?" A senior who just happens to be in this hallways asked me. He was wearing the same uniform as me. I'm guessing he's not a prefect. But based on his look, I can tell that he is really popular. He has that flower boy-look. He has a great manner too. "Yeahhh. I'm kinda lost here. Actually, I was searching for my class, 1A-1. But a prefect told me to go here and now I'm gere, I don't know where--" "She's a girl?" That guy suddenly cut me off. But yeah, she's a girl. I nodded. "Brown light hair almost blonde??" Yes I nodded eagerly because I was curious what he is going to say. But before he could, I felt vibrates in my pocket. I took my phone out and checked the caller id, 'The Sky' is calling. By that id, I already knew it was Haneul. Well, Haneul means Sky in korean. Silly girl. I look up at the guy earlier, "I'm sorry" as I was about to answer the call. He muttered 'it's okay' and took a few steps behind to give me privacy spaces lol. 


"Amanda! Are you alright? Where are you? Homagad, I'm worried when I didn't see you in class. Where are you? Are you lost?" She whispers through her phone. I just let her questions spilled to the floor. I chuckled and pretended to sound sad, "Yah, why did you left me earlier, now I'm lost! Completely lost here in nowhere." I heard her gasp in the other line. She just kept quiet for a second. "I'm sorry" her voice sounds guilty. Now I'm feeling guilty after making her feeling guilty. And what is this feeling when you and others feels he same. Isn't this odd. Or maybe it was me. "Hey, no I was joking. But really, I'm lost hahahaha. No worries, a hot guy will help me find my class." With that, she hung up. I could hear the teacher starts talking. I turned to the guy earlier, "So....you're goung to help me to find my class right?" I asked, hoping he would say yes. And he did. "Yes. But I'll just send you to the building cause I can't be late for my class too heee" He smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head. Honestly I felt a bit disappointed because I can't talk to him longer but I didn't let it show. Nodding my head we head out of the building. As we exited the building, I look around and saw other buildings too. Just how many buildings they have here. "Oh hey, what's your name?" He asked without looking at me. "Amanda. Amanda Kim." I said sheepishly. I was about to ask his name, "And here we are. This is the junior's building. Your class is on the second floor to the right." He said. Wow. He sure knows the school's well. I mean, he's like he know all the classes like it was the back of his hand. "And oh, my dongsaengs went to the same class as yours." He smiles genuinely. I can feel my cheeks burning, and went inside the building. I can hear him saying 'bye' but I was to shy to look back. Kyaaaa. UGGGGHHHHH DID I JUST FORGOT TO ASK HIS NAME?!! Aigooo pabo. 


How many times do I have to remind myself not to wander my head off somewhere when I know that I'm late for class?! Aigooo. So I literally ran towards my classroom and when I was about to reach the door, I heard fast footsteps getting nearer and OOOFFFFTTTTT. What I remembered after was my hurts. I heard the other person groaned and I'm guessing he's a guy because he had such a deep voice. I saw a hand was held in front of my face, when I look up, I saw a good-looking guy with an orange hair reaching his hand out to help me. We stared in each others about 10 good seconds. "Sorry" He cleared his throat feeling embarrassed.  I took his hand and I can feel the sudden heat on my cheeks. I shook my head lightly, "No no it's okay" I smiled genuinely at him and he replied it with a innocent smile of his. His smile is kinda unique. It's so cute. Eh what are thinking about Amanda. You just met him about 10 seconds ago and already.... ah noo. 


So as both of us entered the classroom, I can see all eyes were on us. Some of the girls were gossiping about how good-looking is the guy beside me. We stood in front of the classroom. I saw Haneul, and she gave me an apologetic look. I smiled reassuringly at her telling while mouthing 'its okay'. She then, back to her normal self all smiling and stuffs. "Okay, so your classmates already knew my name, Mr Kim. I'm your homeroom teacher for this year. Before I rearrange your seats, please introduce yourself." He smiled. His smile reminds me of my Grandpa back in Canada. The whole class groaned when they heard Mr Kim will rearrange our seats. I don't really care about it actually. As long as no one can bother me sleeping. I hate studying, it makes me sleepy. I'm feeling like yawning already at the thought of study. "Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Kim Taehyung. Call me V. Don't call me Taehyung." He introduced himself and gave a small bow to the class. I can hear the girls getting excited getting another hot guy in their classroom. Well, when I scanned the whole class, I can see some good-looking people in our class. He was quite serious when he mentioned about calling him by his real name, but seriously what's with the name V? Buahahaha. 


"Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Amanda Kim. I'm from Canada. Please take a good care of me" I smiled sincerely then bowed. When I bowed, I heard some girls snickered at me. Pshh fake bishesss. "Okay class! I'll arrange your seats now!" Mr Kim stated happily knowing no one likes his idea.


The arrangement of seats finally done with a big smile plastered on Mr Kim's face. Some of the students still having frowns on their faces. Especially the girls who were seperated from their friednds. I was arranged to seat beside V making the girls fuming in anger. Ha ha! In your face bishes. We sat two seat from the back behind the window. I love the seats beside the window. It gets windy and you won't feel hot when sleeping. This is a really good spot for sleeping.


Behind us I guess V's friends since he was talking to them only. Haneul was sitting at the front seat. I bet it was boring but she seems to like it. Weird. She would turned around and make silly faces at me or V or V's friend. Does she knows them? I just shrugged at the thought. "Okay class. Now we're going to choose our Class Monitor and it's assistant okay?" The looks on Mr Kim's was excited. "For the class monitor first, raise up your hand if you has suggestions for a good class monitoe or just suggests yourself okay?" He scanned all of or faces. "So....any suggestions?" With that, a girl stood up, "I would like to suggest Lee Chi Hoon" she winked at the guy and I think he is the one she suggested. Her skirt were so short that if she bend a little, her underwear could be seen. I guess that's her intention tho wearing a very short skirt. The guy didn't even look at her. She just pout when he didn't spare a glance at her. His eyes were set on others. I search where his eyes could be landed on. And oh, it's on Haneul who just plays with her candy wraps like a fool. She's pretended that it was an aeroplane and brought it up and play with it. His gaze never left her.


I don't want to admit this but, the whole time after we changed our seats, I could feel someone is staring at me. Like the whole time. I just ignored the feeling. When I turned to look at what V is doing, I caught his eyes staring at me. I cleared my throat to fight the blushes and look away. He was leaning on his chair making it was hard for me to even recognise him the whole time I was observing the class. 


Lee Chi Hoon was selected as our Class Monitor after the votes. And I voted for him too because he looks capable. As for class monitor's assistant, Mr Kim gave the power for him to choose any of the students in the class. The girls were fixing their hair, makeup, skirts. And the girl earlier were ed her first and second shirt. Like what the , are you that desperate?! Chihoon didn't look at her which made me relieved. Hey it's not like I like him, but I like it when he's not oblivious. "Lee Haneul. I choose her." He said without any expressions on his face. I could tell he's fighting the urge to blush. Mr Kim just nodded proudly like a dad who is his son is going to marry. All of our eyes were on Haneul who are still playing with her candy wraps. I chuckled but then I heard V saying, "that silly girl" with a thick accent, I guess it's busan accent. Cause it's the only accent I've heard. In Canada,  no one uses accents there, like of course how would you expect Canadian to speak in korean accents.






So if you guys are wondering how Lee Chi Hoon looks like.

He's a real person tho hahahahaha. And he is my bias. I decided to put jim in the story too lmao

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Currently working on a new ff with my bestie ngiahahaha


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Kiragirl #1
OMG!!! Thank You So Much!!! Update Soon!!! Yay ;)