••Chapter 1••

When Love Starts To Bloom Again

Your POV

 Waking up for the last time in Canada, I took my shower. After showering, my maids came in, "Miss your luggage is ready." I nodded to her and walks around the house for the last time. I went to my favorite room, a room full of pictures of me, my friends and...him. I hate him. He broke my heart. I was about to reach our picture, smiling happily at Kently Park but interrupted by knocks on the door. I ignored the knocks for awhile and quickly took our photo and put it inside my purse. Smiling, I went towards the door just to be greeted by my dorkies! 

"We gon' miss u babe!!" As Tracy, Ming and Felice shouted like crazy dorks, they hugged me tightly with all their might. I choked,  "hey...guysss.....I....need....to...brr..breathh...." I cried begging them to let me go. They just giggled among themselves, "Hey, we won't be able to hang out again, so take it as our last hug!" They pinched my cheek. They always do that!! "And our last pinchy cheek!" They laughed. "We're sorry that we couldn't make it to the airport, you know, our parents---" I chuckled bitterly, "of course I know". 


/arrived in korea/


The next morning~


~We are bulletproof hah! Hah! We are bul--~ Ugh stupid alarm I want to sleep moreeee. You groan more as you felt the hotness of the sunshine on your face. 


/knock knock/ "Miss, please be ready--" you groan, you didn't like it when your maid calling you 'miss'. You wanted them to be comfortable but it weren't comfortable for them. "Come in" as you said that, your maid or what you usually call her Halmeoni. She walks in with a careful steps. You softened when you saw her already white hair. You always play with her when you were in Korea for holidays. She has always been by your side when your parents aren't.  


"I've prepared breakfast for you. Go get a shower so you won't be late for school today", she calmly said. Your eyes widened.  "WHATT?!! School?! Heol! I totally forgot bout that!! Homagad am I late! Nooo please say nooo am I---" Words are coming out of your mouth like bullets. "No, you're not miss." You slightly pouted, "Haven't I told you to call me Hyemi only without 'miss'? You are a family to me. Please just call me Hyemi or Amanda" Calmly, halmeoni answered,  "I can't do that miss. You are my master I can---" You got up and went to the bathroom without hearing halmeoni's explanation. Well, you were a bit disappointed whenever she refused to call you just by your name.


After finishing your shower, you are now wearing your school's uniform. It has a pretty yellow colour and the outlines were neatly sewn. You smiled at your own reflection and went downstairs for your breakfast. You sat alone on the dining table with various food on table. You're sure don't like this. You hate it when people made you too juch food and end up wasting them. You just took a piece of bread and layered it with strawberry jam. Mmm my favorite,  you giggled. 


As you got up, you said "Take all this leftover food and give it to the in needs." "Yes miss" they bowed until you were out of your house. You then was greeted by your driver, an old and tall man, Mr. Park. You believed that he was so good looking then because you just feel it like that. HAHA. 


Along the journey to my school, I unconsciously fell asleep. But hey, I'm bored and sleepy okayyyyy. A few moments later, I felt someone just tapped on my shoulder. I groaned "lemme sleep" I mumbled. "We're here miss. Your school." I jolted up and quickly brushed my messy hair. I went out of the car just to be greeted by lots of students wearing the exact same uniform as me. I just followed them until a yellow aventador Lamborghini went passing me. "Tch. Kids these days. Never cares about the laws." I sighed but my eyes won't let go of the car. Then I saw another 7 sport cars parked next to the yellow aventador Lamborghini.  I shrugged and went to find the hall.


As I reached the hall, it was packed with juniors and newcomers. Senior prefects were kept busy guiding the newcomers. "Hey, you can line-up there" A prefect said to me. He was tall and good-looking.  I saw him nametag,  'Howon'. I bowed and mumbled thanks to him. I walked to where he said I was supposed to be in. It was so awkward when I saw people talking to each other. I don't have friends here. But yeah, I will make some for sure! Hwaiting Amanda! 


I looked at the girl beside me, looking all shy and quiet,  so I decided to talk to her because she seems kind. "Hey, no, hi....eh no..Annyeonghaseyo" I said while bowing. She smiled at me, "Annyeonghaseyo". So I asked what's her name, Lee Haneul, she told me to call her Haneul only since she wants us to address each othe comfortably. 



Ngiahahaha, how as the first chapter? My friend's ideas kept pouring out non-stop and it took me forever to write it ngiahahaha. I know I'm lameㅠㅠㅠㅠ please do comment and tell me bout it. Where shud I improve myself.

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Currently working on a new ff with my bestie ngiahahaha


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Kiragirl #1
OMG!!! Thank You So Much!!! Update Soon!!! Yay ;)