During Routine

The Betting Game



"What had just happened?" Joy sighs, looking at where Janelle and Tao were talking. "Did I just... lost?"

Chen scoffs. "Yes. What's so surprising about that? Tao actually managed to confess."

"Yeah... but... what would happen now? I mean, Janelle had just confessed to Sehun and as I understand it, they are going to hang out. Which means dating in Sehun's vocabulary since that one is an oddball just like the rest of your friends."

"My friends are not odd! Jeez!" Chen glares. "But, yeah. I may have won this round but Tao had lost. I don't know if I should be happy."

Joy sighs. She fished out a few bills and gave it to Chen who raised a brow and he hesitantly took the money. "That's the lunch money you've given me these past few days, plus the bus money I took."


"You won." Joy shrugged. "A bet is a bet."

Chen nodded silently, not really knowing how to react. He had won so seldom that he doesn't really know what to think. He looked back to where Janelle seemed to be bullying Tao as per usual. The two seemed to be getting along just fine even after Janelle had practically dumped Tao.

He couldn't help but think if there was a slight chance that he and Joy could actually have at least a normal relationship of polite acquaintances since friendship is a little unlikely. It's not they hate each other, it's just that they had regarded each other as a betting buddies ever since he could remember. They knew nothing else.

"Tao is really lucky." Joy mused.

"Lucky? How? He just got dumped by the girl he had been mooning about ever since we were in high school." Chen pointed out sarcastically.

Joy sighs, "You are such a dummy, really. I meant he's lucky that he's got somebody who cares for him genuinely. Even if he practically doesn't see her at all, she's always by his side."

"You mean Jamaica?" Chen remembers the little scene earlier between Tao and Jamaica, something he promptly left to the two since even if was one of the nosiest person on earth, he couldn't bear to be an audience to such private moment.

Joy nodded. "Yeah. The people around us, our friends, they all make their lives so complicated. They practically don't see that everything they are asking in life is just around them. And yet they are still lucky that those things, people, doesn't leave them even if they keep on ignoring their significance."

Chen considered Joy's words, a first at that. And he must admit, what she said was right. Tao doesn't see how Jamaica practically does everything with him in thought. And it wasn't only him too. There's that girl that his cousin Chanyeol is always talking about, apparently she doesn't seem to see how deep Chanyeol had fallen for her too.

"Dang. I hate to admit this. But you seem to be right. I have dumb friends." Chen sighs.

Joy smirks triumphantly and excused herself to go get Janelle and leave for home before the other girl manage to make Tao cry due to her teasing.

And as Joy leaves, Chen couldn't help but to wonder if his friends 'dumminess' is rubbing off on him without him even realizing. He wonders if he also doesn't see the things around him.



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NJsakura #2
Chapter 7: Freaking cute!!