During Date Stalkers

The Betting Game




"Your friend totally likes my friend but he's also as totally as dumb as you are so he won't make a move." Joy sighs, tearing a bite from a chicken leg.

"Yah, yah, yah! You are such an insolent little brat, aren't you? Speak to me with respect, I'm older than you." Chen protested.

Joy raised a brow, and then grins widely.

Chen gulps and gave her a wary look, "What are you thinking, you brat?"

"You are older, right. You just said it."


"So, as the older one, you should treat me. Pay up for me, okay?" 

"What?! No way! Isn't it enough that you are rendering me bankrupt with all the stupid bets you cheat me with to win!? And now you want me to pay for your food? And you've eaten a meal for two people too, might I add!"

"Yah! First of all, you called me here to rant about bug-eyed Tao who had been bugging, pun intended, you about my friend ever since he saw her again a couple of weeks ago. I was happy ignoring you around campus and then you had to call me here to eat together. Besides, you're the guy here, shouldn't you at least try to offer to pay for my meal."

"If it was another girl, I would have. But it's you." Chen scoffed.

"No wonder you don't have any girlfriend. You are such a jerk."

"Who said I don't have a girlfriend?!" Chen squawked indignantly.

"If you have one, I doubt you'd even want to be seen in the same side of the campus with me."

"Of course! I never want to be associated with you!"

Joy scoffs this time, "Everybody wants to be associated with me, you dummy. Whereas nobody wants anybody to know that they know you."

"Yah! I've got  lot of friends, just so you know!"

"And they are all dummies like you! Tao is the evidence. I bet he can wushu his way to a gangster's lair but never utter a word of confession to my friend."

With the word 'bet', Chen's ears perked up. "A bet?"

"What? You don't want to? Scared?"

"NO! I'm never scared! I bet I can make Tao confess to your friend! Well, unless you cheat again." Chen narrowed his eyes at Joy accusingly.

"I never cheated. You're just so lame at making bets. Well, how much is it?"

"All of lunch for the next month." Chen hissed. "I'll pay for your lunch the whole month if don't manage to bring them together."

Joy let out that smug smirk that Chen is already familiar with, much to his contempt really, "Lunch? What would your girlfriend say about you missing lunch dates with her for a whole month?"

"I--uh…" Chen opened and closed his mouth like a fish as he struggles to, "I'll… aish! You don't have to concern yourself with any of that!"

"Alright then. Lunch for the next month it is." Joy laughs. She finished off her food and gave Chen a look as she gathers her things, "Since you'd be treating me to lunch for a month anyways, why don't you practice and pay today? Sunbae? Bye!" and then she runs for it.

"Yah! Joy!! Joy, come back here, you little twerp!" Chen shouted but Joy was gone already. He sighs, fishing for his wallet, "What have I gotten myself into again?"


"This is breach of contract." Joy grumbles. "Why do I have to go on a date with you?"

"Because…" Chen sighs, furtively looking behind him to see if a familiar tuft of brown head, "If we do not make a move first, we'd be waiting eons before we know who wins. The first date was just a lure, today's the real deal. Today, we'll determine the winner."

Joy rolled her eyes, letting Chen lead her away to a both. She knew that her friend, Janelle, was following them. And Chen's friend, Tao, was following them as well. The two of them had roused their best friends' curiosities by telling them elaborate made-up stories about dating each other, and today would be the day that they would determine if Tao would confess.

Chen threw another look behind him as they went to another stall, "Looks like they are really following us together. Well, I'd hate to say this, but I hope that you had already prepared your wallet for those free lunches."

"Don’t start counting chicks before the eggs are even hatched." Joy sneered.

"Whatever. I'm sure I'll win this. I've already practically won, anyways. They are on a date of their own even if they don't realize it. Heck, they are having a more real date than us."

"First of all, we are not on a date." Joy sternly said, “Second of all, there is no 'us'. And thirdly, you haven't win yet. So stop being smug."

Chen stopped walking and gave Joy a look, "Yah… are you okay?"

"I'm on a pseudo date with you, why would I be okay?" Joy sarcastically replied.

Chen actually feels a little worried. He had never seen Joy agitated, at least not this visibly upset about anything but him. She would always have that teasing smile, or smug smirk, whenever they happen to meet each other. They've known each other for a few years now, and yet it's the first time that Chen had seen Joy be uncomfortable about anything.

"Hey, for real, are you okay? Is the heat frying your brain or something? Want to go have something to drink? I mean, I want to win, but if you suddenly pass out on me here, I'd lose money on hospital bill. So…"

"Yah, you're such a great person, really." Joy's tone is dripping with deadly sarcasm. "I'm fine! Stop acting as if you're worried. It doesn't suit you." she all but stomped her way towards some benches.

"Who said I was worried?!" Chen calls out, scoffing.

But he must admit, he was really worried.

They went and had some hotdogs for lunch, suddenly being quiet. Chen feels antsy. Joy had always been snarky, never silent. The was she was acting was a little disconcerting.

"Look, if you are not feeling well, we can just go home. We don't have to go on this stupid date. Not that I consider that we are on a date." Chen stated, genuinely worrying about Joy. He might be annoyed because she always wins their bets, but he knows that she isn't a bad kid, she's far from that. And he can't live knowing that he made her sick because of a stupid bet.

"I told you I'm fine. It's just…" Joy sighs as she played with the last of her food, "Forget it. Let's just get this over with. I really want to go home."

"Did I do something wrong?" Chen asked concernedly.

"Other than being such a prick? No. You're fine."

"Yah, I''m trying to be nice here. Can you, for once, try to pretend and be nice to me too?"

Joy gave Chen a smile that he had never seen before, "I can't. You might like me too much if I act nice towards you."

"Like you? Is the end of the world coming?" Chen scoffs. "But seriously, you are really okay, right? I mean Janelle is following us around and she might end me right here if you suddenly pass out or something."

"Janelle is busy trying to keep Tao from inflecting bodily harm towards himself. I doubt she has time to concern herself with you." Joy sighs, "I must admit, you might actually win this bet. For once, you might actually win."

"Who are you and what have you done with Joy?"

"I am Joy, you doofus."

"Joy will never say those words to me. She never admits defeat." Chen pointed out.

"Hey, I'm just a person. I know how to admit defeat."

Chen was silent for a minute, "Is this why you are feeling down? Because you lost?"

"First of all, technically, I haven't lost yet. But I know a losing cause when I see it. And I am not feeling down because of it, it's just that I really wanted to go here for a long time, but not this way. I wanted to enjoy the amusement park, not act all lovey-dovey with you with our best friends stalking us."


"I'm sorry… I didn't know…you should've just asked me to treat you here as a prize for a bet then. You've won so many times before."

"I may enjoy making you lose but I'm not a bad person. You're busy with school work and I can't possibly drag you here because I wanted to have a good time. I'm not that selfish."

Suddenly, they heard Tao's unmistakable shriek. They ly to see Tao dragging Janelle away, a bunch of dogs running after them.

"Oh my gosh---what the heck?" Joy gaped.

"Well… I guess Tao's charm towards disaster is really effective." Chen replies.

They watched as the two disappeared into the distance, the dogs barking after them and the young boy who seemed to be the dogs' owner yelling after them as well.

Suddenly, a thought came into Chen's mind. "Hey, want to go ride something?"

"Huh? Are you crazy? Janelle and Tao are being chased by canines!"

"Exactly. They're gone." Chen smiles, really smiles and not some smug smirk and or teasing grin. "Right now, we are here in this awesome place and not plotting for our best friends to end up together. We are just…uh… friends? And we are to enjoy the rides. Okay?"

Joy’s eyes lighted up, "Your treat?"

Chen wanted to protest, and tell Joy that he practically won the bet, but seeing that she seemed to be lightening up, he zipped his mouth and nodded. Just this once, he'd actually try to be a good sunbae to her.

"Yehet!" Joy all but jumped up from her seat. She run towards where the huge roller coaster was located, turning to look at Chen with that playful smile once again, "But let me say this first; we are not friends, okay? Nobody wants to be friends with a dummy like you." then she's running away again.

Chen shook his head, an amused smile on his face. He might enjoy being the bane in Joy's existence as much as she is to him, but he must admit that he likes putting that smile on her face more.


They had ridden the roller coaster and another thrilling ride before Chen was distracted with a call from Tao. For a few moments there, they actually forgot that they had only came to the amusement park to get Tao and Janelle together. 

And they actually enjoyed their time together. Just the two of them actually hanging out like normal friends.

"What did he say?" Joy asked, munching on her latest stick of hotdog.

"He asked where we were. Janelle is worried I guess. Honestly, she puts too little faith on me. She should learn to trust me a little. I can take care of you."

"She's got good sense. I don't trust you taking care of me either." Joy replies.

"Yah!" Chen shrieked indignantly, earning a shrug from Joy. "Anyways, I told him that we're going to the horror house next."

Joy coughed a little, choking on a piece of hotdog. "We are?"

Chen could practically see the horror on the girl's face. "Why? Are you scared?"

Joy answered Chen with a glare. And he smirks. Had he finally found something he could use against the girl?

"Anyways, we're going! It’s a little late anyways and we have to conclude this date." Chen smirks. He lead Joy towards the horror house at one end of the amusement park. 

It's already getting dark and Chen thinks that it's the best time for horror houses. Tao is a scaredy-cat and what better place for him to squeak out his crush for a certain girl if not in there?

"Can we… can we actually not go inside?" Joy squeaked, tugging at Chen's arm.

"Oh come on, they are just effects. Besides, you should be scared of living people, not ghosts."

"You're not afraid of them?"

"Of course not!! Come on, let's go inside. I can't wait!"

"You know, normal people tend to think twice before going inside a horror house, not get excited about it."

Chen just shrug, "What can I say? I'm not like everybody else."

"And that your not normal. This confirms my theories."

"Yah! Say another bad thing about me and I’ll leave you in there alone." he threatened, nodding approvingly when Joy made a gesture of zipping .

They started for the entrance but before Chen could even put a foot inside the door, Joy held him back.

"What? If you are too scared, don't worry, okay? I won't let go of you! Scouts' honor."

"It’s not it." Joy shook her head. She pointed at the curious thing Chen was holding, "What are you going to do with that piece of rope?"

Chen looked at the rope in his hand, and then back at Joy. "Just wait and see." he grins deviously.

Joy didn't even have to wait that long. As they neared the exit of the horror house, Chen dragged her to the side where a dent on the wall was enough for them to stand together without being seen, an easy ask since the interior of the horror house was dark.

"What are you doing? Don't do that, it's dangerous!" Joy reprimanded with a squeak as Chen braid the rope into a simple trap and laid it on the ground. "Someone might trip on that and break their neck!"

"Relax. This is just a small surprise. Stop being a worrywart." Chen smirked inwardly as how a snarky Joy disappears completely when met with creatures of the dark, real or not.

“Surprise? What do you mean?”

“You’ll see. Just stay quiet, okay?” Chen instructed.

“I swear, Kim Jongdae, if I end up in jail, or worse, dead, because of this--”

“Aish , such a scaredy worrywart. Just be quiet.” Chen shushed Joy as they secluded themselves into the wall and blended in the darkness. 

In the silence of the whole horror house, a shrill voice sounded. Chen knew that shriek very well, and he smirked. It’s Tao. “A few minutes, and it’s showtime.” he says.

“Gosh, you are such a creep it’s scaring me more than this whole creepy place.” Joy muttered.

The two of them kept quiet, Tao’s shrieks echoing along the corridors, followed along by Janelle’s reprimands, her being clearly amused by the situation. Soon, Tao and Janelle were passing by where Joy and Chen were hiding. Tao was happy to see the exit, and was actually ready to get out of the horror house.

And then Chen pulled onto the rope, snagging Tao by the ankle, and then he started pulling the poor guy back.

Tao, in his state of fear, started flailing and shrieking like a banshee. Joy was half amused and half pitying Tao, she might have been annoyed by the guy many times before but she would never take pleasure in another person's mystery.

And besides, Tao was actually starting to confess things. It was mostly about the stupid things he had done to prank his friends, but when he started shouting about Janelle, Joy knew that she should do something. 

Chen was practically cheating!

Joy then hauled Chen back, hugging him from the back and causing for him to stop dragging Tao. Chen stilled for a moment, the brief time giving Janelle the time to catch up with Tao and flicking him on the forehead so he would snap out of his shrieking spree. Joy managed to pull the rope away when it loosened on Tao's foot.

As soon as Tao was free, he all but drag Janelle out of the place. And there was silence again.

"Yah! Are you okay?" Joy asked Chen who seemed to still be in a stupor. "You look like you saw a ghost. I thought you weren't scared."

Chen shook his head a little, giving Joy a look, "Did you just… hug me?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Why in the world would I hug you?" Joy rolled her eyes. "Come on, let's get out of here." she hurriedly drag Chen out of the dark house with a shiver.

Chen managed to collect himself once they were out, the cold nigh air waking him up. It might had been just a slip of judgment, but in that few second that Joy had her arms around him, it felt… it felt…

"Hey! Come on, stupid. Stop drooling! Janelle and Tao are there!” Joy said, walking over to where her best friend was without waiting for Chen.

Once the four of them got together, Chen was back to his usual teasing self. He mentally scolded himself for having confusing thoughts.

"I guess I won." Chen said.

"What? You didn't!"

"But they came together! And they were together the whole day!" Chen raised a confused brow. "You owe me."

Joy waved a finger in Chen’s face, "Uh, uh, uh. The bet was about a confession. Although the trick on the horror house was cool, there was no confession."

"That was because you grabbed my hand! One more second and he would have said it!"

"Better luck next time then. And it was cheating in the first place! Now pay up! I would have waited for the not-lunch-dates  but I need bus money."

Chen grumbled but fished a couple of dollars out of his pocket and handed it to Joy, the latter grinning wide in delight. "I swear I'm going to go bankrupt because of you."

"Well, you better make good bets then."

"Another bet? Do I hear another date, then?" Chen smiles expectantly.

Joy, patted Chen's cheek, "You're a funny guy, Kim Jongdae, really funny." And then she was walking towards another booth.

"Hey! Are we going? Or are we not?! Joy!" Chen called out.

Joy just let out a laugh. "We were not on a date in the first place. The whole thing was about your bug-eyed friend, not us. Wait. There is no us. We're not even friends."

As Joy left for the exit, Chen sighs. Of course he wasn't serious about the whole asking for another date thing. But he was worried about Joy going back to her melancholic mood earlier. Well, at least he was succesful about getting her mood up once again, about putting that arrogant little smirk on her face. He likes it more than the serious frown she has.

And wow, he doesn't even know why or where that thought had come from.



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NJsakura #2
Chapter 7: Freaking cute!!