Chapter 12: Open the windows of your heart to welcome sun rays that could give you warmth

Fading Memories

Chapter 12: Open the windows of your heart to welcome sun rays that could give you warmth


"Wait. He?" Yoongi asked.

The nurse smiled and nodded. "Not all nurses are females Mr Min. Do you want to meet him?"

"Uh.. yeah sure."

The nurse went inside the room again and went out with a boy with very fluffy brown hair beside her. His smile was so bright and cheery. Just by looking at him can give you a sense of happiness deep within your soul.

"Mr Min, this is Kim Taehyung. Taehyung, this is Mr Min Yoongi," the nurse introduced. Instead of a formal shake of the hand, Taehyung waved excitedly at Yoongi saying hello with his bright wide smile.

Yoongi returned his gretting awkwardly and the nurse spoke again. "I'll leave you two to talk something out. If you agree, you can sign the release forms and make your first monthly bill."

Yoongi nodded. He and Taehyung went to sit at the seats near the area.

"Um.. so do you know what you have to do?" Yoongi asked.

"Hyejung noona said I need to help you remember important things," Taehyung said. Yoongi seems unsatisfied with that answer. Does this kid really know what he have to do to agree to that kind of low wage?

"Listen, um.. its Taehyung right?" Taehyung nodded cutely. "Listen, Taehyung, it's not that simple. I need help remembering a lot of things. Remembering that I have work, remembering things during work, remembering where I live, remembering if I've eaten or not. Things like that. Are you sure you'll be able to do it for $10 per day? The whole day?"

"Yes. I can," he answered. Seeing that Yoongi was still doubtful, Taehyung continued. "Since I've known a little bit more about you, let me tell you my reason for working. I don't need the money. I want to help people. I want to gain experience with different kinds of patients. But the hospital said they are a not a charity and I couldn't work for free. So I let the patients themselves decide how much they are able to afford. With that being said, I don't know how to do some of the main things like cooking or showering for other people."

Yoongi smiled slightly. "So.. when do you want to start?"

Taehyung smiled wider. "Tomorrow!"

Yoongi spent some time telling Taehyung (while he took it all down in his notebook) the things he need to know and of course- remember, after signing the release forms and paying the monthly bill for hiring a caretaker.

"So I'll see you tomorrow then Mr Min," Taehyung said with a smile.

"Oh and um just call me hyung," Yoongi said.

Taehyung nodded once. "Okay Yoongi hyung."


Early in the morning, when Hoseok was just about to go to the kitchen and prepare some breakfast, there was a knock at the door. He glanced at the clock just to make sure he was right of the time. 5.55 a.m.

Hoseok frowned and walked to the door. He looked into the peephole only to see a rather excited and jumpy boy outside.

"Yes?" Hoseok asked as he opened the door.

"Good morning! You must be Hoseok-ssi. My name is Kim Taehyung. I'm Y- Mr Min Yoongi's caretaker," he introduced himself.

"Ah.. so you're Taehyung. Don't you think you're a little bit too early?" Hoseok asked.

The boy pouted and looked at his watch. "Ahni. I have to wake Mr Min up and he have to be at the collection point by 7."

Hoseok looked at the boy from head to toe. "Arasso. Come in. Yoongi's room is down by the hallway and turn right."

"Thank you!" he beamed and walked in after taking off his shoes.

Hoseok just looked as the boy knocked on the door and walked into the room. After a while he started hearing Taehyung calling Yoongi 'hyung' to wake him up. He felt sour that he's not the one to take care of Yoongi anymore. Although Yoongi's intention is good, which is to let Hoseok concentrate more in his senior year, Hoseok didn't like the fact that another boy- a rather cute one too- is entering Yoongi's life. And probably will be the next important person to him other than Hoseok.


"Yoongi hyung~ Wake up pleasee. Why are you so hard to wake?" Taehyung scratched his head.

"Hyunggggg!!!!" he shouted and Yoongi jolted from his bed, wide awake.

"Heee~ You're awake!" Taehyung grinned.

Yoongi frowned, looking at the boy. "You are?"

"My name is Kim Taehyung. I'm your caretaker. We met yesterday," Taehyung smiled. Sleepiness made it harder for Yoongi to remember.

"Oh! We took a selca yesterday. You said to show it to you whenever you can't remember me," Taehyung added and took out his cellphone. He showed Yoongi the selca and everything was coming back to Yoongi.

"Ahhhh... Taehyung! Wow.. you're really efficient," Yoongi said, impressed. Taehyung just chuckled.

"Come on hyung, you need to get ready. You have to be at the collection point by 7."

"What time is it now?"

"6.10. It could be earlier if you weren't such a heavy sleeper. Now chop chop! Go shower. I'll prepare your clothes. T-shirt and jeans okay?" he asked. Yoongi nodded and took his towel before going into the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Yoongi walked into his room with the towel wrapped around his torso. He jumped seeing Taehyung still sitting on his bed, beside his spread of clothes.

"You're going to be here?" Yoongi asked, looking at the boy warily.

"Do you want me to wait outside?" he asked innocently.

"Uh.. yeah.."

"Okay!" Taehyung grinned and skipped out of the room, closing the door behind him. Yoongi let out a short laugh with a shake of the head and went to wear his clothes that Taehyung prepared.

Taehyung stood awkwardly in the living room while waiting for Yoongi.

Hoseok walked out of his room with his bag slung on one of his shoulders, all prepared for school. "Are you just going to stand there?" he asked.

Taehyung turned to the voice. "Can I sit?"

"Yeah. Why not?" Hoseok said, going to the kitchen.

The boy grinned and thanked Hoseok with a bow before sitting on the couch in the living room.

Hoseok was contemplating whether or not to start a conversation with the boy. He didn't really want to, considering his sour feeling eversince the boy stepped into their apartment, but he felt rather rude if he didn't.

"So you're younger than Yoongi huh?" Hoseok spoke from the kitchen.

Taehyung turned towards Hoseok and nooded. "Yup! 2 years," showing two fingers with a grin.

Hoseok nodded, chewing on his noddles. Their short conversation ended when Yoongi stepped out, all casually dressed and ready to go. Taehyung stood up. Yoongi turned towards the kitchen and saw Hoseok eating by himself.

"Going to school already?" he asked.

Hoseok smiled and nodded.

"Hwaiting!" Yoongi grinned showing a fist sign and turned to Taehyung. "Let's go."

"Yoongi ya," Hoseok called and he turned. "Not eating?"

"I'll eat when I get back."

"Have something. Just a bite will do. It's not good to start work with an empty stomach," Hoseok said. He took a spoonful of his noodles and offered it to Yoongi. Yoongi just smiled and walked towards him, opening his mouth and letting Hoseok feed him. It was quite a lot till some of it didn't make it into Yoongi's mouth. Hoseok simply wipe the corner of his mouth with his thumb.

"Thanks. I'll go now!" Yoongi tried to say with his mouth full. Hoseok grinned and waved.

Taehyung waved too before being pushed gently out of the apartment by Yoongi. The door closed and Hoseok was alone.


"Must you really wear that nurse uniform?" Yoongi said, pointing to Taehyung's cream-colored pants and buttoned up shirt.

Taehyung nodded. "Its the rules. If you don't want people to know, uh.. I can wear a jacket?"

"Is it hot for you?" Taehyung shook his head. "Then wear it. It'll make you look more like a friend."

Both of them reached the collection point that's only a few blocks away. They were given a list of the blocks and apartments to send the bottle of milks to by a middle aged man. After getting all the things they need, they went off to their first block.

"I'll put a tick for every apartment that you've sent to. We'll start from the highest level so that its easier to go down," Taehyung suggested and Yoongi went along with the idea.

First day of work went smoothly and they even got an extra bottle that the man said they could have it for themselves. Yoongi doesn't really drink milk so he gave it to Taehyung who is more than excited to take.

Taehyung's job was to stay with Yoongi at all times until Hoseok gets back. Since Yoongi didn't plan to go anywhere that day, both of them just stayed at home. There wasn't a time that Taehyung was out of his sight so Yoongi didn't forget him at all. Both of them didn't really know how to cook so they just ordered two boxes of pizzas for lunch.

"Are you buying dinner too?" Taehyung asked.

"Um.. what time is dinner?" Yoongi asked.

"Around 7? Maybe 8? Some people eat at 9 too." Yoongi frowned. "Er.. let's ask Hoseok hyung when he'll be having dinner."

Yoongi took out his phone and texted Hoseok.

To: Hoseok

Hoseok-ah, what time do we usually have dinner?

In less than a minute later, Hoseok replied.

From: Hoseok

We have dinner when both of us are at home already. I'll come back with food and we can eat together okay? :)

"Ah.. He said he'll come back with dinner and we'll eat together," Yoongi told Taehyung.

Taehyung nodded with his mouth slightly opened. "Okay! Then we don't have to worry about dinner then. You have a nice bestfriend Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi nodded. "I really would hate forgetting him."

"There would be pictures to remind you about him. You seemed to remember well from pictures from what I see," Taehyung said.

"Really?" Yoongi asked, shocked.

"Yup! Its like your physical memory. Maybe in the future it might take some time to remember even when seeing photos, but you will still remember briefly. So take a lot of photos!" Taehyung grinned.

Yoongi chuckled softly. "Wait. I think I have a camera somewhere in my room. Erm.. can you help me find it?"

Taehyung nodded excitedly and dragged Yoongi to his room and began searching for his camera.

"Oh! You have a polaroid camera too!" Taehyung said, showing him the polaroid camera on his table that rests on top of a notepad.

"Oh yeah I do," Yoongi said, taking the camera along with the book beneath it. He flipped through the pages and saw the polaroid photos he took when he was still schooling. The names Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook,.. all brings back brief memories of them. Just briefly.

"Hoseok's not in it.. Why isn't Hoseok in it.." he mumbled to himself. He flips through the empty pages that has yet to be filled by more polaroids till the very last page. There, he saw Hoseok's polaroid pasted, on the back cover of the notepad. Below it are scribbles of the words I'm living for Hoseok.

"I found it!" Taehyung grinned, waving the film camera around.


Yay! Managed to complete a longer than usual chapter!^^ I hope its not that confusing though
This is like 300+ words more than usual lolol xD

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Chapter 19: I just recently found this story and I really REALLY love it. I just wish that you would continue it even after a long time, it's just so great~
Baekhyun_exoforever #2
Chapter 19: Please updated its been a year oh my god where are you?? :(
SaraYun #3
Chapter 19: Great story .. too bad it stopped :(
Jxcqulyn2002 #4
Chapter 19: This fic is so good! Update pleasee!!^^
330nai #5
Chapter 19: What? update pls
Chapter 19: Please UPDATE SOOONNNN!!!!!
Chapter 19: OH MY GOD. Where is the next button? Noooooo!
ursulasum #9
Chapter 19: I really love this!! Please do update :)) I really enjoyed it
Chapter 19: I just found this story and I already love it. I really hope you will finish it. It got me so emotional TT