Chapter 10: All I can think about is you

Fading Memories

Chapter 10: All I can think about is you


Hoseok looked up slowly, frowning. Jimin looked really concerned and sat in front of him. "You look sick!" he exclaimed.

Hoseok winced at the sudden loud voice when his head was thumping non-stop. "I'm fine," he said, his voice hoarse and low.

"Do you think I was born yesterday? Your face and eyes are red, your voice is hoarse and you can't even open your eyes fully!" Jimin listed.

Hoseok groaned and buried his head into his arms on the table. Jimin lifted Hoseok's messy fringe and touched his forehead.

"You're freaking burning right now! You have to go to the infirmary. No wait that's not enough. You have to go to the doctor. Now!" Jimin said hurriedly, tugging on Hoseok's arm.

"Jimin.... please.... stop shouting..." Hoseok pleaded with a voice that is almost gone.

"Oh no! Am I hurting you more? I'm so sorry! Hoseok I'm sorry!" Jimin apologised again and again. Hoseok's head was thumping like mad as if someone was playing big sets of drums in his head. Jimin's loud piercing voice made it even worse. Hoseok didn't want to flare up at Jimin because the boy was only being concerned. Slowly, he pushed himself up with his palms flat on the table and tried to walk to the bathroom.

"Where're you going?" Jimin asked but a little bit softer this time.

"Bathroom..." he replied weakly.

He was nearly at the door when looked up slightly, to see where the back door of the classroom is, and his surroundings spun greatly. Hoseok groaned in pain and held onto the side of his head.

"Hoseok-ah! Are you okay??" Jimin rushed towards him and the next thing he saw was Hoseok collapsing heavily onto the cold floor.


Hoseok opened his eyes slowly as his vision tries to adapt to the brightly lit room. His eyebrows scrunched to the middle and shut his eyes immediately. He felt a strong pain at the back of his head when he wanted to sit up and collapsed back down onto the bed. The door opened suddenly and Jimin walked in with a cup of drink in his hand.

"Oh you're awake! Can you please rest at home if you're sick next time? You really scared me you know!" Jimin complained and sat beside the bed.

"Where am I?" Hoseok asked with his still hoarse voice.

"Hospital. It was so damn chaotic just now. And when the paramedics were carrying you out, you have no idea how many girls cried because they were worried for you," Jimin shook his head and took a sip.

Hoseok noticed Jimin's slightly red eyes. "Did you?"

"Did I what?"


Jimin scoffed. "Hah! Me? Come on. I'm a strong guy. Why would I cry when you freakin just collapsed in front of me and your head was bleeding coz it hit the floor and I had to hold your head on my lap and freakin wait for the freakin ambulance?" Jimin forced out a laugh.

Hoseok pulled Jimin's hand towards him and Jimin immediately rest his head on Hoseok's chest. "I'm sorry."

"You freakin scared me! I didn't know what to do okay! There was so much blood and people were like staring and not calling the ambulance and I had to shout at them to call and call your names so many times but you didn't respond and and.. and-" Jimin started crying again and Hoseok the back of his head gently, trying to calm him down.

"I'm really so sorry Jimin-ah.. Hey you did great. I'm okay now," Hoseok said softly.

"You should be! Why were you in school when you were so sick? You should have rest.." Jimin mumbled.

"Yeah I know," he replied. He had to go to school so that Yoongi won't get lost. .

"! Jimin did you call Yoongi??" Hoseok held Jimin's shoulders to make him look up at him. He then groaned in pain he felt on his head when he suddenly moved.

"Yahhh don't move around so fast. You're still recovering!" Jimin said and pushed him back on the bed. "No I didn't. You should thank me okay. I know you wouldn't want him to get worried."

"What??" Hoseok shouted and held the back of his head in pain.

"That's it Jung Hoseok. I'm going to get the doctor to put you to sleep. Urgh can you take care of yourself better?" Jimin said and stood up. Hoseok reached out for his hand.

"No please. Jimin call Yoongi now and tell him I'm at the hospital. Please," Hoseok pleaded.

Jimin looked confused. "I thought you wouldn't want him to worry.."

"He'll be even more worried if I'm not home," Hoseok lied. Well half-lied. He was supposed to go home with Yoongi since Yoongi might forget how to go home by himself. Is he still in school? What time is it? Is he lost right now?

"Okay.." Jimin took out his phone and realised he didn't have Yoongi's number. "What's his number?"

Hoseok gave his number that he had memorised by heart and Jimin called.

"Hello? Erm this is Jimin," Jimin said politely.

"Um.. Park Jimin? Hoseok's friend," Hoseok heard him say. Jimin pouted at Hoseok.

"Yeah that's me. You see, Hoseok is at the hospital now coz he fainted in school just now. But he's okay so he don't want you to worry," Jimin smiled.

"Yup he'll be going home tomorrow. It's okay I can accompany him tomorrow. You really don't have to worry. Hoseok is strong," Jimin smiled proudly at Hoseok. But Hoseok wasn't affected by all that. He's worried for Yoongi.

Hoseok gestured to Jimin to give him the phone but Jimin just waved off his hand saying he got it covered. "I said give it to me!" Hoseok said.

Jimin pouted with a frown. "Um.. Hoseok wants to talk to you," he said and passed the phone to Hoseok.

Hoseok cleared his throat to sound a little bit healthier. "Yoongi ya?"

"Oh Hoseok-ah. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am. Where are you now?" Hoseok asked with a softer and gentler tone.

"I'm still in school. I was waiting for you but I guess I'll go home first since you're at the hospital," Yoongi said.

"How long have you waited? I'm really really sorry Yoongi. I should have told you sooner," Hoseok said apologetically.

"No its okay. It's my fault that you're sick too right? I know. I'm the one who's supposed to be sorry. Take care of yourself Hoseok-ah. Don't worry about me. I'm fine," Yoongi said.

"Don't say that please. Erm.." Hoseok looked at Jimin beside him. He nudge his head carefully to the door, hoping Jimin can get the message. He did.

Jimin rolled his eyes and went out of the room.

"Yoongi ya, do you know how to go home? If you don't, you can come to the hospital. I'll ask the doctor if you can sleep here overnight," Hoseok said as polite as possible.

Yoongi was quiet for a while. And then he spoke. "Can you send me message of our full address? I can show it to the cab driver."

"Yeah sure. Sure you don't want to come here?" Hoseok asked.

"Uh-huh. I've told you Hoseok. I can't depend on you forever," Yoongi said.

"Okay. I understand. But if you need help in anything at all, call me. Don't hesitate just call. At any time. Promise me Yoongi," Hoseok said.

Yoongi chuckled. "I will. Promise."

"And message me when you get home please? I just.. want to know," he said.

"Okay. Now hang up. I bet you told Jimin to go out right? Or else you wouldn't talk about this so freely."

Hoseok chuckled nervously. "Bring the poor boy back in. And take care of yourself Hoseok. Please."

"Okay okay. Remember to message me," Hoseok said and after saying their goodbyes, they hung up.

Hoseok still didn't have the strength to get up and call Jimin inside so he just waited. He glanced at the clock on the wall and realised it was 7 pm. Hoseok shuts his eyes with regret. Yoongi waited for him for 4 hours. He had never felt so guilty. Hoseok felt like pulling out all the needles and just get back to school and take Yoongi home safely. But he knows he can't. The only thing he can do now is take care of himself because that is what Yoongi wants. He's taking care of his own body for Yoongi. Not for himself.

Jimin peeked inside the room. "Can I come in now?"


Heyyy~ Omg i'm so terribly sorry for the late update T^T
I really feel horrible. But last two weeks was really packed and I have tests and deadlines TTTT
But I was determined to update today. Thank you so much for your comments and new readers, welcome!!^^
If I have time, which I probably won't have :( I'll update again tomorrow. I always say that but nvr do it. I'm so sorryyyy TTTTTT

I hope you like this update though. More to Hoseok :)
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Chapter 19: I just recently found this story and I really REALLY love it. I just wish that you would continue it even after a long time, it's just so great~
Baekhyun_exoforever #2
Chapter 19: Please updated its been a year oh my god where are you?? :(
SaraYun #3
Chapter 19: Great story .. too bad it stopped :(
Jxcqulyn2002 #4
Chapter 19: This fic is so good! Update pleasee!!^^
330nai #5
Chapter 19: What? update pls
Chapter 19: Please UPDATE SOOONNNN!!!!!
Chapter 19: OH MY GOD. Where is the next button? Noooooo!
ursulasum #9
Chapter 19: I really love this!! Please do update :)) I really enjoyed it
Chapter 19: I just found this story and I already love it. I really hope you will finish it. It got me so emotional TT