The resurrection of Chen

Fight Club

[A/N: Spoiler: Sana does come back to life, I just thought you guys would hate me if I left Chen dead]

Chen POV

I breathed in for what felt like the first time in a while; light streamed through my eyelids. I saw Lay hovering over me, 'oh god' I thought. 'Did was I just.. Dead? Cool!' I sat up but collapsed immediately, every inch of me ached, each limb as weak as spaghetti. "How long have I been out?" I felt like Kris and I had switched places; when he was here just weeks before. I looked around, half expecting a "pity party" gathered around. To my surprised there was one, just not for me. Lay moved away from me as I felt my strength slowly regain. It was kinda hard to process the fact that I'd just died.

"Hey guys" I said excepting everyone to turn around.. No one did.

"Hey guys. Hello? I just came back from the dead!" I said try to pry open the huddled that had formed. The door of guys refused to open. "Or am I a ghost now--Lay!"

"What's wrong? Are you still in pain?" Lay asked rushing to my side.

"I'm real, right? I mean you did save my life and I'm not just some ghost, right?"

"As far as I know, yes."

"So where's my pity party!?"

"Your what?"

"My pity party! You know, where's my sympathy? Where are my 'congrats on living'? You guys should be worshiping me, I just came back from the dead. I'm friggin' Jesus!"

"Or a zombie, technically speaking." I faced palmed at Lay's comment. I was way to y to be a zombie, but I bet I could rock the tattered clothing look any day. 

"Chen!" Xiumin turned to jump into my arms--it's about time.

"So what's with the unbreakable football huddle? Who's got the game strategy" I chuckled, normally I can't think of jokes like that till after the moment passes. 

"After your fight" Xiumin stared at the ground "Leejun jumped off a bridge."

"What!? Why!?"

"I'm not really sure, he just ran out. Kris came back soaked and said his last words were 'I'm a monster'"

"Monster or not, being torn limb by limb without being detached is definitely something to cross off my bucket list." I said tilting Xiumin's chin up, so I could see those gorgeous cheeks. "I think he should be proud that he can do such a cool trick" Both Xiumin and Lay gave me a weird look.

"You mean you're not mad?" Xiumin asked.

"Are you kidding? It was painful mind you but it was the coolest experience of my life"

"Then you need to get out more" Lay said, patting me on the shoulder and joining the football huddle. 

Luhan POV 

"..'Kay, what should we do with Leejun?" Baekhyun asked. 

"Let me have a look" Lay cut in and examined Leejun. "You've gotta be kidding me. Kris did he bite himself?"

"Yeah, right before he jumped"

"Great. Just great. It's the venom all over again, without Youngjae I can't save him. Without the venom removed, Leejun is stuck like this. He's alive mind you, but he ain't wakin' up any time soon" Lay left the our tight huddle.

"Leejun can stay at my house" Kris stated.

"No wait shouldn't we drop her home? I mean her parents are gonna worry and--"

"It'll cause too much of a fuss plus think about what happens if his parents decide to take him to the hospital; the doctors won't have a clue of what's going on" Chanyeol said patting me on the back.

"Wait, she?" Chen cut into the huddle.

"Huh?" Everyone else said in unison.

"You said 'she'."

"No I said 'he'." Chanyeol argued

"Not you, Luhan"
"He, I said 'he'"I said hoping people would believe me. ' I'm usually good with referring to her as a guy in front of the club, dammit.'

"No, I heard it too" Sehun said, quirking an eyebrow in my direction. 

"Fine I said 'she' but you knew what I meant" 

"Luhan, is Leejun a girl?" Chen asked.

"Is Leejun perhaps, Sana?" Kris looked at me.


"I knew it! I knew she looked familiar, I knew as a guy she was girly. I knew it!"

"How long have you known?" I asked, a little curious to know why he did say anything sooner.

"Since the car accident. How long have you known?" Kris glared at me.

"A while, she's been going out with me so I would blow her secret." I said continuing to stare at the ground.

"So she's using you? That's low." Baekhyun added 

"Low or not she's out" Kris said.


"She's out, she's a girl. She's out; that's final."

"Actually, you can't do that" Suho cut in "The traditional rules of the club state, that until your wins over each other even out, you can't kick her out. You may be superior to most in this club, but not to her; if anything she can kick you  out." Suho said and left the huddle, it was now down to: Chen, Baekhyun, Kai, Kris and I. 

"I'm still taking her, I can watch over her until Lay can get in touch with Youngjae"

"What!? She's my girlfriend!?" I protested.

"And just where have you been for this 'girlfriend' of yours? Every time she's been in danger, every time she's needed someone; I've been there. Not you, me. Where were you when she was about to get hit by a car? Where were you when she was scared to death in the theater? Where were you when she wanted to do nothing commit suicide?"

I kept my mouth shut and left. I wasn't about to cry or anything; if Kris wanted her, he could have her. It's not like Sana will want me when she finds out I blew her secret. 

Kris POV

Sana's looked pale, I couldn't stand to see her look so unwell. After everyone left, I carried her to my house. "Don't worry, you're not going anywhere". Instead of the couch I placed her on my bed. I slipped in to the other side of the bed. I cradled Sana as if she was my teddy bear. Call me pathetic but this may be the only chance I get to be like this. "..Nowhere but my heart."

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Guys, heads up the story is almost over. I need to know if guys want an epilogue, something like a 1 year later thing. Lemme know :)


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Kpanda2003 #1
Nurhannani #2
Chapter 23: You wrote an amazing story... And i love it!!!!!!!
JeonAra #3
Chapter 23: yes!! finally sana get her memories back !!!
kimyou210 #4
Chapter 23: Great story!! I LOVE IT!!!! :D
panda2420 #5
Chapter 4: I love your style of writing!! Its so funny and saracastic :)
qarisha #6
Chapter 20: woah!!!!this is amazing story....authornim keep updating...i want to know what the ending for this story