When Kwanghee became a Fanfic Writer [THREE SHOT]


                              It was the end of the “Watch Out!” promotions. He was walking around the headquarters when he saw his favorite noona laughing at her phone. Curious, he asked what she was doing not knowing that it will change his life.


                 Okay this is the promised fic in my apology notice in my fic Lifeless where I got my large amounts of Flak. If you’re curious you can check it here



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Chapter 3: awesome!!!.. ^0^
hongbeansdoll #2
Awww :3 Ddong Kwang is a writer now!~
hottest_kissme #3
Lol this is so cute!! Omg I didn't know minwoo had an account too! AHH I was so surprised to see my name in it >_< I was so mad at the comments to the dongkwang couple..sikwang rules!!!! Lol I love this