
Baby steps

No one’s POV


As the curtain close, the soaring appreciation hasn’t died down even one tiny bit. People still busy clapping, whistling and shouting her name. She spends her last 5 good minutes on the stage to absorb the appreciation, to breathe in the scent of her successful night.

Her eyes were wondering from seat-to-seat, eyes to eyes, trying to remember every minutes passed by. She feels overwhelmed with the amount of love she received for these last couple of nights. The spotlight from any direction pointed to her, making her the star every night.

She waves diligently from side to side, she makes sure to not miss a thing. Her eyes still looking around since she is looking for someone in the crowd who has been there from the start. She is looking for a figure that she desperately wants to share the joy she’s been receiving right now.

She never takes off her smile; she has that damn big proud smile.

This is like a dream come true.


It really is a dream comes true, for the two of them.

In the past, she always wanted to perform in front of hundred people. And she wanted to see that person to be there, feelings the love all is up in the air, surrounding them.

On the other night she bets if her other half might search her through sea of people too. it plastered on her mind how big her other half’s smile is when she found her on the very front seat, clapping crazily while her other half was walking on the catwalk with fiery eyes and charisma spreads around her, along with dozen of models behind her. That night wasn’t her first time on the fashion week, but it was her first time walking on catwalk, not to become the model, but a designer. Her other half’s everlasting dreams.

Her eyes went wide when she spotted who’s she been looking for, jumping up and down from her seat, vip rows (she should’ve known) and her hands form a huge love sign.

“I love you,” she mouthed.

A big smile appeared on her face, she shows her thumbs up toward that person,

Am I dreaming?, she thought to herself.

Tonight was actually like any other night and she couldn’t be more thankful about it.

After her last bow, she was jumping and skipping through the casts. Not forget to mention, she was shouting “great job.” “well done.” “so glad I worked together with you guys.” Here and there. All casts and crews are happy to have her here. Why wouldn’t they, she is living brightly and manage to captivated hundredth of audiences every night by her tremendous voice. She is doing well despite she doesn’t perform at her home anymore.

The world dares her to step up her game, so she did.

She walks back to her waiting room, expecting her other half sitting quietly, waiting for her, but in spite of finding her, she was greeted by her 7 best friends.

“Congratulations, taenggo!” sunny and tiffany said in a rhythm as they took her in a big hug.

“oh my god! I didn’t know you were coming!,” Taeyeon said as she lets the other two to crush her into a big group hug.

“we won’t missed it for the world, taeng,” hyoyeon said sweetly, joining the hug.

“maknaes, get me some paper bag, I might puke because of this dimwit,” sooyoung gags.

“tell yourself that, unnie,” yoona snickered and manage to dodge sooyoung’s slap.

“and technically you’ve missed the first stage, unnie,” seohyun said as she hugs her too.

“sush you, let’s pretend today is her first time,” hyoyeon almost flicked maknae’s forehead if yuri didn’t come to stop her,

“you satan stop interrupting this beautiful moment,” yuri swooped in the hug and trying to make a peace in the crowd of these 8 people. But taeyeon manages to slip out and sit on her seat, trying to normalize herself from the amount of love they gave to her. Her reflection from the mirror in front of her gave her a proof if she is actually happy, but there is something missing right now. There’s still hollow feeling.

This is actually the first time they watched Taeyeon’s musical, since they were kinda busy with their own life. Their contract with company is finally over 7 years ago, but their group still exists until the very moment. When they stepped out from company, they were starting to make their own company, broadcast, and school. Sooyoung is their founded, Tiffany is her co-founded along with Sunny as CEO. Seohyun is making her own music now, she is a composer to their company, she is a great deal. Last time, she was offered to write a song, along with JYP. Hyoyeon is teaching dance classes for their own company and she married a very rich and sweet guy, so she lives comfortably, as ‘yolo’ she said. Yoona is happily married by the time the contract was over, and now she already has 2 children. She still acts though, sometimes modeling.

And for Taeyeon, she left the country right after she dropped the bomb. She was caught on a date with someone whom covered all up with black clothes, from head to toe. But no one knew who he or she was.

“you’re going to leave just like this, taeyeon-ah?,” tiffany asked by that time with her teary eyes when taeyeon told them if she was gonna leave the country for the time being.

“what are you going to do there, unnie? It’s so far away,” seohyun asked while linking her arms with taeyeon.

Taeyeon throws a glance to yoona who just become a clingy panda at the moment to Jessica, it looks like yoona was about to cry too.

“we have plans, don’t worry,” taeyeon said as she seohyun’s hair.

“she is going to open her own flower shop,” jessica blurted out nonchalantly,

 She isn’t supposed to tell anyone, at least not yet.

“WHAT? WHY?,” tiffany shocked with her own high pitch,

“she said she wanted to give me flowers every single day,” Jessica said, again, nonchalantly.

And the rest of them were gagged up.

Taeyeon and Jessica couldn’t help but chuckled,

“Jessica is going to pursue her passion there, and I’m doing mine.”

“as a gardener?,” this time sunny asked warily.

And it manages to make Taeyeon giggles again, Jessica did too,

“we will see,” taeyeon answered playfully.

Who would’ve thought big changes are going to happen later.

Not so long after Taeyeon and Jessica moved to San Fransisco, the news soon broke. To their surprise, even though Korean media make a big fuss about it, they still have good responses and most of them came from foreign news.

“A national girl group leader is dating her member for almost 3 years: Taeyeon and Jessica, a brave couple from a timid country.”

“Fans are supportive with their relationship, ‘they are the lucky ones.’”

“happy couple alert: TaengSic is joining GLAAD.”

“Jessica and Taeyeon are offered to be LGBT delegation from South Korea.”

“The Ellen Show: coming up next, A legendary girl group found the same-love in the hopeless place.”

And their career in the foreign country was started from there. The world recognizes Taeyeon’s ability to sing, and she is fluent with English (thanks to Jessica’s English time) which is a big help for her to get singing job. She gets offered a lot to join some musical doings. She even gets an offer to have a debut as solo artist. At first she was contemplating about musical jobs but she decided to give it a go, and she likes it better here. For Jessica, she was starting to spread her brand in her hometown, California. She made a feature with Marc Jacobs, Michael kors, Jimmy Choo and such and Taeyeon really has her very own flower shop which is a big accomplishment for both of them. (I could hear Jessica nags at me ‘you thought opening flower shop is the bigger accomplishment than being a designer and musical cast? How dare you, author-nim’)

“Congratulations, babe.”

Jessica’s voice brought her back to earth, as she was lost in her mind.

Taeyeon feels familiar lips was placing soft kisses on her hair,

it makes taeyeon shudder with a sudden gesture.

And the hollow feelings were long gone.

She pushed a bucket flower to taeyeon's hand,

“this is for you,” jessica said sweetly.

A goofy smile is showing on taeyeon’s face, but then it soon replaced with suspicious looks,

“did you get this from my garden?,” taeyeon asked sternly.

7 members who witnessing the moment were taking a step back and minding their own business, they are afraid if beast taeyeon might strike out.

“what? Noooo! I won’t do that to you,” Jessica whined,

and taeyeon raised an eyebrow,

“again, my god that was just one time.” Jessica added in quietly.

But taeyeon still has her suspicious looks.

Since the last time Jessica was giving her flowers, her own flowers from her garden on their anniversary, she doesn’t trust the girl easily when Jessica showed up with flowers. She was mad at her, completely, like, she ignored jessica’s presence for almost all day long and Jessica swears to never pick up taeyeon’s flower without taeyeon permission.

“I’m going to count my flowers later.”

Jessica nods, she actually believes if taeyeon does count her flowers every time she was home. To keep her eyes on her flowers are taeyeon’s occupation. Not a musical actress, nor a soloist.

“go ahead, I don’t pick them from your garden, I bought it from your shop though,” jessica said as she circled her hands to taeyeon’s neck and she kissed taeyeon’s lips senselessly, not caring with the world around her.

Taeyeon and her obsession with flowers never cease to amaze Jessica actually. She finds it cute.

“all that I’ll ever need is in your eyes, shining at me. I will cherish you for the rest of my life,” Jessica suddenly said while locking their eyes.

A grin and blush appears on taeyeon’s face, mischievous jung is always her favorite.

“can you not breaking into a song every now and then, Sica?, this isn’t a Disney or Bollywood for god’s sake” shouted tiffany from her seat, seem she was the only one who manage to hear it. The other 6 were busy catching up with each other.

“you don’t have to think twice, I will love you still, from depths of my soul,” Jessica continues, ignoring tiffany’s remark.

“did you just quote 98 degrees on me?,” Taeyeon asked, smiling sheepishly,

Jessica just continues what she was doing,

“it’s beyond my control, I’ve waited for so long to say this to you if you’re asking do I love you this much?” she started sing it, this time, Taeyeon plans to play along,

“you do.”

It wasn’t the part from the lyrics, Jessica gave taeyeon a light peck nonetheless,

“you bet your I do.”

Taeyeon can’t believe the girl, no, the woman that she fell in love with is the same with the one who was smiling brightly in front of her.

They’ve come a long way to be here,

Jessica, too, can’t believe if she is the same woman who breaks down in her arms 10 years ago.


-10 years ago-

after some love making, taeyeon was crumbling and hugging her knees to sleep, while Jessica was hugging her from behind until both of them fall asleep. That was quite a sight to see for Jessica, witnessing taeyeon’s vulnerable side. She closes her eyes, trying to sleep the sadness away. Hopefully, tomorrow is going to be a better day.

But god does she was wrong.

Taeyeon spends her 2 days sleeping only on Jessica’s bed, she doesn’t want to get up, she doesn’t want to eat, she doesn’t want to talk. All the food was going waste, Jessica tried to bathe taeyeon but taeyeon somehow was crying again when Jessica tried to lift her up. That time, Jessica really wanted to cry too but she tried her best to not to. All taeyeon wanted to do was sleeping at days and asking Jessica to give her love making pleasure at nights or vice versa. And last night was the n-th time for Jessica to let taeyeon played it rough, she lets her have it. She feels sore everywhere, when taeyeon asked her to do it again, Jessica decided to stop it. Jessica said if that wasn’t an answer for her hollowness, and taeyeon cries again, saying if this is the only thing that keeps her sane, the only thing that reassures her if she is loved. Jessica couldn’t bear the sight, so she smashed their lips together and do it gentler, more than ever.

As sleepiness won over taeyeon, Jessica planted a soft kiss on taeyeon’s bare shoulder, tears escaped from her doe eyes, saying in barely whisper,

"What am I going to do now, why do I have to hurt you like this, taeyeon-ah.."

She whimpered, trying to hold back her tears, she doesn’t want taeyeon to wake up and find her like this, at last one of them should be stronger for one another.

“I’m sorry you have to choose me.”

She didn’t imagine finding an empty space on her side in the morning. She remembers clearly how tight her arms wrap around taeyeon. Taeyeon didn’t cry again last night, she didn’t even stirred on her sleep. Jessica’s mind went frantically. She jumped out from her bed and using all her strength to open her door room. She was calling taeyeon’s name from balcony and searching through the 2nd floor. But when she goes to kitchen, she met taeyeon who served the breakfast. Taeyeon’s head pop up when she heard Jessica was calling her,

“oh my god Taeyeon! You scared me! Don’t ever do that again, don’t ever leave without leaving a note or saying goodbye,” Jessica said as she runs to embrace taeyeon from behind. She hides her face on taeyeon’s crooks, only to find taeyeon’s cute giggle.

“good morning to you too, beautiful.”

She flipped her pancakes while having Jessica, clinging her dear life, on her back.

“where’d you think I’m going anyway, there is no better place than your side,” taeyeon said as she turns her body around and give Jessica a proper hug.

The truth is, in the middle of her sleep, she heard Jessica sniffled saying she was sorry. Taeyeon doesn’t want to make Jessica feels bad for her, she doesn’t put Jessica on guilt, so she decided to get up and make some pancakes.

“I don’t know,” Jessica said hesitantly, as she plays with taeyeon apron’s band.

“I was just afraid if you’re going to leave me,” Jessica added sadly, and it makes taeyeon heart shattered in pieces.

“I’m not saying if you’re capable for doing that, but I’m afraid with the possi—“

“jung sooyeon, the possibility of me for leaving you is none to zero, you’re going to stuck with me and I’m planning to keep you for a very long time so don’t ever try to think about that.”

And Jessica nodded slowly,

“I’m sorry, I’m a lot work in progress,” taeyeon said, leaning their forehead together.

“I’m sorry you have to choose me though.”

Taeyeon’s grip on her hand is going tighter,

“don’t say that, I’ll always choose you over and over again,” taeyeon said as she gives a peck to her lover’s lips.

Jessica just realized if her girlfriend is only wearing a huge white shirt, covering up until her upper thigh with her fingers poking out from under the sleeve, her black strap bra is transparently showing up, poking up jessica’s mind. She could use of this, waking up with the sight of taeyeon making them breakfast or maybe having her as the last person she talked to before she lulled in dreamland.

And the smell of burnt pancake decide to ruins her moment,

“what did just happened! I was only talking to you for merely a minute.” taeyeon’s high pitched yet calm voice waking Jessica up from her daydream,

She now has taeyeon’s back in front of her, flipping their pancakes and take out the burnt one,

a giggle out from Jessica lips.

“taeyeon,” Jessica called her up as she, again, hugs taeyeon from behind, planted a kiss on taeyeon’s shoulder.


“move in with me.”


“hey! Kim hyoyeon! Can you stop being a kid and help us to get this stuff?,” sooyoung was practically shouting from the elevator as she brings a big box of our stuff.

Meanwhile hyoyeon and sunny are busy playing with taeyeon toys,

When Taeyeon said toys, She meant toys, literally.

Delete your ert thoughts now, will ya?

“use your long arms and legs as a support, soo,” hyo manages to reply. But she didn’t manage to dodge a slap from tiffany,

“go help her,” she said as she puts down the box she carried.

Today is taeyeon’s moving day to jessica’s apartment, and her members are helping her out, at least that’s what she’d like to thought.

“baby, you can stop annoy yoona and let her help me with these boxes,” taeyeon said as she eyeing Jessica wrestling yoona on her couch. Taeyeon couldn’t believe she is going to live with 5 years old.

“I can’t believe we’re going to live together,” Jessica said as she skipping happily towards taeyeon’s direction.

“jessica is so lucky, she is going to get spoiled by taeyeon every single day,” yuri said, joining sunny and hyoyeon.

“and they are going to get love making sessions without being afraid we’re going to pull a prank or walked in on them,” hyo muttered.

“Jessica is going to be fat, you know how great cook taeyeon is right,” sunny added in.

Three of them was nodding in sync, not knowing a storm was about to come.

“What. Did. You. Guys. Just. Said.” jessica asked those three mousses with threatening tones could be heard on every words.

“unnie! I bring pizza and chicken!,” krystal’s voice manage to breaks the ice from four of them,

“ah soojung-ie! Just in time!,” hyoyeon said sweetly as she snickered away, along with the other two.

“don’t mind them,” taeyeon said from behind, she jessica’s hair. She heard all the conversation from her spot, and she tried so hard to contain herself from laughing out loud. Sometimes her members are tend to cross the line when they joke, but this time, she doesn’t like the frown that showed up on her girlfriend’s face.

“I’m going to be fat,” she said, jutting up her lips.

“I don’t care.”

“you should be! It’s our concern taeyeon, can you imagine me being fat later, you’re going to stuffed in those delicious cooking stuff to my belly, and I’m going to be fat.”

At this point, there is nothing sillier than her girlfriend getting all worked up because of stupid jokes.

“my concern is your healthiness, and I don’t care if you’re going to be fat like a wha—“

“whoa, don’t pushed it taeyeon.”

“you’re not going to be fat, I’m going to make delicious healthy food and we’re going to gym together,” she said, snuggled a little closer to her girlfriend.

A smile finally appeared on latter’s face,

“and you hate working out,” Jessica said as she circled her hands around taeyeon’s waist, looking directly to taeyeon’s orbs chocolate eyes,

“I do, but I’m going to do it if you wanted me to.”

There is a gagged noise coming up from jessica’s behind,

“ugh so gross,” krystal said as she has her hands folded,

“anyways, eat your pizza before your members implied if they haven’t eaten any, I bought 4 boxes for food’s sakes.”


For few months later, 9 of them are having their vacation to San Diego. It was actually taeyeon’s idea. She wants to go to an orchestra and jessica wanted to ride a hot air balloon, with the rest 7 of them of course.

 “I could imagine you were singing right there, under the spotlight, and you’ll find me, here, standing and shouting your name out,”

Jessica said after the performance ended and claps along. This is the first night we spend on San Diego and when the rest of members were resting or shopping, here taeyeon is, having a night out with her lover, watching an Orchestra.

“I probably won’t hear you though,” taeyeon said with a smile on her face.

“that’s possible but I’ll make sure to you to hear me screaming your name.”

A smirk shown on taeyeon’s face,

“oh believe me, I’m going to hear you screaming my name tonight.”

And taeyeon gained a slap on her ,

“you ert!.”

Despite of elegant dress they are using right now, they still are a kid with wild minds.

On the next day, Jessica brings taeyeon to museum of art along with seohyun and yuri. The rest of them, which is the loud team was walking around the town. In the evening, they meet up to go for Ferris wheels together. And on the last day, they finally go to ride hot air balloons. Jessica, of course, rides it with Taeyeon. Sunny with yoona and tiffany. Seohyun with her 4 unnies. At first, it was a bit wobbly for jessica likely. But taeyeon is making sure if jessica safe on her embrace. A bit latter, a loud voice was coming up from above them and a big fire could be seen with her bare eyes.

“we are flying!,” shout sooyoung from the other hot air balloon which is already take their first trip.

Taeyeon can sense jessica is tensed, so she wraps her arms tighter on jessica’s waist and whispering sweet nothings.

“we'd go together like a wink and a smile, you know, don’t worry, I’m here.”

And they are flying,

Taeyeon is the only one to find this amusing at first but soon, jessica does too. She starts to open her eyes and smiling brightly knowing they weren’t on the ground anymore.

“is this crazy?,” jessica asked, partly shouting, checking up to her belonging, when she said belonging she meant taeyeon.

“no,” taeyeon said, she trails kisses on jessica cheeks,

“and that’s the weirdest thing about it,” taeyeon added in.

Silence lingering them for a brief moment until taeyeon shouts,


And jessica didn’t respond, it’s been awhile since taeyeon called her stage name.  and taeyeon was holding in her giggle.

“Jung sooyeon!,” she shouted again, this time louder than the previous one.

And jessica’s giggle escape from her lips,


Taeyeon is getting ready to shout her hearts out, she takes a few seconds to make sure her voice won’t crack and failing her, her palms suddenly sweating crazily, thankfully, both of them only have their eyes with sky and wide green field in front of them,

“Jung sooyeon!.”


“marry me!”

And it makes jessica turns her head fast to look at taeyeon, she has her eyes wide open with her lips parted. without they were aware, their guide were recording it. And taeyeon only has her nervous looks with a smile on her face,

“I have a ring in my pocket, I was actually planning to open it right now but I just can’t keep my hands off of you.”

And Jessica pulls her hands from taeyeon’s grasp,

 “Are you sure? You aren’t afraid now?”

“do it, fast.”

It makes taeyeon lets out her small chuckle,

“very romantic, jung sooyeon.”

And taeyeon asks for jessica hands, jessica plays her part nicely, there are tears build up in her eyes.

"Baby you are a catch—“

"And you are a keeper."

"We are match made in heaven—“

"If there is, that's the only heaven I believe in."

“stop interrupting me now, will you?”

And Jessica grins,

"You, you make me believe if I'm a good person, if I'm good enough, if I deserve you, we have been through so much together, I-I just can’t imagine my life without you anymore, I don’t want to imagine it, I’m going to spend the rest of my life to make myself happy, and the only thing I can do that is to make you my wife, having you carried my child, and making you breakfast every mornings, just like I always do. I hope you want to spend your forever with me too."

a single tear finally drop from jessica’s eyes,

Being a gentle woman she is, taeyeon gets down on her knee and pulled out a velvet box from her pocket, she couldn’t hide her smile with nervousness layering herself,

 “jung sooyeon, will you do the honor to marry me?”


Fatal attraction.

That’s what taeyeon feels for jessica since the very beginning.

“are you ready?,” taeyeon asked her wife as she tightened up their intertwine hands.

Jessica just nodding her head and let taeyeon leads the way to their car,

Hand in hand.

As soon as they appear on public’s eyes, flashes and clicking sound welcomed them with shouting and cheering voices in behind. They shouldn’t feel burden anymore with these kind of treatments but somehow jessica is still nervous under the spotlight.

When taeyeon opened the door for her, a short piece of memories were playing in her mind. It was the day before their wedding day.

“do you ever get nervous?,” jessica asked.

“about what?,” taeyeon said as she checking up the seat plans.

They’ll have their wedding in her new home with jessica’s family and the rest of members. Taeyeon’s dad and siblings are tagging along to. Jessica manages to convince them, few days before their big day. Without taeyeon knowing. Sadly, they still didn’t have taeyeon’s mother blessings. But they could care less about it, they’re about to welcome their new journey.

“about forever.”

Taeyeon’s small smile is making an appearance,

“of course, but seeing forever with you? i’m so looking forward to it.”

And that’s enough for jessica to handle her own nervousness.

-Back to present time-

“lenny! We’re home!,” taeyeon once said as she stepped in her home, there is home cooking smelling from kitchen. A smile drawn on taeyeon’s face.

“for the thousandth time mom, don’t call me that!”

Lennox appears with scowls on her face, much more like jung’s.

“Lenny, don’t raise your voice to your omma,” jessica said from taeyeon’s behind.

And it gets Lennox to shut up,

“sorry, so, how was the show?”

“for hundred times, it was a musical, Lenny.”

It amused them how their sweet 7 years old kid could be such a pain in the sometimes.


“well, your omma is amazing as usual,” jessica said as she kissed the top of Lennox’s head. She is following taeyeon from behind.

“not as amazing as your mom making handbags and all.”

Taeyeon throws jessica a loving eyes before setting her eyes back on her front again, even after few years passed by, jessica still easily blushed with taeyeon’s compliments.

“moms, stop being so mushy and being crazily in love in front of your only child.”

“what? Is there any law where we couldn’t be affectionate with one and another?,” jessica fires back.

And they stepped in to their kitchen with lovely dinner on the table,

“ah taeyeon, how was your musical?,” a grown woman’s voice could be heard from the back of kitchen room, and taeyeon walks happily towards the source voice.

“it was great, wow it smells nice, mom,” taeyeon said as she gives her mother a kiss on her cheeks.

“just nice?,” her mom asked playfully.

Sometimes it amazed taeyeon how things turned out. She remembers clearly. It was her 7th months for being pregnant with Lennox when she met her mother on the grocery shop, around jessica’s parent home. She was with Jessica by that time. Her mother was surprised to see taeyeon at that time, she was about to leave them unnoticed until she heard jessica shouted if taeyeon was bleeding.

And it took them from there to reconcile with her mother. It was between deaths and lives, but thankfully she lived.

“it’s delicious,” jessica was practically happily shouting right now, and taeyeon’s mom just smiling.

“who wants a little sugar rush right now?,” taeyeon’s dad voice suddenly rings to her ear from another room, and Lennox runs her dear life towards her grandpa.

“don’t eat it too much, Lenny! You haven’t eat your dinner yet!,” jessica shouts as she follows Lennox from behind.

And she left taeyeon only with her mom.

She walks closer to her mother who just finishing up her food,

“mom, thank you for babysitting Lennox, I don’t know what I’d do without you, here,” taeyeon said as she helps her mom setting up the dining table.

“anytime, taeyeon, anytime, we loved being at your home, New York could be a bit noisy for we own liking but we love our little grandchild too much.”

And taeyeon walks to hug her mom,

“thank you,” she said as she snuggled to her mom’s embrace.

She doesn’t only mean now, she meant everything. She is grateful to have her mom finally on her side, her family is back on the shape. She is thankful as much as that. A single tears escape from her eyes, but she caught her mother did too.

“ladies, I’m sorry to break you moment, but I think we have a guest right now,” jessica’s voice coming from the dining’s door.

Taeyeon suddenly wipes her tears and her mom abruptly turning away, not wanting jessica to saw her crying too,

“a guest?,” taeyeon managed to ask.

“MIDGETS! WE ARE HERE!!!!!, ah mr kim! So glad to meet you,” and sooyoung’s loud voice breaks the quietness from taeyeon’s home.


“language! There is a child here for god’s sakes!,” jessica scolded hyo who was about to pay for cursing jar,

“well, as long as it’s not mine.”

“SHE WASN’T IT, SHE IS FREAKIN’ SHE,” and jessica couldn’t take it anymore.

“jessica, the jar, now,” taeyeon said as she folded her hands.

“IT WAS HYOYEON’S FAULT,” jessica whined to taeyeon which is taeyeon easily brushed it off.

And hyo, the suspect here, was busy talking with sunny and tiffany who just came with their husbands. Acting like she didn’t do anything wrong before.

Jessica walks to the curse-jar that taeyeon talking about, she glared at hyoyeon who was sheepishly show her smirk. Jessica said under her breath but only have taeyeon to found out,

“just watch out, you bit—“

“jung sooyeon, I heard you!”


HOW WAS IT GUYS? Thank you so much for everyone who supported this story from the beginning.  I’m really sorry for the delay, I was busy with my thesis so today I finally had time to finished this story. I hope you like it. thank you for putting up with my poor grammar and all, I was getting teary. it's finally done! woohoo! great job myself *kissing my own arms*. I really want to read your reviews, so, tell me what you guys think *put smiley emoticon here*

have a great life my dear friends and readers!


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Kimbangsong #1
Chapter 23: Aww, what a lovely story, author. It's good to see how their characters developed as the chapter going. Really love Taeyeon here, she grew as someone strong and determined. So lovely. Thanks for this one :)
mzlyod #2
Chapter 19: This lockdown bring me back to my first love...
Still reading this <3
mzlyod #4
Chapter 23: This is my first love
TS922TS #5
Chapter 23: This is by far one of the best Taengsic fluff that I’ve ever read. Oh how I wish things to be turned out like that in reality too :’)
ellimacomet #6
Chapter 23: So Jessica didn't have Taeyeon's last name? Or they agreed to stick with their last names? Just wondering cos of how taeyeon addressed her
JooNa0309 #7
Chapter 23: Waaaahhh.. A very nice story indeed.. Thank you author!
SwoonedbyJess #8
Chapter 23: I love your story! You really show their characters well. Thank you please write more Taengsic ! <3
Chapter 23: Reread it and it's still so funny at the end hahahahhahahahahhahah. This ff is <3. Thank you author for the ff! I really enjoyed it! :DD
KTY0903 #10
Chapter 23: Even read many time, still not bored...^^