Chapter 11

Baby steps

A/N: hello! I want to give you guys an update and it turns out to be 4240 words. yay! a long update. i'm giving my best at this chapter, i hope you like it. oh and bear with the cheesiness. because we deserve it, taengsic shippers!. comments, reviews are always appreciated. and please, tell me what you think. your review is the only one that keeps me going. thank you - M

Taeyeon's POV

It's 9 am and we're already on set

After a long hour to rehearse last night,

It came to an end when the dawn's finally greeting.

I didn't get enough sleep,

I have a big dark bag under my eyes as usual,

But it’s bigger today,

Cordi unnie is trying to cover it up really well.

There were too many thoughts running through my mind last night,

we were trying to answer the dating's questions, it’s radio star after all.

We already figure out what to say about yoona and sooyoung’s situation,

And we were planning of what we are going to say if another member is questioned,

This is the questions that I’m most worried of,

What if another relationship would be revealed through this show

What if anyone would asked about my current statue,

What am I going to do if they’re going to digging it.

I’m already planning to say I’m not in relationship,

It’s actually an easy things to do, but,

I feel bad for lying to our fans,

I feel bad to hide my first relationship ever.

I should be proud with what I have.

I have jung soo yeon for god’s sakes

I feel like I should have boast to world,

Brag off about how wonderful girl that standing beside me,

That captured my heart since day one,

And I’m proud to say that she is mine.

“what is going on there?,” soo yeon’s voice suddenly perked up my ear,

her eyes studied my head and turn into my eyes,

Pull me back to reality, that I’m spacing out before.

“nothing,” I said casually.

“don’t you lie to me,” her voice is calm and playful,

not wanting to bring down the atmosphere.

She nudge my ribs softly,

“tell me, what are you thinking about?,”

And I broke our eyes contact with a little sigh escaped my lips.


She raises her eyebrows,

“us as in group or us as in you and me?.”

“at first, it’s about a whole group, and eventually, I’m thinking about us.”

“oh, what about us?,” she asks with her steady voice.

Still calm and unwavering. Patiently waiting for me to answer her questions.

 I can’t answer her, I only send her a look while locking our eyes.

And just like that, she gives me her small smile, and a little squeeze on my arm.

Just for a second, while her hands touch mine,

I feel like I want to grab it, and holding it a little longer,

But I can’t.

our manager is watching us from afar.

Soo yeon seems to catch where my eyes landed at fastly,

And I heard she exhales her deep breath,

And her eyes are focusing on me again.

“you don’t have to worry, nothing’s bad will happened, trust me, arraseo?.”

She was trying to show me her best smile, and her loving eyes,

I didn’t dare to look her in the eyes,

I might collapse on her arms or worse,

I might kiss her right here, right now,

And it will be the least thing we want to do in front of public.

So I just nod,

And cookie oppa is coming to our way.

“girls, we are rolling in 5 minutes, take your seat.”

I’m starting to stand up and walking to my seat,

But soo yeon catches my left hand with her right,

Fast as lightning and lacing our fingers.

I’m taken aback with her sudden act,

Cookie oppa did too.

And another manager.

But she just casually holding it until we sit on our seat,

She gives my hand another squeeze before letting go,

And let tiffany sits beside me, just like our plans last night.

I was face-palming myself,

Thankfully, not so many people concern with what just happened,

Only managers who caught us.

It won’t be a problem. Will it?

It’s only holding hand, why would it be wrong to holding hand with members?

We aren’t in trouble. right?

“tae, the camera is on,” tiffany is whispering now.

I’m straightened up my body towards camera,

And giving a glance to 4 men,

who is going to interrogate us.

Yes. Interrogate, that what I said.

“let’s welcome, taeyeon, tiffany, sunny, Jessica, and yuri!.”

it’s our cue to enter the scene,

after giving our remarkable chant, we’re taking our seat.

And without waiting any longer,

they’re starting to questioning about yoona and soo’s relationship

Just like what we thought.

Fany is going to be a guard for us today.

And the rest of us is playing the role to support fany.

I can feel I’m starting to chew inside my mouth when they were asking about me,

If only I can tell them I don’t feel like talking in this show because how rude of them to interrogate our life,

Doesn’t mean I hate them,

I just feel really uncomfortable when they were digging our private life.

Thank god they were stopping to focus on me,

But then they were cornering soo yeon.

“you said you don’t want to bring the past up to our writer, so Mr. Ok?,” kyuhyun oppa said.

And sooyeon’s eyes open wider than before.

I can see sunny and yuri holding her hands,

Trying to give her support.

I don’t want her to be in this position,

I feel like I want to stand up for her,

Why would they mentioned it if she said she didn’t want it on the first place.

Before I did, tiffany already covering for sooyeon.

And I, quietly, let my exhale out, feeling a little relieved.

And the rest of member are trying to laugh it off

Even sooyeon has smile on her face.

It’s only in the past,

they never dated.

We knew it too well, even before the media capturing them out on bright shine.

Geez If it was a date, they won’t dare to be so open on public.

Taecyon only has his eyes on yoona,

So he was trying to get yoona by asking for help to sooyeon,

But unfortunately, yoona didn’t interested with him.

So it wasn’t a big deal for me to hear it again.

Sunny was trying to shot me a glance, but I just shrugged it off.

Not a big deal.

And when I thought, sooyeon’s romance talking is over

But then it went on and on with Suit guy topic.

Well I’m not teenager anymore, I won’t get jealous with this kind of things.

But the way her eyes shining throught all the talking,

About a guy with suits.

It makes me raising an eyebrow.

does she need to tell them about that so specifically?

They don’t understand what you were talking about, sooyeon-ah.

Please stop.

And I can see her throwing a lightning glance towards me,

While still talking about those stupid suit guys,

I think she would stop while seeing I’m frowning, but nooooo,

She went on and on again, with guy broad shoulder and blablabla

And I feel my ears is burning.

I can’t hear it anymore.

But I can’t get it into me.

But thinking about my girl talking about the other guy,

I have a right to be upset right?

If those guys know her, I bet they’ll throw their body towards her.

Because who doesn’t want jung sooyeon?

Fany was patting my back a little,

She knew if my body is a little tense when sooyeon starts talking about another guy.

And thankfully, the MCs were changing the topic.

But doesn’t mean their questions are getting better.

I already feel so tired with these talking,

I really want this to end soon.

Still 30 minutes until we stop recording.

The dating and ideal man keeps floated up,

I just watch my members answering their question carefully.

I don’t dare to look at sooyeon,

But I can feel her stole a glance towards me.

Here and there.

While the question landed to sooyeon again,

And it was about skinship,

My ears suddenly perked up,

even when I was trying to not listen with what she was about to say,

I feel my body was burning up.

And I can see her face turning into tomatoes,

Why suddenly they were talking about skinship.

And kiss.

I feel overwhelmed all of sudden.

While she was too busy to find a way to not answer the question,

I’m just watching the whole chaos situation,

Can’t help but smile.

Watching her being all shy and try to defend her pride.

Like seriously, why would anyone want to talk about it with stranger?

Especially in this show?

I’m giggling inside my head until I heard what she said,

“didn’t it feel nice when someone kiss your forehead instead lips?.”

And I’m stoned.

She likes forehead kiss.

As long as I remember, I never kissed her there.

Or is she talking about another person?


If she is, so,

She doesn’t like it when we kissed?

Why didn’t she say anything to me before?

I was totally zoning out, until

we finally finished the recording,

my head is full with doubtful thinking,

we’re bowing to MCs and crews,

and just like that, I’m walking fast to van.

Without looking back.

Without giving her chance to grasp my hand.

Only letting her grasp in the air.

I need to cool off my mind.

So I decide to sit on the van and listening to my ipod.

Listening to sleeping at last.

Not so long after I’m inside the van,

Fany comes with not so amused smile.

“why do you runaway all of sudden?,”

I definitely can listen to her, but my eyes weren’t so concern about her presence,

Either with my ears.

So she gave up while I was so stubborn to not answer her question.

I’m closing my eyes for a while, thinking about my bed.

I just really want to sleep and forget about what happened tonight.

Probably i’ll get better tomorrow.

In the middle of refrain, my phone is ringing,

I just took lazily my phone out from my bag.

Sooyeon’s number showing up on screen.

And I was just holding it.

I just let it rings.

5 times it’s ringing, fany decides to step up and raises her voice,

“aren’t you gonna answer it?.”

I’m holding back my cringing expression when she yelled,

The music’s volume wasn’t that loud,

I even can hear the car’s engine.

When another calls missed, another call comes,

And fany tries to take my phone and touch the answer button,

She puts the phone on my ear, and grab my hand a little harsh to holding my phone,

She send those 1000 million death glares to me right now.

fany was pissed.

I let my sigh out and answered it with my sulky voice,

Holding my phone a little tighter,


“why are you leaving without saying goodbye?”

I scoffed,

“oh I’m sorry, did that upset you?,”

“where are you?.”

“place where you can’t find”

“she is on our van, sica!,”

And Fany shouts all of sudden.

I just staring at her disbelievingly.

 “wait there.”

And she hung up.

Before I retaliate, fany raises her eyebrows like she was saying,

“you’re about to get mad? Well, me too, so bring it on!.”

“if you think you’re giving her a silent treatment and it will get better later, you are so damn wrong.”

I keep silence on my seat.

Trying to not let my anger consumes me.

When she was sure I won’t give a feedback, she raises from her seat,

“you’re gonna thank me later,”

And just like that, she is going out.

And sooyeon gets in.

She takes a seat beside me.

I’m still wearing my headphone,

And she just nonchalantly take it off.

My head suddenly turn to her, shots her my annoyed looks.

But she just sends me her sweet and adorable looks.

She doesn’t look guilty at all.

What was she thinking?

“what do you want?,” I managed to ask

With my trembling voice.

“baby, are you jealous?,” she asked with her sweet tone.

And I broke the eye contact,

Wanting to look the other place.

Everywhere but her face.

“ah, you are jealous.” She said.

I can feel her smiling growing wider when I didn’t confirmed it if I wasn’t jealous.

“taeyeon, baby, look at me,” she turn my face with her fingers to face her.

And like the magic spell, my head slowly rotating towards her face.

“you have nothing to be jealous of, they are nothing compare to you.”

My annoyed face turning into pouting lips.

Not so amused.

I just let the silence build up.

Not wanting to break my wall.

Because I’m that stubborn.

But sooyeon knew me better.

She tries to showing off all of her aegyo compilation,

“tae, I send you kisses, please take it,” and she is picturing herself holding a narrow and shots her air kisses towards me.

I wasn’t even bulge from my seat, only watching her with my so-not-amused-eyebrows.

So she just lets herself talking,

Trying to get me talking.

“tae, look at me, an angel was trying to send you dozens of kisses, aren’t you gonna reply it?,”

“tae, this angel is really adorable, won’t you take a look at her?”

“taenggu, if you didn’t want to see her face right here right now, she might turn into devil later.”

“oh no, I take that, she would turn into a monster, aren’t you scared of monster?”

“you know, this monster would eat you alive if you’re not talking any minutes now.”

“sorry I won’t make joke of monster, but please, talk to me.”


I let my sight out loud when she was starting to whines,

Damn those cute-talking-non-sense, whining voice, puppy eyes, and pouty lips.

She wrap my hand tightly with hers,

Resting her head on my arm.

“I don’t have a broad shoulder.” I muttered under my breath.

She lets out her small chuckles.

“you don’t.”

And I’m frowning,

She lifts up her head again,

Letting her hand caressing my shoulder to my arm,

“but I like your shoulder best, I like how your hug comforted me, how strong it is to protected me,” her voice turns softer.

It makes me shudder

And now she leans her head and body again next to me.

She’s playing with my fingers, lacing it with hers and give a little touch in here and there.

“I am not wearing suits,” I said in my lower breath.

And she scoffs, her voice turns more playfully than before.

“I like your dresses more, and I like your creamy sweater.”

“but I’m sure, when you are wearing suits, you’re going to be the death for me.” She added.

I’m starting to crack up, my smile is make an appearance.

 “I’m sorry if you were upset, I was just play along with their script, it won’t be fun if I didn’t, right? I tried to make you jealous at some part and I guess it works,” she said,

And now she is looking up on me and grinning widely. Dork.

“you guess?.” I asked disbelievingly. And now with my playful tones.

My eyes were focusing on her since she was saying she was sorry.


She has her adorable looks and pouty lips,

Her way to show her affectionate never tires me out.

“did I crossed the line?,” she asked worriedly,

I just let my small chuckles out,

“a little.”

And now I can smile,

She still sends me her sorry looks.

“you don’t need to be jealous, you are my world now.” She said.

I’m giving her a bigger smile while looking deeply in her eyes,

“you can have anyone, even the one who’s wearing suits, having a broad shoulder, and having everything in the world.”

I said it with my playful tones, but I feel a little stings in my heart when I say it,

 “but they aren’t you,” she said, still looking up on me.

Her gaze was turning more serious this time.

“I don’t want anyone but you,” she added.

“taeyeon, I said it before, and I will say it again until you believe me, you are my world now, I’m revolve around you, like the moon with the sun, gravity always trying their hardest to pull me back to you,”

And just like that, I feel the upset feelings been lifted up.

Without realizing, my lips meet her forehead.

She’s closing her eyes,

Enjoying it between our silence,

 “I want to tell the world if you are mine,” I said looking at her closing eyes,

And she opens her eyes again, embracing me with her soft gaze,

“me too.” She said.

When I just staring at her,

She was giving me a sign, with tapping her lips. And said, “ppo ppo”

Instead of her lips, I’m going to her forehead again.

And she gives me another signal, and I kissed her forehead again,

And she is whining,

“kiss my lipsssssssssss.”

I raised my eyebrows,

“well, I thought you like forehead kiss.”

And I can feel she stomps her feet.


"hello I couldn't say it if I like your lips best on a show."

And I let my heartily laugh out,

She still gives me her puppy eyes,

without breaking our eye contact.

Without waiting for another second,

I wrapped my hands around her neck, and

capture her lips with mine.

Earth surely not this sweet without her.

And her magical lips.

“I’m thankful for gravity, because it will always bring me back to you or the other way around.” I said when we were resting our forehead.

“me too,” and now she’s smiling while closing her eyes.

We’re so close,

Leaning into each other breath.

“but you won’t get a chance to fly freely anytime soon,” I said bitterly.

She answered, with still a smile hanging on her lips, “I don’t mind.”

And she opens her eyes, locking it with mine.

I just stare deeply into her eyes, absorbing with those magnificent brown eyes.

“we can make it someday, besides, I’m still afraid with the height.”

Her doe eyes, I can’t get enough of it,

“one day when we’ll fly together, I won’t let you doubt how secured you are in my arms.”

She added.

Without waiting another minutes, I close our gaps again and reconnecting our lips.


Jessica’s POV

That was one of my biggest stupidity,

I was trying for messing up a little with her,

testing how deep the water is,

I enjoyed it, while I swam effortlessly,

I didn’t realize if she wasn’t swimming along with me.

I make her drowning.

My stupidity is literally endlessly.

When I feel her escaping herself from my grasp,

I was so stunned.

And I was searching for her everywhere.

Not caring about managers who’s trying to take me home.

Thankfully, fany was with her.

And it takes all my beliefs and aegyos to make her look at me and talk to me,

As cute as she looks when she was jealous,

I feel bad.

She gets as all insecure girlfriend last night.

And I don’t want to test the water again, any day soon.

But then, the morning sunshine comes to my sight,

My phone is buzzed.

New text from sunkyu, it reads,

“sica, you might want to see the news.”

And my phone is buzzed again, another text from sunkyu, “NOW.”

I lazily getting up from my bed and walking to living room taking my phone with me,

“morning, unnie,” krystal greeted from kitchen.

Krystal was making a waffle from my sight on the couch.

I just waved her off to continue what she was doing,

And I’m searching for remote, and turn the tv on.

When I saw a picture of me and tyler kwon being flashed up on screen,

my eyes were going to popped out.

“SM entertainment is confirming if they weren’t dating….”

When was it? Did I even have taken a photo with him before?

I’m trying so hard to remember what event it was,

And it hits me,

It was from a gathering event that I and krystal attended.

We were celebrating upcoming fashion-reality-show with jimmy ch.

Both of us will make bunch of appearance in the show, so we celebrated it together.

And jimmy cho invited a lot of stars. Including GD and tyler kwon.

We actually just met there, and we didn’t even talk,

And there was a photographer who took our picture together.

Thankfully they already confirming if it wasn’t true.

But, did taeyeon see the news?

Even though it wasn’t true, but she just had her jealousy moment last night,

I don’t think she could handle it again today.

I was saying if I won’t let her doubt our relationship, but now with this on the first thing in the morning?

I immediately send a reply to sunkyu,

“did she knew?.”

While I fidgeting on my seat, krystal comes from kitchen with 2 plates of waffle.

And my phone buzzed by sunkyu’s reply.

“I think so, she’s been watching television since 5 am.”

And just like that, I’m looking for taeyeon’s contact and calls.

Krystal didn’t dare to ask me what’s going on, she just sit silently beside me,

With her waffle.

“hei,” taeyeon answered me after 2 beeping sounds.

Strangely, her voice sounds calm.

“what are you doing?.” I asked with a little rush.

“easy tiger, a good morning will be nice.” She said casually.

“sorry, good morning, what are you doing?.” I asked again, with the same worried tone.

“uhm, I was watching tv, why?.”

And I gulped, it doesn’t sound if something is wrong.

“do you see the news?.”

“the news? Ah about you and that guy? Yes, why though?” she was so calmly answering my questions.

And I’m starting to panicked.

“are you alright? You aren’t mad, right? I can totally assure you if nothing’s going on between me and him, I swear to god if I wouldn’t dare to make it seem like that, not until 12 hours ago I was saying if you don’t have to worry about our relationship and then the news were spreading in the morning, if you knew, the pict was taken from 2 weeks ago, and we were at the same event so they were taking a picture and then…”

I feel like I grasp for the air, my lungs is crave for oxygen,

I couldn’t breathe.

“hey hey, calm down, I’m not mad, even though I got a little surprise with the news but I can brushed it off, you know, after our talk and hot make out session last night, I finally come to term if you’re stuck with me and vice versa.”

I can feel her smiling through the line.

And I finally could catch a breathe.

I’m inhaling a big oxygen, until I finally calm down.

“thank God,” as I held my phone a little loosen.

I didn’t realize if I was holding my phone tightly.

“you are so cute,” and she giggles.

“it’s not funny,” I said.

“it was, I wish I could see your worried-sica-looks.”

“not funny.”

And she lets her another giggle out.

After her giggles died down, both of us were quiet.

I was playing with couch pillow’s case,

Krystal was trying to snatch the remote and watching the spongebob.

I rolled my eyes and focusing again with my phone.

we were quiet after some time,

Only the sound of our breathing echoing through the line.

I like this moment.

We are just a few from some couple who doesn’t need words to comforted us.

“I love you, sooyeon-ah, you know that right?.”

She said.

I’m feeling overwhelmed all of sudden.

With happiness.

“I know it wasn’t the best way to say I love you for the first time from the phone, just like when I was apologizing to you, and I’m totally understand if you can’t say it back yet…”

“I love you too, taeyeon-ah,”I cut in.

And I can feel her smile is growing from the other side.

Mine is hanging from ear to ear right now.

Krystal just squealing from her seat, witnessing the moment.

And I just decide to shot her with pillow that I’ve been holding.

“I don’t know what to say, all I want to do now is to see you and spend the day off,” she said happily. It’s so contagious, I feel all happy and giddy inside.

“me too, do you have any schedule today?,” I asked hopefully.

“I have.”

And I feel a little down until she said, “but it won’t be too long, let’s meet up, I want to see you”

“alright, text me when you’ve finished with your schedule, I’ll go there with some food and coffe.”

“I’m so in love with you, sooyeon-ssi, can’t wait to see you.”

And blushed creep onto my cheeks.

“me too.”

And the phone’s ended.

I have a goofy smile on my face, until the pillow hits it.

Krystal just shots a pillow on my face.

“unnie, You don’t just say I love you back to taeyeon unnie and throwing me a pillow!.”

Like the shots didn’t happened, I pull krystal into the hug and attacking her face with my kisses

“unnie! Stop it! I know you are in love but please stop! Alright! Alright! I’m sorry to throw a pillow on your face! I’m…unnie! Stop! Or I’ll throw your face with this plate! Unnieeeeeee!”

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Kimbangsong #1
Chapter 23: Aww, what a lovely story, author. It's good to see how their characters developed as the chapter going. Really love Taeyeon here, she grew as someone strong and determined. So lovely. Thanks for this one :)
mzlyod #2
Chapter 19: This lockdown bring me back to my first love...
Still reading this <3
mzlyod #4
Chapter 23: This is my first love
TS922TS #5
Chapter 23: This is by far one of the best Taengsic fluff that I’ve ever read. Oh how I wish things to be turned out like that in reality too :’)
ellimacomet #6
Chapter 23: So Jessica didn't have Taeyeon's last name? Or they agreed to stick with their last names? Just wondering cos of how taeyeon addressed her
JooNa0309 #7
Chapter 23: Waaaahhh.. A very nice story indeed.. Thank you author!
SwoonedbyJess #8
Chapter 23: I love your story! You really show their characters well. Thank you please write more Taengsic ! <3
Chapter 23: Reread it and it's still so funny at the end hahahahhahahahahhahah. This ff is <3. Thank you author for the ff! I really enjoyed it! :DD
KTY0903 #10
Chapter 23: Even read many time, still not bored...^^