There He Goes Again

There He Goes Again

That marks the start of their first conversation through post-its.

Kibum takes his time to ponder over the reply he gets but ends up suffering through the weekend as his mind is occupied with the identity of his secret admirer. He wants to be nonchalant about the matter but when he has absolutely no inkling of who the person can be, Kibum returns to school on Monday feeling more annoyed than ever. This explains his sudden irrational decision to leave a direct message that clearly shows his frustration.

On Tuesday, Kibum gets an annoying reply that frustrates him even more.

Kibum doesn’t care if he doesn’t sound polite anymore when he writes a reply and sticks it on the center of his desk. His secret admirer should feel lucky that he doesn’t add exclamation marks or more question marks to the end of his question.

Finally feeling as if he is getting somewhere, Kibum does what he is told. He spends whatever free time he has in between classes flipping through the post-its his secret admirer has left him but his efforts are to no avail.

Kibum stays back after class, unable to wait until he gets home to start deciphering the hints that the secret admirer claims have been left for him. When the class is finally empty and he’s left by himself, Kibum takes out all 16 post-its he has received so far and pastes them in sequence on his table. Now that the post-its form a perfect huge square that almost covers his entire desk, Kibum is all ready to crack this mystery. He stares long and hard at each and every post-it and also scrutinises them as a whole. At first glance, Kibum thinks it has something to do with the colours of the post-its but grouping the post-its by colour gets him nowhere. He then spends a good amount of time just looking at the last light blue post-it and trying to figure out why it is the most important but once again, Kibum is left lost and confused.

Almost half an hour has passed and Kibum is starting to wonder if he’s stupid or the hints are just really not obvious at all. Of course, he refuses to admit that he is dumb and so, Kibum takes in a deep breath, clearing his mind, before he starts again. With his new found determination, Kibum suddenly notices a pattern in the last five post-its. He realises that the first letter on each of the post-its has been bolded and made more defined with a black marker. When he puts the letters together, Kibum gets a word, or should he say, a name that has always been on his mind.


It is then Kibum completely freaks out. His heart is in his throat. Alarms are going off in his head. Kibum wants to convince himself that it can be any other Minho that exists in his school but he knows for sure that he’ll just be lying to himself.

I know you like me…

I know you know me…

You’ve seen me around in school.

All of a sudden, these messages sound too confident for Kibum’s liking. It’s as if Minho has already noticed Kibum looking at him and for that matter, figured out Kibum’s feelings for him right from the start. Now that the truth is staring at his face, Kibum decides he is stupid, and such a fool. So flustered at his discovery that his crush actually likes him too, Kibum hastily keeps the post-its, throwing everything into his backpack, and quickly leaves the classroom. This is just all too much for him to take.

Kibum is in a complete mess, his mind in a whirl, that he doesn’t watch where he is going as he speeds through the quiet hallway. The next thing he knows, someone is holding on to him firmly by the arms and preventing them from colliding. When Kibum looks up and is about to apologise, he finds himself looking at the very reason that has reduced him to his current state.

There, less than an arm’s length away from him, is Choi Minho looking right back at him with both surprise and amusement written all over his face.

“Hi.” Minho breathes out, breaking into a warm smile as he continues, “Kibum.”

Kibum can only blink as his face heats up the same time he reminds himself to breathe. Why, of all times, must he bump into Minho now?

Minho’s smile turns embarrassed as he slowly lets go of Kibum and clears his throat to explain himself, as if reading Kibum’s thoughts.

“I was just about to head to your classroom and-”

Kibum doesn’t give Minho a chance to complete his sentence because in the next moment, he quickly steps back, bows and runs away.

Kibum may regret his decision later but at that moment, he is just so relieved to be out of school, away from Minho, and heading back to the safety of his own home. He knows it is going to be a long night ahead but it’s definitely something he needs right now.


Kibum is afraid to come to class the day after and purposely arrives only five minutes before class begins but don't judge him, he has reason to be. It honestly isn't that noticeable when he has a secret admirer who sticks post-its on his desk daily but it definitely becomes a little more obvious when said admirer is openly waiting for him outside his classroom. As he walks down the hallway, Kibum easily spots Minho standing there even though he is still a distance away. Minho doesn’t notice him yet though, seemingly distracted at something at his feet, so Kibum actually has both the time and the option to run away a second time. But he doesn't, and instead, even walks towards Minho, determined to say his peace to his crush.

Kibum is nearing his destination when Minho, as if feeling his presence, suddenly looks up and meets his gaze. At that moment, it takes all of Kibum to force his two feet to stand firmly in front of Minho as he clears his throat and says what he has planned to say.

“Sorry about yesterday…” Kibum smiles weakly as he discreetly avoids Minho’s intense gaze and stares at Minho’s chin instead, “And umm, thank you… for leaving me all those messages… but you really didn’t have to. I think… it’s better if you stop.”

“What do you mean?” Minho sounds as confused as he looks.

“I just-”

The bell rings at that moment and Kibum shifts awkwardly in his position as he shakes his head.

“Please just stop sticking post-its on my desk.” Kibum says in one breath before he finally meets Minho’s eyes and points to the back, “I should get to class… you too.”

“Kibum…” Minho calls out but Kibum ignores him and doesn’t reply.

He simply bows and turns around, heading straight into class, while Minho can only watch him walk to his desk. As he settles into his seat, Kibum is thankful his teacher arrives soon after and gives Minho a questioning look that leaves the soccer captain with no choice but to return to his own class.

It honestly hurts Kibum to not only watch Minho walk away just like that, but it also hurts to have to say those words to Minho. Even so, Kibum decides it’s something he has to do. After thinking about it the whole night, Kibum concludes that Minho is only doing this because he knows how Kibum feels about him. He probably only managed to get Minho’s attention because he started “stalking” him. Kibum trusts that Minho is only reciprocating his feelings because he is too nice to reject him. Besides that, he just doesn’t feel like he’s worth Minho’s effort to come to his class earlier than him every single day just to leave him such sweet messages that never fail to warm his heart. Kibum doubts that Minho would have come to like him if he hadn’t been so obvious about his feelings for him. After all, there isn’t anything outstanding about him that gives reason for someone so perfect like Minho to like him.

Minho has done enough for him, and Kibum knows he should be happy with the post-its he has collected but when he realises he can’t go about his usual routine to secretly admire Minho from afar anymore, Kibum can’t help but feel glum. When lunch break arrives, Kibum finds himself actually feeling disappointed that he has to stop himself from walking past Minho’s class. And when class is over, Kibum can’t go anywhere near the bleachers to watch Minho train. He is forced to go straight home and that just makes him feel so miserable.

Right from the start, Kibum doesn’t expect anything to happen between Minho and him but never has he imagined his crush on Minho to end like this. It honestly isn’t the way Kibum wants to remember his crush on Minho but he reminds himself that it is also his decision to push Minho away. And so, as conflicted as Kibum feels, he knows there’s no turning back. Right now, Kibum takes solace in the fact that he has the weekend to sort himself out and make sure he forgets about Minho so he can close this chapter of his life and move on.


When Monday arrives, Kibum enters his class feeling just about ready to take on anything that may come his way. However, a feeling is only just a feeling. The moment he walks closer to his desk and isn’t greeted with any post-its stuck on his desk, Kibum still can’t stop himself from feeling upset. Minho has listened to his request but a part of Kibum wishes Minho will prove him wrong and not back away so easily. Now, Kibum is more certain that he’ll never be able to get any happy ending he may have wished for. If he had any hopes before, Kibum now has none left and can finally put a full stop to this one-sided love.

Life goes back to being dull and boring. And for once, Kibum doesn’t have anywhere to rush off during lunch break. He sticks with his group of friends (what he calls his 91line that includes Woohyun, Dongwoon, Jaejin and Mir) and eats his lunch so quietly that all of them start nudging each another to get someone to step up and talk to Kibum. They think they’re being discreet with their actions but Kibum sees everything. Once he looks up from his tray of food, they instantly stop all movement and busy themselves with stuffing food into their mouths.

Kibum sighs out loud as he pokes at his food, “You guys are so obvious.”

Taking a quick look at the others, Woohyun realises that no one seems to have the guts to confront Kibum and so, he decides to step up.

“Kibum, we’re just worried… you seem like you have a lot on your mind nowadays.”  

Kibum flashes his closest friend an apologetic smile, “I’m fine, sorry guys, but don’t worry about me.”

“Do you, maybe, want to talk about it?” Woohyun asks, concerned about his close friend.

Kibum shakes his head and is about to reply when Dongwoon butts in.

“Umm guys… is it me or is Choi Minho coming towards us?”

Everyone’s attention, including Kibum’s, turns towards where Dongwoon is looking at. True enough, Minho is indeed walking towards them with, what Kibum notices, a fierce determination in his eyes.

Kibum panics and wants to leave the cafeteria, knowing very well that Minho is looking for him, but his body refuses to cooperate with his brain. Their whole table falls quiet as Minho reaches them and comes to stand behind Kibum, all eyes now on the both of them. When Minho’s hand lands on his shoulder, Kibum almost jumps out of his seat. Thankfully, he only jolts a little and naturally turns around to look at the soccer captain.

“Kibum, we need to talk.”

Kibum doesn’t have to look back at his friends to know they are all staring at him with wide eyes. Yet, he knows they are the least of his worries when Minho’s grip on his shoulder tightens, as if he is afraid Kibum will really run away once more.

Kibum swallows nervously before he takes in a deep breath and say, “We don’t know each other that well to-”

“Alright, fine, I’ll just do the talking then.” Minho decides, already expecting Kibum to be uncooperative, “All you have to do is listen carefully to every word I’m about to say.”

Kibum’s intuition tells him this isn’t going to be something he wants everyone to hear so he instantly stands up and wants to pull Minho out of the cafeteria and avoid all the curious stares they are starting to get but Minho is one step ahead of him as he forces Kibum to sit down and begins speaking in the very next second.

“Every single message I sent to you through the post-its is true. I really like you, Kibum. And it hurts that you’re pushing me away without even giving me a chance to explain myself. Why aren’t you giving us a chance? All I ask is for you to go out with me once… or maybe a few times more before you make a decision about what you want us to be. Please just… let me take you out on a date? We can do whatever you want… I just want us to spend some time together so you can get to know more about who I really am. And hey, if it doesn’t work out, we can still be friends-”

“No.” Kibum says decisively as he looks up into Minho’s eyes, not caring one bit about all the attention that is on them because Minho is all he sees right now, “I can’t be friends with you, Minho.”

Minho can’t hide how heartbroken he feels but that doesn’t mean he is going to give up just like that.

He takes in a deep breath and tries even harder as he pleads, “Kibum, just give me a chance and we’ll-”

Unable to care that Minho is still speaking, Kibum looks down and mumbles to himself, “I like you too much to be just friends with you.”

Still, it’s enough for Minho to stop midway through his sentence as he questions instead.

“What?” Not catching what Kibum has said, Minho bends down to Kibum’s level and comes a little too close for comfort (in Kibum’s opinion) so he can hear Kibum clearly, “Did you say something?”

With Minho’s voice right at his ear, Kibum naturally shrinks in his seat and leans away, almost falling out of the chair if not for Minho’s arm around his waist.

“Kibum?” Minho, confused, checks on his object of affection, “Are you alright?”

“Can you please…” Kibum begs but stops because he realises it’s no point asking Minho anything when all he wants are answers and so, he gently pushes Minho away and adjusts his balance on his seat before he finally picks up the courage to say his answer in one breath, “Look, I like you too so yes, I would love to go out with you but can we please, please please please, not do this in front of the entire school?”

When Minho gets the answer he has been wanting to hear, he is spilling over with happiness that he pays no regard to the rest of Kibum’s sentence and ends up doing otherwise.

In the next moment, Minho pulls Kibum out of his seat and brings his soon-to-be boyfriend into his arms in front of the entire cohort.

“I know we’re supposed to date first before I let you decide what you want us to be but I still think everyone should know you’re taken at this point in time.” Minho says into Kibum’s ear as he hugs him tightly, “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to do this…”

Knowing it’ll be useless to fight against the athlete, Kibum can only allow Minho to hug him and quickly uses the opportunity to hide his flushed face in Minho’s shoulder.

“Minho…” Kibum mutters into Minho’s shirt.

“Yeah?” Minho doesn’t release Kibum from the hug but he pulls away just enough to see the top of Kibum’s head.

“Can we leave the cafeteria once you let me go so I don’t have to face all the embarrassment you’ve put me in?”

Minho laughs but accepts Kibum’s request, “Sure, why not?”

True enough, as soon as he lets go of Kibum, Minho wastes no time in taking his hand and leading him straight out of the cafeteria.

Kibum’s heart is pounding loudly as he stares at their intertwined hands. It is then he tells himself to send a thank you note to Post-It for bringing him one step closer to his happy ending with Minho. And yes, he’ll also remember to reward Minho, maybe on their first date, for being so persistent.


Author's Note: (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ i bet you lovely readers are as happy as me that this is finally completed! no? hehe. i know it was bad of me to leave you hanging on a cliff with the previous chapter but i hope i didn't keep you waiting for too long. thank you so much for all the lovely comments! i really do appreciate them all! and i hope you enjoyed this to the very end! all credits to ElhamOdhabi for the adorable prompt that goes like this...

"I want you to write a high-school oneshot where Key is this shy adorable boy who has a crush on the soccer captain; Minho.

One day Key starts getting letters from an anonymous person, and they're all such cute things like 'i think your pretty and stuff'. He keeps on dropping hints and in the end it's Minho who was sending them. He asks Kibum out in the school cafeteria in front of everyone. Something cliché and cheesy but Kibum loves it anyway. He blushes and all and he gets so cute and adorable. And then make up your own ending."

fingers crossed i did the prompt justice! thanks to everyone who subscribed, read and commented! *throws hearts to everyone* till my next fic (which probably won't come too soon cause one, i have loads of assignments to complete, and two, i'll still happily be going on a holiday), have a nice day, every day! ^^

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a_shineeworld #1
Chapter 2: YAY! This is perfect. I love it so much <3
DmTick #2
Chapter 1: ;w; Do I have to use a laptop to read the post-its? I couldn't see the pictures and it's disappointing me. To check with my laptop, I would have to use it in the morning

Anyway, I like how this went so far :') despite the notes
Chapter 2: aaaaww...minho is such a sweetie pie.
Chapter 2: Big siiigghhhhh this is definitely one of my favorite minkey fics ever...I read it months ago n then I couldnt find it for the longest time until just today I was browsing your fics n read it again! Thank you for always writing such adorable minkey!!
Keyq1998 #5
i love it T-T Minkey <3 i want sequel XD
Chapter 2: D'aaaawwww! This was so wonderful!!! XD Now if all of our respective crushes would just do this... :D
Chapter 1: i had to stop at certain parts just to giggle lol
Chapter 1: Aww...this story so touching also nice and warmed my heart
I felt a lot of tears on my cheeks when I finished reading
You're stories are always amazing
I'm MinKey shipper so your stories makes me happy
Chapter 2: I had to go back to all the notes and look for the secret admirers hints (though I think we all know who it was ;) ) I cant remember how many times i've said this but i'll repeat it're stories are always amazing and it never fails to make me smile....its kind of creepy to have a "stalker-ish secret admirer" but if ends up to be someone like CHoi Minho...then i'll be honored :D