There He Goes

There He Goes Again

There he goes… there he goes again. Racing through his brain, and Kim Kibum just can't contain this feeling that remains. Alright, fine, Kibum knows the original lyrics to the song is directed to a girl but he can’t help that he is infatuated with the soccer captain of his high school who just so happens to be a guy. Wait. Scratch that. Kibum isn’t just infatuated; it has been months since he first watched Choi Minho on the soccer field and began admiring the charismatic athlete so this is definitely more than just a short-lived attraction towards his same aged high school mate. Kibum admits he’s in love, hopelessly in love, and yet, he is no fool. He isn’t that irrational. Because, if Kibum is indeed a fool that rushes in, Minho will have known about his existence, and for that matter, his feelings for him too.

Come to think of it, it’s actually odd how Kibum even crosses paths with Minho. They come from two different backgrounds, have no similar classes and have interests that are poles apart. Although Kibum and Minho are in the same school and of the same grade, they never once were in the same class. That’s probably enough to prove how their chances of meeting is actually rather small when they spend most of the time in two separate classrooms. But of course, on one fateful day, Kibum is walking around campus when he suddenly finds a ticket to the championship match of the national inter-school soccer tournament stuffed into his hand by a cheerleader.

“Come watch our soccer team tonight! It’s the finals!” She exclaims in an annoyingly chirpy voice, skipping along the corridor and stuffing more tickets to everyone who walks by, “We need all the support we can get!”

With nothing better to do, Kibum finds himself following the crowd and watching the finals of the soccer competition. And the next thing he knows, his eyes can see only Choi Minho. But no, it’s not then that Kibum is attracted to Minho. Minho only catches his attention at the match because of two main reasons. One, his height; and two, he is the star striker of the team. So who else can Kibum look at when Minho is the one who brings his team to victory as he scores the decisive goal that wins the championship for their high school? Well, at least that is when Kibum comes to know about Minho’s existence.

The moment Kibum is actually attracted to Minho is when he stumbles upon Minho interacting with kids at an orphanage. As part of their school’s community outreach project, all seniors of their high school are out on a visit to a local orphanage to be volunteers for a day. Each class has a duty assigned to them and Kibum’s class is in charge of cleaning the place. As Kibum walks outside to throw out the rubbish, he comes across Minho’s class who is playing with the children outdoors. Kibum quickly spots Minho among the kids and can’t help but stop and watch the athlete teach a group of young boys some basic soccer skills. Truth be told, it isn’t something extraordinary since Minho isn’t the only one playing sports with the kids but the soccer captain stands out because Kibum can see how passionate Minho is. He can tell how Minho truly wants to help the young boys learn and goes all out to ensure the learning experience is an enjoyable one. If anything, the look of adoration in the young boys’ eyes prove that Minho truly cares about these kids. When one of the boys miskicks the ball, loses his balance and consequently falls down, Minho is there in an instant. It is in that exact moment that Kibum knows his heart is stolen.

It isn’t difficult to find out more about Minho after and fall even more in love with the seemingly perfect guy but it is one heck of a challenge for Kibum to find the courage to approach him. That’s why Kibum can only use the time between classes to sneak peeks at Minho as he purposely walks by his class and gets his weekly fix of his crush. Either that or he will sit at the most inconspicuous spot on the bleachers and pretend he is busy doing everything else except watching the soccer captain as he trains. Sometimes, it gets obvious when Minho looks to his direction and Kibum, in a moment of panic, instantly ducks and looks anywhere but him; the movement so noticeable that Kibum knows for sure he has failed in being discreet. Still, he takes comfort in the fact that Minho never acknowledges him, because that gives him the courage to sit at the bleachers time after time.

Kibum likes the way things are – his heart stolen but still in one piece, because god knows how his heart will be broken if Minho is to reject him and burst his bubble of happiness. It’s his secret to keep and no one, not even Minho, has to know. Kibum simply likes how he is lucky enough to come across someone like Minho and fall in love with him. He likes having his mind occupied with Minho, wondering what the athlete is up to and imagining about the possibilities of being together with him, not just in a relationship but also being simply friends. Kibum is honestly satisfied with this, thinking about the what ifs, could bes and if onlys, and although he craves more, Kibum doesn’t have the courage to chase after his dream. A dream is a dream for a reason. And Kibum doesn’t mind staying in this blissful safety zone of his.

But of course, life is full of surprises; and Kibum’s is no exception.

It is like any other day that Kibum comes to class and settles down at his designated table. About half the class has yet to arrive and those already in class are either busy rushing through the homework that is due that day or catching forty winks especially since it’s a Monday. Kibum usually just likes to space out in class until the first lesson begins but this time, his plan is ruined as he finds a post-it stuck on his desk.

Kibum doesn’t pick it up but he does stare at it for a tad too long. Eventually, he shrugs it off and decides that the person who left the note probably got the wrong table. Choosing to ignore it, Kibum leaves it where it is, even goes on to place his pencil case on top of the note, while he endures a day of classes and leaves school without thinking much about the post-it.

The next day, Kibum returns to class and is greeted with not only the same post-it but another post-it stuck beside it.

Kibum frowns at the note, doesn’t even bother checking if there’s anyone acting suspicious in class, because he is even more certain that the person is indeed getting the messages directed to the wrong recipient. And so, he takes out his own post-it pad and writes a note in reply to the person.

When he’s done, Kibum also reminds himself to leave one of his books he doesn’t need to bring home on the table, placing it on top of the post-its to cover the messages, before he goes home. He really doesn’t need any unwanted attention from busybodies especially his classmates.

On Wednesday, Kibum makes the effort to get to class earlier than usual, admittedly curious about the reply he knows he will get from the sender. He walks towards his desk and finds that his book is still there but now has two post-its stuck on its cover.

Kibum’s eyes widen upon seeing his name, heart beating just that little bit faster. Thankful he is the only one in class this morning, Kibum quickly picks up his textbook and sees another surprise waiting for him. Under the book is yet another post-it that joins the previous three.

Kibum’s heart stops for a split second. He anxiously removes all the post-its from his desk and the book before sticking them together in a messy pile. Kibum is in a daze as he sits down and slumps in his seat, trying to soak in the fact that he has got himself a secret admirer. Just staring at the latest post-it he has received is enough to make his whole body heat up. To stop a blush from rising on his cheeks, Kibum keeps the post-its away before he folds his arms on the table, leans forward and rests his forehead against his arms, pretending to sleep when in actual fact, he’s trying to calm himself down. A thousand thoughts are running through his mind but the most important of them all is the identity of his secret admirer.

Kibum has no clue who the person can be. Actually, he doesn’t even care who the person is. The fact that he can be loved as well, that someone out there actually likes him for who he is, strikes him more. Knowing this just makes Kibum so happy that he can’t stop the smile on his face throughout the entire day. Even after class, when he heads to the bleachers to watch Minho on the soccer field, Kibum remains in such a good mood that he continues smiling instead of the usual blank, emotionless, almost bored expression he makes conscious effort to maintain on usual days. He ends up distracted as he spends most of the time staring at the post-its that are now stuck in his schedule book. When soccer training is about to end and it’s the best time for Kibum to leave, he goes home with regrets because it hits him that he didn’t pay much attention to Minho.

Bothered by the fact that his secret admirer is distracting him from Minho, Kibum doesn’t get a good night’s sleep and is a little on the grumpy side when he attends school the next day. He finds no post-its left on his desk and can’t help but feel disappointed. In the next second though, his spirits are lifted once he pulls out his chair and sees a message stuck on his seat.

Kibum removes the post-it from his seat as a smile tugs on the corner of his lips. He then looks around his class just to check if anyone is acting suspiciously but all his classmates are busy doing their own stuff. He wonders if anyone is putting up an act. But the thing is, Kibum has been in the same class for almost a year. Why would anyone wait this long to start leaving him messages? Still, anything is possible so Kibum decides not to rule anyone out. Yet, he still isn't too curious about who his secret admirer is and so, Kibum tells himself to let nature take its course and simply appreciate the efforts his admirer is putting in for him. He shall enjoy it while it lasts and trust that his secret admirer will reveal himself when the time comes.

Day after day, Kibum comes to class with new post-its to start his day off right.

The latest message he receives comes in two post-its and together, they frighten Kibum more than he admits. It’s the final statement that makes his heart drop because it sounds so certain and borderline creepy. Kibum knows he can't let this go on forever... Sure, he enjoys receiving these daily messages from his secret admirer and isn't obliged to reciprocate but how long can they keep this up? For all he knows, Kibum may just keep receiving post-its after post-its, day after day, and things will be going nowhere at this rate as long as he doesn't take the initiative to do something about it. And so, Kibum finally takes out his own yellow post-its once again and leaves a reply for his secret admirer – one that will definitely change what is currently going on between them.


Author's Note: just in case you don't know where the title of this fic comes from, it's inspired by this song~ and i'm sorry i had to cut it off, but the next and final chapter will be up soon! thanks for subscribing, reading and commenting lovelies!

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a_shineeworld #1
Chapter 2: YAY! This is perfect. I love it so much <3
DmTick #2
Chapter 1: ;w; Do I have to use a laptop to read the post-its? I couldn't see the pictures and it's disappointing me. To check with my laptop, I would have to use it in the morning

Anyway, I like how this went so far :') despite the notes
Chapter 2: aaaaww...minho is such a sweetie pie.
Chapter 2: Big siiigghhhhh this is definitely one of my favorite minkey fics ever...I read it months ago n then I couldnt find it for the longest time until just today I was browsing your fics n read it again! Thank you for always writing such adorable minkey!!
Keyq1998 #5
i love it T-T Minkey <3 i want sequel XD
Chapter 2: D'aaaawwww! This was so wonderful!!! XD Now if all of our respective crushes would just do this... :D
Chapter 1: i had to stop at certain parts just to giggle lol
Chapter 1: Aww...this story so touching also nice and warmed my heart
I felt a lot of tears on my cheeks when I finished reading
You're stories are always amazing
I'm MinKey shipper so your stories makes me happy
Chapter 2: I had to go back to all the notes and look for the secret admirers hints (though I think we all know who it was ;) ) I cant remember how many times i've said this but i'll repeat it're stories are always amazing and it never fails to make me smile....its kind of creepy to have a "stalker-ish secret admirer" but if ends up to be someone like CHoi Minho...then i'll be honored :D