Chapter One

Rookie Celebrity

Chapter One - Fortuity

The offender's presence awed everyone in the vicinity. However, he seemed unfazed about it — not even the slightest bit sorry. It was as if he didn't know that he was at a shooting site and just punched an actor in the face. His expression was unreadable, and that caused the director to be thoroughly confused. He would've get up from his seat and yell at the mysterious person, but somehow, he couldn't bring himself to do it. At that time, it was also as if time was frozen and everyone stopped whatever they were doing to look at the silent commotion.

The offender, apparently a young teenager with bright orange hair, casually grabbed the purse from Seokjin's hand and returned it to the female protagonist of the MV. With eyes turning crescent as he grinned toothily, he handed the purse to the lady. "Here. Glad I could be of help," he smiled. His smile stretched out to his ears and honestly, it was just as endearing as it was cute.

Unfortunately, the director chose that time to rise up from his seat.

"CUT! Yah! What are you doing?!" He raged, mouth gaping and closing like a fish gaping for air. The staffs from the production crew immediately resumed what they were doing — some even started gushing and whispering about the sudden appearance of the boy with the orange hair color. The boy who was wearing his school uniform underneath his layers of coat turned to the director in confusion and blinked.

"Neh, Ahjusshi?"

Hyosang cackled and some even followed suit. 'How could a kid be this naive?' He thought to himself and covered his face in his hands to hold his laughter. 

But the saddest thing was... Nobody cared about Jin. He was lying unconscious, with face planted deep in layers of snow and probably with nosebleed running down from his broken nose. Hyosang would've tend his best friend if it wasn't for the sudden deafening phone call.

"Jin Hyosang! If you don't pay your rent any sooner, I'm gonna have to kick you out from this house!" The caller yelled out as soon as Hyosang answered his phone call. Hyosang's eyes went wide and all his worst nightmares flashed upon his eyes — not having a house to live in; having to live by the streets; having to work depressingly each day and night to pay for food; not going to ever have a girlfriend; dying alone. Hyosang mentally wailed at his future pitiful state. The only person who helped him lived throughout years of his life was Kim Seokjin. And he's not going to let the older let him die alone.

Next, it was like a bulb flickered on above his head. 

His eyes trailed to Seokjin as the caller, his landlord continued to babble about the rent. A wide smirk appeared on his handsome face with a creepy grin following suit. "Sweet," he mumbled. "Ahh, Kim-ssi, give me more time, oh? I'll pay the next month. I'll pay you double even!" he pouted as if the landlord could see his face over the phone.

"Just give me some time." He pleaded more and sniffled as if he had been crying for the past hours about his miserable life.



There are people out there who enjoys the winter, but that also means that there are people out there who very much despises the season no matter how much you convince them to like it. Kim Taehyung falls for the latter category. Winter means getting cold, and Taehyung really despises the cold. And sadly, school was still available despite the season. Taehyung sighed sorrowfully, looking at the ground all the way on his way to school. He cursed the temperature that dropped almost as low as the freezing point. Winter always reminds him of how lonely he is — of how he never have anyone to share body warmth with; to cuddle up with. 

Taehyung's moue showed how unhappy he was. It was making him moody almost as if he was on his period mood swings (not that any man was capable of having periods though) . Taehyung snuggled deeper into the warmth of his jackets and sneezed. He abruptly stopped in his tracks when he noticed a suspcious looking male creeping up behind a lady in a near alley. His eyes widened in alert and instantly dashed in hopes to be a hero of the accident waiting to happen.

Never did he think that it would be the biggest mistake of his life. 



Angry would be an understatement to describe how the director felt. He was beyond pissed off. As a saying once went by, it's better to be pissed off than to be pissed on. But the director would rather be pissed on in that current state of anger. The unknown boy was blinking skeptically at him, eyes full of innocence. He clearly knew nothing. 

"Waeyo, Ahjusshi?" The boy was now furrowing his brows in concern, a hand waving over the older man's face. "I have to go to school know, you know," he mumbled, pursing his lips.

The director scoffed in annoyance, an eye twiching out of anger in habit. "Mwo?! Ahjusshi?! Are you crazy?! What the heck did you think, barging in a shooting site, when the actor was already late and now you went— injuring him and just— Yah! Who do you think you are?!" He yelled out in frustration. However, he looked less superior especially when he was a head shorter than Taehyung. The poor old man had to look up as he spurted insults at the young lad. Taehyung couldn't help but to chuckle, and that caused the director to be more frustrated than he already was. "Are you even listening?" the old man asked, eyes narrowing into a line; arms even flailing around in frustration.

"A-ani..." Taehyung mumbled, looking around cluelessly.

"A-ah, my face hurts," Jin groaned from the ground, lifting his head to reveal his broken nose. Hyosang hurriedly went to aid his friend, the smirk on his face growing wider. He helped the handsome male up and and lead him to the director — not even caring how furious the director was. "Kamdong-nim!" Hyosang called out, face contorting into a mock scowl. "What the hell? What am I supposed to do about him?" Hyosang asked, pointing to his obviously injured friend. Jin was out of his thoughts, his eyes were half-lidded as he stared up at his offender.

"Am I dead? How did I manage to look at angels?" he unconsciously mumbled out loud, obviously checking out Taehyung. That wasn't left unheard by Hyosang and a michievous grin formed on his face again.

"I don't care. You go ask for co-ordi Min.. Aish.." the director responded, huffing. He managed to glare Taehyung before striding back to the crew. "Today's shooting is done. You can all go home now!" he ordered. There were cheers from some of the staff; work finished too early that day and they could never be happier. "Finally. Aware from his wrath," someone's deep voice boomed.

"Uhm, can I go now?" Taehyung excused himself.

Jin tilted his head to the side, confused as to why the angel would want to leave. "N-no," he slurred out. "Yeah, no." Hyosang supported, grabbing the boy by his hand. "You have business to deal with us, kid. You just punched an actor in the face."

"I did?" his eyes finally widened in realization and he felt as though being slapped in the face with a fish. The only rational thing to do was run away. So he did just that, running far away from the site.

"You must be surprised, right?" the same deep voice from before started again, startling the duo. Both Jins raised their brows at the sudden appearance of the man. "Who are you?" Jin spoke out, wiping the blood away from his nose. Little did he know, he only smeared more blood on his face.

"Min Suga..." he his dry lips. He glanced on the floor and then sighed before pouting immensely at the two men. "Thank you whoever you two are for acting as the supporting role! I'll forever be thankful to you two," he started all of a sudden. His skin was as pale as the snow and he was also kind of short compared to the two men.

Hyosang, the opportunist grinned. "Well, what could you do to make up for it?"

Suga scratched the back of his head that wasn't even itchy. How was he going to pay for his mistake. "I could sign you up with our company for real," he murmured. "Ah, come on. This friend has a chance of acting. You did great too, Kidoh sshi..?" he continued, sounding quite hesitant at the name. 

"Thanks," Hyosang smiled proudly. "We'll be waiting. Don't forget to call us, oh?" he extended his hand to the pale boy, dropping a hold of Jin at the same time. Jin fell on his again and he frowned. "God Hyosang, why are you always so mean to me?"

Suga shook hands with the seemingly older male and handed out his card. "Sure," he simply replied but then moved the card away when Hyosang was about to reach it. "Do me a favor and never tell anyone of this. This is as an apology to what I did — calling you out, I mean... Be sure to be here tomorrow in the morning too," his eyes narrowed, not trusting the two men. "The deal will only be sealed if you agree to what I say," he continued.

Hyosang rolled his eyes. "Yes, ok fine, I agree, bla bla bla, and by the way, don't sign me up. Sign him up." He finished with an angelic smile.

As the two men were having a deal with each other. Jin sat on the ground, looking at the direction where the beautiful orange-haired boy ran to. "Ah... I thought you were an angel," he murmured, sitting cross-legged on the floor. He sneezed after though, blood still running down his nose. He could never forget that boy. Not when he felt how their skin brushed against each other — even if it was a punch in the face.



A/N: Sorry this took so long ;AA; Thank you for subscribing. Do comment what you think of the story /cries

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Chapter 3: HAHAHA XD Taehyung-ah, don't feel bad. You're still 'cutie patootie' <3
Chapter 3: aww i want them to meet again and lol kidoh is a awesome friend XD
Chapter 3: Hihi... nice chapter, authornim ^.^ looking foward to the next chapter. Hihi... :D
Chapter 3: now all we need is namjoon to appear
Chapter 3: jimin's the real actor and taetae's friend, wow what a small world!
jin definitely fall for tae (not literally) since the first punch and him calling taetae 'cutie patootie' just awwwww >u<
be waiting for the taejin's meeting kkkkkkk
Chapter 2: oh god this is sooooooo cute ;u;
what's on hyosang's mind tho hihihi but cute innocent taehyung awwwww
Chapter 2: Omg awww~~~
Chapter 2: omg i couldn't stop laughing at taehyung and seokjin
seobseob #9
Chapter 2: Hahahaha cant stop laughing!