You And Me Vs The World

I Fell For You

It was Tuesday and all the f(x)’s members had their own schedule on that day except Soojung, leaving her sitting alone at home with nothing to do. She glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It seemed as if the time couldn’t pass any faster and she was bored out of her mind so she decided to call her manager to pick her up and drop her off at SM Building.

With a sigh, she willed her lazy body off the couch in her living room and made her way into her bedroom. Soojung walked into her walk-in closet and chose a simple outfit consisting of a pair of black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a black coat to wear over it. She quickly grabbed a pair of sunglasses from her dresser after she got a message from her manager that he was waiting outside her apartment building. After locking up, Soojung climbed down two flights of stairs and hurriedly made her way to the car.

“Thanks for the lift, Oppa.” She said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

“No problem. Call me when you want to go home, okay?” The manager smiled and gave Soojung a small wave before heading off elsewhere.

Soojung walked into the building and greeted the receptionist before getting into the elevator. She hummed the Goodbye Summer song while waiting for the elevator to stop at the third floor. As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she was greeted by a smiling Kris and the rest of Exo-M’s member.

“Hey, you guys.” She smiled at the small group of young men before giving Kris a fist bump.

“Going somewhere?” she raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, we’re going to be guests on Sukira today.” Luhan answered excitedly.

“Aww, I thought I could go hangout with you guys before going off to practice. We haven’t seen each other for like two weeks now and I really miss you guys. Especially you, Oppa.” Soojung pouted at Kris.

Kris affectionately patted her head, “Sorry, Soojungie. I want to hang out with you too but I have to go.”

“Fine, but you’d better call me tonight.” Soojung sighed in defeat.

“Okay, I promise. Talk to you later, okay? Bye Soojungie.” Kris yelled right before the elevator door closed.

Soojung made her way towards f(x)’s usual practice room which was right across Exo’s. Just when she was about to enter the room, a familiar voice called her from Exo’s practice room. She turned around and found a smiling Suho waving at her.

Soojung smiled back and approached him. “Hey, Oppa. ‘Sup?”, she grinned cheekily when he grabbed her arm and pulled her down to sit next to him.

“Oh, nothing. I’m just really bored so I thought maybe we could chat for a while. These guys are no fun at all. See, they’re all too busy lying around and being lazy asses to entertain poor old me.” Suho  pouted while gesturing towards the rest of Exo-K members who were resting after practising their dance routine.

Soojung giggled, “So, what do you want me to do then?”

“Let’s play truth or dare!” Suho suggested excitedly. This was his chance to help Soojung and Kyungsoo get together. Since the incident in the waiting room between Kyungsoo and Kris during the SMTOWN Concert, everyone in Exo pretty much knew that Kyungsoo had a crush on Soojung. They never talked about it though, because they knew Kyungsoo would be really uncomfortable about it but since then, the Exo members had planned of ways to get them together behind Kyungsoo’s back.

“Uhh, sure but don’t we need more people to play?” Soojung replied uncertainly.

“Nope, just the two of us is fine.” Suho said, eagerly trying to convince Soojung to play.

“Okay then, Oppa you go first. Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” He smiled smugly when he saw Soojung’s disappointed face, ‘Heh, you’ll never get anything out of me,’ but he gulped when he saw a devious glint in her eyes. Translation: ‘Bad move, er.

“I dare you to take off your shirt, open the window over there and shout Krystal Jung is the best to the people outside.” Soojung grinned mischeviously when Suho gaped at her like a fish.

“Hey, that’s too extreme! Can’t you dare me to do something else?” he pouted, trying to appeal to her human side.

“Nope, you’re the one who suggested this game in the first place, so you don’t get to complain. Now go over there and do the dare, unless you’re a chicken, Oppa.” Soojung teasingly raised an eyebrow.

“Fine, but you’re going to regret this, Jung.” He huffed and took off his shirt. He walked to the window and poked his head through it before screaming “Krystal Jung is the best” on the top of his lungs. His fans who were walking by screamed at his sudden shirtless appearance.

Suho’s scream woke up the sleeping members and they looked at him, puzzled by his weird behaviour. “What the heck are you doing, Hyung?” Kyungsoo asked groggily, still dazed after waking up from his nap.

“It’s not my fault! She dared me to do it!” he pointed towards the grinning f(x)’s evil maknae.

Everyone, including Kyungsoo turned their heads towards Soojung who was trying her best to look innocent.

“Oh, Soojungie. When did you get here?” Sehun asked.

“Just now. I was about to practice some dance routines when Junmyeon Oppa called me over because he said he was bored and he suggested to play Truth or Dare.” Soojung explained before adding, “but he’s being such a baby about the dare.” She stuck her tongue out to the irritated Suho.

“Yah, I wasn’t being a baby! And I already completed the dare, so now it’s your turn.” He smiled wickedly at the now paling Soojung.

“Ooh, it looks fun! Can I join?” Chanyeol asked excitedly.

“Sure, let’s all play! But first, Soojungie~,” Suho smiled a sickeningly sweet smile that made Soojung gulp. “Truth or Dare?”

“U-uh, Truth.” Soojung said nervously.

“Well well well, this ought to be good.” Suho rubbed his hands together. “Do you have a crush on someone in this company?”

“I-, uhh, y-yes.” She covered her blushing face with her hands.

The Exo-K members cheered and . Well, except for Kyungsoo who was getting really worried over Soojung’s answer.

“Now, since Soojungie already had her turn to ask last time, we’ll start over with Chanyeolie.”

Chanyeol raised both of his arms in victory and grinned childishly. “Soojungie, Truth or Dare?”

Soojung was shocked when Chanyeol directed the question to her. “What, me again? But Junmyeon Oppa already asked me!” she whined.

“We can ask whoever we want and I choose you.” Chanyeol smirked.

“Ughh, fine. I choose dare.” Soojung sighed in defeat. She could not choose the truth anymore because she knew they would force her to tell them who were the guy that she had a crush on. After that incident between Kyungsoo and Kris, Soojung had secretly developed a crush on Kyungsoo and she really did not want anyone to know, especially Kyungsoo himself so she had to choose dare.

“I dare you to kiss Kyungsoo on the lips for more than five seconds.” Chanyeol cackled evilly while his partners in crime cheered.

“No way! I won’t do it.” Soojung’s face was turning crimson from the blood rush.

“Unfortunately, dear Soojungie you have no choice.” Suho said smugly.

“Come on, Soojungie. It’s not that big of a deal. I mean it’s not like this would be your first kiss, right? You kissed Minhyuk Hyung in the drama, so why can’t you kiss Kyungsoo Hyung too? Unless, you have feelings for Kyungsoo Hyung.” Sehun decided to join teasing the poor girl.

“It’s not the same, okay? It was just a peck and it took less than three seconds!” Soojung protested.

“Aww, just do it Soojungie. It’s just a five seconds kiss. Well, unless if you two want to prolong it.” Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at the two of them, making Soojung felt like her face was on fire and Kyungsoo choked on his own spit.

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” the Exo members chanted.

“Ughh, fine!” Soojung sighed in defeat. She scooted closer to Kyungsoo who was sitting on her right. She gulped and leaned closer towards the blushing Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo took a deep breath and leaned towards her, meeting her halfway. They stopped when their lips was only inches away from each other. They could feel each other’s warm breaths fanning their faces. The rest of the Exo members watched in anticipation as the two closed their eyes and finally closed the gap between their lips.

OH MY GOD! I’m actually kissing Kyungsoo Oppa.’ She thought to herself and she felt the butterflies in her stomach. ‘What is this feeling? It's just a crush, right?

Her lips are so warm and she tastes like strawberries. I wish I can stop the time and stay with her like this forever.’Kyungsoo desperately wished it would come true.

They were too wrapped up in the kiss that they failed to realise that the five seconds had passed a while ago. The boys were really careful not to ruin this perfect moment. Unfortunately, every good thing had to come to an end. Soojung pulled away after she was shocked out of her reverie when Kyungsoo nibbled on her lower lip. It was not because she hated it, but because she did not want to take this too far too fast and make things awkward between them if anything went wrong.

“Umm, uhh- I got to go practice now. Just continue the game without me. Bye!” Soojung abruptly stood up and briskly made her way to the practice room without even sparing a second glance towards Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo sighed heavily as he watched her retreating back. His fingers massaged his throbbing temples. ‘God, what have I done? I took things too far and Soojung probably hates me now.

Suho encouragingly patted Kyungsoo back. “We’re going to the café to get some food. Want to join us?”

Kyungsoo weakly shook his head and took out his ipod from his pocket. He scrolled through the list of songs and put on his earphones. He sighed for the umpteenth time and hoped that listening to these songs would help get his mind off of his problems.

It had been more than three hours since Soojung stormed out of Exo practice room and decided to occupy her thoughts with dancing instead of thinking about her kiss with Kyungsoo. Her efforts were proven futile as she kept thinking about the softness and the warmth of his lips against hers every time she looked at her lips in the mirror.

Soojung was about to leave the practice room when she was greeted by the sight of an anxious Kyungsoo waiting for her outside the room. She cleared and successfully caught his attention.

“Oh, h-hey Soojungie. Can I talk to you for a second?” he asked nervously.

“Sure, what is it?” Soojung tried to pretend that she was not freaking out on the inside.

“It’s about the k-kiss. Look, I’m really sorry for going out of line earlier bu-.” Kyungsoo was cut off when Soojung interrupted, “It’s fine, Oppa. I wasn’t exactly innocent either so why don’t we just forget about it?” she tried to walk away but failed when Kyungsoo grabbed her wrist.

“No, I don’t want to forget about it. I li-like you, Soojung. I like you a lot,” he looked into her eyes to prove that he was being serious but he looked down to his shoes when he shyly said the next sentence, “and I’m willing to give this a try if you feel the same way as I do.”

Soojung smiled genuinely at him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. She giggled when he abruptly looked up in shock and his face was flushed with embarrassment.

“So, i-is that a ye-yes?” he asked hopefully.

“Only on one condition, if this doesn’t work out we would still be friends, okay?” Soojung said before intertwining her fingers with his.

He nodded and grinned when he look down to their intertwined fingers. “I promise, but I’m warning you, I won’t give up so easily.”

“Alright then, I won’t give up on us so easily either. Now let’s start trying by going on that coffee date you promised me last time.” Soojung cutely smiled at the young man beside her.

They walked together hand in hand; ready to face the obstacles the world would throw at them to break them apart.




A/N: Hey guys~ it's me again.. Sorry for the late update. Please tell me what you think of this chapter and the whole plot so far. Good? Bad? Awful? Critisms are welcomed but no bashing or rude comments please~! P/S: This is not the ending to this story. I'll put in more obstacles for them in the future. Anyways, lots of love, from meeeeeeee~!

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Chapter 3: maygodddd that is so cuteee T^T
krisber_1806 #2
Chapter 3: Next with krisber please...
Congrat to kyungstal...
Chapter 2: This sounds right unlike the first chapter. So it's krystal centric story not krisber*sighs*
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 2: Hoooo good...
I think krystal little by little will love to D.O...
And congrat to KRISBER...
Chapter 1: Can't wait for kyungstal moment :)
Oooh I'm looking forward to this. Yes. <3
krisber_1806 #7
Chapter 1: Owwww poor d.o and amber....
Ohhh i like the sibling moment of kris and krystal...
Update more....
krisber_1806 #8
Owwww krisber instead kyungstal...
But why little krisber...
More please....
gm3211 #9
Chapter 1: please kaistal... haha i wish
tarquin #10
Chapter 1: Update more soon!!