One Step Closer

I Fell For You

“Ughh, I’m so tired! I can’t wait to go back to the hotel and get some sleep.” Soojung yawned. She only got three hours of sleep the previous night and if she didn’t sleep soon she’d fall asleep even while standing.

“Yeah, me too but this concert was really fun right?” Victoria said.

Soojung nodded. It was really fun especially the last performance. She loved it when she gets to interact with fans. During other performances they would have to focus on the lyrics and the dance steps but the ending stages allowed them to walk around the whole stage, giving presents, waving, and smiling to their fans.

Kris and Amber were talking to each other and joking around as always. Soojung decided to join them but as soon as she made her way towards them, Amber suddenly left Kris who was in the middle of saying something and went to talk to Key instead.

“Unnie, where are you going?” Soojung asked when Amber walked pass her without a single word.

“Ummm, I’m going to go chat with Key Oppa.” Amber replied awkwardly like she was trying to hide something.

“I thought you were talking to Kris Oppa. I was about to join you guys.”

“Well I figured now that you’re going to keep him company, there’s no need for me there. I wouldn’t want to interrupt you guys.” Amber smiled bitterly to Soojung and walked away.

Soojung raised an eyebrow towards Amber’s weird behaviour. ‘What’s up with Amber Unnie? She looks sad.’ She thought to herself before shrugging and continued making her way towards Kris.

“Hey, Oppa.” Soojung waved towards Kris but he ignored her.

“Kris Oppa?” She called him again but there was still no response. It was like he was in a trance and couldn’t hear a word she said. He was looking at something intently. Soojung followed his gaze and saw what he was looking at. It was Amber. Suddenly a light bulb lighted up in Soojung’s head. It all made sense now. Amber acting weird whenever Soojung talked to Kris and Kris using every chance he got to bring up Amber in their conversations. They were in love with each other and were too afraid to admit it. Soojung grinned mischievously and schemed a way to get them together.

“Boo!” Soojung suddenly yelled into Kris’ left ear.

“Ahhhh!” Kris yelled when he was suddenly shocked out of his trance. Every heads in the backstage area turned towards him and looked at him as if he grew two heads.

“Yah! What was that for?” he yelled at the girl smiling victoriously next to him.

“Hey, don’t blame me! You’re the one who was too busy ogling Amber Unnie to notice me talking to you.” Soojung whispered the last sentence.

“Wh-what are you talking about? I wasn’t ogling Amber!” he said in a hushed voice.

Soojung giggled towards Kris’ poor skill to cover up his embarrassment.

“Sure.” Soojung said sarcastically. Kris’ face was as red as a ripe tomato.

“Kris and Amber sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Soojung teased.

Kris used one hand to cover when she was about to say something else. “Soojungie, stop it! If someone hears you, they will think it’s true.”

Soojung pried Kris’ hand from . “Well, it’s the truth isn’t it? Just confess to her already! You guys would look so adorable together.”

“N-” Kris sighed. There was no use denying it now. Soojung could read him like an open book.

“Yes, it’s true but I can’t tell her how I feel!”

“Why not?” Soojung crossed her arms.

“She would never feel the same way. I mean, look at her! She’s so beautiful and she’s the coolest and funniest girl I’ve ever known and everybody likes her. There are lots of other guys who deserve her more than I do and she’d never go for someone like me. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” Kris smiled sadly.

“Aww, that’s so sweet! And stupid.” Soojung playfully rolled her eyes.

“She’s head over heels for you, Oppa! Trust me. If you tell her how you feel, you guys would be happy together.”

“I don’t know, Soojungie. I don’t think I could do it. She might not feel the same way.”

“Ugghh! Fine, if I can prove to you that Amber Unnie is in love with you, you have to confess to her. Deal?” Soojung said determinedly.

“How are yo-,” Kris let the sentence hang when Soojung suddenly dragged him near Amber and the others.

“Soojungie, what are you doing?” he asked curiously.

“Shh, just follow my lead.” Soojung said before intertwining their fingers together.

“Everyone, attention please! We have an announcement to make.” Every heads turned towards their direction.

“Kris Oppa and I are a couple now. He just confessed to me and I said yes.” She announced happily. Kris tugged her hand and gave her the ‘what-the-hell-are-you-doing’ look.

“Trust me.” Soojung mouthed.

Everyone cheered and congratulated them. Everyone except Amber. She abruptly excused herself and ran away.

“See, I told you! Now, hurry up and go after her!” Soojung let go of Kris’ hands and gave him an encouraging push forward.

“Thanks, Soojungie. I owe you big time. Wish me luck!” he yelled while running after Amber.

“What was that all about?” Kai asked the grinning Soojung.

“Ohh, nothing. You guys just have to wait and see. Just keep in mind that I’m awesome.” Everyone except Kyungsoo sweat-dropped at her sudden declaration. He had tuned out all the noises and chatters around him.

Kyungsoo was crushed. His heart felt as if it had been stabbed a thousand times when Soojung had declared Kris and she was an official couple now. As a friend, he had congratulated and cheered for them like everyone else, but in truth, he was devastated.

Meanwhile, Kris was busy chasing after Amber. He saw her wiped her tears with the back of her hand when he followed her into the waiting room. It broke his heart to see her cry because of him. Amber turned around when she heard footsteps behind her.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be celebrating with Sooju-,” she was cut off buy his lips on hers. She frozed but she started kissing him back after she registered what was happening. Kris was about to encircle her waist with his arms when she suddenly pushed him away.

“No, this is wrong! You’re Soojung’s boyfriend. She’ll be crushed if she found out about this! Let’s pretend this never happened, okay?” Amber was about to leave when Kris hugged her from the back. She struggled to get out of his embrace.

“Kris, stop it! Why are you doing this? The one you love is Soojung, not me!” she tried to pry his arms off her.

“No, you’re wrong. I don’t love Soojung, I’m in love with you since the day I met you when we were still trainees.”

Amber eventually stopped struggling. “But what about what Soojung said just now?”

“It was all just an act to see whether you felt the same way about me. I’m sorry I hurt you and made you cry.” Kris turned Amber around to face him and tilted her chin up to meet her eyes.

“Amber, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?”

Amber nodded and smiled while shedding tears of joy. She hugged him and whispered into his ears “I love you too, pabo.” They leaned closer to each other and their lips met for the second time that day.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” Kyungsoo yelled. He looked so angry that his face turned crimson red and veins popped out on his temples, and behind him stood a confused looking Sehun who was gaping like a fish.

“Kyungsoo, we can expl-” Kris’ sentence was cut off by a punch Kyungsoo delivered on his left check.

“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO SOOJUNG?! YOU CONFESSED TO HER AND A FEW MINUTES LATER YOU’RE SWAPPING SPIT WITH ONE OF HER BEST FRIENDS?!” he yelled menacingly. He was really angry. He never felt this way before. Kyungsoo was so angry that he felt murderous.

Sehun quickly left to get some help. He knew he couldn’t stop Kyungsoo by himself. “Guys, come quickly! Kyungsoo hyung and Kris hyung are fighting in the waiting room!”

“What happened?” Chanyeol asked in panic.

“No time to explain. Let’s go!” Sehun ran back to the waiting room before anyone could say anything else. They hurriedly followed Sehun.

“Kyungsoo, stop! We can explain!” Amber tried to stop Kyungsoo from punching Kris for the second time.

Kyungsoo glared daggers at her and clenched his hands at his sides. “Shut up! You don’t get to talk. How could you go behind your best friend’s back and kiss her boyfriend? You’re the worst.”

 Kris punched Kyungsoo square on the jaw. He could stand being insulted and beaten up because of a misunderstanding, but he could not just stand there when someone insulted the girl he loved.

When Kyungsoo was just about to punch Kris back, the Exo members pull them away from each other.

“What is going on in here?” Kai asked.

“That scumbag cheated on Soojung!” Kyungsoo struggled to get out of his friends’ hold.

“Th-this is all because of me?” Soojung’s eyes became glassy with tears.

“I’m so sorry Oppa. It was just an act to get Kris Oppa and Amber Unnie together. I didn’t mean for it to turn out this way.” She sobbed.

Kris pulled Soojung into a hug. “Shhh. Don’t cry Soojungie. This is not your fault. Everything is fine now.” he tried to soothe her.

“No, everything is not fine. You and Kyungsoo Oppa fought and got hurt because of my stupid plan. I’m sorry.”

“Your plan is not stupid, it’s brilliant. You manage to get us to confess to each other and without you; we wouldn’t have the guts to do it.” Amber playfully ruffled Soojung’s hair to lighten up the mood.

Soojung wiped away her tears and went to Kyungsoo. “Oppa, are you mad at me?”

At first there was no reaction from him, but when she was about to apologize again, he smiled warmly at her. “I’m not mad, just shocked and I’m kind of glad because I won’t have to see you get your heart broken.”

“Man, that was really cheesy.” Suho said and everyone burst out laughing.

When Kyungsoo was just about to think that he could not blush an even darker shade of red, Soojung hugged him and his face turned crimson.

“Thanks, Oppa.” She whispered and he nodded in response.

“Hyung, I’m sorry for insulting and punching you.” Kyungsoo apologized sincerely.

“It’s okay. If I were in your shoes, I’d do the same thing. So are we still Bros or what?” Kris grinned.

“Thanks. Yeah, we’re still Bros.” they hugged and patted each other on the back.

“Take good care of her after you confess your feelings to her someday.” Kris whispered just for the two of them to hear.

“Wh-what do you mean?” Kyungsoo was flustered.

“You know what I mean.” With that, he walked away leaving an embarrassed Kyungsoo behind.

“Amber, I’m really sorry for insulting you.”

“It’s all good, Bro. I’m glad there’s someone who would go to such great lengths to protect Soojungie from getting hurt.” She smiled mischievously before adding in a hushed tone, “If you don’t tell her how you feel soon, maybe you wouldn’t be as lucky as me and Kris.”

Kyungsoo felt as if his face was on fire. ‘Was I that obvious?’ he thought to himself.

“Kyungsoo Oppa, come here. Let me treat that cut on your lips.” Soojung called Kyungsoo and patted the seat next to her.

“Hey, how come you’re offering to treat Kyungsoo and not me?” Kris pretended to sulk.

“You have Amber Unnie to take care of you.” Soojung stuck her tongue out.

“Are you implying that Kyungsoo have you to take care of him now?” Kris winked suggestively. Both Kyungsoo and Soojung blushed at the comment. Soojung took a pillow from the couch and threw it towards the grinning Kris.

“Pabo.” Soojung gave Kris the ‘you-better-stop-this-or-you’ll-regret-it’ look and it immediately shut him up.

“This is going to sting a little.” Soojung warned before dabbing alcohol onto the cut gently.

Kyungsoo didn’t feel any pain at all. He was too busy willing his blood from rushing to his face whenever he looked at her beautiful face from up close. He didn’t even realise that Soojung had finished treating the cut until she got up and put the first-aid kit away. Happy would be an understatement to what he was feeling. He was over the moon. He and Soojung were never really close to each other. They would just smile politely when they meet and that was it but today was different.

His train of thoughts was interrupted when the manager came in. “Guys, it’s time to go back to the hotel. Make sure you don’t leave anything behind. The boys will get on bus A and the girls will get on bus B. Hurry, please. The buses will leave in 10 minutes.”

All of them scattered to get their stuffs and made their way to the back entrance of the building where the buses were. Kyungsoo was the last one to leave the waiting room. He was surprised to find Soojung waiting for him outside. They walked side by side in silence until Soojung decided to speak.

“I want to thank you again for today.”

“I didn’t do anything that you should be thanking me for.” Kyungsoo scratched his head awkwardly. He was still embarrassed for creating a scene because of a misunderstanding.

“Yes you did. You got into a fight just to protect my feelings even when we're not that close and if someday my actual boyfriend cheats on me, I would want you to punch him.” Soojung smiled warmly at him.

“Sure, I’ll beat the crap out of anyone who hurts you in the future, but you have to tell me if you’re scheming something next time. Deal?”

“Deal. Ummm. Oppa wo-would you want to get some coffee or something sometimes?” Soojung was looking at anywhere but his face. She was too embarrassed to meet his eyes.

“S-sure.” They smiled to each other and walked side by side, secretly smiling to themselves.






How was it? Good or bad? Tell me what you guys think! criticism are welcomed but no bashing please~ Keep the comments coming! P/S: Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors. English is not my first language. Lots of love from meeee~ <3




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Chapter 3: maygodddd that is so cuteee T^T
krisber_1806 #2
Chapter 3: Next with krisber please...
Congrat to kyungstal...
Chapter 2: This sounds right unlike the first chapter. So it's krystal centric story not krisber*sighs*
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 2: Hoooo good...
I think krystal little by little will love to D.O...
And congrat to KRISBER...
Chapter 1: Can't wait for kyungstal moment :)
Oooh I'm looking forward to this. Yes. <3
krisber_1806 #7
Chapter 1: Owwww poor d.o and amber....
Ohhh i like the sibling moment of kris and krystal...
Update more....
krisber_1806 #8
Owwww krisber instead kyungstal...
But why little krisber...
More please....
gm3211 #9
Chapter 1: please kaistal... haha i wish
tarquin #10
Chapter 1: Update more soon!!