Do you love me?



Yo Seob was looking at them, he knows what Lay is going to ask Na Eun. He goes closer to Na Eun and takes her.

"Na Eun! We have to go, did you forget that we have to do the science lab? The recess is going to end"

Lay didn't stop Yo Seob because it happened to fast that he couldn't react. Few minutes later, the bell rang. Lay returned to the classroom and the class started. 

"Today we are going to do an experiment in pairs. Now, go and get a partner"

Lay was going to go with Na Eun but Yo Seob was faster and Sehun was with Joohyun so he went with the one that was left, Hyeri. She was a shy girl, very intelligent. Sehun really like her.

"Can I go with you?"


Meanwhile they were doing the project Lay asked Hyeri.

"Do you know Sehun right?"

"Yes. What happen with him?"

"Do you think about him? Do you think he is handsome?"

Lay asked because he wanted to make them closer and know how Hyeri feels about him.

"Hmm...yes...he is very talented"

All students finished making the project; the bell rang for all to go home. Sehun and Lay went walking together because they live near each other.

"It is finally friday! I'm so happy. By the way...hyung, why were you talking too much with Hyeri? For a project you don't need to talk too much, what were you talking about?"

"If you are so curious go and ask her"

"Hyung! please tell me"

"OK. I asked her what she thinks about you and..."

"What she said?!" screamed Sehun interrupting Lay

"Calm down! she said that you are handsome and that you are talented"

"I just know how to dance; she sings, dances, and she is also beautiful"

"If you like her that much, ask her out"

"If you ask Na Eun I will do it"

"okay" said Lay

"Ok we have a deal"

 We have to ask them tomorrow" said Lay

"Tomorrow! Are you crazy, I'm not prepared"

"Tomorrow. You already said we have a deal, BYE!" screamed Lay entering to his house.

Next day both called.


~Sehun at the phone~                                                                                                    ~Lay at the phone~

“Yeoboseyo”                                                                                                          “Hi NaNa. I wanted to ask you if

“Hi Hyeri, I was wondering if you                                                                               you want to go to the park. We can

want to go to the amusement park with me?”                                                             walk and eat some icecream”

“Hmm…okay”                                                                                                        “Ok. We can meet at the park’s

“Oh! great . I will go pick you up at 5:00”                                                                   entrance”

                                                                                                                              “Ok. See you”


After called. They were getting prepared for they "dates"


--Lay and Na Eun date--


lay went to the park to see Na Eun. When he got there she was waiting for him at the park entrance. She saw him and smile. Then, Lay smiled back.
 "hi Na Eun!"
 "hello Lay"
 "what do you want to do first?" ask Na Eun
 "I don't know... would you like to buy icecream and walk around the park"
 They went to look for the icecream
 "Give me chocolate icecream and a coffee frappe"
  Then Lay went with Na Eun and gave her the coffee frappe and she said
 "how did you know a I wanted coffee frappe?"
 "Because I know you" Lay said and Na Eun laughed
 they were talking about random things meanwhile they were walking and suddenly Lay asked.
 "Do you like Yoseob?"
 asked Lay
 "no. Why are you asking'"
 "Because lately you are passing a lot of time with him"


~awkward silence~

"Are you jealous..?"


 "well...Yes a little.I thought you will abandon me for him" 

"I love to much to abandon you"

 "Oh...really. How? like friends or more than that" said Lay plafully

 "I don't know..."

 "Well...I like you and I would like you to be my girlfriend" said Lay trying not to look nervous



 "Are you asking me if I want to be your girlfriend?"

 "Hmmm...I guess" he said with his face blush

 "yes,I want"

 said Na Eun with a bright smile and Lay smiled

 After that Lay took Na Eun to her house

 "Bye, I will call you later"



--Sehun and Hyeri date--

"Appa...Can you lend me your car?"ask Sehun

"for what..? I will not give my porche to an 16 years old kid"

"But please I will take care of it"

"NO,go ask your sister to lend you her car"

 "But appa her car is pink"

 "I don't care. If you don't want to use your sister's pink car then go buy one"

 Sehun went to ask his sister to lend him her car



 "Can you lend me your car?"

 "why? for something someone invent buses"

 "please noona please"


 Sehun went to look for Hyeri in his pink car. When he got to Hyeri's house, Hyeri enter to the car and said

"I like your car..." She said trying not to laugh

 Then,they saw each other and started laughing. They got to the amusment park. They had a a lot of fun with all those roller coasters and Sehun throw up because he drank 5 bubble teas. It was already 9 O'clock and they were in the amusment park. Sehun was planning to say that he like her in the Ferris Wheel but he wasn't sure because he thought it was too fast. Sehun and Hyeri were walking around the park and when he was about to say to hyeri if she wanted to go to the Ferris Wheel she said it first. Hyeri really wanted to see seoul at night.

 "So...where do you want to go? maybe we can go to the ferr.."

 "Lets go to the ferris wheel!! I want to see how the buildings lights, light seoul at night"


 She grabs Sehun hand and run to the Ferris Wheel and Sehun gets surprised

"Oh!look it looks better than I thought"

 "Ha Ha yes"

"Hyeri...I want to say you something"


¨ok here we go¨ sehun whispered

 "I really like you. I wanted to say you this long time ago but I never got the courage to said it.And for me you are the most beautiful girl in this world"

Hyeri didn't said anything but he could see the happiness in her eyes. After that they walked around the park.

"Oh! Sehun look at the stars they are so beautiful"

Sehun didn't saw the stars but instead he look at her and though with you in here can't see the stars because you shine brighter than them.

Hyeri notice that Sehun was staring at her and meanwhile she was looking at the stars she asked.
"Sehun, why are you staring at me?"
Sehun didn't know how to reply when suddenly a kid in skates was going towards them without stopping.

 "Watchh ouuuuuuut!" Screamed the kid.

The kid bumped into Hyeri and she almost fall. Sehun held her in the waist. 
"Hyeri, are you okay?"
Hyeri saw Sehun's hand on her waist and Sehun noticed it. 
"Oh, sorry."Sehun let go of her.
"Thank you" said hyeri
"Hyung, noonaa: i'm sorry" said the boy
"It's okay. It was an accident. You didn't get hurt right?" Asked hyeri with a smile on her face.

 "I am okay noona and sorry again"

when the boy left he also fall like a million times. Sehun and Hyeri had a good time laughing at the poor little boy.

 " I think we should go now, your parents must be worried" said Sehun to Hyeri


I finally published chapter 4

It took me a lot of time because my lack of inspiration but finally publish it  

thanks to the people who read the story until know  :D








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didiluhan04 #1
Woooooow hahahaha