I like you


Yixing couldn't takke away his look from her. She awkwardly asked. "your name is?"

"oh! I am Yixing, you can call me Lay" said Yixing waking up from his daydream 

"ok I have to go"

Yixing's parents went out from the principal office and told Yixing to enter. "the principal is calling you"

When Yixing entered the principal office, there was an exam waiting for him. After seeing Yixing's exam, the principal notices that  he will fit on The Arts

Departament. The principal told him he will start school next week. The first day of school he was very nervous  because he didn't know anyone.

He entered the classroom and sat down, a good looking guy with a colourful hair sat beside him.

He greets Yixing. "hi I'm Sehun. Are you new here?"

"I'm Lay and yes this is my first day"

Na Eun entered the room and Lay asked  " who is she?" because he wanted to know more about Na Eun.

"oh! she, she is my girlfriend"

"really" said Lay disapointed

"just kiding! she is my best friend"

Then Sehun called her to meet Lay. "hi Na Eun this is Lay"

"yes I know we have seen each other before" said Na Eun laughing 

"oh! so you have met before. Now I understand Lay" said Sehun with a mischievous smile.

"what's up in your mind guys?"

"nothing" said Sehun

The teacher entered the room and the class started. "take out your books on page 39"

Then suddenly a girl abruptly open the door and shouted. "I'm here! I'm here! I'm not late right?"

"you are late like always Mrs. Joo Hyun"

"damn it" Joo Hyun whispered

She was Sehun's and Na Eun's bestfriend. By the time, they were getting closer, but still they didn't know about Lay's heart disease. He didn't wanted anyone 

to feel sorry for him. But what he didn't know was that Sehun knew long time ago...


Lay and Sehun were walking in the park,

"lets do a race" said Sehun

"no thanks I'm tired"

"you just say that because you know you are going to lose" Sehun said and started running.

Lay followed him, after they stopped running they hardly breath. Lay felt his heart beating very fast and he fainted. Sehun didn't know what was happening he 

took Lay to the nearest hospital. Sehun wait for a long time until the doctor came out. "Are you the one  that brought Zhang YIxing" said the doctor


"your friend has a very big damage on his heart but I found some pills in his jacket so I think he knows"

"ok, I will go see him" Sehun goes to Lay's room surprised

"hi! what does the doctor said?"

"nothing important just that you will be fine"


It was a normal day of school but something make it special for Lay because he was going to declare his love to Na Eun. Something that he didn't know was 

that Na Eun also likes him but no one knows except Joo Hyun. In the morning when Lay was walking to the school found Yo Seob, a boy who is in love with

Na Eun and secretly hated Lay."hi! good morning" said Lay friendly

"hello..." said Yo Seob hipocritically "and for whom are does flowers" asked Yo Seob 

In that moment the bus arrived and Lay didn't anwer Yo Seob's question. 

Lay entered the classroom and hid the flowers and Sehun asked. "when are you going to ask her?"

"maybe when the class ends"

the classes passed and Lay didn't concentrate because he was thinking in what to say. When the bell for the last class to end rang Lay went to his locker to

take the flowers but they were already wilted so he didn't took them.

"Na Eun!" Lay screamed 

"yes.." said Na Eun

"I have something to tell you can you come with me" 

Lay grabs her hand and Na Eun gets surprised in that moments Yo Seob is looking at them, he will do anything for Lay not to be with Na Eun. Lay took Na Eun to a especial place in the school that only he knows.

"why did you took me here?"

"is that I wanted to ask you..."


thanks for reading 


NEXT CHAPTER coming soon









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didiluhan04 #1
Woooooow hahahaha