I'm Sorry Baekhyun

My New Assistant

(image cr to owner)


“Are you feeling better now?”

“Yeah hyung, thank you.”

“I’m so sorry for earlier. I was feeling stress and I didn’t saw you until the very last moment. I almost crashed you for God’s sake! I’m so sorry V,” Chanyeol looked down, feeling really guilty that he almost kill someone, more importantly someone he know and someone special for him.

“Hey hyung, I’m okay now, that’s all matters. I was just a little bit shock, that’s why my legs gave away,” the boy gave Chanyeol reassuring smile though the latter didn’t seem convinced. Chanyeol glanced nervously at the boy sitting comfortably on the couch in front of him.

“Are you sure you don’t need to go to the hospital? I can call my personal doctor you know?” He asked once more, still anxious about the boy’s condition.

The younger groaned,“Hyung, rather than crying over my non-existing injury, not that it doesn’t amuse me, I’d rather you prepare some food for me. I’m hungry as hell, I was holding my take-away sweet and sour fried chicken and I dropped it earlier because I was shock. You could at least treat me something and I will forgive you,” the boy ranted, tired of hearing Chanyeol’s apology. After the almoct-accident, Chanyeol was taking him to the older boy’s apartment and apologizing for like seventy times in half an hour.

“…….okay. I guess I’ll call a chinese food restaurant nearby. Are you-“

“Hyung!” the smaller boy glared at him, reminded him of someone.

“Fine, what do you want to eat?” Chanyeol sighed in defeat.

The boy beamed,”Jjampong and chicken!”




The wedding was spectacular. The amount of  reporters came in front of the building to report the event were no joke and Tao was briefly wondering if Kris’s family was originally a noble family. Angela looked so happy with Johnny and all of the attendees are very happy for them.

“Hey,” Tao turned his head only to find an ethereal man, who absolutely look like he just come straight from the manga Tao often read. Tao swore he saw a pair of wings behind the man’s white suit.

“What’s up Kris?”

“Come with me,” Kris said and walked between the crowd.

Tao followed him and they stopped at a balcony. They could see a pond under the balcony with some goose and swan swimming and the lights on the balcony are slightly dimmed compared with the blinding lights of the wedding hall. The faint music could be heard but there’s no sign of prople near this balcony. Maybe they’re all too busy dancing and eating and enjoying the wedding party.

“This place is quitter but nicer and peace,” Kris said.

Tao had to agree. The wedding was nice but he felt a little bit suffocated inside.

Suddenly Kris stretched his right hand,”Would you like to dance with me?”

Tao was stunned for a moment but then he took Kris’s hand. Kris placed his hands on Tao’s waist and brought their body closer. Tao shyly placed his hands on Kris’s shoulder, enjoying the warm embrace and moving his body with slow rhythm.


They danced for a while, not saying anything, just enjoying each other’s company. They didn’t know how long they stayed like that. Suddenly, Kris tighten his hold, and pressed their body even closer and he kissed Tao’s forehead.





After the wedding, the boys came back to Kris’s mansion and decided to rest because they have to go back to Seoul the next afternoon.


Kris heard someone knocked his room and shouted,”Come in!”

The man entered his room was the least expected man he thought would come to his room. Kris cocked his eyebrows,”Kyungsoo?”

The said man gave him a smile and walked to the couch near his bed. Not that he hated Kyungsoo’s visit but he was just surprised as Kyungsoo was usually need hours to pack his stuff since he loves to bring some of his cooking utensils everywhere.

“I just noticed that you look soo gloomy and it’s your cousin’s big day. Maybe you need someone to talk to?” Kyungsoo opened the conversation.

“But I’m okay. I don’t really want to talk about anything,” Kris denied.

“Really? Well, just saying that maybe I’m a better option than Baek or the lovers down there,” Kyungsoo shrugged.

Kris gave a deep sigh, sometimes Kyungsoo could scarily read him, it’s like Kyungsoo was his childhood friend instead of Kai’s,”I’m fine Kyungie, just a little tired and overwhelmed with the party,” he gave an answer that he knew wouldn’t convince Kyungsoo at all. They maybe only knew each other for two years but living in one roof every day for two years made them know each other really well.

And as he expected,”You? Overwhelmed with a party?” Kyungsoo scoffed,”You used to go partying in a bad term everytime, why would you overwhelmed with a good party like wedding party?”

“That’s the point Kyungie, I saw the look in Angela’s eyes. I saw how happy she is. And I could literally feel their love for each other. I just thought that I want to find someone too. Someone I could spend my life with. Someone I adore. Someone that can make my life complete,” Kris’s voice getting smaller with each word he said and he ended facepalmed himself which Kyungsoo assumed as he was blushing.

“Whoa, never thought that you could be a sappy romanticist,” he smirked.

“Oh shut up!” Kris threw the nearest pillow to Kyungsoo.

“And this thoughts have nothing to do with a certain Kungfu Panda in this house?” he dug further.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Kyungie,” this time Kyungsoo was sure he saw a tint of pink in Kris’s cheek. Kyungsoo had been curious of how Kris’s face looks like when he’s in love but he never thought that the older boy could actually looked even cute.

“Oh yes, you do. What happened at the beach?” Kris knew that Kyungsoo wouldn’t let him go easily. Maybe he did need someone to talk to afterall. His face started to look gloomy again.

The taller took a deep breath and started,”I said that maybe I like him.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes got widen and it’s almost comical but they’re talking seriously so Kris just continue…



“About that night Tao…” Kris started making Tao turned his face to meet his eyes.

“It…it wasn’t a spontaneous action. I won’t say sorry because I honestly didn’t feel sorry. I….”

Tao waited patiently.

“I thought I might like you,” he said. He saw Tao’s eyes widen for a moment and his expression change. But as soon as he blinked, Tao’s face was unreadable.

Then Tao smiled cutely,”I like you too…and I like Junmyeon hyung, Lay gege, Kyungsoo, Baekhyunie hyung, even Zhoumi gege. You all are so good to me,” Tao exclaimed and continue his walked on the sandy beach.

“But Tao..”

“Hey gege! Let’s make a bet, whoever lose should piggyback the winner!” Tao’s eyes turned into crescent and Kris’s brain went malfunction.


“Whoever find 5 starfishes first, win. Start!” and Tao was skipping happily to the sea.

Kris’s brain was still struggling for the sudden request but he followed Tao immediately.

And that’s how he ended up carrying Tao back to his grandmother’s villa. Not that he mind much, actually but he got teased by the boys soon after he stepped in the villa. And he haven’t got any chance to explain to Tao after that.




“We also danced tonight on the balcony.”

“Really? No wonder I couldn’t find you two half time of the party. Sometimes I wonder if Tao was really that naïve or he’s just in denial,” Kyungsoo commented.

“Hey, what’s that suppose to mean?” Kris asked, obviously confused.

“Nothing. So, I guess I have to pack my stuff then,”  Kyungsoo stood up and walked away.

“Oh…and Kris?”

Kris looked up,”Yeah?”

“My precious baby panda is like a little kid sometimes but I still think that he’s not that innocent so fighting!” he gave Kris a little punch-in-the-air gesture and left the room.




“Welcome Mr Xi, Mr Kim,” a middle-aged man bowed at the airport.

“Mr Jang, thank you for coming,” Luhan smiled to the man.

Mr Jang took over the trolley and led them to the car.


“What?” Luhan asked the shorter boy beside him.

“I wanna buy a coffee first,” the boy gave his cute smile.

“Xiumin, you coffee maniac! Go! We’ll wait here.”

Xiumin grinned and walked,”Buy me Frapuccinno with extra caramel Xiumin-ah!” Luhan shouted.

Xiumin turned his head and stuck his tongue,”I’m gonna buy one for Mr Jang instead.”

Luhan chuckled at his friend’s antics. He turned his head to Mr Jang,”Mr Jang, is there any progress?”

Mr Jang met his eye and tell,”No, there is not. We’ll expand our search to Seoul next week Sir. It seems like there  is no trace of him at the other cities.”

Luhan nodded and took a deep sigh,”He knew that we trace him, I guess. I don’t blame him for running away. He was having a hard times and I wasn’t there.”

“Don’t blame yourself Mr Xi, you were still so young back then, you couldn’t do anything for him. We promise we’ll find him as soon as possible and we won’t stop until you meet him personally,” Mr Jang’s eyes softened for a moment and Luhan felt like he was seeing his grandfather. Mr Jang was his grandfather’s right hand and bestfriend. He had been his grandfather’s assistant for more than fourty five years until his grandfather passed away of heart attack.

“Mr Jang! I was’t sure what coffee do you like but I bought a hot Americano for you,” Xiumin popped out and handed the coffee to Mr Jang.

“Thank you Mr Kim. I love Americano,” Mr Jang said kindly.

“Well, it’s definitely a manlier taste than our sweet-tooth friend here,” Xiumin said giving Luhan the Frapuccinno with extra caramel.

“Hey!” Luhan protested.

“Let’s go home!,” Xiumin exclaimed happily skipping and dragging Mr Jang who was surprised by his action but tagging along anyway.

Luhan just chuckled and followed them while sipping his coffee.




The mirror was a little bit steamy on  the corner of a big room. The room was completed with a high quality stereo set and a huge mirror. On a side of the mirror, a boy was sitting and panting, his wet t-shirt was stuck in the mirror, making the mirror steamy with the hot air radiated from the sweaty body.

The door of the dance room cracked  and the boy looked up.

“Hi Jonginie,” a smile creep to the sweaty boy unconsciously.

“Kyungie, what are you doing here? Aren’t you suppose to be in Taiwan?” Kyungsoo closed the dance room door and walked to the boy with a perfect sun-kissed skin, chocolate abs and adonis-feature on one corner of the room. He sat beside the taller.

“You must have forget what day it is. It’s already Wednesday and I came back yesterday. You spent your time here everyday didn’t you? Did you even had a proper meal? Aaahh---don’t hug me, you’re stinks and drenched!”

And the boy called Jongin chuckled but still pulled him in a half hug before released him, enjoying Kyungsoo’s scowling face. The dark velvety voice made Kyungsoo shivers because the truth is, he missed Jongin so much and he didn’t really mind being hugged by Jongin even in that state-not that he would admit it loudly.

“Yeah, I practically live here since you went To Taiwan and don’t worry, my dear, I ordered a take out sometimes. I should really fire my best cook for leaving me to attend a marvelous wedding party instead of take care of his poor bestfriend.”

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes,”Blame Grandma Wu and Grandma Zhang, they’re the one who would sulked like a child if I didn’t go visit them,” even though Kyungsoo was whinning, the taller could hear a hint of love and care in Kyungsoo’s voice. Kyungsoo loves Kris’s grandmas as they always treated him as their grandchild. Well, grandma Wu and grandma Zhang practically treated everyone close to Kris and Lay as they grandchild, that’s just how kind they were.

“Right, they love you. Where’s Kris?”

“Yes they love me but grandma Zhang complained to me and Lay hyung about you and Sehun didn’t come there. Kris went to his interview and photoshoot schedules and I decided that it’s time to pay a visit to my bestfriend who barely took care of himself when I’m not around,” Kyungsoo added. He stared at Jongin’s face intently. The taller seemed to overused his body again and had developed dark circles from lack of sleep.

“It couldn’t be helped, I have a concert next week and Sehun was busy with his photo schedules. Beside, I still have to perfect my move and synchronize some moves with my dancers.”

“Right, the ever so wonderful dancer, The Amazing Kai who happened to be my bestfriend who didn’t even bother to send me the ticket of his first dance concert,” Kyungsoo pouted.

Jongin stared at him, amused as why did this bestfriend of his could be so damn cute without even trying,”I wanted to give you personally but you went to Taiwan and I haven’t got any chance ever since.”

“But still, you didn’t even call me much, I bet you even still spare your time to hang out with Sehun at Liquid,” the smaller boy continued his pouting session.

“We’ll I won’t say I didn’t because I did went to Liquid with Sehun for like three times but hey, I’ll die if I practice non stop and I don’t know what to do without you and don’t pout! You make it harder to resist the urge to kiss the pout away,” Jongin nudged the boy beside him. They’ve been bestfriend for like forever but Kyungsoo seemed so oblivious of his feelings. But then again, as Kris said, he didn’t really make any move to break that friendship into another step of relationship.

Kyungsoo scoffed evily, one of the twisted expression that always made Jongin amazed, coming from such a cute face,”As if you dare to do that.”

Kyungsoo was used to being teased by Jongin and being the flirty boy Jongin-is, Kyungsoo saw every single girls Jongin dated in the past, not to mention girls who came to Kyungsoo. Everyone knew they’re bestfriend and the girls always beg Kyungsoo to get back into Jongin after he dumped them. That lasted until they were graduated from high school since Jongin went to Zhang Art Dance School to pursue his passion in dance and Kyungsoo learned cooking from his mother’s friend who happened to be one of the best chef in Seoul.

“Nuh, don’t tempt me Kyungie…” Jongin said in a sing-song voice. Kyungsoo merely raised his left eyebrow, there’s a challenge in his eyes. Jongin always threatened to kiss him but he never actually do that. Heck he only kissed Kyungsoo twice on the cheek at his tenth and 21st birthday. Kyungsoo shook his thought, ‘and why would I wanted Jongin to actually kiss me? It’s not like he like me that way. Maybe it’s time to smack my own head so that I could think straight again.

“You’re the one who asked,” Jongin said and before Kyungsoo’s brain could process what it means or even blink, Jongin’s face ghosting over his. Their face was a mere millimeters away and so does their lips.


With Kyungsoo being so close, Jongin;s brain seemed malfunctioned. He had been waiting for this moment for too long. He studied Kyungsoo’s feature. His owlish cute eyes, his thick brows that often raised in mischief, his cute nose, soft chubby cheek that he enjoy a little too much to pinch, and his oh-so-devilish-heart-shapped-lips.

On the other hand, Kyungsoo thought that Jongin was only teasing him again. That, until he felt a soft lips met his. He actually froze for a while. Jongin’s lips feels like everything he ever dreamed of, only better. Their kiss was innocent and as naughty as Kyungsoo ever imagined if he get a chance to kiss Jongin, he didn’t want to have his first kiss with Jongin any other way. Jongin kissed him gently and the kiss only last for a few seconds. Jongin pulled back for a few inches and look straightly at Kyungsoo’s eyes and felt relieve that there’re no hint of disgust or upset there.

“You know how I feel about you, don’t you?” he whispered gently.

“I’m not sure Jonginie…I-“

“I love you,” and before Kyungsoo got a chance to reply, Jongin kissed him again, this time he moved his lips on Kyungsoo’s and Kyungsoo was melted in the kiss.




The make-up kits were scaterred on the table and a tall man with a blonde locks was sitting, closing his eyes as another man with a shorter build and dark brown locks drew a brown eyeliner on him.

“Tao-pass me the wet tissue,” his beautiful hand reach to a fierce looking boy beside him.

The said boy took the tissue from the table and gave it to the smaller boy.

“Powder brush.”


“Lip balm.”


“And you’re done. Oh I never said that you’re handsome but my hands indeed brought miracles,” Baekhyun stated.

“Yeah, right,” Kris scoffed sarcastically.

“Kris, the Entertainment Relay’s crew’s ready. Clara-ssi’s already in set,” Junmyeon entered the room with an ipad in his hand.




The interview filled with laughter as the host talked about Kris and Clara’s recent movie and some of their main scenes including the ones they took in Prague where Kris declarate his love to Clara’s character.

The hosts lifted the atmosphere by asking if they were each other’s ideal type in whick Clara had reply with a quick,“Of course, he was every girls dream,” making the fans and the staff cooed.

Kris showed his gummy smile,”Clara noona is very beautiful physically and personality wise. I think boys will line up to get her heart. She took care of me a lot at filming and I was very thankful. She’s also a very lovable person,” making Clara blushed.




“Yeah, right,” Tao whispered sulkily.

“Whoa, jealous much,” Baekhyun who happened to hear him because he was standing at his side, observing the whole interview commented.

Tao snapped back, still in whisper,”What? Jealous? Why would I?” he pouted.

“Well, they do look good together,” Baekhyun continued, unable to hid his grin.

“Nah, she’s too beautiful for Kris. Kris doesn’t deserve a goddess like her.”

Baekhyun was about to more but his phone suddenly vibrated and he walked out of the shooting room to answer his call, leaving Tao still pouting.

“How could he actually being touchy and flirty to a girl after he said he like me, duh!” He grunted to himself.




The mix of orange and red and dark blue color of the sky lighten the big cozy room. Luhan stretched himself and turn on the lights in the living room of his condo. He just woke from his nap and turns out that it was already six pm. His stomach growling because he skipped his lunch for taking a proper nap.


It’s been about three weeks since he moved to Seoul and take care of Asian Star Entertainment’s headquarter in Seoul.  He work overtime five days a week and decided to search his cousin himself on Saturday and Sunday to help Mr Jang’s duty. His body screamed in protest. He went to office at seven in the morning on Friday and came back at ten in the morning on Saturday. He fell asleep soon after he took a shower an change his clothes into a simple tracksuit and t-shirt.


He was about to make a call to order a takeout when he heard someone entered the condo. There’s only one person who knew his condo password.

“You’re awake,” a certain bun walked happily while swinging two plastic in both of his hands.

“Yeah, where did you go?”

Xiumin put the plastic bags on the table near the kitchen and took a glass of water for himself.

“Out, walking around the neighborhood and bought some dinner. You haven’t eat anything and I know you’ll be hungry as hell when you wake up so I bought dakgalbi and daktoritang .”

Luhan grinned happily like a little kid,”I love you Minseokie!!! Come here, let me give you a kiss,” Luhan stretched his arms wide and puckered his lips.

“Ieuw, no thanks. I don’t wanna kissed by a deer,” the older  stuck out his tongue. He took three plates and a bowl, placing the dish on the plate and the bowl and handed one of the plate to Luhan.

They enjoyed the dishes peacefully until Luhan break the silence,”So, how does it feels coming back home?”

Xiumin just shrugged,”It’s been a long time since I came here and my family already love Taiwan so, I seriously feel nothing special.”

“Cheer up, maybe you’ll find the handsome Doctor Jongdae here, you said he lives in Korea,” Luhan said to his bestfriend slash housemate.

Luhan was the one who asked Xiumin to tag along him, moving to Seoul. Being an extremely good bestfriend he is, Xiumin agreed to accompany Luhan because, well, Luhan’s Korean were quite good but Luhan didn’t know much about places in Korea. He just went to Korea several times to visit the headquarter and live in a hotel nearby. He never went to another places during his visits. Luhan had Mr Jang build a coffee shop near their condo and Xiumin worked there as the Director and the barista.

“Right. In case you didn’t know yet, Korea consist of a few islands and many big cities, how could you be so sure that Dr. Chen lives in Seoul?” Xiumin raised his eyebrow.

Luhan took a sip of water before answering,”I don’t know, just have this feeling that you’re gonna meet him soon.”




“Chanyeol hyung!” Chanyeol heard a voice and saw a boy beamed from the corner of a café.

“V? You’re here too?” Chanyeol gave his goofy smile to the said boy. He took a sit in front of the boy.

The boy nodded,”This is my favorite café. I always came here after I ended my photography class or when I-“

“Taehyung-ah!” they heard another boy’s voice.

“Daehyunie hyung, you came already? But you said you’re gonna be late?” the youngest cocked his brows in confusion.

“Yongjae helped me with the paper so I finished early,” Daehyun answer and just then realized somebody else’s presence. He turned his head and froze,”Chanyeol hyung?”

Chanyeol gulped nervously,”Hi Daehyunie, long time no see.”

“What are you doing here?” he said coldly. Chanyeol didn’t expect any other response from the younger but still, he felt sad. Daehyun’s shoulder visibly tensed after he recognized him.

Before Chanyeol could answer, Daehyun turned his head to the youngest of them all,”What are you doing with him? Why does he here? Are you crazy? If-“

“Daehyunie, it’s not V’s fault, I just happen to saw him and decided to greet him. He was just being polite,” Chanyeol explained immediately. Daehyun stood silent in front of their table.

“I’m sorry,” he continued,”for everything.”

“Hyung, don’t be mean. Chanyeol hyung already said he’s sorry,” Taehyung pleaded.

“I-I- just, he’s coming Taehyung-ah, what if-“

“Hi guys, do you miss me? I swear Taiwan’s sooo damn cool and I really wanna bring you guys there someday. And why are you standing there Daehyunie? Oh! Do you bring your friend Taehyung-ah?” they heard one more familiar voice from behind Daehyun.

The three of them froze and Baekhyun’s face contorted in confusion until he saw the boy sitting in front of Taehyung that was concealed by Daehyun’s body earlier.


“!” Daehyun cursed.

“Daehyunie, bring Taehyung to my apartment. I felt like order a takeout instead,” Baekhyun turned his body and walked angrily out of the café.

“Baek!” Chanyeol tried to chase the smaller boy but Baekhyun was incredibly fast and he was already on his car by the time Chanyeol reach the café door.

Chanyeol saw Baekhyun’s car disappear on the street .

Daehyun walked pass him to his car but Taehyung waved his cellphone in ftont of Chanyeol’s face before he ran to Daehyun’s car.


Chanyeol opened his cellphone,


From : V


Sorry hyung, I’ll try to calm Baekhyunie hyung and explain to Daehyunie hyung.

I’m sure Daehyunie hyung will understand. Don’t worry hyung, I believe you.

Please don’t break your promise to me.

I’ll call you later.




Tao bumped to someone on the restroom of KBS building.

“I’m sorry,” he bowed apologetically.

“It’s fine. Hey! You’re Kris’s new assistant aren’t you?”

Tao looked up to see a pretty boy with a defined jaw, almost as tall as him, pale complexion and a perfect styled hair completed with a perfect set of branded clothes.

“Yes, I am, my name’s Huang Zi Tao but everybody calls me Tao,” Tao replied carefully.

“Cool. I’m Sehun, Kris’s friend,” Sehun gave his best model smile to Tao. He often saw Tao on the picture that Baekhyun or Junmyeon set as their Line display picture and he always thought that Tao was so interesting. He had that twisted charm that he look pretty scary with those dark circles and sharp eyes, completed with a well-built body full of muscles, but he also look kind of cute on a few snap of his smile. He never met Tao in person. He didn’t know why but he really wanted to meet Tao.

“So, Kris had a schedule here?” Sehun asked, washing his hands while checking his makeup on the mirror of the restroom and took a few glances at the reflection of the boy beside him who also washing his hands.

“Yes, he’s recording KBS Hello Counselor now,” Tao replied.

They walked together in the corridor and met Junmyeon.

“Sehun-ssi, do you have any schedule here?” Junmyeon flashed his trademark angelic smile.

“I’ve told you to drop the formalities hyung, you’ve known me for almost two years now.”

“Oh, okay, sorry, I forgot. So, what are you doing here Sehun-ah?”

Sehun smiled,”I’m invited as a special MC on Music Bank hyung. I just finished the shooting and my schedule ends here today.”

“That’s great. Kris just began his shooting, I should be stand by there, come on Taozi.”

“Hyung?” Sehun called Junmyeon.


“My manager was still out to fixed our car, the tires are worn out and he had to replace them, can I wait here with you and Baekhyun hyung? I’m bored alone.”

“Of course, you can. Come on, follow us.”

Sehun and Tao followed Junmyeon to the studio of Hello Counselor. Baekhyun was already standby with his trademark pouch, ready to touch up Kris’s make up when there’s a shooting break. Sehun, Junmyeon and Tao enjoy the shooting, laughing with the audience several times and discussing about the guest’s problem. Sehun then asked Tao to accompany him buying bubble tea because Junmyeon have to stand by there.

Once the shooting hits a break, Kris walked to Baekhyun to fix his makeup and Junmyeon walkway to them to pass a bottle of mineral water to Kris. After Baekhyun finished  applying lipbalm on Kris’s dry lips, he excused himself to the restroom.

“I though I saw Tao and Sehun earlier,’ he asked Junmyeon. He saw Tao and Sehun laughing when he was glancing at the audience’s side.

“Yeah, they off to buy bubble tea.”

“Since when did Tao like bubble tea?” confused, Kris asked further.

Junmyeon smiled,”No, it’s Sehun who asked Tao to accompany him to buy bubble tea. You know Sehun adores bubble tea.”

“I didn’t know they knew each other.”

“They just met today and it seems like they get along well.”

Kris’s mood turned sour, he couldn’t talk with Tao without being awkward or looking like a nervous clueless teenager but Sehun who just met Tao could get close easily to Tao.

“And what happened to Baek? He’s getting sassier these past few days.”

Junmyeon shrugged,”I don’t know, he won’t tell me.”

“Maybe he’s on his period, he really need to meet someone, I think,” Kris concluded,”Junmyeon-ah?”


“Kyungsoo was asking me to have a dinner in my house this weekend. That little devil and Kai were finally official. Tell Baekhyun, Tao, Yixing and Chen. I guess Kai will invite Sehun since Sehun’s one of his bestfriend too,”he paused for a moment,”Maybe I should invite Chanyeol and introduced him to Baek so that Baek won’t be sassy and moody any longer and Chanyeol won’t complain anymore about his fiancée.”


-to be continued-


So, hi guys, this chapter was un-beta-ed, kekeke (as usual, actually)

I haven’t re-read it either, so please understand if there’re any grammatical error or typo

I’m sorry for rushing the story, I was originally wanted to have a slow plot but that didn’t really work, so…

Thank you for the reader and subscriber and some readers who kindly leave their comments, I appreciate each and every one of it.

Please just bluntly message me for any kind of ideas, comments and critics for this story, this is my first English story so I still need a lot of critics and supports.

I’m sorry that Taoris’s moment here were so little.

I promise the next chapter will have much more Taoris moment but above of all…

Hey, another couple was formed…hurayyyy…*throwing confettis*

Congratulations Kaisoo…!!!!

Took you two long enough…kekeke

(Kai : It’s your fault author, I wanna kiss him breathless since chapter one)

(Kyungsoo : Jongin!)

fine, just go you two...makes me wanna get a boyfriend -_-'


*please kindly leave your comment*

*big hug and big bow*

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Oh no. I didn’t realize that this wasn’t update since 2014 :’( sadness. I hope you continue to update one day! I really enjoyed reading this story.
kyra81 #2
Chapter 5: Oh!! I'm curious,what happened between Baekhyun and Chanyeol??,poor Kris ,he don't have any chance to get closer to Tao tao,I'm laugh so hard when I read Sehun's part and Kris sulky face when he heard Tao and Sehun is getting along quite well.!! Hehehe...... >.<. Update soon author nim !!!!
Chapter 5: What happen to Chanbaek actually?? Update more~
kimhuang #4
Chapter 5: Update update update !!!!
Chapter 1: Hey sweetie- I'm really sorry but this just isn't for me! In a few places sentences seem a little awkward, and in others the sentences were too long and overly complicated, therefore becoming uneasy to follow. In the beginning if the chapter you had a scene with a video call between Kris' family members, that scene in particular was very difficult to follow, it's also unnecessary to put in a make and model number for a piece of technology, there are other ways you can put across Kris' wealth without being so specific, personally I couldn't pick out a Samsung whatever those numbers were 55 inch tv unless I had a tape measure and the Samsung label on the actual tv I front of me! It is really off putting in my opinion, seeing the list of numbers my brain flicks a switch, turns off and the interest is lost.
I'm sorry that this seems negative, I wish you all the best with this fanfic though! (And any others you decide to write!)
kimhuang #6
Chapter 4: finallyyyyy you updated!!!! it seems like forever ya know, but i'm patiently waiting for every update :))
but please update faster author nim this is amazing
kyra81 #7
Chapter 4: And I will wait patiently for your next chapter...!! Hwaiting!!! \^_^/
kyra81 #8
Chapter 4: Whoa!!! 120° degrees bow??!! What about your back??!! I'm glad that you finally updated the story and I'm happy that Kris is open up a bit to Tao(Heh!! He still defends that he's a straight guy,suuuure!!!!) I hope that Baekkie will find his true love. Just take care of yourself,I know you are quite busy with your work plus back up your friends work but don't push to hard. I'm afraid that you will sick!!
kyra81 #9
Chapter 3: Aiya...!! Cliff hanger....!! Tao probably slaps Kris face or kicks his family jewel,Hehehe....!!! #my evil laugh# Update soon author nim!! Can't wait for next chapter ! >_<
Chapter 3: 'Tao widened his eyes and slapped him...'-------> please author-nim i don want this kind of situation to happen pweaseeee~~~