Falling in....

My New Assistant

(cr : owner)


I'm soo terribly sorry to keep you waiting guys. My work (and my boss) had been a pain in the lately and I'm also have just a little free time because I have a side job as a singer too...(occasionally) 

This is my third word vomit and I add some new characters here...who's that?...kkk

I'm so sorry for any gramatical errors and typo, I just want to post this as soon as I finished so i didn't have any time to re-read this...

Thank you for reading, thank you for subscribing, thank you for writing comments, thank you for patiently waiting

I love you all...

Yehet! ohorat!




They arrived at Taiwan at evening and headed straight to Kris’s mansion in Taipei. Lay’s family will arrived at 7th so Lay decided to stay in Kris’s mansion instead of his own mansion. Besides, he strangely (or not) had become so clingy to Junmyeon lately.


Tao examined the mansion closely, wondered how rich Kris actually was to have such a huge palace-like mansion in several countries. Tao had been on Kris’s penthouse in Seoul but this mansion was a pure palace. To say that the mansion was beautiful was an understatement. The mansion was awesome and wonderfull, built with Victorian style, but still have the elegant design in it. It had ten big bedrooms, some smaller bedrooms for maids, butlers, drivers and gardeners, one big pool, huge library, super huge living room, even one music studio (according to Baekhyun’s story when they was on the plane), one pavillion which Tao learnt was special for Kris’s parents when they decided to visit their son there and many other rooms as well.

“When will Auntie Wu come? I want to buy some groceries to cook them something good,” Kyungsoo asked Junmyeon. They are stitting comfortably on the living room, resting for some good minutes while enjoying orange juice and some snacks brought by Kris’s butler in this mansion.

“Tomorrow morning. I’ll go to the airport at seven to them,” Junmyeon said after gulping his orange juice.

“I’ll go with you,” Lay quickly said.

Kris glanced at his happy cousin with an amused expression,”It’s my parents coming, Yixing-ah, not yours.”

“Be grateful you brat, I know you hardly can wake up before seven so I decided to help you pick them up. You maybe haven’t even wake up when they arrived here,” Lay snapped back evilly.

Kris just chuckled,”Yeah, right, whatever you say. Have fun you two.”

Kris stood up, patted Junmyeon’s shoulder, still with his amused expresison, and then walked straight to his room with the butler accompanying him, carrying his travel bags.


Kyungsoo who already knew his usual room in this mansion, went to his room to put his stuff and then went to the Kitchen to say hi to the mansion’s chef, Zhoumi. They used to cook together everytime Kris visit his Mansion in Taiwan.


However, due to his tired body, Tao decided to asked Junmyeon about the room arrangement and went straight to his room. He walked to the room on the far end of the hallway right between Kris’s room and the main balcony. Well, ! The room was so huge and beautiful, the walls were wrapped with some kind of suede (well, Tao didn’t really know about matterial except cotton and denim so he asume that this matterial was some kind of suede) wallpaper in broken white color. There was this beautiful painting from someone Tao didn’t really know (he didn’t really paid attention for artworks and the creators too), but he just found it beautiful, complementing the luxurious look of the room. A king sized bed with broken white and gold bedcover and gold curtain. There was a big flat TV and DVD player complete with two big speaker on each sede of the TV which located on the desk in front of the bed. You could totally imagine you are a prince or something in this room. Every bedroom had their own bathroom, with a shower and large bathtub that could be used by five men.


Tao decided to relax himself in the bathtub with a warm water. He emptied his mind and enjoyed the scent of the bubble bath he poured earlier. Apple. He always love apple scent. He saw a TV on the wall in front of the bathtub and he turned his head to find the remote control. He found it on the shelf beside the bathtub and the TV. He changed the channel several times before settled on an old movie he used to watched with his mom and his thoughts wandered to his past.




“I still don’t get it, why can’t we sleep in one room?” Lay followed Junmyeon to the latter’s room with a pout that stayed on his face since Junmyeon tell them the room arrangement. Of course they all have their different room.

“Because, there are more than enough room for all of us. Kris’s parents will sleep on their own pavillion behind this building, so one room for each of us and there are still four rooms left.”

“But the day after tomorrow, I’ll be staying with my parents. I want to spend the time with you,” Lay complained like a child who didn’t get his desired toy. He plopped himself on a little couch pocitioned beside the bed while Junmyeon put his bag on the other side of the bed, near the cupboard.

Junmyeon blushed and murmured softly,”We haven’t even become official yet.”

Just because he didn’t look at Junmyeon while busily pouting, didn’t meant that Lay didn’t hear that. He grinned,”Excuse me?”


Junmyeon widened his eyes and gulped nervously,”Ah? Erm...nothing,” he averted his gaze to his travel bag and decided that this was the best time to unpack his stuff to avoid Lay’s eyes. He took some hanger from the cupboard and place it oh his bed. He took the neatly folded clothes from his travel bag and started to hang his clothes and placed them on the cupboard. He should’ve learned that Lay was never give up easily.


Lay thought that Junmyeon was so cute. It was true that he haven’t asked Junmyeon officially to be his boyfriend but the latter should’ve knew about his feeling. Everybody knew that he was in love with Junmyeon and their feelings were mutual. They often went to some dates but Lay never went further than a hug and some kisses on the cheek and forehead. Maybe, he thought, maybe this was the time.


“Joonie,” Lay called softly with a tone that made Junmyeon shivered.

Lay suddenly took Junmyeon’s hand and dragged him to the balcony. He hold Junmyeon’s both hands,”Look at me,” he pleaded.

Junmyeon hesitated for a second and then turn up his head, looking straight into Lay’s eyes. He saw gentleness, warmness, adoration, a little glint of mischivous gaze but he could see the sincerity that bore into his heart. Junmyeon’s chest felt warm as he drown into Lay’s eyes.

“We’ve been dated for months and these past few months had been the most happiest moment in my life. I know I haven’t said anything to you but that’s because I feel that my actions spoke more than any words I could say,” he paused for a moment to kiss Junmyeon’s right palm,”I don’t really good with this thingy but I just wanna asked to make sure and to convince you...that you are the most important person to me right now. I want us to be together, so, would you be my boyfriend?”

Junmyeon’s breath hitched. He’d been waiting for this moment like, forever but when the moment finnaly came, he barely could form any kind of simple sentence on his head.

“I love you. Everyone knows that, even my parents, my family, all of my friends know that I love you.” Lay stated firmly. His eyes still focus on Junmyeon’s with such sincerity and love.

They stayed silence for few minutes. It seemed like forever to Lay before Junmyeon managed to form a full sentence,”I...I don’t know what to say,”.....”except...yes, I’d love to,” Junmyeon smiled seemed like a sunshine to Lay. They both felt so relieved and amazingly happy.

Lay hugged Junmyeon tightly. His chest was felt like it’s going to burst anytime.

“I love you,” he whispered softly above Junmyeon’s shoulder.

“I love you too,” Junmyeon replied him.

They separated themselves for few inch befor Lay’s gaze drop to Junmyeon lips. His gaze was back to Junmyeon’s eyes as if asking for his permission and with a slight nod from the latter, he tilted his head and inched closer to Junmyeon.

“Hyuuuuuuuuung!! Dinner’s ready!” they break away from shocked and then burst into laughter fit because of Kyungsoo’s voice from downstair. Lay looked at Junmyeon’s laughing face lovingly before closing their distance and lock their lips gently. Junmyeon shocked for a moment but closed his eyes immediately. They shared an innocent and loving kiss for a while before separated themselves and smiled.

“We have to go downstair or Kyungie will personally drag us,” Junmyeon said.




“Okayyyyyy…why are you two holding hands so tightly? It’s not that Junmyeonie hyung will be lost in this mansion, Lay hyung,” Baekhyun teased them as they appear on the dining room hand in hand. Tao snorted at the remark.

“Are you two going to announce any engagement or marriage right now?” Kris also teased them as Junmyeon’s face as usual perform at least four shades of red while Lay was grinning smugly as if he just won a dance competing Channing Tatum or something.

“So, we’re official,” Lay said proudly.

“Ohhh finally! Took you guys forever! I thought Angela will have at least three babies before the official announcement,” Kyungsoo evily said making everybody laugh their off.

They were enjoying the dinner Zhoumi made while chatting happily and occasionally teasing the new official couple.


After dinner, they decided to rest on their room (Lay dragged Junmyeon to the latter’s room, saying something about first cuddle or something). Baekhyun said that he should apply some face mask to maintain his smooth skin and Kyungsoo said that he wanted to call someone.


Tao and Kris were the last to left the dining room. Kris didn’t know how it happened but suddenly he found himself staring at Tao’s eyes.

“Tao,” he said spontaniously.


“Do you want to take a tour on this mansion? Well, the rest are already visit here twice but this is your first time, so I think maybe…”

“Okay,” Tao answered calmly.


Kris showed Tao the kitchen and saw that this could be a little palace to Kyungsoo. Simply said, this kitchen was like one on Master Chef show. They went to the park where Kris showed Tao the location of his parents’ pavilion behind the main building, separated by a fish pound with a bridge in the middle. The pavilion looked nice and Tao imagine that he’d be happy enough to have such a pavilion for his future house. Beside the main building was the swimming pool and a little hot water Jacuzzi. They entered the building by the side door near the swimming pool to meet with the living room. Beside the living room was the library and Tao could see some self motivation book, some manga and other books there.

Kris explained happily to the point that he was confused with himself. This is the first time he guided someone on a tour in his place, usually Junmyeon did this. He felt so happy with Tao so that he explained and show off every single part of his mansion proudly.


“And the last, is my music studio,” Kris opened the door beside the his bedroom.

Tao saw tons of CDs placed neatly on a wallshelf, few headphones, a recording room and a few music instruments.

“Do you play instruments?” Tao asked him.

“No, Lay does. I’m just writing some song, rapping and sometimes singing,” Kris answered him while walking to chose one of his favorite CD.

“This is my second favorite place in this mansion. The first one is the balcony beside my room. I have my own balcony on my room, but the main balcony is the most relaxing place for me. I love to spend the night there and just enjoying some night air and night view of the city.


Kris nodded and played some music on the player.

“I rap a little too,” Tao said while grinning and started to rap in Chinese following the music leaving Kris’s jaw dropped in amaze.





“Auntie!” Lay shouted at the airport.

“Yixing!” a beautiful woman, dressed casually elegant walking hand in hand with his handsome husband. Behind them, a man walking while pushing a trolley.

“Hey Auntie, hey Uncle Wu,” Lay hugged them one by one.

“Hey handsome. Thank you for picking us up,” Mrs Wu said.

“Hey bud, what’s up! Long time no see and you’ve grown to be a more handsome man than me!” Mr Wu said while displaying his gentle smile and hugged Lay too.

“No. No one could be more handsome than Uncle, not even Yifan,” Lay said sheepishly making them laugh.

“Good morning Mr and Mrs Wu,” Junmyeon greeted formally while bowing.

“Nah…what did I say about greeting us, Junmyeonie? We’ve come from Canada to have a proper greeting!” Mrs Wu scold him playfully.

“Hi Auntie,” Junmyeon finally hugged her,”hi Uncle,” he hugged Mr Wu too.

“Now that’s a proper greeting,” she said..

“I suppose Yifan haven’t wake up yet?” Mr Wu concluded.

“You know him, uncle. We’re lucky if he has wake up when we arrived there latter,” Lay answer him.

“Good morning, David! You look great I almost thought you’re a Hollywood star earlier,” Lay greeted Mr and Mrs Wu’s personal senior butler. He was a sixty year old man originally from Boston who worked with Wu’s family since he was twenty years old.

“Good morning Mr Zhang and Mr Kim. Pleased to meet you,” David said slightly bowing at them.

“So, may I assumed that you two had being official now? I saw you two holding hands earlier?”

“Auntie!” Joonnmyeon protested.



The limo brought them to Kris’s mansion. Several maids helped them with the suitcases and let them entered the main building.

“Auntie, Uncle! You’re arrived!” Kyungsoo said cheerfully while greeted “properly” to them at the living room.

“Hey Kyungie sweetheart.” Mrs Wu said.

“Yo Kyungsoo!” Mr Wu casually said and Kyungsoo beamed at them, showing his heartshaped smile.

“Zhoumi hyung and I just prepared breakfast for you. Well, I left him dealing with my stir-fried but he said hello to you both.”

“Hmmm….sounds good I’m drolling already. I miss your cooking!” Mrs Wu answer him with her kind smile.

“Hi auntie, uncle,” Baekhyun joined the crowd.

“Aww my lovely puppy Baekkie, you look cute as usual,” Mrs Wu squealing,”I always love to see you both, my cute boys!” she side hug Kyungsoo on her left side and Baekhyun on her right side.

“And my son was the last to greet his parents, as usual. Maybe he’ll shown up only at noon,” Mr Wu said.

“Don’t worry, I got Tao waking him up. He’ll be here in just a minute,” Baekhyun said while smirking.

“Tao?” Mrs Wu asked.

“Kris’s new personal assistant I’ve told you earlier, auntie. Strangely, Kris was so obedient to him. Maybe because Tao knew wushu,” Junmyeon explained.

“Wow, he must be so scary. Nobody ever made Kris so obedient,” Mrs Wu furrowed her eyebrows.

“That’s new,” Mr Wu commented.

“What’s new?” they heard a deep voice said and all of them averted their gaze to the stairs. Kris was walking down the stairs like a model. His hair was slightly wet, it was obvious that he had just took a bath. He hugged his mom and dad as he arrived downstairs.

“Speaking of the devil,” Baekhyun said teasingly and Kris glared at him.

“You had woke up this early when grandma’s not around, that’s new,” Mr Wu said, looking closely at his son.

“Oh, right, Auntie, Uncle, this is Tao,” Junmyeon grabbed Tao’s wrist and pulled him from behind Kris.

“Hello Mr Wu, Mrs Wu, my name is Huang Zi Tao,” Tao introduced himself politely as he bowed 90 degrees to the Wu couple.


“KYAAAAA YOU ARE SOOOO CUTEEE LIKE A PANDAAA!!!” Mrs Wu threw herself to Tao who barely managed to catch her in the mids of his confused and shocked mind at the sudden outburst.

“How did you know?” Kris asked Kyungsoo, amazed, his eyes still looking at his mom who was now busy pinching Tao’s cheek.

“She loves cute thing, that’s why she loves Baek and me but I just have a feeling that she’ll love Tao more,” Kyungsoo shrugged his shoulder.

“Aww auntie, so you don’t love me anymore,” Baekhyun fake pouted, pretended to be mad.

Mrs Wu turned her head to Baekhyun and cooed him,”I still love you Baekkie, but Tao here is soo cute! I just couldn’t resist the urge.”

“I’m not cute! I’m manly,” Tao protested.

“Looks like you are the only one who said so Taozi,” Kyungsoo patted his hair. It was an odd situation to see Kyungsoo patted Tao’s head lovingly while he had to tiptoe to reach Tao’s head.





“Oh and they’re finally official?” Mrs Wu asked.

“Yes auntie,”Baekhyun answered.

“Ooohhh finally. Took you two long enough. I thought that Kris will get married first before you two confessed to each other and that’s show how desperate I am watching you two who obviously love each other but neither made a brave move,” she continued.

“Congratz Yixing and Junmyeon. Now I’ll just have to worry about my son,” Mr Wu sighed dramatically.

“Please, dad, don’t be such a drama queen mom,” Kris said boringly.

“I’m not a drama queen! Besides, your father’s true. You’ve played too much. Go on a serious date for once, Yifan. Find a good girl…or a cute boy like Yixing and Junmyeon,” Mrs Wu replied.

“How about Tao? He’s cute!” Baekhyun teased and as expected, Kris’s glare turned to him. Not that he wasn’t expect it.

“Now that we mention about it, you drove Tao to his wushu practice. Did you stay to watch him? Did he do great? That’s why you’ve became so obedient to him? Because he could kick your ?” Yixing joined the teasing, aiming at the new teasing target. Their families were just like this. They’re close to each other but they live apart from each other. That was the consequence of having such a multinational company.

Kris chose to keep silent and pouting like a child. He didn’t like to talk about Tao’s wushu practice. Why? Because since he watched Tao practicing wushu, his mind couldn’t get rid of the image of Tao kicking and flying around coolly, sweating ily and staring fiercely at his opponent. No, that was just too much for Kris. Too much for his so-called ‘straightness’.




Chen walked to the nearest coffee shop from his hotel. He wanted to get some fresh air and walking around to enjoy Taipei’s street but decided to pass by a coffee shop on his way to the hotel.

The cafe was cozy and warm but there weren’t many customers inside. Maybe because Chen came at 3 pm in Thursday where people was still working and lunch time is over. He queued patiently while his eyes scrutinizing the menus.

“Welcome, sil, may I took youa odel?” he heard the cashier offered with a cute voice and a strange mandarin language so he turned his head to look at the tiny cashier in front of him. The cashier was so cute, with a slight big eyes, round cheek that remind you of a soft warm bun and a cute smile.

“Your accent is cute,” Chen teased the man who blushed in return.

“It’s nah my accent, I have two ulce- on ma tongue an it hu-lts like hell,” he tried to explained.

Chen nodded in understanding,”It must be painful to have two ulcer on that specific place. Besides, you should talked all day long as a cashier right?”

The man shook his head,”No, I’m a baliesta, my flen, the cashie-le but he should go to the lestlloom foa a moment so I yiplathe him,” he tried to explain.

“Do you have any little post it paper?” Chen said while scrunching his face, imagining having two oral ulceration on the tongue. But he had to admit that the whole lisp just made the man look younger and cuter,  not to mention his cheek made Chen wanted to squish him.

The tiny man searched on his apron and handed him a piece of order paper.

Chen wrote something on the paper, made sure his writing was al least meat enough for the man to understand,“Go buy these meds and have a lot of drink. I hope you’ll get better soon,” he glanced at the man’s name tag,”Xiumin-…”

Xiumin furrowed his eyebrows in confussion and Chen catched it,”I’m a doctor in Korea...” he explained and saw an understanding in Xiumin’s face before he smile in gratefulness,”and for my order, I’d love to have a take out of grande sized cold Hazelnut Macchiato, thank you.”

Xiumin typed on the screen and took a grande sized glass and ready to wrote,”Your name, si-l?”


“Thank you Docto Chen-ssi fol theplesciption, and you-coffee-that’ll be fouandhalf yuan” he said in Korean.

“You can speak Korean?” Chen asked in surprise.

Xiumin nodded shyly,”Actually I’m Koyean. But I’ve been heie since Junio High School. It’s nice to meet ‘omeone f-om ma hometown,” he offered a shy smile too which made Chen almost couldn’t contain his feeling to pinch Xiumin’s cheek. Almost, no Jongdae! this cute man would be scared.

“Well, I’m native Korean too but my special clients’s family who are almost like a family call me Chen.” Chen said  as he handed him the money and step aside to gave the other people who queueing behind him a chance to order while waiting for his order to be ready.

Xiumin’s friend, who was originally the cashier came back, and Chen learned latter from the name tag, that his name’s Dongwoo. Xiumin was quietly back to his work as the barista, doing Chen’s order.

“Chen-ssi,” Xiumin called from behind the counter.

Chen turned his head to face Xiumin who handed him one grande cup of Hazelnut Macchiato and a paperbag. Chen raised one of his eyebrow but Xiumin quickly said,”It’s my favo-ite Chocolate layel cake as I thank you fo the meds and I’m happy to see omeone f-om my hometown,” Xiumin said with a smile, a smile that made Chen’s heart skipped a beat although they’re just met.

“Well, you didn’t have to but thank you. I should go back to my hotel. I’ll see you latter Xiumin-ssi, get well soon okay and talk to me in normal Korean,” Chen waved him goodbye with a smile that emphasizing his defined jaw and his gorgeous cheekbones.

Right outside the café, Chen’s cellphone’s ringing. He pull his cell from his jeans pocket and anwered,”Hello?......Yes darling?................You’ve arrived already?........I’m near my hotel right now.............Of course I miss you! Do you miss me to?..............but I just wear a simple tracksuit right now! ………………right, I’m handsome no matter what, kkkk I’ll be there in a flash. I love you,” he end the called, grinning happily and stopped the taxi.





The loud music filled everyone’s eardrums. Some people were enjoying the music on the dance floor while some were chatting with their friends and some were just busied with some make out session. Well, Chanyeol would be one of the last group. Making out with a beautiful girl on the corner of the club, clearly enjoying the moment. He was whispering (well, shouting….it’s a club) to the girl to asked her to follow him to a VIP room in that club when suddenly his cell phone’s vibration disturbing him. He excused himself with his best smile to the girl and went to the restroom.


“Chanyeol oppa, where are you? You promised you’ll accompany me to the jewelry shop to pick out our engagement rings!”

Chanyeol sighed in frustration,”I’m busy right now, Yoojin-ssi!”

“Oh, come on oppa! I know you’re in a club. I can hear the music. It’s only eight pm and that shop’s owner said that he’ll open until eleven for me so pick me up now or I’ll tell mom and she’ll surely tell your dad. Go clubbing latter!

Chenyeol pulled his hair,”Fine,” he ended the call forcefully.

That girl, his soon to be fiancée was always driving him crazy. He should really find a way to cancel this forced company merger called marriage.

Chanyeol massage his forehead. How could his life turned into a lame movie where the lead was forced to marry a girl with high standard and trashy attitude. Yoojin’s so beautiful but he’s sick of her bossy and sassy attitude. She’s typical rich girl, the type Chanyeol hated the most. He wondered when he’d find someone who could make his life happier, someone who understand him and someone who he’d fight for to be with.



On the other side of the club, Kai and Sehun were just got back from their dance session. They always became the center of attention everytime their feet touch the dance floor. Kai took his phone from his jacket, then typing furiously.

“Someone’s missing his soulmate,” Sehun teased.

“Hey, I haven’t met Kyungsoo hyung for almost two weeks, of course I miss him!” Kai slapped the back of Sehun’s head.

“Ouch! Ya! That was hurt! But seriously! When will you confess to him? It’s been years, Jongin-ah.”

“You talked like someone experienced. Go find a boy yourself! You haven’t even had your first kiss yet, dude!”

“It’s not that you’ve had one too!” Sehun retorted.

“At least I kissed Kyungsoo hyung’s cheek twice,” Kai stated proudly.

Sehun laughed,”Yeah right! On Kyungie hyung’s 10th birthday and his last birthday, so proud oof you,” he teased cynically.

“I don’t even know why I am best friend with you,” Kai said




Kris was bored. He sat on the main balcony near his room and watching the night view from his mansion. His parents were out for a dinner to reminisce their dating memories in Taipei, Lay was meeting his parents who just arrived in Taipei to drove them to their own villa,and he’s dragging Junmyeon along, saying that he should tell his parents about their relationship. Kyungsoo was out with Zhoumi to buy groceries, well, ever since Tao was here, the groceries stocks ran out faster. Kyungsoo love pampering Tao with food and Tao was more than happy to satisfy his ‘mother’.


Speaking of, Kris’s mind was wandered to Tao again. Tao. Kris chuckled. He remember the first time he met Tao, well it was not really the first time, since Tao was technically his assistant since one month before their first face to face encounter. His first impressions to Tao were that Tao was so handsome, well built, strong and looked fierce. The longer he get to know Tao, he learned that Tao was very cute, sometimes childish, and so kind. Tao had this unexpected charm that he would surprise the other people around him in a good way.


“Kris-ssi, what are you doing here?” there again, temptation.

Kris’s head turned into the angel sound,”Nothing, I’m just bored. Where’s Baekhyun?”

“He’s sleeping on his room. Do you want some drink or snacks?”

“No, thanks Tao. Do you mind accompanying me here?”

Tao shook his head and sat beside Kris, waiting patiently and stay silent as he enjoing the night view from Kris’s mansion. It was very beautiful and relaxing. No wonder Kris loved to sit here.

He closed his eyes to enjoy the air breeze and the smell of trees that surround the mansion.

Kris turned his head and his heart suddenly beating crazily. The sight of Tao, raising his head, closed his eyes, smiling slightly while enjoying the air was pure amazing. He couldn’t tore his gaze from Tao’s beautiful face.

Without realizing, he scooted closer and closer until

He kissed Tao’s cheek as Tao’s eyes snapped open a second latter.







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Thank you for reading...

Please wait patiently for the next chapie


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Oh no. I didn’t realize that this wasn’t update since 2014 :’( sadness. I hope you continue to update one day! I really enjoyed reading this story.
kyra81 #2
Chapter 5: Oh!! I'm curious,what happened between Baekhyun and Chanyeol??,poor Kris ,he don't have any chance to get closer to Tao tao,I'm laugh so hard when I read Sehun's part and Kris sulky face when he heard Tao and Sehun is getting along quite well.!! Hehehe...... >.<. Update soon author nim !!!!
Chapter 5: What happen to Chanbaek actually?? Update more~
kimhuang #4
Chapter 5: Update update update !!!!
Chapter 1: Hey sweetie- I'm really sorry but this just isn't for me! In a few places sentences seem a little awkward, and in others the sentences were too long and overly complicated, therefore becoming uneasy to follow. In the beginning if the chapter you had a scene with a video call between Kris' family members, that scene in particular was very difficult to follow, it's also unnecessary to put in a make and model number for a piece of technology, there are other ways you can put across Kris' wealth without being so specific, personally I couldn't pick out a Samsung whatever those numbers were 55 inch tv unless I had a tape measure and the Samsung label on the actual tv I front of me! It is really off putting in my opinion, seeing the list of numbers my brain flicks a switch, turns off and the interest is lost.
I'm sorry that this seems negative, I wish you all the best with this fanfic though! (And any others you decide to write!)
kimhuang #6
Chapter 4: finallyyyyy you updated!!!! it seems like forever ya know, but i'm patiently waiting for every update :))
but please update faster author nim this is amazing
kyra81 #7
Chapter 4: And I will wait patiently for your next chapter...!! Hwaiting!!! \^_^/
kyra81 #8
Chapter 4: Whoa!!! 120° degrees bow??!! What about your back??!! I'm glad that you finally updated the story and I'm happy that Kris is open up a bit to Tao(Heh!! He still defends that he's a straight guy,suuuure!!!!) I hope that Baekkie will find his true love. Just take care of yourself,I know you are quite busy with your work plus back up your friends work but don't push to hard. I'm afraid that you will sick!!
kyra81 #9
Chapter 3: Aiya...!! Cliff hanger....!! Tao probably slaps Kris face or kicks his family jewel,Hehehe....!!! #my evil laugh# Update soon author nim!! Can't wait for next chapter ! >_<
Chapter 3: 'Tao widened his eyes and slapped him...'-------> please author-nim i don want this kind of situation to happen pweaseeee~~~