Having a Family

My New Assistant

image credit : to owner memory puzzles


“Mr Xi, you have an appointment in an hour with Director Tan.”

“Okay. Thanks Vic,” Luhan winked at her beautiful secretary and turned his attention back to his computer.


He was still in the middle of reviewing a contract when a music distracting him. He pushed a button and saw a middle aged man on his PC screen.

“Mr Xi,” the middle aged man greeted him.

“Yes, Mr Jang.”

“Everything is prepared. I already sent the ticket to your secretary’s email and you’ll depart a week from now. I also sent the condo’s address to Victoria. Do you need anything else, sir?”

“No, that’s enough for now, I guess. Thank you Mr Jang. I’ll call you once I arrive there.”

“You’re welcome, Mr Xi, please tell me if you need anyhing else. “ Luhan was about to ended the video call when Mr. Jang seemed like he want to speak,”About your request a week ago,” the handsome middle aged man said carefully.

Luhan nodded for him to continue,”I still haven’t found any information about your cousin in Gwangju. I’ll continue the searching in other town as well.”

“That’s fine Mr Jang. I just hope that he’s alright. Thank you.”


Luhan ended the call and sighed. His eyes roamed to his huge desk. A pile of documents waiting to be signed and reviewed was waiting. He really needed some day off.  Asian Star Entertainment was growing fast under his genius lead but those achievement sacrificed his time too. He could barely meet his friends. Speaking of meeting a bestfriend-

“Oh shoot! I forgot to call him!” he cursed under his breath. He reached his phone on the desk and typing furiously, searching for his besfriend’s number.

“Why doesn’t he picked up the call? Does he mad?’ Luhan mumbled.

He tried for the second and third time but gave up as he soon typed a message to his bestfriends.


He continued to his work after he send the message. Fifteen minutes reviewing, he heard a soft knock.

“Come in,” he said loudly.

“Delive-y the-viceth …” (‘I guess he wants to say Delivery services,’ Luhan thought)….one cup of Vanilla latte wi-h ext-a whipped c-eam fo the ove-ly busy best-len and that would be five yuan ph-eathe,” Luhan’s door office opened and a super cute man said cheefully while walked in with two cups of grande coffee.

“How did you know?” Luhan took the vanilla latte offered by his ever best friends.

“Vic called me.”

“I should thank her latter, I’m sorry I forgot to tell you, I don’t even realize it’s already this late for me to visit your cafe. And you said that you’re my bestfriend but you charged the coffee?”

 “Buthineth i-th bu-thineth- y’know,” the so-called Baozi winked and sipped his own beverage.

“Thanks. So I guess your ulcer haven’t get any better. It’s a miracle that I could still understand you Minseok-ah.” Luhan sipped the coffee gratefully and moaned shamelessly. Works had been so stress lately and Minseok’s coffee’s always the best energy drink for him.

“Actually it’th a lot bette- now. A cu-tome came to my cafe, appa-ently he ith a docto- and he gave me a p-ethcption. I bought the med-th on the way he-ie. The med’th relieve my pain but the healing –till need moe time.”

“Awww...my poor Baozi,” he sipped his coffee and sighed in contentment,”is he cute, the doctor?,” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, barely dodging Xiumin’s kick a mere seconds later.

“I won’t an-thwer that.” Xiumin mehrong that made Luhan want to pinch his cheek.

“What? I just want my bestfriend to meet someone’s special. What if I wasn’t there to take care of you because of my work? You’re too cute and people won’t hesitate to keep you on their pocket and they wouldn’t even realized that you’re already 25 years old.”

“Th-peak fo- you-thelf. Anyway, my dear Vic th-aid you have a meeting in ten minute’th Lulu, and I have to go home to pack my th-tuff, I’ll th-ee you tomo-ow then,” Xiumin bid Luhan goodbye.


After Xiumin left, Luhan sighed. He closed his eyes for a moment and regulated his breath and calmed his mind. He took his ipad and brought his coffee outside his room.

“Mr Xi,” he saw his secretary came with a pile of documents on her hold,”Mr. Alexander Wang has agreed with our contract clauses and to release the next album on the second quarter of this year, while Miss Gillian Chung and Miss Charlene Choi are currently reviewing our proposal.”

Luhan nodded while she continued,”Star Entertainment and BD Action School also sent us their reviewed contract and there’s a little bit of negotiation here and there but overall they’re satisfied with our offering. And lastly, Director Tan said that he’s already at the meeting room,” she explained briefly.

“Okay, thanks Vic.” Luhan stopped for a moment in front of the meeting room door,”And I got a phone call from Mr Jang earlier. He told me that he already sent the ticket and my condo’s address to you.”

Victoria nodded,”Yes, I have just checked my inbox and I will send them to you after this meeting.”

“Alright thanks Vic. Thanks for calling Xiumin too. What can I do without you, sometimes I feel like you’re the one who rule this company and I just assist you instead,” Luhan joked.

“That’s my job Mr Xi, besides, I know that little baozi will understand that you’re busy. I asked him to pack his stuff instead. He could barely leave his dearest coffee shop in Amber’s care.”

“Right. You know your cousin,” Luhan winked at her and flashed her a friendly smile before entered the meeting room. Works were crazy but he was so thankful that he was surrounded by a lot of competent people.




“Err Tao...I— “

“Taoziiiiii!!!! Where are you? Come down! I bought you steamed buns!” they heard Kyungsoo shouted from downstairs.


“It’s okay. I know it’s just a spontanious action. Nothing happened,” Tao was trying to assure Kris with a small smile and walked away from the balcony.

“I…It was not… I mean…-“ Kris’s voice stopped Tao. Tao turned his body back facing Kris.

“TAOOOO??! Where are you? I’ll go upstairs!” again, Kyungsoo’s voice boomed.

Tao took a quick glance inside and turned his face back to Kris,” I have to go to Kyungie hyung or he’ll make a ruckuss,” Tao sent him a soft smile again but Kris could see that his eyes we’re a little bit….sad?


“Coming Kyungie hyung!” he heard Tao’s voice from inside.

Kris facepalmed himself.


“What did I do?” he said to himself. Yes he admitted that Tao is very attractive but—

He’s straight right? He always dated girls before although he knows that there’re so many boys go crazy about him too. He’s not the one to judge about someone’s preference since his bestfriends and some people around him are gay too, he had no problem with that and he’s sure that he’s not a homophobic. But liking a boy? Really? Baekhyun’s always about his preference saying that girls are troubling, girls complaining about this and that and so on and  so forth, but he never actually think that way...until he met Tao. He still haven’t quite sure about his feelings for Tao but he’s sure that the kiss wasn’t spontanious at all. But how could he explained all this to Tao while de doesn’t have the answer himself?




Chen arrived at a huge place he’d grown accustomed to and press the bell button. A good ten seconds latter, the main door opened, and an old mad dressed in a butler suit greet him,”Good Evening Mr Kim.”

“Good Evening, Phillip, I thought I told you to just call me Chen or else..,” he flashed his smile to the man who grinned to him mischievously in reply.

“Come on, follow me Chen, dinner’s ready and they’re waiting in the dining room.”

Chen nodded and followed Phillip to the family dining room on the villa. There was another bigger dining room for business or family reunion purposes.


“My lovely Gran,” Chen greeted her.

“Why are you so thin now? Come here, Granny will give you proper food.”

Chen walked to Grandma Zhang and hugged her. He greeted Mr and Mrs Zhang too. He saw Junmyeon beside Yixing,”So you two are finally official now?” he teased making Mr and Mrs Zhang chuckled while Grandma Zhang laughed.

Junmyeon groaned in embarrassment while Yixing just grinned like a fool. Chen chuckled. He took a seat near Junmyeon and Lay.

“You came,” Lay said.

“I already said that I want to meet my love,” Chen gave a wink to Grandma Zhang playfully.

“You naughty kid. It’s not good to flirt with a granny, you know, go get a boy yourself,”  Grandma scolded him with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

Chen pouted,”Granny, you dumped me.”

Lay rolled his eyes,”And here I thought that every doctor should be nice and behave maturely.”

Grandma Zhang chuckled,”Yes, I dumped you. I fell in love with Junmyeon lately.”

“Grandma!” Lay rolled his eyes.

Grandma Zhang was acting like she didn’t hear anything and continued,”I’ll keep Junmyeon by my side, but maybe I’ll just call Kris and say that I want Junmyeon to be my personal assistant. Yes, I think that’s a better idea,” Grandma Zhang said.

Lay hugged Junmyeon possessively,”Nope, I wouldn’t give Junmyeon to Grandma, Grandma’s too scary,” he said childishly.

“Stop teasing Yixing, mom. He’s in a lovestruck state now,” Mr Zhang stepped out as the last maid had served the dinner menu,”let’s start our dinner.”

“Okay. But Seriously Chen, should Granny find you a good boy? You’re too busy with work you barely had a time to visit me anymore. If you’re too busy to see your granny how could you possibly find a good and cute boy?” grandma said while she took the Chicken Fillet.

“I’ve set my eyes on someone granny. But I don’t wanna make any further explanation before I get him,” Chen grinned evilly, knowing exactly that that Grandma Zhang will die of curiosity  latter.

“Who’s that boy? Or maybe a girl?” see? He knows Grandma Zhang too well.

“It’s a boy, but I’m not gonna tell you anything else, granny.”

“Is he cute? Where did you meet him?” this time Mrs Zhang asked curiously.

“Not telling,” Chen shook his head furiously as he chewed the shrimp deliciously.




Two days before Angela’s wedding, grandma Wu decided to held a dinner for all of her big families and close relatives. The dinner took place in her private mansion in Tanshui. Junmyeon, who barely came back safely from his ‘kidnapping session’ with Lay few hours earlier plopped himself on the comfortable couch on Kris’s mansion.  


He saw someone walking down the stairs from the corner of his eyes and turned his head toward the stair,”Joonie hyung?” Tao greeted him with a hoarse voice, seemed like he just woke up from his nap.

He sit beside Junmyeon and rested his chin on Junmyeon’s shoulder.


“Where’s the other?” Tao asked him.

Junmyeon adjusted his position so Tao would be more comfortable and raised his left hand to pat Tao’s head.

“Kris and Lay were playing basketball while Baekhyun and Kyungsoo went shopping. They should be back in an hour because we’ll have to depart to Tanshui in six. It’s already four and they still have to shower and prepare.”

“We’re going to Tanshui?” Tao seemed surprised.

“Yes! They didn’t tell you?”

Tao shook his head gently with a soft “No, I sleep all day long because Baek hyung made me stay awake all night long to play poker last night,” as a reply.

“Grandma Wu invited us to a big family dinner in Tanshui at eight and we still have to drive there.”

“I like Tanshui. Tanshui is like Qingdao, near the sea and the beach.” Tao said excitedly.

Junmyeon chuckled,”Tao, Grandma Wu’s villa have it’s own private beach. You could just enjoy it there since we’ll maybe have to sleep there and comeback in the morning. Besides, Angela’s wedding is the day after tomorrow.”


“Junmyeon hyung, do I have to wear any formal attire?” Tao asked. He did not know anything about Kris’s family tradition and this is the first time he went on one of the-famous-family’s event.

Junmyeon shook his head,”Just wear a casual outfit Taozi, you’ll only have to wear the formal one for the wedding. This is just a family dinner. Grandma Wu just loves to meet his grandchildren.”

“Okay, I’ll go get ready.”

“Okay. I’ll just tell the others to be ready at six. We need two hours drive and Grandma Wu said that the dinner will be at eight so we’ll still have a time to enjoy the beach when we arrive.”

Tao’s face couldn’t be more happier and more child-like when he jumping around the stairs to his bedroom and Junmyeon have to resist the urge to squish his baby.


Junmyeon always remember the first time he met Tao, he thought he might die just by Tao’s glare or stare but turned out that Tao was just a cute panda who loves teasing him too much. He enjoyed Tao’s presence as his little brother and he knew that Tao’s a kind-hearted boy. He loves Tao as much as he loves Baekhyun and Kyungsoo as his dongsaeng now.


“Why are you smilling alone like an idiot in the middle of the room hyung?” the usual sassy Byun Baekhyun suddenly popped out from somewhere. Okay, now he want to take his words earlier. He does not love Byun-sassy-Baekhyun.

“Where are the others?” Junmyeon ignore Baekhyun’s teasing and asked him.

“Coming, in a.....second,” Baekhyun said just as the others burst in from the main door. They are laughing hard, well, except Kris. The first boy entered the room after Baekhyun was Kyungsoo who produced his evil smirk, he exchanged glance with Baekhyun who had this mischievous glint in his eyes. Well, Junmyeon was suddenly feeling uneasy. Those two’s mischievous glint usually hinted something bad. Lay was following behind, still laughing his of and his hands was touching his stomach as if he’s been laughing so long until his stomach got cramped. Kris was entering the room with a deep shade of red on his face.

“Why are you all laughing? And why does Kris’s face looks like a boiled crab?” Junmyeon asked them curiously.

Lay walked to his boyfriend, still smiling and gave Junmyeon a chaste kiss before answering his question,”Looks like a certain dragon had realize that he’s not as straight as a ruller in front of a certain panda.”


Junmyeon laughed at Lay’s remark,”And why did you say that?”

“He asked me how did I feel when I realized that I ‘might be like you not as a friend anymore’ and did I feel ‘something funny such as wanna keep you for myself’, it’s not that hard to figure out who the hell is he talking about when he just have a soft spot for a certain panda right? He was trying to not being obvious when he asked me but you know, I’ve been his cousin for like...my whole life, so,” Lay grinned at his boyfriend who smiled along.

“And we happen to hear those silly conversation so we just ,” Kyungsoo who just came back from shopping with Baekhyun smirked mischevously. This man could be such a devil or an angel when he wanted to.


“I don’t wanna talk to all of you anymore. I didn’t even say anything and you guys jumped into your own conclusion. Besides, I’ve told you all, I’m straight!” Kris pouted childishly.

“Right!” Baekhyunn and Kyungsoo scoffed.

“Remember when I told you that he’s my precious baby? So you have to prove me that you won’t hurt him before I give my bless to you,” Kyungsoo deadpanned making Kris gulped. Kyungsoo might be tiny and squishy but he was also had that evil side of him. You even could feel his deathly glare simply if you didn’t eat up his dish or flirt a little bit too much with Kai. If only a glare could kill, Kris would be seeing Hades for numerous times already for he was also enjoyed teasing Kyungsoo sometimes when he was bored.

“I didn’t remember saying anything about Tao just now, I’m just asking,” Kris said sulkily and headed to his bedroom upstairs.

“We just more about Tao. He’s still trying to deny the fact that he likes Tao. Well, everybody could see it clearly by the way he treated Tao though,” Yixing spoke.

Junmyeon rolled his eyes,”Leave them alone, you three, let them grow closer themselves.”

“But that will took ages, hyung, like you and Lay hyung,” Baekhyun snapped and ran while giggling like crazy to his room to avoid some throwed pillows from Lay.

“You brat!” Lay said seeing Baekhyun succesfully avoiding the pillow and mehrong to him.


“Speaking of precious baby, where is he?” Kyungsoo asked Junmyeon.

“He’s in his room. He was so excited when I told him that we’re going to Tanshui. You guys be ready at six, I already told Zhoumi gege and David too.”









“Oooo...kay, so, who’s driving?” Kyungsoo asked, eyeing the Mercedes Benz M-Class. Zhoumi and David was already left with Kris’s parents.

“I will,” Tao voluntered,“we just have to set the address on the GPS right?”

“So Kris will take the front seat while Lay hyung and Junmyeon hyung will take the back seat and Kyungsoo and me will take the middle seat,” Baekhyun organized the seat.

Everyone was going to their designated seat, well, except Kris,”Why should I take the front seat?” he scowled.

“Because, Lay hyung wouldn’t want to be separated from Junmyeonie hyung and I don’t really stand their PDA so I need Kyungsoo to accompany me. Or do you want to seat with Kyungsoo instead? I’ll take the front seat with Taozi. I could always cuddle him that way,” Baekhyun teased.


“No, I’d rather take the front seat to protect Tao from you,” Kris answered.
“That evil in disguise, Kyungie and Baek, they’re getting more evil to me these past days. I should just urge Kai to confessed already to Kyungie, maybe he could get less evil if they’re official and I also should find a boy for Baek too, he wouldn’t disturb Tao then,” he muttered then opened the front door.


“What’s wrong?” Tao asked him.

“Err..no, nothing.”

“Can you please set the GPS route? I don’t know the address,” Tao said once Kris settled himself on his seat.

“Okay,” Kris set the GPS and sit awkwardly. He hadn’t had any chance to have a closer proximity with Tao since the balcony incident and he was nervous as hell now. Though they were not alone in the car but still, he just felt anxious.




Chanyeol was driving like a mad man. His brain felt suffocated and his body felt extremely tired. All he want to do now just to go to his favorite club and drown himself in vodka. He was arguing with Yoojin again about their marriage plan. Chanyeol really wanted to avoid it but Yoojin thought otherwise. She wanted to held the marriage sooner. Chanyeol was really sick of Yoojin and leave her on the restaurant his parents wanted him to go with Yoojin.

He wasn’t really paid attention at the street while suddenly he nearly crashed someone. He stepped on the brake and barely avoided the guy by few milimeters. The boy looked shocked and collapse. His legs must have lost their energy and Chanyeol quickly open his car door to rushed to the boy’s side.

“Are you okay? I’m so sorry!” he said wholeheartedly.

“I…..I….I t-think…I-I-m ooo…kay…I…I-‘m jj-j-just a little bit s-s…s-shock,” the boy stuttered made Chanyeol feeling guilty.

He looked closely at the boy.

“Taehyung? V?”

The said boy lifted his head up to meet Chanyeol’s eyes,”Y---Yeol hyung?”




The journey to Tanshui went peacefully. Apart from the stolen glances from Kris to Tao once in a while, Kris started to feel more at ease. The forever-moodmaker-Baekhyun snatched the audio wire in Kris’s car and played some songs from his phone. Everybody sang happily and even Junmyeon and Lay decided to sing along instead of being on their own lovey dovey world. They occasionally teased Tao’s cute mispronounciation since Baekhyun mostly played Korean songs and Tao was still struggling with his Chinese accent. They arrived at Tanshui on time and welcomed by Chen, Zhoumi, and Wu Zun who arrived earlier.


They met Angela and her fiancée, Johnny Yen and entered the mansion together. The elderly were already waiting in the mansion.

“Oh, you already come?” Grandma Zhang said.

“And who’s this cute boy here?” Grandma Wu asked looking at Tao.

“He’s Huang Zi Tao, Yifan’s new personal assistance Grandma,” Lay answered while dragging Tao to meet the Grandmas.

“Awww…how come you always find the cute boy Yifan? You already have Kyungie and Baekie. You also have Junnie although Yixing snatched him away,” Grandma Wu surprised Tao with a warm family hug.

Kris rolled his eyes,”And how come Grandma always wanted to kidnap my friends? Now you fell for Tao too.”

Grandma Wu shrugged after hugging Tao,”Well, it can’t be helped. Kyungie’s cooking is amazing and this boy here, I want to keep him in my pocket.”

“But you already have me in your pocket Grandma,” Baekhyun protested with his aegyo.


“Now you had another grandson Gran,” Wu Zun said.

“You’re right!” Grandma Wu said while patting Tao’s arm lovingly.

“Thank you. I’ve always wanted to have a grandmother,” Tao said softly with a happy smile.

“What happened to your grandmother Tao?” Mrs Wu asked.

“My grandparents from my mom were died before I was born and….”he seemed hesitate for a moment,”so did my grandmother from my dad.”

“Ohhh…poor boy…” Grandma Zhang pulled him to a hug,”now you have two Grandmas, okay?”

Tao felt so touched. How could this family be this welcoming and warm? He nodded happily and smile cutely to both Grandma who squealed at his cute smiling face.


Kris thought about this little piece of information about Tao. He just realized that Tao never once talk about his family or his past or his private life. Tao was so mysterious. He came suddenly, barging into his life without even saying anything yet he’s able to gain everyone’s attention with his nice behavior and hardworking manner. This is the first time he wanted to know more about someone else. The never once curious about Kyungsoo’s, Baekhyun’s or Junmyeon’s life before he knew them but he accept them fully as his friends. He doesn’t even remember his previous assistances, cordis or managers’s names. He used to be a spoiled brat, yes, and he admit that sometimes he’s still act that way, but he gradually grew more mature now. He loves his friends, his real friends who stays for him and not for the popular Kris Wu or the rich Wu Yifan.


“Okay, dinner’s prepared! Let’s go to the dining room,” Zhoumi announced.

They have dinner while chatting happily. Angela and Johnny looked so happy and Grandma Zhang teased Wu Zun for haven’t found any soulmate despite of his age reaching 35 this year. They also teased teh new couple, Yixing and Junmyeon for taking such a long time and Grandma Wu said that if Yixing haven’t confessed to Junmyeon already, she will personally kidnap them two and throw them in a deserted island to live together which causing Junmyeon to blushed madly and Lay sneakily commented,”If only I knew Grandma’s plan, I would postpone my confession. Thay way I would have Junmyeon for myself in a deserted island,” making everybody laughed.


After the dinner, the Wu and Zhang couple stay with Grandma Wu and Grandma Zhang to talked about business, Angela and Johnny went back to Taipei to finished their last preparation, while Wu Zun have a conversation with Zhoumi. Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Chen was having a nice Karaoke session in the living room while Yixing, Junmyeon, Tao and Kris stared at them, amused at their antics.


Tao got up and walked ouf of the mansion. The beach view was so nice. He could feel the night breeze and the stars were shining proudly there. He decided to take a walk to enjoy the view. He used to enjoy strolling around on the beach in Qingdao.


“Hey…” he heard someone’s voice and turned his head. He saw Kris smilling awkwardly and stratching his nape with his right hand.

“Mind if I join you?” Kris said.

Tao shook his head and waited for Kris to catch up. They were walking side by side. No conversation exchanged. The silence atmosphere continued for about twenty minutes until Tao broke it, surprised Kris who was about to talk to ease the awkward feeling.

“Your family is so nice,” Tao said.

“You are a part of it now, just like Kyungsoo, Chen, Baekhyun, Zhoumi gege and Junmyeon,” Kris reminded him.

Tao nodded,”I feel grateful of that. I love being in the middle of such a warm family.”

Kris was curious about that but decided that it might be not wise to asked Tao about his family.

“Well, now I’m afraid that Grandma Wu will try to kidnap you and you will willingly follow her,” Kris joked.

“That’s not a kidnapping then,” Tao smiled.


They walked again in silence. Staring at the waves that swept their feet and inhale the breeze.


“About that night Tao…” Kris started making Tao turned his face to meet his eyes.

“It…it wasn’t a spontaneous action. I won’t say sorry because I honestly didn’t feel sorry. I….”

Tao waited patiently.

“I thought I might like you,”




To be continued




So…hi guys….

First of all, I sincerely apologized for the late update. (*three times 120 degrees bow)

My work was getting terrible, my hardisk was broken (I was already typed half of this chap and I had to retyped this) and there was Kris’s issue, and Baek’s issue and I was just really not in the mood to continue this story…..because of that…..(I’ll took the blame for that)

But I owe you guys…and I really love you guys and I know that I’ll feel terribly guilty if I didn’t finish this story…so…this is it…

I promise I will finish this story but It might take some time to update since I will have to backup my friend’s job (she took a leave until next Monday so my job’s doubled) but I promise it won’t take as long as this one.

This is of those who's still love EXO and love Kris despite of anything...


Once again I apologized and I really thank you for those who had subscribed, upvoted or commented on my first fic here. I thank you for sparing your time to read this story.


Please spare me for any typos and grammatical errors, I just want to post this quickly because you guys have waited for too long. I will fix any mistakes on the next update...


Thank you….(bow respectfully)

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Oh no. I didn’t realize that this wasn’t update since 2014 :’( sadness. I hope you continue to update one day! I really enjoyed reading this story.
kyra81 #2
Chapter 5: Oh!! I'm curious,what happened between Baekhyun and Chanyeol??,poor Kris ,he don't have any chance to get closer to Tao tao,I'm laugh so hard when I read Sehun's part and Kris sulky face when he heard Tao and Sehun is getting along quite well.!! Hehehe...... >.<. Update soon author nim !!!!
Chapter 5: What happen to Chanbaek actually?? Update more~
kimhuang #4
Chapter 5: Update update update !!!!
Chapter 1: Hey sweetie- I'm really sorry but this just isn't for me! In a few places sentences seem a little awkward, and in others the sentences were too long and overly complicated, therefore becoming uneasy to follow. In the beginning if the chapter you had a scene with a video call between Kris' family members, that scene in particular was very difficult to follow, it's also unnecessary to put in a make and model number for a piece of technology, there are other ways you can put across Kris' wealth without being so specific, personally I couldn't pick out a Samsung whatever those numbers were 55 inch tv unless I had a tape measure and the Samsung label on the actual tv I front of me! It is really off putting in my opinion, seeing the list of numbers my brain flicks a switch, turns off and the interest is lost.
I'm sorry that this seems negative, I wish you all the best with this fanfic though! (And any others you decide to write!)
kimhuang #6
Chapter 4: finallyyyyy you updated!!!! it seems like forever ya know, but i'm patiently waiting for every update :))
but please update faster author nim this is amazing
kyra81 #7
Chapter 4: And I will wait patiently for your next chapter...!! Hwaiting!!! \^_^/
kyra81 #8
Chapter 4: Whoa!!! 120° degrees bow??!! What about your back??!! I'm glad that you finally updated the story and I'm happy that Kris is open up a bit to Tao(Heh!! He still defends that he's a straight guy,suuuure!!!!) I hope that Baekkie will find his true love. Just take care of yourself,I know you are quite busy with your work plus back up your friends work but don't push to hard. I'm afraid that you will sick!!
kyra81 #9
Chapter 3: Aiya...!! Cliff hanger....!! Tao probably slaps Kris face or kicks his family jewel,Hehehe....!!! #my evil laugh# Update soon author nim!! Can't wait for next chapter ! >_<
Chapter 3: 'Tao widened his eyes and slapped him...'-------> please author-nim i don want this kind of situation to happen pweaseeee~~~