Your Voice Was The Soundtrack Of My Summer

When You Look Me In The Eyes

Kyuhyun POV

She said 'hi' I don't know what am I doing here, I'm stuck, I can't find even a word to say to her after all this time I know I still have feelings for her even now, speechless, that's the only word I can think and I can't say it to her, I stare her for awhile and then suddenly everything seems strange, I remember she's not ____ anymore, she looks happy and independent.... I miss the old ____ the one who's clumsy and confusing but if I could stay with her for awhile I think I'll find the old her and bring it back.

____ POV

Okay, it's awkward he just stood still! What am I supposed to say? Every eyes in this room is now looking toward our direction and BAM! Joe's there... Staring at me I know the look he's worried and jealous but he didn't stop me he just give me an 'I Love You' look I saw Kyu, he's pale I don't know why he act like this so I started to walk away and he grabbed my hand and told me not to leave and that he'll talk to me about everything, I agree and follow him to his dressing room.
"what is it Kyu?"
"I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry for what I've did"
"I already forgive you"
"but I wanna say it again, so here it goes... ____ I'm sorry for what I've did and I hope we could become friends like we used to"
"WHAT THE H---?!"
"no, I mean OF COURSE! You used to be my bestfriend Kyu!" I answered him cheerfully
"Ok then... Hey can I get your new number?"
"here......." I give him my phone number
"hey guys, we need you out here?" Siwon knocked the door and we both leave the room into the rehearsal room.
"so ____ I miss you already" said Joe when I arrived in the rehearsal room
"ooowwww... That is so sweet, I miss you too Joe"
"hehehehehehehe after the concert you wanna go somewhere?" he asked me
"err.. We have the after party, remember?" suddenly Kyu interrupted us
"That's right Joe we have the after party!" I told you
"uhm, Kyu do you mind?" Joe ask him to leave us
"no prob guys" and he left
"____ did he do something to you?"
"no, nothing we just made up"
"you're back with him? I can't believe it after all I did to you.." he looks sad
"no! We just becoming friends, no more than that besides... I don't have any feelings for him since you and I are together"
"really? Well that's good"
"Joe, the concert is about to begin in 5 hours, wanna walk somewhere?" I asked him
"yeah, sure I am"

Siwon POV

I heard what she says, ____ don't have feelings anymore for Kyu.... It's hard for me since I'm Kyu's friend and ____'s friend, which side should I take and should I tell Kyu about this, I really don't know. I regret sneaking here and heard what ____ says. I regret it for God's sake!.
"hey! What's up?" Donghae greeted me
"what?" he whispered back
"look over there and let's go" I dragged him to hide
"ooo... You're sneaking ____ and Joe's conversation did ya?"
"yup... It's meanless I think let's go"

"alright sir" he forgot to keep his voice low, Dammit!
"ok, now let's run!!"


I heard something, even though I'm happy that she does not have feeling for Kyuhyun anymore I saw who's hearing our conversation I know an I'm just gonna ignore it because the concert's coming up.
"what's up Joe?"
"uh, nothing I just remembered that I gotta go for rehearsal"
"ok let's go then" and I give her a kiss
"later hon,"
"love you"
"love you too, forever"
Yeah, I know I gotta keep her beside me if I don't wanna lose her, still there's a bit feeling in me that I'm worried about her getting close to Kyuhyun but all I can do is watch her from distance and make sure everything's ok.

____ POV

I was just about to text Kyu something but suddenly someone screamed
"HELP!" I ran as fast as I could and my thought was right it was Joe he slipped and now he's losing his consciousness I saw him and I ran to him to help him, but just when I about to get to him Kyu called me to help him.....

Kyuhyun POV

I see her running towards Joe's direction and I called her for help to see who's she gonna choose and all I see is that see looked to me and I can see that I'm a fool for distracting ____ from a serious problem just to know how she feels about me and it hurts me when I know who did she choose, it was him and I walked away, I opened my phone and call for ambulance and then wash away my memories in that hallway where she choose him over me.

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Nooneknows #1
@kyu_love: Thank you so.. so much! :D
Kyu_Love #2
Damn I just thought to make a Justin Bieber story with Kyuhyun..LOL<br />
and then I read this because of the tag-Joejonas<br />
btw nice :)
AyaMizuhara #3
YAY!!!<br />
Finally an update ^_^<br />
update soon ^_^
Nooneknows #4
@kyung98: I'm working on a chapter right now, and i'll post it this week. :)
AyaMizuhara #5
I miss you update :(<br />
Update soon please :(<br />
Nooneknows #6
@kyung98: thaaaanks... Hehehe, got a test for the next week... Hopefully i can get the best score. After the test i'll update this story.... Thankssssss again
AyaMizuhara #7
it awesome ^_^<br />
update soon~~~ ^_^
Nooneknows #8
@kyung98: your welcome... so what do you think about the chapter? (-,-)v
AyaMizuhara #9
thank you for an update ^_^
Nooneknows #10
@kyung98: There you go, enjoy this new chapter