Misunderstanding Comes With A Love

When You Look Me In The Eyes

“____” POV

We got back in LA yesterday, and I’ve got an invitation to Super Junior world tour and their after-party, I desperate to get there the concert is in 3 days, Joe haven’t called me today and he said he needs to do a very important job the next 3 days. What a day, alone here in this house Joe bought for me... Perfect. I thought. But I can hang out with Zhaffee today if she’s free we can have a girls night out and shop til we drop...

“Hi, Zhaffee, How are you?”

“Umm... Hi, ____ I’m fine what’s up?” She sounds like she’s just wake up

“Wanna go out with me today, Joe got a very important work”

“Yeah, Sure. When?”

“I’ll meet you at the mall in an hour, can you make it?”

“Of course, I gotta tell you a story later!”

“Ok, Later then, bye”


That’s it, I’m going to the mall with Zhaffee what a good day....

“Hi Zhaffee?” So what is it that you would like to tell me about?” I asked here when we stop by a coffee shop

“I just met this guy, he’s nice and we went out together yesterday”

“Oh My God!! Is he cute, You gotta tell me EVERYTHING!!” I got very excited about the guy she’s been talking about, I hope it was Nick though.

“Well, he’s not from here actually” Oh damn! It’s definitely not Nick

“So.... What’s his name?” I hope she’s gonna say Nick Jonas

“Wait for it....... CHO KYUHYUN!! Isn’t that a great name?” Gosh... Gosh... Gosh.. I’m sooo dead now

“WHAT?! YOU WENT OUT WITH A KOREAN SUPERSTAR?!” I can’t keep my voice low

“Umm.. Yes so what is it with you? I met him yesterday at the cafe and we go to my gallery and then we go to the mall... He’s such a sweet guy” She proudly tell me about him...

“WHAT?! DAMN!!”I yelled in the middle of the coffee shop

“Hey, What is it with you and this guy?” She became curious, oh ! I’m not a liar..

“Well, actually hmm.... hmmm... he.. he’s... Gah!”


“HE’S MY EX-BOYFRIEND! There I said it”

“What? I can’t believe this... So why did you guys broke up?”

“He’s busy, By the way what happened between you and Kyu is just a fling right?” I dare myself to ask

“Hahaha...  Turns out the ex-girlfriend who’s now ALREADY has a boyfriend is still in love with her ex.. ckckckckck... Seriously that’s just a fling no more, and we’re become a friend”

“No I’m not, an ex is an ex, I love Joe now” When I look out of the coffee shop window I see papparazzis are all over this place, oh ! They’re following me again. I thought, but then one of them shouted

“Hey, Zhafira tell us about your relationship with Korean superstar Kyuhyun!!”

“Oh, well  Zhaffee if it’s all over the media this is a real mess...” I told Zhaffee

“Help me! Help me please ____, I never wanted to get all of this attention” She sounds very honest

“Yeah, well follow me.. They used to follow me everywhere so I know a back-up exit all over this city”

“Thanks a lot ___, I owe you” She thank me

“Never mind.. Let’s go they’ll become more obsessive if they see their target is stood still”

“Yeah you’re right, Let’s go!!”

It was a day, really, Zhaffee got chased everywhere by papparazzi, I’ve got to clean up this mess cause if Nick see the news he’s gonna be upset.  Joe where are you. I thought.

“The number you’re calling is not answering please leave a message after this tone BEEEEEP” Damn, mailbox!

“Umm.. Joe it’s kinda important please call me as soon as you get this message thanks” Okay now let’s hope Nick haven’t seen the news.


Kyuhyun POV

Crazy reporters! Get a life don’t you enter my personal life. I thought after I seen the news that showed a picture of me and Zhaffee at the mall. Well, I gotta talk to Joe about this....

“Hey Joe!” I greeted him...

“Hey Kyu, How are things?”

“Good, I’ve seen this news about me and a girl and what can I do to stop all of this frenzy?” I ask for his advice but suddenly

“You!” Nick’s voice is very loud

“Oh, hey dude..” I greeted him

“Remember this! If you break Zhaffee’s heart... YOU’RE GONNA HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME!” He shouted

“Well, It’s just a crazy news Nick, Calm down” Joe tell his brother to calm down

“Remember Kyu, I’m serious when it comes to the case of the girl I love, I’m not gonna cancel this performance but remember this! YOU BREAK HER HEART, I BREAK YOURS”

“BY WHAT?” I’m insulted with the tone of his voice

“I don’t know but I WILL!” Nick walk away

“You can’t turn your back on me like that Mr. Jealous”


“Mr. Jealous is in the house” I insulted him

“Well, what can you do Mr. Skinny” We almost got into fight but Joe warned us

“Ok, Ok, That’s it guys. Come on! Donghae come here please”

“What is it Joe?”

“Can you take Kyu back to his room so he could chill out a bit? They almost got into a fight, Kevin and I are gonna take Nick back to our home”

“Ok, Joe. Chill out man, Kyu let’s go to your room” Donghae escorted me back to my room.


“____” POV

When we go back home I talk to Zhaffee about everything, I told her about Nick, and she wanted to meet him, so I drove her to Nick’s house and she found him sitting in the corner and holding his guitar it’s seems like he’s heartbroken.


Zhaffee POV

When I arrived at Nick’s house I saw him, he look messed up. I told ____ to leave me with him, I walked to him.

“What are you doing here Zhaffee?”

“I come here to see you Nick” I answered

“Well, Here I am”

“That’s it Nick? I come here to talk to you”

“I don’t have much to talk to, Zhaffee” He answered

“Well, I have tons”

“You better start talking Zhaffee, I’m tired.”

“I’m gonna start with this, I’m not dating anyone Nick.”

“What? But... It was all over the news?”

“Whatever you see is not true I’m not dating anyone Nick. I love a guy but I don’t know if he loves me too...” I teasehim

“Yeah, That’s the same with you dating anyone. Don’t you know that I’m in love with you Zhaffee? Do you even care about that? I don’t think so.” He looks sad again

“No, You’re wrong Nick. I do love you, I do care about you”

“Really, well, this is a song I wrote for you since we met”


 He sing Introducing Me. I think it’s official now, I’m dating Nick Jonas.


“____” POV

I can’t believe I’m gonna meet Kyu in 3 days!!!. :) :) :)

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Nooneknows #1
@kyu_love: Thank you so.. so much! :D
Kyu_Love #2
Damn I just thought to make a Justin Bieber story with Kyuhyun..LOL<br />
and then I read this because of the tag-Joejonas<br />
btw nice :)
AyaMizuhara #3
YAY!!!<br />
Finally an update ^_^<br />
update soon ^_^
Nooneknows #4
@kyung98: I'm working on a chapter right now, and i'll post it this week. :)
AyaMizuhara #5
I miss you update :(<br />
Update soon please :(<br />
Nooneknows #6
@kyung98: thaaaanks... Hehehe, got a test for the next week... Hopefully i can get the best score. After the test i'll update this story.... Thankssssss again
AyaMizuhara #7
it awesome ^_^<br />
update soon~~~ ^_^
Nooneknows #8
@kyung98: your welcome... so what do you think about the chapter? (-,-)v
AyaMizuhara #9
thank you for an update ^_^
Nooneknows #10
@kyung98: There you go, enjoy this new chapter