After The Operation

Love Is Blind

Zico could hear the mumble's of other's around him as he came too. He couldn't open his eye's as something was holding them down. But he could hear Hyemi and Nurse Minho talking. Focusing on the voice's he managed to make out what was happening.

"...Everything went fine... As for if he has his sight back, we won't know for about a week as we need him to heal before we remove the bandage's." Nurse Minho explained.

Zico brought his hand up to his face and indead there was a bandage around his eye's.

"Ok... Thank you." Hyemi's voice called out then the door closed. Zico choose this moment to make himself noticed.

"H-how long have I been out?" He croaked, his hand going to his throat.

There was a couple of squeal's.

"God Jiho Oppa. You scared us there." Zico smiled slightly.

"Need some water?" Taeil's voice called from beside him. Zico nodded slightly. Then a straw was put between his lip's, after a couple of mouthfull's Zico thanked Taeil.

"How are you feeling?" P.O's deep voice made Zico jump slightly.

"I feel like crap... But good... I guess?" Zico chuckled lightly Before pushing himself up into a sitting positions, rolling his shoulders and neck a few times. "So? How long?"

"Ah, You came back about an hour ago... The operation went on for an hour and a half." Taeil filled him in. "It's just me, P.O and Hyemi here. The others and Jihoon went out about an hour ago for food, Clothing and other things."

"I see." Zico yawned slightly before sighing. "This next week is going to be nerve wrecking."

"Tell me about it." Hyemi sighed as she sat on the end of Zico's bed. "Jihoon was going crazy as soon as you left the room. As were the other's that's why we sent them all off. I hope you don't mind."

"No, you did the right thing." Zico smiled slightly. "I think it will be best if they didn't visit much. That way if the operation did go well they won't be too disappointed."

"Good Idea. Get some rest, Jiho-ah." Taeil helped Zico lay back down and soon the three left.

Zico sighed once again. Now the operation was over he was scared even more. What if it didnt work? They had to wiat a whole week to find out. It was extremely nerve wrecking. With yet another sigh the male fell asleep.


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Next Chapter up Tonight! Look Forward to it!!


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Chapter 19: I'm so happy TwT
Chapter 19: Awwwww yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zico can see again~~ im so happy XD
Chapter 19: Oh my, I'm so glad the surgery worked for Zico! He deserves to be able to see again!! Thanks for the double update author-nim!
darexvyn #4
Chapter 19: Yay for Zico!
Chapter 19: So beautiful. He can see his son for the first time ever!!!!!
mpreglover69 #6
Chapter 17: Fingers crossed hope the surgery went well! :)
Chapter 16: i really hope the surgery will be a succes
Chapter 16: Ohmahgerd!!!!!!!! Please let the sirgery be a success!!!!!!
Can't wait until the father is revealed.
This story is amazing! Probably one of the best mpreg's I have read! Keep up the great work author-nim!! :3