
Love Is Blind

After a half an hour Drive, Everyone piled out of the car, Jihoon in Zico's arm's while Hyemi lead him and the other's into the hospital. Not long after they found themselve's all waiting for Zico's Doctor to call him in. There was a deadly silence hanging over them all. To be honest, they were all scared. This was Zico's first appointment in year's. Zico wasn't expecting a change. But the other's were. They hoped. Just a little.

"Woo Jiho to see Doctor Sung? Woo Jiho?" A Female voice called causing Zico to jump slightly.

"Over here." Hyemi called out. There was a tapping on the floor before someone stood in front of them.

"Ah, Jiho-ssi, It's Good to see you again. Ah, You brought Jihoon, Last time I saw him was when he was... a year old? Anyway's, Are you coming in alone?"

"Yes." Was all Zico replied as he handed the Sleeping Jihoon over to the person next to him, Who just so happened to be Jaehyo.

"Come on then." Zico stood up and the Nurse lead him by taking his arm. When they arrived Zico was lead into a room.

"Hello Doctor Sung." Zico bowed.

"Wow, You got better at noticing people's presense's." The male chuckled as Zico took a seat.

"Now. We will run a few test's, and if you wiat outside after or do downstair's to the hospital Resturant, We will give you the result's today, Ok?"


And with that Zico went through a number of test's before returning to the group who then all went down to the resturant. Jihoon who was now awake was eating on his Umma's lap.

The adult's were all wiggling about in their seat's, They were eager to find out the result's. To know if there was even a little bit of improvement.

After a long, Boring two hour wait, A Nurse came and took Zico back to the Doctor.

"Jiho-Ssi. I have some amazing new's."

That one sentence made the male perk up in his seat. Amazing new's?

"W-w-what?!" Zico was trembling. Scared of the outcome.

"Your condition has improved. Your also compatible to have a Retinal Transplant. This won't bring your eye sight fully back, But you will be able to see with Glasses." Zico blinked a couple of time's. Was he dreaming?

"After that surgery, You will more than likely neew to have a Corneal Transplant. Trough that you might get even more of your sight back. So let's see how everything goe's, ok?" Zico just nodded slightly. He couldn't belive this... Was this really happening?

Using his Cane instead of the nurse, He found his way back down to the Resturant were everyone was waiting. When he arrived, With the help of Hyemi Zico sat down.

"Jihoon's asleep... Want to tell us?"

"I....I...." Zico was still out of it. He just couldn't believe what was happening.

"What Jiho-Oppa? What's Wrong? Is it bad new's? I told you not going to appointment's for year's was a -" Zico cut her off.

"My condition is good enough that they can do Retinal and Corneal Surgery... My eye sight won't be back to normal... But with glass's it will be like the average person...." Zico said almost in a daze. A Miracle happened. To him of all people. After missing almost 5 year's of his son growing up... He will be able to watch him the rest of the way... To see him grow into a beautiful adult....

A Smile smile made it's way on to Zico's lip's a a tear rolled down his cheek.

A Miracle.

A Real Miracle.

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Next Chapter up Tonight! Look Forward to it!!


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Chapter 19: I'm so happy TwT
Chapter 19: Awwwww yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zico can see again~~ im so happy XD
Chapter 19: Oh my, I'm so glad the surgery worked for Zico! He deserves to be able to see again!! Thanks for the double update author-nim!
darexvyn #4
Chapter 19: Yay for Zico!
Chapter 19: So beautiful. He can see his son for the first time ever!!!!!
mpreglover69 #6
Chapter 17: Fingers crossed hope the surgery went well! :)
Chapter 16: i really hope the surgery will be a succes
Chapter 16: Ohmahgerd!!!!!!!! Please let the sirgery be a success!!!!!!
Can't wait until the father is revealed.
This story is amazing! Probably one of the best mpreg's I have read! Keep up the great work author-nim!! :3