Eunji and Chorong noona

Apink and You

I woke up early in the morning and prepared myself for the first day and first class at the university.

I get up from the bed and head to the toilet to take a bath. After I'm done, I take a breakfirst that my hyung made before he go worked.

Later, I took a cab to go to the university. I frantically flipped through the pages of the book to study a little bit. 15 minutes later, I arrived at there and look for my class. I made some friend and the class started when the lecturer enter our class.

Hello! My name is Julien Park and I will teach you addmath.

Our first lesson just an introduction to the addmath and it looked very diffferent and very hard.

Aishh, what he talking about. I dont understand anything what he teach. All other students also look blank.

Yoon jae (my friend that I made early) , did you understand what he talked about.

Oh, only a little bit. I did not expect that it was that hard.

I also think so. It was very hard and he teach us very fast. It look like he talked alone.

Haha, I agree with you.



Umm, I start day dreaming and thinking what the eunji noona are doing right now. I still not believe that I met them. After 2 hours later, the class has over and I take a nap.

Huh, what are the hell he talked about. 

After that, I start whatsapp-ing my hyungi

Hyung, can you take me home when I finished my class

Hyung :-

What time you finished you class

Me :-

At 2pm. Can hyung take me..?

Hyung :-

Oh, arrasso. I will take you and we go eat our lunch.

After that,my class has continued and I try to focus. But, I cant focus since the class was so boring and I start day dreaming until the class was over.

After long and tiresome class all day, my hyung come and picked up me. When I open the car door, I can see eunji noona and chorong noona in the car..

Oh, annyeonghaseyo noona, what are you doing here..??

Annyeong aegi ah,

Oh, we came to pick up you since our filming for Happy Together had finished. By the way, you can drop your formal speak with us.

But, I'm younger than noona and noona are the idols. How can I do that.

You can imagine that you are not talked with the idols and look us like your noona. Arrasso..?

Ne noona. I will try. I feel very awkwardly with the eunji noona sit beside me..

Guys, we are going to eat our lunch. You guys dont mind it right..?, said my hyung while drive the car.

Ne oppa. 

After that, we headed to the restaurant and eat our lunch. I eat pizzas with eunji and chorong noona while my hyung eat spagetthi. We eat while have a little chat.

Aegi ah, can noona have you phone number..??

Ne noona..? 

Later, we switched our phone number and eunji noona invite me to the apink whatsapp group..

Noona, why you all try to be close with me..?? I'm only a liitle boy and I only a student who had enter the university. 

Why you are so curious aegi ah. We always looked you as our dongsaengs and aegi as you are the youngest between us.

Gomawo noona ah, I never feel love affection from my noona and my parents since they had died when I was 3 year old. 

Starting from today, I will see you all as my noona.

My face turn red as eunji noona peck my cheek.

After that, my hyung took the car and sent me to the house. After that, my relationship between them become strong like a family. While hearing music in the car, I fall asleep and leaned my head to the eunji noona.

Aigoo, uri aegi must be tired from the class today, said eunji noona while rub my head.



I think I was the luckiest boy in the world because I can met them everyday, whatsapp-ing them every night and have skinship with them.

When we reached my house, my hyung woke me up.

Jonnhee ah, we have reached at home.

Arrggh, mianhae noona. I must be heavy to you.

^^It alrights.

Before I open the car door, eunji noona hold my shoulder...

Aegi ah, when you're free, come to our dorm and we can have a party.

Arrasso noona.

I waved to them and I entered the house, put my bag down and have a bath.



To be continued...


Author note: I'm sorry for my bad English language. Chapter 1 and 2 really a bored topics since it was introduction to the story. But, I hope you will the other chapter.









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