

Time is running out for Seungri, and Jiyong pays with his own to prolong what little is left. It is entirely a bad idea. There is no happy ending. He's probably going to end up dead.

Jiyong, being Jiyong, will of course do it anyway.


Mind Melds give people the opportunity to say goodbye. There are complications, and the whole process is exceedingly new and untested. But many choose to undergo it anyway, if only for the chance to say 'I love you' one last time. But as with all things, they do not last forever. Time runs out. The question is whether or not you can learn to let go in the time you have left.




In a somewhat futile attempt at creating an AU that hasn't already been done a million times already (AFF being, of course, an obvious breeding pool for such stories), I have this to offer. In true author omnipotence, I will choose to update this whenever I can and update with whatever I want. I don't anticipate this fic being any longer than five chapters at most, but obviously as a WIP that can change.

There is an obligation on my part to warn for terminal illness and potential future character death. Doesn't that sound appetizing. I promise that it's more original than it sounds. Everything medical in this fic is going to require a certain degree of suspension of disbelief, if that isn't too much to ask. Despite my studies that will hopefully pave the way for actual knowledge in the field of medecine, I am but a novice that relies on Google too much to be taken seriously at all.

I want this fic to be more than my usual fare. I've created this account for the sole purpose of having a clean slate upon which I can find out where I really stand as an author, rather than relying on previous success to spurn words of admiration. Please be honest.


(If you've guessed who I really am, send me a PM rather than in the comments. I'll give you a virtual high-five for your efforts.)

this is crap. this is crap. i am so deleting this fic. omg.


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Chapter 5: delete?? why did you want to delete this story??
it's good!! don't delete it except if you got a better reason for it. ><
Chapter 5: I really like your story! How can I not have noticed it before? Haha.. Either way, keep it up! I'm really interested! It's really nice how we're getting to know a little bit more about the whole situation with each new chapter, well done~
Chapter 5: I think Seungri's parents abandon him because of his relationship with Jiyong right? And it seems like his sister is also doing the same. Poor him.

3 more tries and the hospital will let him go?? That's so unfair and cruel!!! But i don't think ri is gonna keep up with it any longer... :(
Chapter 5: oooooooooooooo~ From what I can make out Ri's parents may have disowned him for their relationship you know but then you said a lighting accident (tbh i've always wanted someone to put this in a fic i mean like they're always onstage it'd make sense /laughs evilly) anyways i'm excited for what the rest of the fic brings and don't worry about not researching it made sense :) i hope to see seunghyun and daesung ^^
tarepandasan #5
Chapter 5: Glad to be finding out more about the background of their situation.
Chapter 5: Ri come back! Your dragon needs you.
Chapter 5: Woo hoo Hana gets an appearance! X3
Oh my~ ;.; Three more visits, huh? Seungriiiii ;____; pills? Lighting accident? XD aaaaagh~~~
I appreciate your writing as always <3 I'm hooked~ *re-reads*
Chapter 4: This is some unique story ^_^

Not-patiently-waiting-for-the-next-update c:

Chapter 4: I too had also hoped "he's waking up" would refer to Ri. Sobs. ;; At this point it really is just a matter of time before one of them passes. ;; This title is really fitting.

Also, I couldn't help but to laugh?? when "Youngbae finally released his album" appeared?? Omg I'm so bad. XD

Hwaiting in your studies, authornim! Wishing you all the best of mid-terms. Don't burn yourself out. ;; *hugs*