Chapter 3

Goodbye Soulmate, Farewell

The date Chanyeol flew himself to Paris was on the 23rd August, 8 in the morning and arrived later at 24th August, 6 in the evening. He caught up with his best friend, Baekhyun after taking his bags. Baekhyun then drove them to his small apartment.

Baekhyun is achieving his dream of becoming an international well-known model. He wants to be famous and wear all those jackpot shots but Chanyeol disagrees, Baekhyun should have audition for a music industry because as Baek mother quoted it “My son is too short to be a model, he should’ve choose to be a singer” Baekhyun didn’t wear his sassy eyeliner after that and started to wear insoles more often.

Chanyeol was too exhausted to talk during their ride toward Baek’s apartment so he ended up sleeping throughout the whole ride and Baekhyun being the obvious diva he is, he sang throughout the whole journey non-stop. Chanyeol was too occupied with his sleep that he hardly notice Baek’s “very soothing singing”

After arriving Baek’s apartment Chanyeol is still sleepy to notice how classy his best friend’s apartment is. So he let Baek’s maids pick up his heavy bags and made his way towards any room he finds. Chanyeol stumbled a room and he probably guessed it was Baekhyun’s since its filled with SNSD pictures (and a huge frame of Taeyeon and him doing a thumb up pose) he jumped onto Baek’s bed and continue himself in dreamland in which he finds Heera 

Chanyeol was walking in a field filled with cherry blossom trees. He wonders why it’s still blossoming when the field is clearly filled with an amount of snow, but he keeps walking until he finds a tree with a girl sitting under it. The girl is sketching and Chanyeol assumes she is drawing the cherry blossom that is suited in front of her. The view is lovely so he presumes that the drawing is lovely. He slowly walks to the girl, as she slowly moves her head to the right side, she sees Chanyeol walking towards her

Chanyeol is surprised, it was Heera.

He sat down beside her; Chanyeol saw her drawing and it wasn’t was he presumed to be.  It was a picture of him sitting down under the cherry blossom trees without any snow around him. He asked why but Heera didn’t answer her, he asked again and again but Heera never answered. He gave up.

“Do you love me Chanyeol” Heera asked

Chanyeol is surprised by the question so he remained silent.

“I love you Chanyeol” Heera told him

“I love you too” Chanyeol bluntly and un-purposely slipped down his tounge


“No, I really love you” Chanyeol seemed surprise but manage to reply her

“Naeun is better than me and she’s behind you”

Chanyeol slowly turns around and finds nothing

“You wouldn’t turn back if you love me Chanyeol. You’re a liar”

And Heera fades away and the cherry blossom slowly dies.

Chanyeol is dumbfounded


Chanyeol wakes up and sees Naeun by his side,

“Hi” He greets her

“Who is Heera” she asks

And Chanyeol remains silent


Author's note:Cherry blossoms represents Heera's love for Chanyeol,the snow represents Heera's love for snow and how she wants to see a cherry blossom tree growing even in the cold seasons. Naeun doesn't know about Heera's existance as she left for Paris.


Sorry for the late update TT.TT

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MrsGDragon #1
Chapter 3: more! more! more! hehehe