Bad Night, Nice Morning i think

When My TIME Is Come


Because I really excited, so, I just write my feeling on my diary.
‘Today, I met his friend J  they’re really a nice and good person ^-^ at first, I really surprise that they’re my unnie best friends.  But, The reason I don’t want to have a friend is that I know that I’ll leave them sooner or later. Dear God, I just hope that You can give me another chance to stay in Your world.’
I felt my tears started to fall on my cheeks. I wiped it as soon as Hara unnie out from bathroom after taking a bath.
“*sneezing* the water is really cold and tonight air’s also cold. I need my jacket” said Hara unnie talking to herself. “______-ah, are you cold?” she ask.
“I think I am. even I already wore a blanket, I still feeling cold”

 “hmmm.. Should I ask another blanket for us or should I ask to turn off the air conditioner?”
“I think I choose the blanket idea. I’ll get sweating if you turn off the air conditioner.”
“ah I didn’t think that far -_-  okay. Let me ask the blanket first”
“are you staying tonight?" i continued to ask with a happy tone and a sparkle eyes.
"yes i am. but I go back home the day after tomorrow. Is that okay with you sis?"
"tottaly!! Really, really, REALLY fine!!''
"*smile* that's my dongsaeng. I'm out to ask another blanket okay?"
"okay. Be carefull"
"i will.. I'll be back sis"when she leave, my vision suddenly geting blur. 'oh no!! Not right now! Not tonight' my eyes is really in pain. I keep my hand on my eyes. When Hara unnie is back, i feel my eyes is getting better. I removed my hand from my eyes.
"Are you okay _____-ah?" Hara unnie ask and approaching me.
"i'm fine" i replied. 'i think so' she sighed a relief and then said
"that's good. Here's you blanket."
"gomawo unnie."
"ne cheonmaneyo. Sleep well dongsaeng-ah"
"you too. Good night."
"good night" she replied with smile and turn off the light. I lied my body to my bed.'just close my eyes, and go to sleep' (Spongebob style XD*don't mind about this -_-*)

'Arrgh!! I can't sleep!! It's already 10.34 pm and i'm not sleep yet!!'Really, what just happen to me??

-02.04 am-

I'm still awake. I only staring the ceiling.'4 hours 30 minutes 15 seconds awake without doing anything is driving me insane!'  Insomnia? No! I never get insomnia before. I wish I have a cell phone -_- “since you never go out from hospital you don’t need cell phone” said Mr. Jang to ME! What about Laptop? Forget it! Appa promise me that he’ll give me laptop when my 17th birthday. And it’s on August and now is the end of July. Time..  quickly passed please. I’m feeling a little dizzy now. I just close my eyes and try to sleep. After 2 minutes, I really fall asleep.

-08.00 am-
“_____-ah! ______-ah wake up! It’s already 8 o’clock! Wake up or I’ll flush you!” said Hara unnie who tried to wake me up
“Okay I’m awake, I’m awake.. it’s not like I’m going to school or else. I don’t have reason to wake up this morning!” I replied with rubbing my eyes.
“that’s not the problem. Your breakfast will be cold if you don’t eat it. And you should drink morning medicine.”
“*I gave her ¬_¬ look * ne~ I’ll eat my breakfast now. Where’s mine?”
“here’s your breakfast little princess” she said while pulling the table.
“I’m not princess. Only a very sick patient.” I said while eating my breakfast.
“don’t say that! You’ll get recover in no time ____-ah. Trust me”
I only replied with a smile. Then, someone knock the door. “Who is it?” ask Hara unnie.
“it’s me” said the guy and open the door.
“wah.. Donghae-ssi.. what's make you come this early?”
I was choked on my food. ‘what the heck? What is he doing here?’

“ah _____-ah are you okay?” ask my sister.
“yes. *coughing* I’m fine *coughing twice*” I answer. “What are you doing here Donghae oppa? And how did you know my room?” I continued.
“Hara said she needs a view class presentation, so I come. About the room, she’s show me the room yesterday when you're engrossed in conversation with my friend and sister.” he replied with a smile.
‘oh no! not that smile please >_<’
“oh.. ah.. umm.. okay..”
“now, where is the file?”
“here you go miss. Oh yeah. We got another schedule for social class”
“Thanks Donghae.. it’s really helping.”
I only watching their conversation while eating my meal. ‘can I be like them? Freely go outside, go to school, hang out with friend and can do anything more. Spending time with friend and family is the greatest time in the world’
“okay Donghae.. thank you so much for helping me. Btw. Isn’t it to early? You could just came here on the afternoon.”
“It’s okay.. I have nothing to do in this hour. Plus, I want to visit my little sister and ____-ssi ^^”
I felt my cheeks is burning. He just met me 2 days ago and why is he being nice to me ?
“yah! You just met her!”
“I know. Since she’s your sister, you’re my friend, she’s also my friendJ” he said while approach me and tapping my right shoulder. Is it just me or he is a nice guy?
“well, I better get going. I need to see my little sis. Catch you guys later. bye”
“bye” said both of us. I only smiling and continued eating. I think my face is still red.
“____-ah your face is red.. are you okay? Or..”
“I’m okay! It’s just too cold in here. Nothing more!”
“easy tiger.. I’ll raise the temperature okay?”
“yes please” I never felt something like this before. Blushing, feeling embarrassed and some kind of other stuff. No worries. Just focus on my Illness.
My sister is raising the temperature. I feel nausea and my chest’s hurt. Followed by headache and I can’t move my leg. What happen to me?



i'm so so so SORRY not updating for SO long. my little kompi is broke ._.v so i can't update. i try trough cell phone but android can't work it --" and don't try to ask about my laptop. it's death already (?) ._.
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reginauliaELF #1
@poutygirl me too. esp. the expression (o.O)thank you for reading :D
reginauliaELF #2
@hanniestar many thanks to you:D sure. i'll update the second chapter now ^-^
update soon :D your fanfic looks really sad but I like sad story hahaha