
He is the one


As soon as the script was shoved to him, Myungsoo was shocked beyond words. He cluelessly followed Woohyun to where the Drama Club members were assembled and saw familiar faces straight away. He narrowed his eyes at his script and realized how he would be acting as a servant. Myungsoo scrunched his nose.

"I'm not a peasant," he scoffed. He was about to call out to Woohyun when he noticed the childhood friend he was never close to, Lee Sungjong at the stage rehearsing some lines. It seemed that the boy was trying his best not to blush because he had to act with the oh-so-perfect student, future valedictorian, the school's famous soccer star, Hoya.

Myungsoo always had this slight undescribable "ugh" feeling towards Hoya. Maybe it's because his popularity. "I'm handsomer, right?" he pouted.

Only then did he realize how Sungjong was portraying a seemingly cool character as he stayed calm and collected. It was the first time Myungsoo saw how manly Sungjong was being. His brows were furrowed as he carefully observed what the heck was going on.

"Your Highness, I can't do this. I have to follow the King's orders," Hoya said aloud with confidence.

Myungsoo only scoffed and darted his eyes towards Sungjong when it was the other male's turn. "But hyung, can't you let me pass this time? For my sake? For our relationship's sake? What about all the years we build trust together?" Sungjong dramatically clutched the script in his hand, eyes already b with tears. It seemed like he was about to break down into choked sobs. He was really good at acting, for a rookie.

Myungsoo widened his eyes at the dramatic sight and couldn't help but felt guilty for only standing there when his friend (you could call someone a friend if you know them for years even though you don't talk to them, right?). "Yah yah, don't cry!" he hollered.

Sungjong whooped his head towards the direction of the voice and widened his eyes upon the sight. Myungsoo.

"What are you doing here?" instantly, he found his mouth speaking without him realizing.

"I'm an actor too," Myungsoo waved his script. He managed to glare at Hoya — even though it was for no reason. "Sungjong-ah, which role are you taking?"


"I'll be the princess then."

The whole hall turned silent. "Good! Then we'll switch roles." Dongwoo suddenly patted him on the back and traded scripts with him. The older male then grinned gleefully, "Good luck wearing pink frilly dresses, Princess Myungsoo."

Looks like words could never be spoken so recklessly. There would always be consequences that you'd have to deal with after. Myungsoo was lost for words, and everyone else congratulated him for his role. It was the main role, anyone would be honored to be able to make it out. Question is, would you call yourself lucky to get the role of a princess if you're supposedly the chic mysterious guy in your school?

Ah. Myungsoo's pride is beyond crushed now. His shoulders slumped in defeat, but the sympathetic smile that Sungjong sent him gave him the spirit to rise. He failed to notice the faint pink blush on Sungjong's cheek though. What a pity.

After rehearsal, Sungjong quickly strided towards Myungsoo, biting his lower lip. "Myungsoo, do you want to go eat ice cream? It'll cheer you up. My treat."

Suddenly, everything felt nostalgic. The situation reminded him of the years before, where they were still kids, classmates and even seatmates at some point of their lives. And even though they never hung out before, the wave of familiarity still washed over him, and he couldn't help but bask in the comfortable thought for a while.


Myungsoo blinked out of his thoughts and nodded with a cute smile forming on his lips. "Sure," he chirped in delight. His face contorted to a horror expression when he realized it though. He freaking chirped. Chirped. Like a bird. How unmanly. But then again, he was the princess of the drama.

"Sorry for all these years," Sungjong started, albeit a little bit nervously. "And for yelling out at you," he continued, shrugging. He then stamped a stickie note onto Myungsoo's shirt that clearly read, 'so you could actually apologize?'

Myungsoo laughed light-heartedly, taking it as a joke. "Sorry I made you mad too," he continued, clearing his throat because it felt dry all of a sudden. He never felt nervous around anyone. Especially since he's the school's heartthrob who basically doesn't speak to any girls. But Sungjong is clearly not a girl. Unknowingly, he stared at Sungjong's chest then to his crotch, wondering if he might be a girl.

Sungjong would of course be offended. As a result, he hit Myungsoo in the head with his Physics textbook. "What are you looking at?" he asked, eyes narrowing into slits. It reminded Myungsoo of the earlier morning where Sungjong yelled at the male without a single care in the world.

"Nothing," Myungsoo coldly replied, averting his gaze as he walked side by side with Sungjong to a nearby ice cream parlor. "Jjong. I was wondering. Are we friends?" he immediately asked, eyes never leaving Sungjong's feminine-featured face. "We're not acquaintances if we've been classmates for ten years," he shrugged.

"You actually remembered and counted the years?"


All of a sudden, Sungjong felt flustered and he couldn't help but wonder what exactly does Myungsoo think of him. What do you think of me? he thought. Unfortunately, he didn't realize that he had said it aloud and it was as if the whole world momentarily stopped to hear what he said. Sungjong's face turned to bright red instead of the standard faint rosy pink when he realized it though.

"I actually kind of like you," Myungsoo honestly answered.

"So we're not friends," Sungjong boldly murmured. When Myungsoo's face showed confusion, he was quick to continue. "You obviously has a crush on me," he joked.

"Yeah. You're my romantic interest then."

Sungjong could have peed if it wasn't for his strong self-restrain. Myungsoo was too charming, and he now understood why girls would always talk about Myungsoo instead of things that are actually necessary. Sungjong gave him a blank look and Myungsoo almost regretted ever letting those words slip past his mouth.

"Well, that escalated quickly," Sungjong muttered, and it wasn't left unheard by the other male who responded with a handsome grin. Luckily, they already arrived at the ice cream shop. Sungjong distracted himself from the other's sudden confession. Damn, when a hot guy confesses to you, it's easy to say yes. But if the hot guy is the guy you've known for such a long time, you might want to think twice. 

"Joke," Myungsoo continued as to not make the situation awkward. Unsurprisingly, it worked as Sungjong resumed to his old little divar self. However the sad truth is, Sungjong is a big worrier. And he worried that Myungsoo joked about everything he had said and thus, their newly formed friendship might actually end up to be a joke all the time.

Sungjong felt like getting a headache from being such a huge worrier. So he stopped in his tracks, reminiscing the last words his grandmother ever said to him regarding his curiosity, "Well, if you're so curious, why don't you just ask him?". So Sungjong did just that, and decided to be straightforward towards Myungsoo, "Hyung, did you mean the words you say or were they all just a lie?"

The question was hard to answer for Myungsoo, to be honest. "Of course I mean them," he replied as to not be rude. 

"What about the part about me being your romantic interest?"

"Believe it or not, you're actually in the list of my ideal wife."

"Well, who else is in the list?"

"No one else. Just you."

And they both shared laughs.

In that moment, even though they were just about to get to know each other deeper, they realized that after all this time, Mr. Right wasn't so hard to find. You only need to look around you and realize that your life companion were one of the crowd. To Sungjong, Myungsoo is the one who could make the knots in his stomach twist. Sungjong didn't fail to let a thought cross his mind. Perhaps He is the one.

Weeks and months later, they hung out more frequently and after six months of courting each other, Princess Myungsoo finally kissed his prince.


Hi, everyone! Sorry for the late update. /bow/ I hope you guys didn't disappointed :)

This is my friend's note :

 sorry this was kinda rushed ;n; and the plot I'm sorry.

Okay. :) Anyway, thanks for waiting! Thanks for subscribing, upvotes and comments to this story ^.^

-Mind the mistakes :3

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Chapter 4: Cute >.< can't imagine myungsoo as a princess XD imagine him with pink dress and a wig XD
Chapter 4: Awwww! Such a cutee story :)
Princess MYUNGSOO & Prince SUNGJONG !!
Chapter 4: Aw they're so cute! Love this! Good Job! <3
Chapter 4: I love your friend's Story <3 So pretty
Chapter 4: I love your friend's. Story <3
Chapter 4: I love your friend's. Story <3
Chapter 4: u should have made sungjong the princess but Myungsoo oppa eing the princess really make me roll on he floor hahaha
Chapter 4: Awwww the ending so sweet. I like it so much <3